871 resultados para Social Evaluation


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The aim of this study is to answer the question: Is there evidence that the quality of life of residents in a community that has had community development intervention is different as compared to the quality of life of residents in a nearby community that did not have community development initiatives? This was done by administering community development initiatives in a local area and comparing it to a similar community that did not receive this intervention. The residents of these communities rated the quality of their lives and communities in two purposively selected suburbs in Perth, Western Australia using the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index to measure individual and neighbourhood well-being. The quality of life of residents in both communities is then compared to national averages for quality of life or well-being. Answering this question provides empirical evidence of variation between ratings of quality of life of residents in different communities and highlights the utility of the Wellbeing Index for the evaluation of interdisciplinary community development


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Even though assessing social marketing endeavors proves to be challenging, evaluators can learn from previous campaigns and identify which facets of social marketing events, programs and campaigns need to be improved. Additionally, by analyzing social movements and evaluating how they connect to social marketing, we can gain a clearer view on ways to ameliorate the field of social marketing. As social marketing becomes increasingly sophisticated and similar to commercial marketing, there is hope that social marketing can yield higher rates of success in the future. Friend and Levy (2002) claimed that it was nearly impossible to compare social marketing endeavors using quantitative criteria and advocate the use of qualitative methods. However, if social marketing scholars developed a more systematic paradigm to assess events, programs and campaigns employing a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods, then it would be easier to establish which social marketing efforts generated more success than others. When there are too many confounding variables, conclusions cannot always be drawn and evaluations may not be viewed as legitimate. As a result, critics become skeptical of social marketing’s value and both the importance and credibility of social marketing decline. With the establishment of proper criteria and evaluation methods, social marketing can progress and initiate more social change.


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Health promotion has evolved significantly in the past twenty years. Its emphasis has shifted from relatively simple monocausal models focused on behavioural risk factors to a greater emphasis on broader social determinants of health. Single method, single risk factor interventions have increasingly been replaced with multiformat, multiple risk factor interventions and extended campaigns, with whole-of-govemment implications. Health promotion structures have developed from ad hoc single shot activity to large dedicated agencies with continuing responsibilities and a wide ambit.

The development of health promotion research and evaluation has followed these trends. The early epidemiology studies linked behavioural risks such as smoking, diet and physical activity with systemic conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. A raft of small and large scale intervention studies aimed at demonstrating that these behavioural risk factors could be modified and that modification would lead to improved health outcomes followed with mixed results.

More recent evidence suggests that behavioural risks are not the onIy social factors that influence health outcomes. There is now strong evidence that social determinants such as income, education and employment have highly significant direct effects on health outcomes, which are not mediated by behavioural risks, and that behavioural risks are also correlated with these broader determinants.

Health promotion now operates in a variety of ways at different scales and different levels of the health system (and the wider social system). The goals of health promotion, and the measures that assess whether a project, campaign, or general strategy has met its goals, differ accordingly.

Arguably, where local, state and federal governments begin to coordinate their efforts systematically across settings, intervention strategies, health action areas and population groups, health promotion becomes more
programmatic, sustainable and effective. A programmatic approach also integrates knowledge generation, the development of health promotion capacity, practice and evaluation together.

However, programmatic approaches to health promotion are comparatively new. Only recently have governments begun to develop and resource
comprehensive and sustained health promotion programs that address a range of health issues using multiple intervention strategies. The scope of a more programmatic approach and its functions and purposes is still developing.

Although evaluation has a key role to play in this respect, the development of programmatic strategies for health promotion has generally outpaced evaluation theory and practice. While we now have reasonable technologies for measurement of behavioural risks and individual attitudinal and cognitive influences on them, strategies to evaluate organisational and community interventions are still emerging.

Similarly, while new approaches to evaluate small scale community and organisational interventions have been developed, comprehensive models to monitor and evaluate health promotion programs and strategies across multiple intervention sites over extended periods have not yet emerged. Nor have we resolved the methodological problems of teasing out the relative contribution of different intervention strategies to observed change in health outcomes.

More programmatic approaches to health promotion require a more programmatic approach to health promotion evaluation. This paper represents an issues based examination of the evidence base for a more programmatic health promotion and the evaluation issues that arise


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The rapid deployment of intelligent transport systems in practice requires serious evaluation of new construction projects. Traditional transportation evaluation methods are insufficient to capture the new features of intelligent transport systems, particularly the applications of recently developed information technologies. This research aims to develop a new conceptual framework to evaluate the social, economic and environmental impacts of intelligent transport systems deployment, with explicit consideration of impacts of information technologies on variant travel behaviours. The research would provide a systematic evaluation methodology to enable decision makers and publics better evaluating and understanding the social, economic and environmental benefits of implementation of intelligent transport systems.


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In discussing the ideology of social inclusion, this paper demonstrates that the composition of community groups in a period of late modernity is worthy of consideration. Although it would appear, on the surface at least, that previously stable community institutions, such as family, organised religion, trade unions, occupation and residential stability, and so on, are being challenged by a broad rejection of the once powerful tool of tradition, society's attachment to a belief in the symbolic value of community remains strong. In an environment however, in which the interaction and interdependence of human activity is subject to continual re-evaluation as the current processes of industrialisation and globalisation unfold, the template of what constitutes 'community' may need to be re-defined. It is to this end that the present paper is concerned, in that it seeks to identify new community formations. Of particular interest, is the rise and reach of modern day 'social movements', and why, when analysing the subject from a macro-sociological perspective, they have come to assume such a pivotal role in occupying community spaces left vacant by the demise of traditional social institutions. The paper is exploratory in its focus, using relevant literature to posit some broad theoretical themes, with the aim of presenting such themes to encourage a shift in community debates away from traditional concerns about 'who' and 'how many', towards questions of why new community forms are emerging.


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Physical activity (PA) has consistently been shown to improve ones' physical, social and mental health. Hence, the rationale for promoting regular physical activity is relatively straightforward. However, what is less clear from the literature is the mix of strategies, (i.e. 'what is working and why?'), to increase in physical activity levels within a population. Of particular interest to primary care is the concept of Physical Activity Prescription Programs (PAPPs) delivered by general practitioners (GPs).

Several examples of a PAPP exist within England, America, New Zealand and Australia. These all aim to encourage GPs to deliver physical activity advice to their patients effectively and in a timely manner. Notwithstanding, the authors of a recent review of published literature on PAPPs, reveal a deficit of evidence regarding the components for successful PA interventions.

This research through an ethnographic enquiry aims to build on the evidence formulated to date. Through a case study research design, the researcher has developed a methodology to define what is/is not working within this recent trend.

In two rural Divisions of GP, participants have been identified as key stakeholders in the implementation of a PAPPs. They are categorised according to three theoretical paradigms, namely, Policy Makers, Linkers and Adaptors. Following this the three paradigms will be studied on the contextual factors, the characteristics and behaviours of members within all three paradigms. The study has also further defined certain elements for investigation, these include the:
intention of the players
effort undertaken by players, and
effect of parties within.

Primarily qualitative data will be collected; through Desk Analysis (Policies, Strategic and Business plans), Site Visits (Participant Observation) and semi-structured interviews. This presentation defines a qualitative framework and methodology for investigating the outcome of programs that historically has been evaluated using quantitative measures. Hence, the author of this study aims to present a qualitative investigation and subsequent results, defining aspects of a PAPP that allow for successful and sustainable implementation.


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This paper proposes that a multidimensional measure of charities’ social impact should be developed. This would allow donors to evaluate the potential social benefit of giving to one cause or another. While such a multidimensional approach would be complicated, it could build on the literature suggesting that firms be measured using triple bottom line accounting and those used to evaluate firms for inclusion for ethical investing.


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Practice skills, such as communication and interviewing skills, are an integral part of every undergraduate course that aims to provide professional qualification for social workers. While there is substantial literature about the skills required to be a proficient social work practitioner, there is a dearth of literature about how to teach such skills and particularly how students experience such a course. By critically reflecting on the design, implementation and evaluation of a social work practice skills course, this article is offered as a contribution toward filling an identified gap in social work education literature. The course evaluation particularly highlights the importance of face to face interaction between students and teachers to the process of learning.


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The introduction of a social software blog space called “The Trading Room” in an undergraduate Finance unit for an assessment task generated a great deal of activity to support student learning. A subsequent evaluation of this pilot demonstrated that students perceived high value in the opportunity it provided for them to reaffirm theories, obtain individualized feedback and benchmark their work against others. Whilst assessment is generally seen as both the carrot and the stick of learning, and certification; students in the study reported that they would still participate in reading and posting to the “Trading Room” blog even if there was no assessment requirement! Additionally they did not see any value in the environment as a purely social space, reporting that they saw it primarily as a professional educational community. It would appear that just as there are different communities in the real world social space, there are also different types of communities in the online space. Context, structure and activity design, perhaps are the most important facets of online interaction for learning.


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There is a growing need for advanced practice mental health and drug and alcohol nursing roles in the care of people living with HIV/AIDS; however, limited publications address these domains. This study evaluated a community-based mental health drug and alcohol nurse role caring for people living with HIV/AIDS (Mental Health D&A Nurse) in a large not-for-profit district nursing organization providing care to people living with HIV/AIDS in an Australian city. Outcomes from a client assessment and 6–8-week follow-up by the Mental Health D&A Nurse are presented as captured by the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS 21), Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HONOS) and WHOQoL BREF. Mean scores and caseness were analysed, and significant differences were found on the 'impairment' and 'social problems' subscales of the HONOS. Results of semi-structured interviews with clients describe effective and supportive mental health care and health-promoting education following visits by the Mental Health D&A Nurse. These positive findings support continuing implementation of the role within this community setting and indicate that even greater benefits will ensue as the role develops further. Findings are of interest to clinicians and policy makers seeking to implement similar roles in community-based HIV/AIDS care.


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Objective: This paper describes the development and validation of the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ). The aim was to develop a user-friendly, relevant, and psychometrically sound instrument for the comprehensive evaluation of patient education programs, which can be applied across a broad range of chronic conditions.

Item development for the heiQ was guided by a Program Logic Model, Concept Mapping, interviews with stakeholders and psychometric analyses. Construction (N = 591) and confirmatory (N = 598) samples were drawn from consumers of patient education programs and hospital outpatients. The properties of the heiQ were investigated using item response theory and structural equation modeling.

Results: Over 90 candidate items were generated, with 42 items selected for inclusion in the final scale. Eight independent dimensions were derived: Positive and Active Engagement in Life (five items, Cronbach's alpha (α) = 0.86); Health Directed Behavior (four items, α = 0.80); Skill and Technique Acquisition (five items, α = 0.81); Constructive Attitudes and Approaches (five items, α = 0.81); Self-Monitoring and Insight (seven items, α = 0.70); Health Service Navigation (five items, α = 0.82); Social Integration and Support (five items, α = 0.86); and Emotional Wellbeing (six items, α = 0.89).

The heiQ has high construct validity and is a reliable measure of a broad range of patient education program benefits.

Practice Implications:
The heiQ will provide valuable information to clinicians, researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders about the value of patient education programs in chronic disease management.