870 resultados para Systematization. Game. Physical education. Basic education. Middle education
The Physical Activity Program for Persons with Special Needs (PAFIPNES) is a extension project developed since 2002, and operates in secondary care to the health of obese, diabetic and hypertensive women. This offer exercise programs supervised by physical education professionals, together with a multidisciplinary health team that works in a Health Basic Unit of São José do Rio Pardo/SP. Their actions included interventions to improve general health status and stimulate the adoption of a more active lifestyle. In addition, the PAFIPNES serves as an internship site for scholars of Physical Education can acquire knowledge and skills that enable them to act on basic health care of patients with Non Communicable Diseases, as mentioned above.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Soccer is one of the most practiced sports in the world, and for many years, some areas of physical education has been doing studies related to the improvement of their income from these areas if this sport psychology. The psychological aspects are very influential and involved in the daily life of an athlete, especially for basic categories of athletes who see in soccer a dream to come true or only a source of income for his family, where such aspects act beneficially or evil for the athlete. Stress, in particular, can appear in various situations and in various ways, and different influences and reactions athlete to athlete, also resulting in physiological changes and variations in performance. Stress, and especially stressful situations, like any psychological aspect should be identified in order to train your athlete to know how to deal with stressful situations. Know what are the stressors, which carries the stress load for the athlete, how to handle the stressful situations, using psychological training in the preseason, know how to use stress management techniques, and be able to manage it all so your athlete reaches an optimal level of income is described in the present work, in order to provide a theoretical and updated reference for professionals of Physical Education, so that they stay up to date on sports psychology and also understand a little more on this subject, which is still little discussed within soccer and often overlooked by many professionals who are already in the context of competitive soccer
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
[EN] OBJECTIVES: To investigate to what extent bone mass accrual is determined by physical activity and changes in lean, fat, and total body mass during growth. METHODS: Twenty six physically active and 16 age matched control boys were followed up for three years. All subjects were prepubertal at the start of the survey (mean (SEM) age 9.4 (0.3) years). The weekly physical activity of the active boys included compulsory physical education sessions (80-90 minutes a week), three hours a week of extracurricular sports participation, and occasional sports competitions at weekends. The physical activity of the control group was limited to the compulsory physical education curriculum. Bone mineral content (BMC) and areal density (BMD), lean mass, and fat mass were measured by dual energy x ray absorptiometry. RESULTS: The effect of sports participation on femoral bone mass accrual was remarkable. Femoral BMC and BMD increased twice as much in the active group as in the controls over the three year period (p < 0.05). The greatest correlation was found between the increment in femoral bone mass and the increment in lean mass (BMC r = 0.67 and BMD r = 0.69, both p < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis revealed enhancement in lean mass as the best predictor of the increment in femoral bone BMC (R = 0.65) and BMD (R = 0.69). CONCLUSIONS: Long term sports participation during early adolescence results in greater accrual of bone mass. Enhancement of lean mass seems to be the best predictor of this bone mass accumulation. However, for a given muscle mass, a greater level of physical activity is associated with greater bone mass and density in peripubertal boys.
[ES] El propósito de este trabajo fue analizar los efectos de un programa extraescolar de juegos reducidos basado en el fútbol sobre la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y la motivación en las clases de educación física.
The present studies adopted the theoretical framework of activity- and purpose-related incentives (Rheinberg, 2008) to explain the maintenance of physical activity. We hypothesized that activity-related incentives (e.g., “fun”) increase more than purpose-related incentives (e.g., “health”) between the initiation and maintenance phase of physical activity. Additionally, change in activity-related incentives was hypothesized to be a better predictor of maintenance of physical activity than change in purpose-related incentives. Two correlative field studies with rehabilitation patients (Study 1) and Nordic Walkers (Study 2) were conducted to test the hypotheses. Participants’ incentives of physical activity were measured at the beginning of exercising and two weeks (Study 1; T2) and three months (Study 2; T2) later. At T2, participants were asked for their current physical activity. Both studies showed a greater change of activity-related incentives than purpose-related incentives. Furthermore, change in activity-related incentives was more predictive of the maintenance of physical activity than change in purpose-related incentives. The results showed the important role of activity-related incentives in maintenance of physical activity. The theoretical contribution to physical activity maintenance research and practical implications for health promotion programs were discussed.
In beach volleyball the setter has the opportunity to give her or his hitter a “call”. The call intends that the setter suggests to her or his partner where to place the attack in the opponent’s court. The effectiveness of a call is still unknown. We investigated the women’s and men’s Swiss National Beach Volleyball Championships in 2011 and analyzed 2185 attacks. We found large differences between female and male players. While men called in only 38.4% of attacks, women used calls in 85.5% of attacks. If the male players followed a given call, 63% of the attacks were successful. The success rate of attacks without any call was 55.8% and 47.6% when the call was ignored. These differences were not significant (χ2(2) = 4.55, p = 0.103). In women’s beach volleyball, the rate of successful attacks was 61.5% when a call was followed, 35% for attacks without a call, and 42.6% when a call was ignored. The differences were highly significant (χ2(2) = 23.42, p < 0.0005). Taking into account the findings of the present study, we suggested that the call was effective in women’s beach volleyball, while its effect in men’s game was unclear. Considering the quality of calls we indicate that there is a significant potential to increase the effectiveness of a call.
Although the positive effects of different kinds of physical activity (PA) on cognitive functioning have already been demonstrated in a variety of studies, the role of cognitive engagement in promoting children’s executive functions is still unclear. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the effects of two qualitatively different chronic PA interventions on executive functions in primary school children. 181 children aged between 10 and 12 years were assigned to either a 6-week physical education program with a high level of physical exertion and high cognitive engagement (team games), a physical education program with high physical exertion but low cognitive engagement (aerobic exercise), or to a physical education program with both low physical exertion and low cognitive engagement (control condition). Executive functions (updating, inhibition, shifting) and aerobic fitness (multistage 20-meter shuttle run test) were measured before and after the respective condition. Results revealed that both interventions (team games and aerobic exercise) have a positive impact on children’s aerobic fitness (4-5 % increase in estimated VO2max). Importantly, an improvement in shifting performance was found only in the team games and not in the aerobic exercise or control condition. Thus, the inclusion of cognitive engagement in PA seems to be the most promising type of chronic intervention to enhance executive functions in children, providing further evidence for the importance of the qualitative aspects of PA.
Objective: To systematically assess and summarize impediments and facilitating factors impacting physical activity participation among African American Adults. ^ Method: A systematic search of the literature was conducted, which included electronic databases, as well as reference list of relevant papers. Only qualitative studies which measured race and ethnicity and had African American as adult participants were included. The main themes and categories from the qualitative studies pertaining to impediments and facilitators to physical activity were identified and summarized, through descriptive meta-synthesis. ^ Result: Twenty nine qualitative studies were included. Twenty-one of the studies only focused on adult African American women, and the barriers and facilitators to physical activity as perceived by them. The biggest individual enabler towards physical activity was the positive health benefits associated with regular physical activity. Social support and easy access to parks and facilities were also identified as enablers. Barriers toward physical activity were lack of time, lack of motivation, long work hours, and physical disabilities. ^ Conclusions: The findings of this review study should be useful to those planning an intervention in African American communities. There is also a need for qualitative studies conducted only among African American men, to better understand their perspective on the facilitators and barriers to physical activity.^
With rates of obesity and overweight continuing to increase in the US, the attention of public health researchers has focused on nutrition and physical activity behaviors. However, attempts to explain the disparate rates of obesity and overweight between whites and Hispanics have often proven inadequate. Indeed, the nebulous term ‘ethnicity’ provides little important detail in addressing potential biological, behavioral, and environmental factors that may affect rates of obesity and overweight. In response to this, the present research seeks to test the explanatory powers of ethnicity by situating the nutrition and physical activity behaviors of whites and Hispanic into their broader social contexts. It is hypothesized that a student's gender and grade level, as well as the socioeconomic status and ethnic composition of their school, will have more predictive power for these behaviors than will self-reported ethnicity. ^ Analyses revealed that while ethnicity did not seem to impact nutrition behaviors among the wealthier schools and those with fewer Hispanics, ethnicity was relevant in explaining these behaviors in the poorest tertile of schools and those with the highest number of Hispanics. With respect to physical activity behaviors, the results were mixed. The variables representing regular physical activity, participation in extracurricular physical activities, and performance of strengthening and toning exercises were more likely to be determined by SES and ethnic composition than ethnicity, especially among 8th grade males. However, school sports team and physical education participation continued to vary by ethnicity, even after controlling for SES and ethnic composition of schools. In conclusion then, it is important to understand the intersecting demographic and social variables that define and surround the individual in order to understand nutrition and physical activity behaviors and thus overweight and obesity.^
La pregunta que guía la investigación es cómo son entendidos los juegos, los deportes, las gimnasias y la higiene en la Revista de Medicina aplicada a los deportes, educación física y trabajo, entre los años 1935, momento de su fundación, y 1940. Se trata de la divulgación oficial de la Filial Argentina de la Unión Internacional de Médicos del Deporte. Se entiende a la publicación como una forma de legitimar y deslegitimar, desde el discurso médico, ciertos comportamientos relativos al cuerpo de las personas. Se plantean como objetivos: a) Comprender a la Revista de medicina aplicada a los deportes, educación física y trabajo en relación al contexto argentino e internacional de la última mitad de la década de 1930; b) Analizar el discurso médico como legitimador/deslegitimador de prácticas corporales en la publicación en cuestión; y c) Indagar las formas en que son entendidos los juegos, los deportes, las gimnasias y la higiene. Se opta por una metodología de tipo cualitativa o no estándar y por la técnica de rastreo bibliográfico
Este artículo parte del análisis de algunas contribuciones teóricas sobre la conceptualización del cuerpo en las sociedades contemporáneas, que nos permitirá dialogar con las experiencias reflexivas de un grupo de chicos sobre el aprendizaje de la(s) masculinidad(es)i en sus vidas. El énfasis fenomenológico y político del cuerpo en los estudios feministas -con la noción de corporización- ha sido fundamental para problematizar las variables encarnadas de género, raza, edad, clase social, (dis)capacidad, etc. que no sólo operan en una relación de poder sobre nuestros cuerpos, sino también como locus de agencia y resistencia. La teoría queer con la deconstrucción de la sexualidad normativa -gracias a la noción de performatividad- será clave para entender el papel fundamental que la sexualidad desempeña en la construcción de la(s) subjetividad(es). Los relatos de los chicos nos permitirán explorar el papel que la actividad física y el deporte tiene en sus vidas como mediadores en la construcción de subjetividades "masculinas", muchas veces como un espacio opresor de identidad de género y opción sexual, y abrir la reflexión a las visiones hegemónicas de cuerpo que median tanto la educación física en las escuelas, como en el deporte de competición y/o de elite, y sus representaciones en los mass media.
En este texto se intenta problematizar la temática del juego en la vejez. Para ello la autora recurre a la descripción de una experiencia realizada en la ciudad de Mar del Plata en el contexto de la Formación Docente y que tiene como actores a personas adultas mayores y a estudiantes del cuarto año de estudios del Profesorado en Educación Física provincial. Se tiene en cuenta como marco teórico el material bibliográfico aportado por el Seminario Teoría de los Juegos cursado por la autora en su trayecto para lograr el postítulo de Magíster en Educación Corporal y se entrecruzan con otros estudios pertinentes a la temática gerontológica. Asimismo, los datos obtenidos por medio de la realización de entrevistas en un trabajo de campo allí descripto son los insumos necesarios para analizar, por un lado, tanto las conceptualizaciones que se tiene sobre la vejez y el envejecimiento como las ideas y preconceptos acerca del juego en los adultos mayores. Por otro lado, los juegos de hoy y ayer y la multiplicidad de sentidos que estos adquieren en la vejez, a partir de las voces de los propios protagonistas de la experiencia
El siguiente artículo tiene dos lecturas: una primera parte en la que expongo de manera sucinta, algunas razones por las cuales considero necesario llevar a cabo éste proyecto de investigación, lo que podría ser leído, como el área de interés. En segundo término, me sumerjo en cuestiones más complejas, concretamente, desde que perspectivas es posible enmarcar conceptualmente, algunas de las categorías que sustenten teóricamente el "proyecto" de investigación. Muchos conceptos provienen de diferentes autores, por lo que éste eclecticismo, intentará ser compensado con precisiones teóricas mas ajustadas en una fase posterior, el marco teórico de la tesis. En ésta propuesta, la cuestión central, es comprender de qué manera, los jóvenes de ascendencia mapuche, logran a través de diferentes prácticas lúdicas significar diferentes procesos de identificaciones culturales. Por tal motivo, algunas referencias, a los conceptos de: Alteridad-otredad, Identidad Cultural, Prácticas, Representaciones, Juego, aparecen como categorías necesarias a ser explicitadas en el marco del trabajo. Aquí, por cuestiones de espacio haré un desarrollo dispar, priorizando algunas sobre otras. La investigación se vinculará, a la vertiente cualitativa-etnográfica, pues, éste parece ser el camino mas adecuado para captar la comprensión de un fenómeno social, desde la perspectiva de los "actores" ("agentes" o "sujetos sociales)" (Guber, R. 2001:20).