980 resultados para Subcontinental lithospheric mantle
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a identificação de feições que permitam (1) a construção do arcabouço crustal profundo e da porção superior do manto em parte da Costa de Angola, (2) a comparação deste arcabouço com o embasamento aflorante e (3) a tentativa de adequar estes resultados aos modelos de ruptura continental já publicados. Para alcançar estes objetivos foi feita a interpretação de cinco linhas sísmicas de reflexão profundas (25 Km de profundidade) na costa de Angola, nas Bacias de Kwanza e Baixo Congo, adquiridas pela ION-GXT. As feições identificadas na sísmica de reflexão auxiliaram na determinação dos limites da crosta continental superior e inferior, no reconhecimento das camadas que compõem a crosta oceânica e na identificação da Descontinuidade de Mohorovicic (que marca o limite entre crosta e manto). A interpretação sísmica associada a dados da literatura (que proporcionaram valores de densidade para os pacotes identificados na interpretação sísmica) permitiram a realização de uma modelagem gravimétrica que foi comparada ao dado gravimétrico adquirido durante a aquisição sísmica. A modelagem gravimétrica serviu para validar a interpretação sísmica, atuando como um controle de qualidade para a interpretação. Caso a anomalia gravimétrica gerada pela modelagem não estivesse de acordo com a anomalia medida, a interpretação sísmica era revista na tentativa de um melhor ajuste entre o resultado modelado e o medido. Este ajuste, no entanto, sempre foi feito honrando os refletores que estavam bem marcados na sísmica. Somado a isto, ainda foi utilizado o dado magnético adquirido no campo, no auxilio da interpretação. O arcabouço crustal obtido com a utilização deste método permitiu a comparação dos resultados da interpretação com os modelos de evolução de margens passivas existentes na literatura, mostrando muitos pontos em comum aos modelos que defendem a possibilidade de ocorrência de manto exumado em margens passivas pobres em magmatismo. A interpretação final destes dados mostrou um domínio proximal marcado por uma crosta continental espessa porém pouco afinada em contato com um domínio distal marcado por uma crosta continental muito afinada (crosta hiper-estirada) e, em direção ao centro do oceano, uma região em que ocorre a exumação do manto. A passagem do domínio proximal para o distal ocorre de forma rápida em uma região denominada Zona de Estrangulamento. À oeste do manto exumado é possível identificar a crosta oceânica. O cruzamento dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho com dados do embasamento aflorante no continente africano sugerem um controle do deste nos valores finais de afinamento da crosta continental sob a bacia e nas regiões de manto exumado. Trabalhos recentes realizados na costa de Angola e do Brasil mostram feições semelhantes às identificadas nesta dissertação.
Loligo opalescens live less than a year and die after a short spawning period before all oocytes are expended. Potential fecundity (EP), the standing stock of all oocytes just before the onset of spawning, increased with dorsal mantle length (L), where EP = 29.8L. For the average female squid (L of 129 mm), EP was 3844 oocytes. During the spawning period, no oogonia were produced; therefore the standing stock of oocytes declined as they were ovulated. This decline in oocytes was correlated with a decline in mantle condition and an increase in the size of the smallest oocyte in the ovary. Close agreement between the decline in estimated body weight and standing stock of oocytes during the spawning period indicated that maturation and spawning of eggs could largely, if not entirely, be supported by the conversion of energy reserves in tissue. Loligo opalescens, newly recruited to the spawning population, ovulated about 36% of their potential fecundity during their first spawning day and fewer ova were released in subsequent days. Loligo opalescens do not spawn all of their oocytes; a small percentage of the spawning population may live long enough to spawn 78% of their potential fecundity. Loligo opalescens are taken in a spawning grounds fishery off California, where nearly all of the catch are mature spawning adults. Thirty-three percent of the potential fecundity of L. opalescens was deposited before they were taken by the fishery (December 1998−99). This observation led to the development of a management strategy based on monitoring the escapement of eggs from the fishery. The strategy requires estimation of the fecundity realized by the average squid in the population which is a function of egg deposition and mortality rates. A model indicated that the daily total mortality rate on the spawning ground may be about 0.45 and that the average adult may live only 1.67 days after spawning begins. The rate at which eggs escape the fishery was modeled and the sensitivity of changing daily rates of fishing mortality, natural mortality, and egg deposition was examined. A rapid method for monitoring the fecundity of the L. opalescens catch was developed.
The stomach contents of the minimal armhook squid (Berryteuthis anonychus) were examined for 338 specimens captured in the northeast Pacific during May 1999. The specimens were collected at seven stations between 145−165°W and 39−49°N and ranged in mantle length from 10.3 to 102.2 mm. Their diet comprised seven major prey groups (copepods, chaetognaths, amphipods, euphausiids, ostracods, unidentified fish, and unidentified gelatinous prey) and was dominated by copepods and chaetognaths. Copepod prey comprised four genera, and 86% by number of the copepods were from the genus Neocalanus. Neocalanus cristatus was the most abundant prey taxa, composing 50% by mass and 35% by number of the total diet. Parasagitta elegans (Chaetognatha) occurred in more stomachs (47%) than any other prey taxon. Amphipods occurred in 19% of the stomachs but composed only 5% by number and 3% by mass of the total prey consumed. The four remaining prey groups (euphausiids, ostracods, unidentified fish, and unidentified gelatinous prey) together composed <2% by mass and <1% by number of the diet. There was no major change in the diet through the size range of squid examined and no evidence of cannibalism or predation on other cephalopod species.
This report outlines the approaches for estimating the carbon budget for the United States, a data rich subcontinental area, and presents an overview of problems encountered and preliminary results obtained.
Seventeen morphometric characters of Sepia aculeata of Mumbai coast have been studied and the relationships of morphometric characters with dorsal mantle length (DML) were established. The characters compared showed a fair to high degree of correlation ('r' 0.63-0.99). Number of arm suckers and shell rings were related with DML. The shell rings also showed high degree of correlation with DML ('r' 0.79-0.95). However, the relationship between arm suckers and DML was not so good ('r' 0.1-0.4). The length-weight relationship is described as W=0.1821336 L sub(2.801102). Food and feeding analysis confirm the carnivorous feeding behaviour of the species. Mature females found in all months indicate that it has prolonged spawning season with two peaks, september and march-april. Absolute fecundity ranged from 214 to 4143 eggs.
On farm preliminary trial of freshwater pearl culture was done through 20 entrepreneurs in Boilor and Sutiakhali villages of Mymensingh district during 2004. A group of 20 enthusiastic women were selected and trained on the art of mantle tissue dissection, operation for mantle tissue implantation and preparation of ponds for pearl culture. A total of 200 juvenile freshwater mussel, Lamellidens marginalis, were collected from the wild and were used for mantle issue operation. The operated mussels were then transferred to farmer's pond and were subjected to observational trial. Length and weight of each of the test mussels were recorded before hanging them at a depth of 40 cm in net bags (3 mussels/net bag) in ponds at the rate of 24,700 mussels/ha of pond area. Ponds were routinely fertilized with organic and inorganic fertilizers thorough out the mussel rearing period. Water temperature, pH, plankton density and soil organic matter were monitored fortnightly. Growth of pearl is yet to be monitored through sacrifice of the mussels but X-ray photography of a few mussels indicated the initiation of pearl formation in most of them.
The ciliates, Nucleocorbula adherens, Boveria teredinidi, Trichodina balakrishnia, Thingmozoon fencheli and Nyctothereus marina, live inside the mantle cavity of the shipworms in the estuaries and backwaters of the south-west coast of India. Seasonal incidence and relative abundance of these ciliates showed that they were more abundant during the low saline than the high saline periods. Even though these ciliates can endure higher salinities through gradual acclimatization of their habitat it was found that they prefer low salinity for active growth and healthy existence.
Biological investigations were carried out in Sapian Bay, Capiz from November 1975 to December 1976 with samplings conducted fortnightly. Histological studies on the gonad reveal a high percentage of ripe and spent females during the month of April and May, and ripe to near ripe during November to December. However, larval counts were highest on February 25, 1976 with 253 mytilid larvae per haul compared to 0-79 per haul during all other months. The high larval count was followed by the highest spat settlement during the next sampling period two weeks later, with the spat collector set in the water during the February 25 sampling. The four materials tested, blue polypropylene fiber rope, black polypropylene fiber, and coir rope, all had their highest spat counts during this period with an average of 471 spats per standard 10 cm rope piece. The range during the other time periods is 2-283 spats. Of the 4 materials tested, the black fibrillated polypropylene film had the highest larval counts in 15 out of a total of 25 sampling periods. The blue rope was the poorest spat collector. Coconut husk was tested later on and it proved to have a very high catchability, with spats completely enveloping the husk surface. Growth monitored from one cohort in Sapian Bay averaged 10 mm per month. 50-60 mm is considered marketable size. Trial growth experiments with transplanted mussels were also conducted at Igang Bay in Guimaras Island, Makato River in Aklan, and a milkfish pond in Leganes, Iloilo. Survival in Igang was less than 50% after the second week, and the condition of the surviving mussels can be described only as 'watery' with the mantle completely transparent. Mortality was minimal in Makato but the growth rate was only 30% that of Sapian Bay. The pond experiments were terminated due to severe crab predation.
About 3600 specimens were collected by bottom trawl at 15 sampling stations. 24 biometric characters were measured for each specimens at the laboratory.. Microscopic cross – sections of statolith were used for age determination. Sex determination and fecundity were determined. Population dynamics parameters as well as stock as stock assessment including cohort analysis were estimated using FISAT software. The findings showed that Dorsal Mantle Length (DML) and Body weight (BW) of the Indian squid were 133.9 ± 0.78 mm and 99.61 ± 0.95 g respectively. Strong correlation was found between these 2 variables (R2 = 0.90). The maximum age was 5 years. Relationship between DML and age was highly significantly of p ≤ 0.05. Overall sex ratio (M: F = 0.52) was significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (p ≤ 0.05). The ovary weight and nidamental glands weight were 7.72 ± 0.0006 g and 3.07 ± 0.0003g respectively. Absolute and relative fecundity of the Indian squid were found to be 122733 ± 30.87 and 2348 ± 0.4 respectively. GSI were 14.35 in April and 8.63 in July. This squid is therefore a spring spawner. The infinite dorsal mantle length were 258.62 mm for females, 194.72 mm for males and 252.02 for both sexes respectively. For population growth and mortality parameters; K (0.65 per year for both sexes, 0.85 per year for males, 0.65 per year for females); t0 (0.24year for both sexes, 0.22 year in females, 0.26 year in male); φ` (2.30 in both sexes, 2.47 for males, 2.37 for females); Z (1.17 per year for both sexes, 1.10 per year in females, 1.39 per year, in males); M (0.70 per year for both sexes, 0.90 for males, 0.67 for females); F(0.27 per year for both sexes, 0.27 per year in males, 0.195 per year in females). Exploitation coefficient were 0.51 per year for both sexes, 0.57 per year males and 0.51 per year females respectively. The results indicates that since the Indian squid is a short live aquatic organism, therefore, the exploitation coefficient could be raised to 0.7 per year. The analysis showed that total biomass and MSY were 10103.5 ton and 2576.4 ton respectively. These findings are the first study of its sort about the Indian squid in the coastal waters of Oman Sea as well as North-West of Indian Ocean.
The relationships of various morphometric characters with dorsal mantle length (DML) of Sepiella inermis from Mumbai waters was established. The coefficient of correlation (r²) for various morphometric characters against dorsal mantle length ranged from 0.747 to 0.942 indicating high degree of relationship among the characters compared. The regression of characteristics obtained by least squares method for S. inermis indicates that the characters have positive allometric growth.
Tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs) are a superfamily of proteins characterized by the unique cysteine-rich domain (CRD) and their important roles in diverse physiological and pathological events such as inflammation, apoptosis, autoimmunity and organogenesis. The first member of the molluscan TNFR family, designated as CfTNFR, was identified from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of CfTNFR was of 1334 bp, consisting of a 5' UTR of 17 bp, a 3'UTR of 69 by with a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORE) of 1248 by encoding a polypeptide of 415 amino acids with a theoretical isoelectric point of 8.33 and predicted molecular weight of 47.07 kDa. There were a signal peptide, a CRD, a transmembrane region and a death domain in the deduced amino acid sequence of CfTNFR, suggesting that it was a typical type 1 membrane protein. The high identities (22-40%) of CfTNFR with other TNFR superfamily members indicated that CfTNFR should be a member of TNFR superfamily, and moreover, it should be the first death domain-containing TNFR found in invertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that CfTNFR was closely related to TNFR-like proteins from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Drosophila melanogaster and Ciona intestinalis, and they formed a separate branch apart from vertebrate TNFRs. The spatial expression of CfTNFR transcripts in healthy and bacteria challenged scallops was examined by quantitative real-time PCR. CfTNFR transcripts could be detected in all tested tissues, including haemocytes, gonad, gill, mantle and hepatopancreas, and significantly up-regulated in the tissues of gonad, gill, mantle and hepatopancreas after Listonella anguillarum challenge, indicating that CfTNFR was constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein involved in immune defence. The present results suggested the existence of the TNFR-like molecules and TNF-TNFR system in low invertebrates, and provided new insights into the role of CfTNFR in scallop innate immune responses to invading microorganisms. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6), a key signaling adaptor molecule common to the TNFR superfamily and IL-IR/TLR family, is important not only for a diverse array of physiological processes functions of the TNFR superfamily, but also is involved in adaptive immunity and innate immunity. In this report, the first bivalve TRAF6 (named as CfTRAF6) gene is identified and characterized from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri. The full-length cDNA of CfTRAF6 is of 2510 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 337 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 208 bp with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a polypeptide of 655 amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence of CfTRAF6 comprises characteristic motifs of the TRAF proteins, including a Zinc finger of RING-type, two Zinc fingers of TRAF-type, a coiled-coil region, and a MATH (the meprin and TRAF homology) domain. The overall amino acid sequence identity between CfTRAF6 and other TRAF6s is 28-68%. Phylogenetic analyses of CfTRAF6 sequence with TRAF sequences from other organisms indicate that CfTRAF6 is a true TRAF6 orthologue. The mRNA expression of CfTRAF6 in various tissues is measured by Real-time RT-PCR. The mRNA transcripts are constitutively expressed in tissues of haemocyte, muscle, mantle, heart, gonad and gill, but the highest expression is observed in the gonad. The temporal expressions of CfTRAF6 mRNA in the mixed primary cultured haemocytes are recorded after treatment with 20 mu g mL(-1) and 0.5 mu g mL(-1) peptido-glycan (PGN). The expression level of CfTRAF mRNA is down-regulated from 1.5 h to 3 h after the treatment with 0.5 mu g mL(-1) PGN, and then recovers to the original level. While the expression of CfTRAF6 is obviously decreased after treatment with 20 mu g mL(-1) PGN, and reach the lowest point (only about 1/9 times to control) at 3 h. The result Suggests that CfTRAF6 can be greatly regulated by PGN and it may be involved in signal transduction and immune response of scallop. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Shell formation is one of the important events during larval development and metamorphosis in bivalves. However, the molecular mechanisms and environmental cues regulating shell initiation and growth are unclear. Here, we report that ferritin, a principal protein for biological iron storage and metabolism, might play a role in larval shell development of the bivalve mollusk Meretrix meretrix. A full-length ferritin subunit cDNA, named as MmeFer, was cloned and characterized. The MmeFer mRNA expression in different developmental stages, from trochophore to post larvae, was analyzed by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). MmeFer mRNA expression in larvae of later developmental stages increased at least 8-fold following trochophores. Moreover, the temporal and spatial expressions of MmeFer mRNA were examined by whole mount in situ hybridization. In the trochophore stage, MmeFer was detectable where it was supposed to be for shell initiation. In the later developmental stages, MmeFer was found near digestive glands and mantle that secret larval shell. MmeFer expression was also detected in larvae cultured in artificial seawater with different iron concentrations ranging from 0 to 100 mu M. These results suggest that ferritin may play a role in the shell formation of mollusks. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
C-type lectins are a superfamily of carbohydrate-recognition proteins which play crucial roles in the innate immunity. In this study, the gene of a C-type lectin with multiple carbohydrate-recognition domains (CRDs) from scallop Chlamys farreri (designated as Cflec-3) was cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approach based on expression sequence tag (EST) analysis. The full-length cDNA of Cflec-3 was of 2256 bp. The open reading frame encoded a polypeptide of 516 amino acids, including a signal sequence and three CRDs. The deduced amino acid sequence of Cflec-3 showed high similarity to members of C-type lectin superfamily. By fluorescent quantitative real-time PCR, the Cflec-3 mRNA was mainly detected in hepatopancreas, adductor, mantle, and marginally in gill, gonad and hemocytes of healthy scallops. After scallops were challenged by Listonella anguillarum, the mRNA level of Cflec-3 in hemocytes was up-regulated and was significantly higher than that of blank at 8 h and 12 h post-challenge. The function of Cflec-3 was investigated by recombination and expression of the cDNA fragment encoding its mature peptide in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3)-pLysS. The recombined Cflec-3 (rCflec-3) agglutinated Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas stutzeri. The agglutinating activity was calcium-dependent and could be inhibited by D-mannose. These results collectively suggested that Cflec-3 was involved in the immune response against microbe infection and contributed to nonself-recognition and clearance of bacterial pathogens in scallop. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are an ancient family of pattern recognition receptors, which show homology with the Drosophila Toll protein and play key roles in detecting various non-self substances and then initiating and activating immune system. In this report, the full length of the first bivalve TLR (named as CfToll-1) is presented. CfToll-1 was originally identified as an EST (expressed sequence tag) fragment from a cDNA library of Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri). Its complete sequence was obtained by the construction of Genome Walker library and 5' RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA end) techniques. The full length cDNA of CfToll-1 consisted of 4308 nucleotides with a polyA tail, encoding a putative protein of 1198 amino acids with a 5' UTR (untranslated region) of 211 bp and a 3'UTR of 500 bp. The predicted amino acid sequence comprised an extracellular domain with a potential signal peptide, nineteen leucine-rich repeats (LRR), two LRR-C-terminal (LRRCT) motifs, and a LRR-N-terminal (LRRNT), followed by a transmembrane segment of 20 amino acids, and a cytoplasmic region of 138 amino acids containing the Toll/IL-1R domain (TIR). The deduced amino acid sequence of CfToll-1 was homologous to Drosophila melanogaster Tolls (DmTolls) with 23-35% similarity in the full length amino acids sequence and 30-54% in the TIR domain. Phylogenetic analysis of CfToll-1 with other known TLRs revealed that CfToll-1 was closely related to DmTolls. An analysis of the tissue-specific expression of the CfToll-1 gene by Real-time PCR showed that the transcripts were constitutively expressed in tissues of haemocyte, muscle, mantle, heart, gonad and gill. The temporal expressions of CfToll-1 in the mixed primary cultured haemocytes were observed after the haemocytes were treated with 1 mu g ml(-1) and 100 ng ml(-1) lipopolysaccharide (LPS), respectively. The expression of CfToll-1 was up-regulated and increased about 2-fold at 6 h with the treatment of 1 mu g ml(-1) LPS. The expression of CfToll-1 was down-regulated with the treatment of 100 ng ml(-1) LPS. The results indicated that the expression of CfToll-1 could be regulated by LPS, and this regulation was dose-dependent. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.