966 resultados para Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of, 1567 or 8-1640.


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Tridiagonal canonical forms of square matrices under congruence or *congruence, pairs of symmetric or skew-symmetric matrices under congruence, and pairs of Hermitian matrices under *congruence are given over an algebraically closed field of characteristic different from 2. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a human genetic disorder characterized by sensitivity to UV radiation, neurodegeneration, premature aging among other phenotypes. CS complementation group B (CS-B) gene (csb) encodes the CSB protein (CSB) that is involved in base excision repair of a number of oxidatively induced lesions in genomic DNA in vivo. We hypothesized that CSB may also play a role in cellular repair of the DNA helix-distorting tandem lesion (5`S)-8,5`-cyclo-2`-deoxyadenosine (S-cdA). Among many DNA lesions. S-cdA is unique in that it represents a concomitant damage to both the sugar and base moieties of the same nucleoside. Because of the presence of the C8-C5` covalent bond, S-cdA is repaired by nucleotide excision repair unlike most of other oxidatively induced lesions in DNA, which are subject to base excision repair. To test our hypothesis, we isolated genomic DNA from brain, kidney and liver of wild type and csb knockout (csb(-/-)) mice. Animals were not exposed to any exogenous oxidative stress before the experiment. DNA samples were analysed by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry with isotope-dilution. Statistically greater background levels of S-cdA were observed in all three organs of csb(-/-) mice than in those of wild type mice. These results suggest the in vivo accumulation of S-cdA in genomic DNA due to lack of its repair in csb(-/-) mice. Thus, this study provides, for the first time, the evidence that CSB plays a role in the repair of the DNA helix-distorting tandem lesion S-cdA. Accumulation of unrepaired S-cdA in vivo may contribute to the pathology associated with CS. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Sustainable methods are required to protect newly planted tree seedlings from insect herbivore attack. To this end, here Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seeds were treated with 2.5 mM nicotinamide (NIC), 2.5 mM nicotinic acid (NIA), 3 mM jasmonic acid (JA) or 0.2 mM 5-azacytidine (5-Aza), and 6-month-old seedlings grown from these seeds were planted at a reforestation area in central Sweden. Attack by pine weevils (Hylobius abietis) was reduced by 50 per cent by NIC treatment, 62.5 per cent by JA treatment and 25 per cent by 5-Aza treatment, when compared with seedlings grown from untreated seeds. Watering 18-month-old spruce seedlings with 2 mM NIC or 2 mM NIA did reduce attack during the first season in the field by 40 and 53 per cent, respectively, compared with untreated plants. Girdling was also reduced by the different treatments. Analysis of conifer seedlings treated with 5-Aza points at a possible involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in this defensive capacity. This is supported by a reduced level of DNA methylation in the needles of young spruce seedlings grown in a greenhouse from NIC-treated seeds. Seed treatment for seedling defense potentiation is simple, inexpensive and also a new approach for forestry with many potential applications.


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The propositions of pure economics, whatever be their generality and their truth, do not authorize normative concluaions, but cannot be ignored. The latter, namely what ought not to be done, is derivable from socio-economics. The derivation is to be qualified by the specificities of the case. I have called this the Indetermination of Senior; Wagner and Marshall were quite aware of it. The habit of ignoring it is the Ricardian Vice; Schmoller's fight may have been a reaction against the latter. The Methodenstreit was the first great paradigmatic conflict between pure and social economists.


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This article investigates the existence of contagion between countries on the basis of an analysis of returns for stock indices over the period 1994-2003. The economic methodology used is that of multivariate GARCH family volatility models, particularly the DCC models in the form proposed by Engle and Sheppard (2001). The returns were duly corrected for a series of country-specific fundamentals. The relevance of this procedure is highlighted in the literature by the work of Pesaran and Pick (2003). The results obtained in this paper provide evidence favourable to the hypothesis of regional contagion in both Latin America and Asia. As a rule, contagion spread from the Asian crisis to Latin America but not in the opposite direction


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background. The prevalence of resistance to imipenem and ceftazidime among Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates is increasing worldwide.objective. Risk factors for nosocomial recovery ( defined as the finding of culture- positive isolates after hospital admission) of imipenemresistant P. aeruginosa ( IRPA) and ceftazidime- resistant P. aeruginosa ( CRPA) were determined.design. Two separate case- control studies were conducted. Control subjects were matched to case patients ( ratio, 2: 1) on the basis of admission to the same ward at the same time as the case patient. Variables investigated included demographic characteristics, comorbid conditions, and the classes of antimicrobials used.setting. The study was conducted in a 400- bed general teaching hospital in Campinas, Brazil that has 14,500 admissions per year. Case patients and control subjects were selected from persons who were admitted to the hospital during 1992 - 2002.results. IRPA and CRPA isolates were obtained from 108 and 55 patients, respectively. Statistically significant risk factors for acquisition of IRPA were previous admission to another hospital ( odds ratio [ OR], 4.21 [ 95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.40- 12.66];), hemodialysis Pp. 01 ( OR, 7.79 [ 95% CI, 1.59- 38.16];), and therapy with imipenem ( OR, 18.51 [ 95% CI, 6.30- 54.43];), amikacin ( OR, 3.22 Pp. 01 P !.001 [ 95% CI, 1.40- 7.41];), and/ or vancomycin ( OR, 2.48 [ 95% CI, 1.08- 5.64];). Risk factors for recovery of CRPA were Pp. 005 Pp. 03 previous admission to another hospital ( OR, 18.69 [ 95% CI, 2.00- 174.28];) and amikacin use ( OR, 3.69 [ 95% CI, 1.32- 10.35]; Pp. 01). Pp. 01conclusion. Our study suggests a definite role for several classes of antimicrobials as risk factors for recovery of IRPA but not for recovery of CRPA. Limiting the use of only imipenem and ceftazidime may not be a wise strategy to contain the spread of resistant P. aeruginosa strains.


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Sixteen cats were used to compare the cardiovascular and anesthetic effects of remifentanil (REMT) or alfentanil (ALF) in propofol-anesthetized cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy. After premedication with acepromazine, anesthesia was induced and maintained with a constant rate infusion of propofol (0.3 mg/kg/min). REMT or ALF infusions were administered simultaneously with propofol. Heart rate (HR), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), pulse oximetry (SpO(2)), rectal temperature (RT), and response to surgical stimulation were recorded at predefined time points during anesthesia. Data [mean +/- standard deviation (SD)] were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures followed by a Dunnett's test and Student t-test (P < 0.05). SAP was significantly lower in ALF group than in REMI group. Extubation time was significantly shorter in REMI than in ALF group. Overall infusion rate of REMI and ALF was 0.24 +/- 0.05 mu g/kg/min and 0.97 +/- 0.22 mu g/kg/min, respectively. The combination of propofol and REM! or ALF provided satisfactory anesthesia in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy. (C) 2011 ISFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study assessed the behavior and the productive performance of lambs finished in feedlot receiving diets added with green propolis, brown propolis or monensin sodium. The experiment used a randomized block design that compared weight gain of 32 male lambs aged four months among four dietary treatments: (1) control, non-enriched diet; (2) with green propolis; (3) with brown propolis; and (4) with monensin sodium. The basic diet provided to all the groups was a total mixed ration (TMR) with a forage:concentrate ratio of 50:50, in which Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) grass was used as roughage feed and the concentrate was based on soybean meal, corn meal and minerals. The green propolis diet decreased rumination and increased resting time. The diets provided similar feeding rate (g/min). DM and aNDF intake (g/kg of body weight and g/kg of metabolic weight) were higher in the control treatment. Although the control group had the highest weight gain, the highest feed conversion and feed efficiency were found in lambs fed brown propolis and monensin sodium. Technically, brown propolis can substitute monensin sodium as a dietary additive for feedlot lambs. However, complementary studies are needed to identify the best levels of brown propolis to add to these diets. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Selection of dominant follicles in cattle is associated with a deviation in growth rate between the dominant and largest subordinate follicle of a wave (diameter deviation). To determine whether acquisition of ovulatory capacity is temporally associated with diameter deviation, cows were challenged with purified LH at known times after a GnRH-induced LH surge (experiment 1) or at known follicular diameters (experiments 2 and 3). A 4-mg dose of LH induced ovulation in all cows when the largest follicle was greater than or equal to 12 mm (16 of 16), in 17% (1 of 6) when it was 11 mm, and no ovulation when it was less than or equal to 10 mm (0 of 19). To determine the effect of LH dose on ovulatory capacity, follicular dynamics were monitored every 12 h, and cows received either 4 or 24 mg of LH when the largest follicle first achieved 10 mm in diameter (experiment 2). The proportion of cows ovulating was greater (P < 0.05) for the 24-mg (9 of 13; 69.2%) compared with the 4-mg (1 of 13; 7.7%) LH dose. To determine the effect of a higher LH dose on follicles near diameter deviation, follicular dynamics were monitored every 8 h, and cows received 40 mg of LH when the largest follicle first achieved 7.0, 8.5, or 10.0 mm (experiment 3). No cows with a follicle of 7 mm (0 of 9) or 8.5 mm (0 of 9) ovulated, compared with 80% (8 of 10) of cows with 10-mm follicles. Thus, follicles acquired ovulatory capacity at about 10 mm, corresponding to about 1 day after the start of follicular deviation, but they required a greater LH dose to induce ovulation compared with larger follicles. We speculate that acquisition of ovulatory capacity may involve an increased expression of LH receptors on granulosa cells of the dominant follicle and that this change may also be important for further growth of the dominant follicle.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate mouth-breathing and nasal-breathing children prior to surgical intervention and 28 months postoperatively, comparing the occlusal features obtained pre- and postoperatively through orthodontic study costs. Methods: The mouth-breathing (MB) group consists of 33 MB children who underwent surgery and presented a nasal-breathing (NB) pattern after surgery The control group comprised 22 NB children. The orthodontic examinations were accomplished prior to surgery (77) and an average of 28 months postoperatively (T2). Results: At T1, the MB and NB children presented no statistically significant difference in any analyzed occlusal features and measurements. At T2, the MB presented larger overjet comparing to NB children (P<.05). MB and NB groups presented statistically similar results (P>.05) concerning intercanine and intermolor distances, second primary molar terminal plane and canine relationship, overbite, crossbite, and open bite. From T1 to T2, the MB and NB groups showed a statistically significant difference in the molar terminal plane. Conclusion: Neither the breathing pattern nor the surgery had any effect on occlusal features in 3- to 6-year-olds. (Pediatr Dent 2012;34:10842) Received May 14, 2010 vertical bar Last Revision April 11, 2010 vertical bar Accepted April 12, 2010


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Animal and cell studies indicate an inhibitory effect of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP8) on tumorigenesis and metastasis. We investigated whether MMP8 gene variation was associated with breast cancer metastasis and prognosis in humans. We first studied nine tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the MMP8 gene in 140 clinically and pathologically well-characterized breast cancer patients. Four of the SNPs were found to be associated with lymph node metastasis, the most pronounced being a promoter SNP (rs11225395) with its minor allele (T) associating with reduced susceptibility to lymph node metastasis (P = 0.02). This SNP was further evaluated for association with cancer relapse and survival among a cohort of similar to 1,100 breast cancer patients who had been followed for cancer recurrence and mortality for a median of 7.1 years. The T allele was associated with reduced cancer relapse and greater survival, particularly among patients with earlier stage cancer. Among patients of tumor-node-metastasis stage 0 to 11, the adjusted hazard ratio of disease-free survival was 0.7 [95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.5-0.9] for patients carrying T allele compared with those homozygous for the C allele (P = 0.02). In vitro experiments showed that the T allele had higher promoter activity than the C allele in breast cancer cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed binding of nuclear proteins to the DNA sequence at the SNP site of the T allele but not that of the C allele. The data suggest that MMP8 gene variation may influence breast cancer prognosis and support the notion that MMP8 has an inhibitory effect on cancer metastasis.