967 resultados para Stinglhamber, Florence
The present article examines the meaning and function of olfactory remnants, often repugnant, linked to demons in the context of late medieval witchcraft and demonology. This reflection is developed within the framework of a «make believe» logic sustained by the doctrinal, theological, narrative and judiciary constructions of the witches' Sabbath. Incorporated within the order of sensory perception, references to the fetid smell of demons - who are by nature devoid of odour because they are pure spirits - constitute further proofs bearing witness to demonic presence, and thus testifying to the ignominy of the crime of witchcraft and to the guiltiness of the accused. According to those who attacked demon worshippers, the devil truly revealed himself physically; human beings were able to touch, hear, see and smell him. Sensory faculties were therefore perceived as being instrumental in corroborating the existence and reality of the Sabbath and the presence of the devil in bodily form. These considerations bring us to examine the olfactory fields associated with the devil's odour: odour of corpses, hell, sin, deviance, but also of defilement, impurity, corruption and excrements. These fetid odours are embedded in a logic of moral, spiritual and religious inversion of positive odours, such as the «sweet fragrance» of the saints, the «pure odour» of Christ or the «soft perfume» of virtue.
The De calcatione demonum seu malignorum spirituum was written in 1457 by Nicolas Jacquier, one year before his most famous work, the Flagellum hereticorum fascinariorum. The De calcatione offers initial reflections by the Burgundian dominican inquisitor on diabolical modes of actions directed at human beings and on the means at the disposal of priests and their faithful to control, expel, and trample (calcare) them. This relatively unknown text is produced at a time when purely demonological issues are linked to those on diabolical witchcraft and the sabbath. The author tries in particular to promote the idea of trampling demons, which is understood as their punishment. Now vanquished, demons are compelled to serve divine truth. In a climate of skepticism about the need to fight withcraft, the De calcatione offers an interesting reflexion about the truth status of diabolical and heretical discourses when submitted to divine power. This reflexion is based on the model of the positive figure of the possessed from exampla and from dominican hagiography. The treatise therefore aims to counter the tradition of the Episcopi canon which argues for the illusory nature of demons. Instead, it offers an argument about the reality of their actions on the occasion of the sabbat
Voici la quatrième et dernière partie des résultats d'une veille bibliographique sur la surveillance biologique de l'exposition aux produits chimiques en milieu de travail (SBEPCMT) mise en place par un réseau francophone multidisciplinaire.
Le traité de sorcellerie connu sous le nom de Vauderye de Lyonois en brief n'a cessé d'intriguer les historiens. Sa description des agissements d'une secte de sorciers et de sorcières au service du diable le rattache indubitablement au puissant stéréotype du sabbat qui se construit dans la première moitié du XVe siècle. L'anonymat de son auteur, ainsi que la difficulté à établir les circonstances de sa rédaction, ont cependant contribué à reléguer ce texte énigmatique dans un angle mort de l'historiographie. À la lumière de nouvelles sources, le présent ouvrage entend restituer à la Vauderye de Lyonois toute son importance historique. Au-delà de l'édition critique, de la traduction et de l'analyse interne du texte, l'enquête offre un éclairage inédit sur les modalités d'émergence, de succès ou, a contrario, d'échec de la chasse aux sorcières dans la ville de Lyon, au temps de Charles VII. L'histoire retrouvée de la Vauderie de Lyon implique également une étude comparée des espaces frontaliers du royaume de France et de l'Empire (Dauphiné, Bourgogne, Savoie, Artois, Rhénanie) en fonction de leur sensibilité au péril sorcier. Se dessine ainsi un paysage politique où le nouveau mythe du sabbat, tout en se jouant apparemment des frontières, contribue aussi à mieux les définir.
The aims of this study were 1) to clarify the factors associated with family functioning in cancer patient’s families with dependant children, 2) to examine children’ mental health when they are exposed to parental cancer, 3) to explore the subjective experience of having cancer during pregnancy, and finally, 4) to describe the implementation of a childcentred family intervention for cancer patients’ families with dependant children in an adult oncology setting. The study groups were collected between May 1st 2002 and April 30th 2004. They consisted of one European group collected from six different countries (N = 381) and two Finnish clinical groups (N = 85 and N = 2). The first Finnish clinical group of 85 cancer patient families with dependant children included a sub-sample of 54 families with children aged 11-17 years. The second Finnish clinical group consisted of two pregnant cancer patients. Additionally, a control group (N = 59) consisting of a sub-sample of 49 families with children aged 11-17 years was used. Quantitative methods (FAD, BDI, YSR, SOC, SF-8) and qualitative methods (observation, interviews, diaries, videotapes) were used exclusively and/or in combination. The results can be summarised as follows: 1) cancer “per se “ did not impair family functioning, children’s mental health, early interaction between ill mothers and their infant, 2) maternal depression or the ill parent’s depression were significantly associated with impairment in family functioning, 3) the individual’s good sense of coherence was associated with improvement in family functioning, and 4) a child-centred family intervention, which aims to give space for elaborating on cancer in the family, validates the sense of coherence and children’s feelings, and promotes open communication was welcomed. It is important to note that in the European study group, the prevalence of depression was 35 % (BDI > 16) among ill mothers, and 28% among healthy mothers, 28% among ill fathers, and 13% among healthy fathers. Early screening and effective treatment of depression in cancer patients and their partners is of paramount importance for the mental health of children and the well-being of the family. Pregnant cancer patients are in need of psychosocial support.
Des programmes de recherche pluridisciplinaires sur l’occupation du sol et le pastoralisme de la Préhistoire au Moyen Âge dans le sud du massif alpin sont menés, depuis 1998, sur les massifs du Haut Champsaur, de Freissinières et de l’Argentièrois (Hautes-Alpes). Des dix phases d’occupation et d'activité agropastorale mises en évidence (prospections pédestres et fouilles), entre 1600 et 2700 m d’altitude, trois se distinguent: la fin du Néolithique, l’âge du Bronze et la période médiévale. Au travers des premières données archéologiques et environnementales, cet article présente, depuis le milieu du IIIe millénaire au début du Ier millénaire, les grandes caractéristiques de l’occupation du sol mais aussi l’originalité et l’importance de l’activité humaine dans cette zone alpine. La fin du Néolithique et l’âge du Bronze correspondent à une multiplication des gisements archéologiques marquant de façon évidente une rupture dans la gestion de l'espace montagnard. Les paysages sont largement façonnés par les activités humaines et l’entretien des terres cultivées, des prairies et des alpages, paraît continu. À la lumière des données de terrain, l’une des évolutions qui apparaît sur les sites d’altitude durant cette période concerne l’apparition de structures pastorales bâties entre 2 067 et 2 303 m d’altitude (datation 14C).