949 resultados para Spatial points patterns analysis
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
The rapid growth of big cities has been noticed since 1950s when the majority of world population turned to live in urban areas rather than villages, seeking better job opportunities and higher quality of services and lifestyle circumstances. This demographic transition from rural to urban is expected to have a continuous increase. Governments, especially in less developed countries, are going to face more challenges in different sectors, raising the essence of understanding the spatial pattern of the growth for an effective urban planning. The study aimed to detect, analyse and model the urban growth in Greater Cairo Region (GCR) as one of the fast growing mega cities in the world using remote sensing data. Knowing the current and estimated urbanization situation in GCR will help decision makers in Egypt to adjust their plans and develop new ones. These plans should focus on resources reallocation to overcome the problems arising in the future and to achieve a sustainable development of urban areas, especially after the high percentage of illegal settlements which took place in the last decades. The study focused on a period of 30 years; from 1984 to 2014, and the major transitions to urban were modelled to predict the future scenarios in 2025. Three satellite images of different time stamps (1984, 2003 and 2014) were classified using Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier, then the land cover changes were detected by applying a high level mapping technique. Later the results were analyzed for higher accurate estimations of the urban growth in the future in 2025 using Land Change Modeler (LCM) embedded in IDRISI software. Moreover, the spatial and temporal urban growth patterns were analyzed using statistical metrics developed in FRAGSTATS software. The study resulted in an overall classification accuracy of 96%, 97.3% and 96.3% for 1984, 2003 and 2014’s map, respectively. Between 1984 and 2003, 19 179 hectares of vegetation and 21 417 hectares of desert changed to urban, while from 2003 to 2014, the transitions to urban from both land cover classes were found to be 16 486 and 31 045 hectares, respectively. The model results indicated that 14% of the vegetation and 4% of the desert in 2014 will turn into urban in 2025, representing 16 512 and 24 687 hectares, respectively.
The forest has a crucial ecological role and the continuous forest loss can cause colossal effects on the environment. As Armenia is one of the low forest covered countries in the world, this problem is more critical. Continuous forest disturbances mainly caused by illegal logging started from the early 1990s had a huge damage on the forest ecosystem by decreasing the forest productivity and making more areas vulnerable to erosion. Another aspect of the Armenian forest is the lack of continuous monitoring and absence of accurate estimation of the level of cuts in some years. In order to have insight about the forest and the disturbances in the long period of time we used Landsat TM/ETM + images. Google Earth Engine JavaScript API was used, which is an online tool enabling the access and analysis of a great amount of satellite imagery. To overcome the data availability problem caused by the gap in the Landsat series in 1988- 1998, extensive cloud cover in the study area and the missing scan lines, we used pixel based compositing for the temporal window of leaf on vegetation (June-late September). Subsequently, pixel based linear regression analyses were performed. Vegetation indices derived from the 10 biannual composites for the years 1984-2014 were used for trend analysis. In order to derive the disturbances only in forests, forest cover layer was aggregated and the original composites were masked. It has been found, that around 23% of forests were disturbed during the study period.
INTRODUCTION: Leprosy in Brazil is a public health issue, and there are many regions in the State of Espírito Santo with high endemic incidence levels of leprosy, characterizing this state as a priority for leprosy programs. The aim of this study was to determine the spatial distribution of coefficients of new cases of leprosy in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. METHODS: We conducted a descriptive and ecologic study based on the spatial distribution of leprosy in the State of Espírito Santo between 2004 and 2009. Data were gathered from the available records of the Espírito Santo State Health Secretary. The global and local Bayesian empirical methods were used to produce an estimate of leprosy risk, smoothing the fluctuation effects of the detection coefficients. RESULTS: The study resulted in a coefficient adjustment of new cases in 10 towns that changed their classification, among which, 2 went from low to medium, 4 from medium to high, 3 from high to very high, and 1 from very high to hyper-endemic. An average variation of 1.02, fluctuating between 0 and 12.39 cases/100,000 inhabitants, was found in a comparative calculation between the Local Ebest value and the average coefficient of new leprosy cases in the State of Espírito Santo. CONCLUSIONS: The spatial analysis of leprosy favors the establishment of control strategies with a better cost-benefit relationship since it reveals specific and priority regions, thereby enabling the development of actions that can interfere in the transmission chain.
INTRODUCTION: The prevalence and intensity of geohelminth infections and schistosomiasis remain high in the rural areas of Zona da Mata, Pernambuco (ZMP), Brazil, where these parasites still represent a significant public health problem. The present study aimed to spatially assess the occurrences of schistosomiasis and geohelminthiasis in the ZMP. METHODS: The ZMP has a population of 1,132,544 inhabitants, formed by 43 municipalities. An ecological study was conducted, using secondary data relating to positive human cases and parasite loads of schistosomiasis and positive human cases of geohelminthiasis that were worked up in Excel 2007. We used the coordinates of the municipal headquarters to represent the cities which served as the unit of analysis of this study. The Kernel estimator was used to spatially analyze the data and identify distribution patterns and case densities, with analysis done in ArcGIS software. RESULTS: Spatial analysis from the Kernel intensity estimator made it possible to construct density maps showing that the northern ZMP was the region with the greatest number of children infected with parasites and the populations most intensely infected by Schistosoma mansoni. In relation to geohelminths, there was higher spatial distribution of cases of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura in the southern ZMP, and greater occurrence of hookworms in the northern/central ZMP. CONCLUSIONS: Despite several surveys and studies showing occurrences of schistosomiasis and geohelminthiasis in the ZMP, no preventive measures that are known to have been effective in decreasing these health hazards have yet been implemented in the endemic area.
INTRODUCTION: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonosis of great importance to public health and is considered a neglected disease by the World Health Organization. The disease has expanded and become more prevalent in urban areas in Brazil. METHODS: Geospatial analyses were performed and thematic maps of the triad of the disease were produced for the study period (2003-2012) in the urban area of the municipality of Rondonópolis in the midwestern State of Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil, TerraView 4.2.2 software was used for the analyses. RESULTS: A total of 87.9% of the 186 confirmed human cases of VL were cured. Children between the ages of 1 and 4 were the most affected. Registered deaths were predominant among adults aged 60 years or older. The urban area of the municipality consists of eight strata and 12 census districts include 237 neighborhoods. All sectors had confirmed cases of VL. During the study period, human cases of the disease were recorded in 90 neighborhoods. The 23 deaths from the disease were distributed in 21 neighborhoods. Sandflies carrying the parasite were captured in 192 out of 200 neighborhoods evaluated for the presence of the VL vector. The presence of dogs carrying the parasite was confirmed in, 140 out of 154 surveyed neighborhoods. CONCLUSIONS: The data demonstrated the endemic nature of VL, with a high percentage of infected children, a high distribution of canine infection, and a wide adaptation and dispersal of the vectors in the urban environment. These results, illustrate the process of urbanization of VL in the municipality of Rondonópolis, MT, Brazil.
RESUMO: Actualmente, a única possibilidade de cura para doentes com adenocarcinoma do pâncreas (PDAC) é a ressecção cirúrgica, no início deste estudo, perguntamo-nos se os predictores clínico-patológicos clássicos de prognostico poderiam ser validados em uma grande cohort de doentes com cancro do pâncreas ressecável e se outros predictores clínicos poderiam ter um papel na decisão de que doentes beneficiariam de ressecção cirúrgica. No capítulo 2, observamos que até 30% dos doentes morrem no primeiro ano após a ressecção cirúrgica, pelo que o nosso objectivo foi determinar factores pré-operatórios que se correlacionam com mortalidade precoce após ressecação cirúrgica com recurso a um instrumento estatisticamente validado, o Charlson-Age Comorbidity Index (CACI), determinamos que um CACI score superior a 4 foi preditivo de internamentos prolongados (p <0,001), complicações pós-operatórias (p = 0,042), e mortalidade em 1 ano pós- ressecção cirúrgica (p <0,001). Um CACI superior a 6 triplicou a mortalidade no primeiro ano pós-cirurgia e estes doentes têm menos de 50% de probabilidade de estarem vivos um ano após a cirurgia. No capítulo 3, o nosso objectivo foi identificar uma proteína de superfície que se correlacionasse estatisticamente com o prognostico de doentes com adenocarcinoma do pâncreas e permitisse a distinção de subgrupos de doentes de acordo com as suas diferenças moleculares, perguntamo-nos ainda se essa proteína poderia ser um marcador de células-estaminais. No nosso trabalho anterior observamos que as células tumorais na circulação sanguínea apresentavam genes com características bifenotípica epitelial e mesenquimal, enriquecimento para genes de células estaminais (ALDH1A1 / ALDH1A2 e KLF4), e uma super-expressão de genes da matriz extracelular (colagénios, SPARC, e DCN) normalmente identificados no estroma de PDAC. Após a avaliação dos tumores primários com RNA-ISH, muitos dos genes identificados, foram encontrados co-localizando em uma sub-população de células na região basal dos ductos pancreáticos malignos. Além disso, observamos que estas células expressam o marcador SV2A neuroendócrino, e o marcador de células estaminais ALDH1A1/2. Em comparação com tumores negativos para SV2, os doentes com tumores SV2 positivos apresentaram níveis mais baixos de CA 19-9 (69% vs. 52%, p = 0,012), tumores maiores (> 4 cm, 23% vs. 10%, p = 0,0430), menor invasão de gânglios linfáticos (69% vs. 86%, p = 0,005) e tumores mais diferenciados (69% vs. 57%, p = 0,047). A presença de SV2A foi associada com uma sobrevida livre de doença mais longa (HR: 0,49 p = 0,009) bem como melhor sobrevida global (HR: 0,54 p = 0,018). Em conjunto, esta informação aponta para dois subtipos diferentes de adenocarcinoma do pâncreas, e estes subtipos co-relacionam estatisticamente com o prognostico de doentes, sendo este subgrupo definido pela presença do clone celular SV2A / ALDH1A1/2 positivo com características neuroendócrinas. No Capítulo 4, a expressão de SV2A no cancro do pâncreas foi validado em linhas celulares primárias. Demonstramos a heterogeneidade do adenocarcinoma do pâncreas de acordo com características clonais neuroendócrinas. Ao comparar as linhas celulares expressando SV2 com linhas celulares negativas, verificamos que as linhas celulares SV2+ eram mais diferenciadas, diferindo de linhas celulares SV2 negativas no que respeita a mutação KRAS, proliferação e a resposta à quimioterapia. No capítulo 5, perguntamo-nos se o clone celular SV2 positivo poderia explicar a resistência a quimioterapia observada em doentes. Observamos um aumento absoluto de clones celulares expressando SV2A, em múltiplas linhas de evidência - doentes, linhas de células primárias e xenotransplantes. Embora, tenhamos sido capazes de demonstrar que o adenocarcinoma do pâncreas é uma doença heterogénea, consideramos que a caracterização genética destes clones celulares expressando SV2A é de elevada importância. Pretendemos colmatar esta limitação com as seguintes estratégias: Após o tratamento com quimioterapia neoadjuvante na nossa coorte, realizamos microdissecação a laser das amostras primarias em parafina, de forma a analisar mutações genéticas observadas no adenocarcinoma pancreático; em segundo lugar, pretendemos determinar consequências de knockdown da expressão de SV2A em nossas linhas celulares seguindo-se o tratamento com gemicitabina para determinação do papel funcional de SV2A; finalmente, uma vez que os nossos esforços anteriores com um promotor - repórter e SmartFlare ™ falharam, o próximo passo será realizar RNA-ISH PrimeFlow™ seguido de FACS e RNA-seq para caracterização deste clone celular. Em conjunto, conseguimos provar com várias linhas de evidência, que o adenocarcinoma pancreático é uma doença heterogénea, definido por um clone de células que expressam SV2A, com características neuroendócrinas. A presença deste clone no tecido de doentes correlaciona-se estatisticamente com o prognostico da doença, incluindo sobrevida livre de doença e sobrevida global. Juntamente com padrões de proliferação e co-expressão de ALDH1A1/2, este clone parece apresentar um comportamento de células estaminais e está associado a resistência a quimioterapia, uma vez que a sua expressão aumenta após agressão química, quer em doentes, quer em linhas de células primárias.----------------------------- ABSTRACT: Currently, the only chance of cure for patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma is surgical resection, at the beginning of my thesis studies, we asked if the classical clinicopathologic predictors of outcome could be validated in a large cohort of patients with early stage pancreatic cancer and if other clinical predictors could have a role on deciding which patients would benefit from surgery. In chapter 2, we found that up to 30% of patients die within the first year after curative intent surgery for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We aimed at determining pre-operative factors that would correlate with early mortality following resection for pancreatic cancer using a statistically validated tool, the Charlson-Age Comorbidity Index (CACI). We found that a CACI score greater than 4 was predictive of increased length of stay (p<0.001), post-operative complications (p=0.042), and mortality within 1-year of pancreatic resection (p<0.001). A CACI score of 6 or greater increased 3-fold the odds of death within the first year. Patients with a high CACI score have less than 50% likelihood of being alive 1 year after surgery. In chapter 3 we aimed at identifying a surface protein that correlates with patient’s outcome and distinguishes sub-groups of patients according to their molecular differences and if this protein could be a cancer stem cell marker. The most abundant class of circulating tumor cells identified in our previous work was found to have biphenotypic features of epithelial to mesenchymal transition, enrichment for stem-cell associated genes (ALDH1A1/ALDH1A2 and KLF4), and an overexpression of extracellular matrix genes (Collagens, SPARC, and DCN) normally found in the stromal microenvironment of PDAC primary tumors. Upon evaluation of matched primary tumors with RNA-ISH, many of the genes identified were found to co-localize in a sub-population of cells at the basal region of malignant pancreatic ducts. In addition, these cells expressed the neuroendocrine marker SV2A, and the stem cell marker ALDH1A1/2. Compared to SV2 negative tumors, patients with SV2 positive tumors were more likely to present with lower CA 19-9 (69% vs. 52%, p = 0.012), bigger tumors (size > 4 cm, 23% vs. 10%, p= 0.0430), less nodal involvement (69% vs. 86%, p = 0.005) and lower histologic grade (69% vs. 57%, p = 0.047). The presence of SV2A expressing cells was associated with an improved disease free survival (HR: 0.49 p=0.009) and overall survival (HR: 0.54 p=0.018) and correlated linearly with ALDH1A2. Together, this information points to two different sub-types of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and these sub-types correlated with patients’ outcome and were defined by the presence of a SV2A/ ALDH1A1/2 expressing clone with neuroendocrine features. In Chapter 4, SV2A expression in cancer was validated in primary cell lines. We were able to demonstrate pancreatic adenocarcinoma heterogeneity according to neuroendocrine clonal features. When comparing SV2 expressing cell lines with SV2 negative cell lines, we found that SV2+ cell lines were more differentiated and differ from SV2 negative cell lines regarding KRAS mutation, proliferation and response to chemotherapy. In Chapter 5 we aimed at determining if this SV2 positive clone could explain chemoresistance observed in patients. We found an absolute increase in SV2A expressing cells, with multiple lines of evidence, in patients, primary cell lines and xenografts. Although, we have been able to show evidence that pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a heterogeneous disease, our findings warrant further investigation. To further characterize SV2A expressing clones after treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy in our cohort, we have performed laser capture microdissection of the paraffin embedded tissue in this study and will analyze the tissue for known genetic mutations in pancreatic adenocarcinoma; secondly, we want to know what will happen after knocking down SV2A expression in our cell lines followed by treatment with gemcitabine to determine if SV2A is functionally important; finally, since our previous efforts with a promoter – reporter and SmartFlare™ have failed, we will utilize a novel PrimeFlow™ RNA-ISH assay followed by FACS and RNA sequencing to further characterize this cellular clone. Overall our data proves, with multiple lines of evidence, that pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a heterogeneous disease, defined by a clone of SV2A expressing cells, with neuroendocrine features. The presence of this clone in patients’ tissue correlates with patient’s disease free survival and overall survival. Together with patterns of proliferation and ALDH1A1/2 co-expression, this clone seems to present a stem-cell-like behavior and is associated with chemoresistance, since it increases after chemotherapy, both in patients and primary cell lines.
Data traces, consisting of logs about the use of mobile and wireless networks, have been used to study the statistics of encounters between mobile nodes, in an attempt to predict the performance of opportunistic networks. Understanding the role and potential of mobile devices as relaying nodes in message dissemination and delivery depends on the knowledge about patterns and number of encounters among nodes. Data traces about the use of WiFi networks are widely available and can be used to extract large datasets of encounters between nodes. However, these logs only capture indirect encounters between nodes, and the resulting encounters datasets might not realistically represent the spatial and temporal behaviour of nodes. This paper addresses the impact of overlapping between the coverage areas of different Access Points of WiFi networks in extracting encounters datasets from the usage logs. Simulation and real-world experimental results show that indirect encounter traces extracted directly from these logs strongly underestimate the opportunities for direct node-to- node message exchange in opportunistic networks.
Lakes play an important role in biogeochemical, ecological and hydrological processes in the river-floodplain system. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of the limnological conditions of Catalão Lake, an Amazon floodplain lake. Thus, some of the main limnological environment variables (O2, temperature, pH, nutrient, electrical conductivity) of the Catalão Lake were analyzed under temporal and spacial scales. The study was conducted between November/2004 and August/2005. Sampling excursion were carried out every three months; one excursion for each of the four different hydrological periods (low water, rising water, high water and falling water). Sampling points were chosen so that it could be obtained a gradient of the distance from Negro River. Limnological profiles in Catalão Lake showed generally acidic to slightly alcaline water, with low levels of dissolved oxygen and low concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorous. The Negro River seems to exert the main influence during the rising water period, while the Solimões River is the principal controlling river during peak water. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) grouped the seasonal collections by hydrological period, showing the formation of a north-south spatial gradient within the lake in relation to the limnological variables. Multivariate dispersion analysis based on distance-to-centroid method demonstrated an increase in similarity over the course of the hydrological cycle, as the lake was inundated in response to the flood pulse of the main river channels. However, the largest spatial homogeneity in the lake was observed in the epilimnion layer, during the falling water period. The daily analysis of variation indicated an oligomitic pattern during the years in which the lake was permanently connected to the Negro River. Although Catalão Lake receives large quantities of both black water from the Negro River and sediment-filled water from the Solimões River, the physical and chemical characteristics of the lake are more similar to those of the Solimões (várzea lake) than the Negro (blackwater lake).
This thesis details the findings of a study into the spatial distribution and speciation of 238U, 226Ra and 228Ra in the soils of the Cronamuck valley, County Donegal . The region lies on the north-eastern edge of the Barnesmore granite and has been the subject of uranium prospecting efforts in the past. The results of the project provide information on the practicability of geostatistical techniques as a means of estimating the spatial distribution of natural radionuclides and provide insight into the behaviour of these nuclides and their modes of occurrence and enrichment in an upland bog environment. The results of the geostatistical survey conducted on the area indicate that the primary control over the levels of the studied nuclides in the soil of the valley is the underlying geology. Isopleth maps of nuclide levels in the valley indicate a predominance of elevated nuclide levels in the samples drawn from the granite region, statistical analysis of the data indicating that levels of the nuclides in samples drawn from the granite are greater than levels drawn from the non-granite region by up to a factor of 4.6 for 238U and 4.9 for 226Ra. Redistribution of the nuclides occurs via drainage systems within the valley, this process being responsible for transport of nuclides away from the granite region resulting in enrichment of nuclides in soils not underlain by the granite. Distribution of the nuclides within the valley is erratic, the effect of drainage f lows on the nuclides resulting in localized enriched areas within the valley. Speciation of the nuclides within one of the enriched areas encountered in the study indicates that enrichment is as a result of saturation of the soil with drainage water containing trace amounts of radionuclides. 238U is primarily held within the labile fractions (exchangeable cat ions + easily oxidisable organics + amorphous iron oxides ) of the soil , 226Ra being associated with the non- labile fractions, most probably the resistant organic material. 228Ra displays a significant occurrence in both the labile and non- labile fractions. The ability of the soil to retain uranium appears to be affected largely by the redox status of the soil, samples drawn from oxidizing environments tending to have little or no uranium in the easily oxidisable and amorphous iron oxide fractions. This loss of uranium from oxidised soil samples is responsible for the elevated 226Ra /238U disequilibrium encountered in the enriched areas of the valley. Analysis of the data indicates that samples displaying elevated 226Ra/238U ratios also exhibit elevated 228Ra/238U ratios indicating a loss of uranium from the samples as opposed to an enrichment of 226Ra.
The relationships between environmental factors and temporal and spatial variations of benthic communities of three rocky shores of the state of Espírito Santo, Southeast Brazil, were studied. Sampling was conducted every three months, from August 2006 to May 2007, using intersection points. Chthamalus bisinuatus (Pilsbry, 1916) (Crustacea) and Brachidontes spp. (Mollusca) were the most abundant taxa, occupying the upper level of the intertidal zone of the rocky shore. The species richness was higher at the lower levels. The invasive species Isognomon bicolor (C. B. Adams, 1845) (Mollusca) occurred at low densities in the studied areas. The clustering analysis dendrogram indicated a separation of communities based on exposed and sheltered areas. According to the variance analyses, the communities were significantly different among the studied areas and seasons. The extent of wave exposure and shore slope influenced the species variability. The Setibão site showed the highest diversity and richness, most likely due to greater wave exposure. The communities showed greater variation in the lower levels where environmental conditions were less severe, relative to the other levels.
Pimelodella taenioptera Miranda Ribeiro, 1914 and Imparfinis schubarti (Gomes, 1956) are two of the most common fish species in Bodoquena Plateau streams, Paraguay basin. These species have benthic habits and subaquatical observations suggested that they present differentiation in their preference for mesohabitat types. Pimelodella taenioptera shows preference for slow waters, such as pools, while I. schubarti is associated to riffles. In this study we investigated if the known patterns of mesohabitat use of P. taenioptera and I. schubarti can be predict by their ecomorphological and trophic traits. We described the dietary habits and ecomorphological attributes of P. taenioptera and I. schubarti individuals, captured in the Parque Nacional da Serra da Bodoquena (PNSB), Mato Grosso do Sul state, central Brazil. Pimelodella taenioptera presented a more generalist diet, consuming a total of 23 different food items. Imparfinis schubarti have a diet based exclusively on aquatic insects. The ecomorphological analysis revealed that the species differed in relation to five morphological traits associated to habitat use (p <0.01). The results of this study reveal a clear functional dissimilarity between P. taenioptera and I. shubarti. The observed trophic and ecomorphological patterns are congruent with the known habitat use for these species and probably reflect the spatial and temporal variability on conditions and resources present in riffles and pools. Therefore, as expected, the morphological and feeding attributes represent predictive information related to mesohabitat use.
ABSTRACT Quantitative evaluations of species distributional congruence allow evaluating previously proposed biogeographic regionalization and even identify undetected areas of endemism. The geographic scenery of Northwestern Argentina offers ideal conditions for the study of distributional patterns of species since the boundaries of a diverse group of biomes converge in a relatively small region, which also includes a diverse fauna of mammals. In this paper we applied a grid-based explicit method in order to recognize Patterns of Distributional Congruence (PDCs) and Areas of Endemism (AEs), and the species (native but non-endemic and endemic, respectively) that determine them. Also, we relate these distributional patterns to traditional biogeographic divisions of the study region and with a very recent phytogeographic study and we reconsider what previously rejected as 'spurious' areas. Finally, we assessed the generality of the patterns found. The analysis resulted in 165 consensus areas, characterized by seven species of marsupials, 28 species of bats, and 63 species of rodents, which represents a large percentage of the total species (10, 41, and 73, respectively). Twenty-five percent of the species that characterize consensus areas are endemic to the study region and define six AEs in strict sense while 12 PDCs are mainly defined by widely distributed species. While detailed quantitative analyses of plant species distribution data made by other authors does not result in units that correspond to Cabrera's phytogeographic divisions at this spatial scale, analyses of animal species distribution data does. We were able to identify previously unknown meaningful faunal patterns and more accurately define those already identified. We identify PDCs and AEs that conform Eastern Andean Slopes Patterns, Western High Andes Patterns, and Merged Eastern and Western Andean Slopes Patterns, some of which are re-interpreted at the light of known patterns of the endemic vascular flora. Endemism do not declines towards the south, but do declines towards the west of the study region. Peaks of endemism are found in the eastern Andean slopes in Jujuy and Tucumán/Catamarca, and in the western Andean biomes in Tucumán/Catamarca. The principal habitat types for endemic small mammal species are the eastern humid Andean slopes. Notwithstanding, arid/semi-arid biomes and humid landscapes are represented by the same number of AEs. Rodent species define 15 of the 18 General Patterns, and only in one they have no participation at all. Clearly, at this spatial scale, non-flying mammals, particularly rodents, are biogeographically more valuable species than flying mammals (bat species).
This paper presents an outline of rationale and theory of the MuSIASEM scheme (Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism). First, three points of the rationale behind our MuSIASEM scheme are discussed: (i) endosomatic and exosomatic metabolism in relation to Georgescu-Roegen’s flow-fund scheme; (2) the bioeconomic analogy of hypercycle and dissipative parts in ecosystems; (3) the dramatic reallocation of human time and land use patterns in various sectors of modern economy. Next, a flow-fund representation of the MUSIASEM scheme on three levels (the whole national level, the paid work sectors level, and the agricultural sector level) is illustrated to look at the structure of the human economy in relation to two primary factors: (i) human time - a fund; and (ii) exosomatic energy - a flow. The three levels representation uses extensive and intensive variables simultaneously. Key conceptual tools of the MuSIASEM scheme - mosaic effects and impredicative loop analysis - are explained using the three level flow-fund representation. Finally, we claim that the MuSIASEM scheme can be seen as a multi-purpose grammar useful to deal with sustainability issues.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la National Oceanography Centre of Southampton (NOCS), Gran Bretanya, entre maig i juliol del 2006. La possibilitat d’obtenir una estimació precissa de la salinitat marina (SSS) és important per a investigar i predir l’extensió del fenòmen del canvi climàtic. La missió Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) va ser seleccionada per l’Agència Espacial Europea (ESA) per a obtenir mapes de salinitat de la superfície marina a escala global i amb un temps de revisita petit. Abans del llençament de SMOS es preveu l’anàlisi de la variabilitat horitzontal de la SSS i del potencial de les dades recuperades a partir de mesures de SMOS per a reproduir comportaments oceanogràfics coneguts. L’objectiu de tot plegat és emplenar el buit existent entre les fonts de dades d’entrada/auxiliars fiables i les eines desenvolupades per a simular i processar les dades adquirides segons la configuració de SMOS. El SMOS End-to-end Performance Simulator (SEPS) és un simulador adhoc desenvolupat per la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) per a generar dades segons la configuració de SMOS. Es va utilitzar dades d’entrada a SEPS procedents del projecte Ocean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modeling (OCCAM), utilitzat al NOCS, a diferents resolucions espacials. Modificant SEPS per a poder fer servir com a entrada les dades OCCAM es van obtenir dades de temperatura de brillantor simulades durant un mes amb diferents observacions ascendents que cobrien la zona seleccionada. Les tasques realitzades durant l’estada a NOCS tenien la finalitat de proporcionar una tècnica fiable per a realitzar la calibració externa i per tant cancel•lar el bias, una metodologia per a promitjar temporalment les diferents adquisicions durant les observacions ascendents, i determinar la millor configuració de la funció de cost abans d’explotar i investigar les posibiltats de les dades SEPS/OCCAM per a derivar la SSS recuperada amb patrons d’alta resolució.