935 resultados para Smithsonian Institution--Maps.
3rd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSQUARE) Madrid, AUG 28-31, 2014 / editado por Vagenas, EC; Vlachos, DS; Bastos, C; Hofer, T; Kominis, Y; Kosmas, O; LeLay, G; DePadova, P; Rode, B; Suraud, E; Varga, K
This paper investigates some properties of cyclic fuzzy maps in metric spaces. The convergence of distances as well as that of sequences being generated as iterates defined by a class of contractive cyclic fuzzy mapping to fuzzy best proximity points of (non-necessarily intersecting adjacent subsets) of the cyclic disposal is studied. An extension is given for the case when the images of the points of a class of contractive cyclic fuzzy mappings restricted to a particular subset of the cyclic disposal are allowed to lie either in the same subset or in its next adjacent one.
This paper investigates the boundedness and convergence properties of two general iterative processes which involve sequences of self-mappings on either complete metric or Banach spaces. The sequences of self-mappings considered in the first iterative scheme are constructed by linear combinations of a set of self-mappings, each of them being a weighted version of a certain primary self-mapping on the same space. The sequences of self-mappings of the second iterative scheme are powers of an iteration-dependent scaled version of the primary self-mapping. Some applications are also given to the important problem of global stability of a class of extended nonlinear polytopic-type parameterizations of certain dynamic systems.
One of the most popular sections of the ReefBase website is the online GIS that enables users to create an almost unlimited range of maps showing a wide variety of features. A new version of the GIS, offering an even larger array of facilities and data layers, is online as of early September. In this article, we will provide an introduction to the ReefBase GIS and also highlight some of the powerful but lesser used features of the system.
Technology Assessment and Refinement through the Institution Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) is the latest participatory extension model successfully undertaken by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in India. The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has been implementing IVLP since 2001 to assess and refine the technologies of the coastal agro ecosystems at Elamkunnapuzha village (Vypeen Island) in the Ernakulam District of Kerala. A series of need based location specific technology intervention plans have been introduced to overcome the social and biological constraints on farming practices in fisheries, livestock and agriculture, and implemented with the active participation of the stakeholders. The inferences drawn from IVLP ultimately form a package suitable for enhanced production in the costal agro ecosystem for replication to other areas with similar characteristics. This paper gives a brief account of the treatment packages applied in fisheries through various technological interventions and discusses the consequent yield and benefits obtained. The ‘integrated whole village development’ through the involvement of multi institutional teams and a participatory approach was accorded prime importance in the IVLP of Elamkunnapuzha, with a greater emphasis on marginal and small farmers and specifically focusing on women for poverty alleviation and equity under the coastal agro ec
The genesis and the early history of the Woods Hole Laboratory (WHL), to a lesser extent the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), and to some degree the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), were elegantly covered by Paul S. Galtsoff (1962) in his BCF Circular "The Story of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts." It covers the period from the beginning in 1871 to 1958. Galtsoffs more than 35-year career in the fishery service was spent almost entirely in Woods Hole. I will only briefly touch on that portion of the Laboratory's history covered by Galtsoff. Woods Hole, as a center of marine science, was conceived and implemented largely by one man, Spencer Fullerton Baird, at that time Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian and who was also instrumental in the establishment of the National Museum and Permanent Secretary of the newly established American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was appointed by President Ulysses S. Grant in 1871 as the first U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries. Fisheries research began here as early as 1871, but a permanent station did not exist until 1885.
A história dos Censos no Brasil mostra que a preocupação com a componente territorial em levantamentos estatísticos, surgiu no recenseamento de 1940, quando, pela primeira vez, o IBGE procurou retratar aspectos da realidade geográfica, de interesse para a operação de coleta, em bases cartográficas, uma tarefa complexa devido à grande extensão do território brasileiro e principalmente no que se refere à qualidade do material cartográfico disponível à época. Atualmente crescem as demandas em nosso país, por informações cada vez mais detalhadas e geograficamente posicionadas. Governadores e prefeitos, órgãos de planejamento municipais e estaduais, investidos de maior autonomia e de novas responsabilidades após a Constituição de 1988, dependem hoje como nunca dos censos para definirem suas políticas públicas, com base em informações atualizadas sobre a população sob suas jurisdições. Entretanto, as demandas por informações agregadas à posição também vêm de outras esferas, que vão do setor não-governamental e privado ao governo federal, fazendo com que muito aumentasse a relevância dos censos e por conseqüência os resultados das pesquisas. Para atender a grande demanda, o IBGE vem continuamente aperfeiçoando o que denominamos de Base Territorial, que é um sistema integrado de informações de natureza geográfica e alfanumérica e se constitui no principal requisito para a garantia da adequada cobertura das operações de levantamento censitário. Face a este novo cenário, o IBGE iniciou a elaboração de mapas da base territorial em meio digital, durante as ações preparatórias para o Censo 2000, se deparando com as dificuldades de integração das áreas urbanas e rurais e a baixa qualidade dos insumos de mapeamento em escala cadastral, disponível nas áreas menos desenvolvidas, pois a Instituição não é produtora de mapeamento em escala cadastral. A metodologia proposta visa melhorar a qualidade dos Mapas de Setores Urbanos MSU, com a utilização de imagens Google Earth, a partir software MicroStation 95, periféricos e aplicativos de conversão disponíveis no IBGE, com o estabelecimento de uma nova rotina de trabalho para produção e substituição dos mapas de setores urbanos, de forma a garantir uma maior representatividade territorial dos dados estatísticos para divulgação.