859 resultados para Smart sensors
The development of electrochemical sensors is currently one of the active areas of research in analytical chemistry.Voltammetric sensors as an important class of electrochemical sensors are extensively used in pharmaceutical applications.In voltammetric analysis,many active compounds in dosage forms,in contrast to excipients,can be readily oxidised or reduced at the electrode surface by applying a potential.Chemically modified electrodes have great significance in the electrochemical determination of pharmaceuticals.The modification of electrode results in efficient determination of electroactive species at very lower potential without any major interferences.The present study involves the fabrication of 8 voltammetric sensors for the drugs Metronidazole Benzoate, Sulfamethoxazole, Acyclovir, Pam Chloride , Trimethoprim , Tamsulosin Hydrochloride and Ceftriaxone Sodium.Two sensors were developed for the drug tamsulosin hydrochloride while one sensor each was developed for the other drugs.
Electroanalytical techniques represent a class of powerful and versatile analytical method which is based on the electrical properties of a solution of the analyte when it is made part of an electrochemical cell. They offer high sensitivity, accuracy, precision and a large linear dynamic range. The cost of instrumentation is relatively low compared to other instrumental methods of analysis. Many solid state electrochemical sensors have been commercialised nowadays. Potentiometry is a very simple electroanalytical technique with extraordinary analytical capabilities. Since valinomycin was introduced as an ionophore for K+, Ion Selective Electrodes have become one of the best studied and understood analytical devices. It can be used for the determination of substances ranging from simple inorganic ions to complex organic molecules. It is a very attractive option owing to the wide range of applications and ease of the use of the instruments employed. They also possess the advantages of short response time, high selectivity and very low detection limits. Moreover, analysis by these electrodes is non-destructive and adaptable to small sample volumes. It has become a standard technique for medical researchers, biologists, geologists and environmental specialists. This thesis presents the synthesis and characterisation of five ionophores. Based on these ionophores, nine potentiometric sensors are fabricated for the determination of ions such as Pb2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Sal- ion (Salicylate ion). The electrochemical characterisation and analytical application studies of the developed sensors are also described. The thesis is divided into eight chapters
The objective of the preset work is to develop optical fiber sensors for various physical and chemical parameters. As a part of this we initially investigated trace analysis of silica, ammonia, iron and phosphate in water. For this purpose the author has implemented a dual wavelength probing scheme which has many advantages over conventional evanescent wave sensors. Dual wavelength probing makes the design more reliable and repeatable and this design makes the sensor employable for concentration, chemical content, adulteration level, monitoring and control in industries or any such needy environments. Use of low cost components makes the system cost effective and simple. The Dual wavelength probing scheme is employed for the trace analysis of silica, iron, phosphate, and ammonia in water. Such sensors can be employed for the steam and water quality analysers in power plants. Few samples from a power plant are collected and checked the performance of developed system for practical applications.
One of the main challenges in the development of metal-oxide gas sensors is enhancement of selectivity to a particular gas. Currently, two general approaches exist for enhancing the selective properties of sensors. The first one is aimed at preparing a material that is specifically sensitive to one compound and has low or zero cross-sensitivity to other compounds that may be present in the working atmosphere. To do this, the optimal temperature, doping elements, and their concentrations are investigated. Nonetheless, it is usually very difficult to achieve an absolutely selective metal oxide gas sensor in practice. Another approach is based on the preparation of materials for discrimination between several analyte in a mixture. It is impossible to do this by using one sensor signal. Therefore, it is usually done either by modulation of sensor temperature or by using sensor arrays. The present work focus on the characterization of n-type semiconducting metal oxides like Tungsten oxide (WO3), Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and Indium oxide (In2O3) for the gas sensing purpose. For the purpose of gas sensing thick as well as thin films were fabricated. Two different gases, NO2 and H2S gases were selected in order to study the gas sensing behaviour of these metal oxides. To study the problem associated with selectivity the metal oxides were doped with metals and the gas sensing characteristics were investigated. The present thesis is entitled “Development of semiconductor metal oxide gas sensors for the detection of NO2 and H2S gases” and consists of six chapters.
Electrochemical sensors are increasingly being investigated to perform measurements for single or multiple analytes. Demanded by modern medical diagnosis, advances in microfabrication technology have led to the development of fast, sensitive and selective electrochemical sensors for drug analysis. Electrochemical sensors for the measurement of analytes of interest in clinical chemistry are ideally suited for these applications, due to their high sensitivity and selectivity, simple-to-operate, rapid response time and low-cost. As part of the present investigations eight voltammetric sensors have been fabricated for six drugs such as PAM Chloride, Tamsulosin Hydrochloride, Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone, Guaiphenesin, Cephalexin and Amoxicillin trihydrate. The modification techniques adopted as part of the present work include multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWNT) based modifications, electropolymerization, gold nanoparticle (AuNP) based modifications and platinum nanoparticle (PtNP) based modifications. The thesis is divided into nine chapters
Voltammetric methods are applicable for the determination of a wide variety of both organic and inorganic species. Its features are compact equipment, simple sample preparation, short analysis time, high accuracy and sensitivity. Voltammetry is especially suitable for laboratories in which only a few parameters have to be monitored with a moderate sample throughput. Of various electrode materials, glassy carbon electrode is particularly useful because of its high electrical conductivity, impermeability to gases, high chemical resistance, reasonable mechanical and dimensional stability and widest potential range of all carbonaceous electrodes. Electrode modification is a vigorous research area by which the electrochemical determination of various analyte species is facilitated. The scope of pharmaceutical analysis includes the analytical investigation of pure drug, drug formulations, impurities and degradation products of drugs, biological samples containing the drugs and their metabolites with the aim of obtaining data that can contribute to the maximal efficacy and maximal safety of drug therapy. This thesis presents the modification of glassy carbon electrode using metalloporphyrin and dyes and subsequently using these modified electrodes for the determination of various pharmaceuticals. The thesis consists of 9 chapters.
The fabrication and electrochemical response characteristics of two novel potentiometric sensors for the selective determination of domperidone (DOM) are described. The two fabricated sensors incorporate DOM–PTA (phosphotungstic acid) ion pair as the electroactive material. The sensors include a PVC membrane sensor and a carbon paste sensor. The sensors showed a linear, stable, and near Nernstian slope of 56.5 and 57.8 mV/decade for PVC membrane and carbon paste sensors, respectively over a relatively wide range of DOM concentration (1.0 9 10-1–1.0 9 10-5 and 1.0 9 10-1–3.55 9 10-6 M). The response time of DOM–PTA membrane sensor was less than 25 s and that in the case of carbon paste sensor was less than 20 s.Auseful pH range of 4–6 was obtained for both types of sensors. A detection limit of 7.36 9 10-5 M was obtained for PVC membrane sensor and 1.0 9 10-6 M was obtained for carbon paste sensor. The proposed sensors showed very good selectivity toDOMin the presence of a large number of other interfering ions. The analytical application of the developed sensors in the determination of the drug in pharmaceutical formulations such as tablets was investigated. The results obtained are in good agreement with the values obtained by the standard method. The sensors were also applied for the determination ofDOMin real samples such as urine by the standard addition method.
There is an enormous demand for chemical sensors in many areas and disciplines including chemistry, biology, clinical analysis, environmental science. Chemical sensing refers to the continuous monitoring of the presence of chemical species and is a rapidly developing field of science and technology. They are analytical devices which transform chemical information generating from a reaction of the analyte into an measurable signal. Due to their high selectivity, sensitivity, fast response and low cost, electrochemical and fluorescent sensors have attracted great interest among the researchers in various fields. Development of four electrochemical sensors and three fluorescent sensors for food additives and neurotransmitters are presented in the thesis. Based on the excellent properties of multi walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), poly (L-cysteine) and gold nanoparticles (AuNP) four voltammetric sensors were developed for various food additives like propyl gallate, allura red and sunset yellow. Nanosized fluorescent probes including gold nanoclusters (AuNCs) and CdS quantum dots (QDs) were used for the fluorescent sensing of butylated hydroxyanisole, dopamine and norepinephrine. A total of seven sensors including four electrochemical sensors and three fluorescence sensors have been developed for food additives and neurotransmitters.
Chemical sensors have growing interest in the determination of food additives, which are creating toxicity and may cause serious health concern, drugs and metal ions. A chemical sensor can be defined as a device that transforms chemical information, ranging from the concentration of a specific sample component to total composition analysis, into an analytically useful signal. The chemical information may be generated from a chemical reaction of the analyte or from a physical property of the system investigated. Two main steps involved in the functioning of a chemical sensor are recognition and transduction. Chemical sensors employ specific transduction techniques to yield analyte information. The most widely used techniques employed in chemical sensors are optical absorption, luminescence, redox potential etc. According to the operating principle of the transducer, chemical sensors may be classified as electrochemical sensors, optical sensors, mass sensitive sensors, heat sensitive sensors etc. Electrochemical sensors are devices that transform the effect of the electrochemical interaction between analyte and electrode into a useful signal. They are very widespread as they use simple instrumentation, very good sensitivity with wide linear concentration ranges, rapid analysis time and simultaneous determination of several analytes. These include voltammetric, potentiometric and amperometric sensors. Fluorescence sensing of chemical and biochemical analytes is an active area of research. Any phenomenon that results in a change of fluorescence intensity, anisotropy or lifetime can be used for sensing. The fluorophores are mixed with the analyte solution and excited at its corresponding wavelength. The change in fluorescence intensity (enhancement or quenching) is directly related to the concentration of the analyte. Fluorescence quenching refers to any process that decreases the fluorescence intensity of a sample. A variety of molecular rearrangements, energy transfer, ground-state complex formation and collisional quenching. Generally, fluorescence quenching can occur by two different mechanisms, dynamic quenching and static quenching. The thesis presents the development of voltammetric and fluorescent sensors for the analysis of pharmaceuticals, food additives metal ions. The developed sensors were successfully applied for the determination of analytes in real samples. Chemical sensors have multidisciplinary applications. The development and application of voltammetric and optical sensors continue to be an exciting and expanding area of research in analytical chemistry. The synthesis of biocompatible fluorophores and their use in clinical analysis, and the development of disposable sensors for clinical analysis is still a challenging task. The ability to make sensitive and selective measurements and the requirement of less expensive equipment make electrochemical and fluorescence based sensors attractive.
International School of Photonics
Das Grünbuch 2006 der Europäischen Kommission "Eine Europäische Strategie für nachhaltige, wettbewerbsfähige und sichere Energie" unterstreicht, dass Europa in ein neues Energie-Zeitalter eingetreten ist. Die vorrangigen Ziele europäischer Energiepolitik müssen Nachhaltigkeit, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Versorgungssicherheit sein, wobei sie eine zusammenhängende und logische Menge von Taktiken und Maßnahmen benötigt, um diese Ziele zu erreichen. Die Strommärkte und Verbundnetze Europas bilden das Kernstück unseres Energiesystems und müssen sich weiterentwickeln, um den neuen Anforderungen zu entsprechen. Die europäischen Stromnetze haben die lebenswichtigen Verbindungen zwischen Stromproduzenten und Verbrauchern mit großem Erfolg seit vielen Jahrzehnten gesichert. Die grundlegende Struktur dieser Netze ist entwickelt worden, um die Bedürfnisse großer, überwiegend auf Kohle aufgebauten Herstellungstechnologien zu befriedigen, die sich entfernt von den Verbraucherzentren befinden. Die Energieprobleme, denen Europa jetzt gegenübersteht, ändern die Stromerzeugungslandschaft in zwei Gesichtspunkten: die Notwendigkeit für saubere Kraftwerkstechnologien verbunden mit erheblich verbesserten Wirkungsgraden auf der Verbraucherseite wird es Kunden ermöglichen, mit den Netzen viel interaktiver zu arbeiten; andererseits müssen die zukünftigen europaweiten Stromnetze allen Verbrauchern eine höchst zuverlässige, preiswerte Energiezufuhr bereitstellen, wobei sowohl die Nutzung von großen zentralisierten Kraftwerken als auch kleineren lokalen Energiequellen überall in Europa ausgeschöpft werden müssen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Informationen, die in dieser Arbeit dargestellt werden, auf aktuellen Fragen mit großem Einfluss auf die gegenwärtigen technischen und wirtschaftspolitischen Diskussionen basieren. Der Autor hat während der letzten Jahre viele der hier vorgestellten Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen mit Vertretern der Kraftwerksindustrie, Betreibern von Stromnetzen und Versorgungsbetrieben, Forschungsgremien und den Regulierungsstellen diskutiert. Die folgenden Absätze fassen die Hauptergebnisse zusammen: Diese Arbeit definiert das neue Konzept, das auf mehr verbraucherorientierten Netzen basiert, und untersucht die Notwendigkeiten sowie die Vorteile und die Hindernisse für den Übergang auf ein mögliches neues Modell für Europa: die intelligenten Stromnetze basierend auf starker Integration erneuerbarer Quellen und lokalen Kleinkraftwerken. Das neue Modell wird als eine grundlegende Änderung dargestellt, die sich deutlich auf Netzentwurf und -steuerung auswirken wird. Sie fordert ein europäisches Stromnetz mit den folgenden Merkmalen: – Flexibel: es erfüllt die Bedürfnisse der Kunden, indem es auf Änderungen und neue Forderungen eingehen kann – Zugänglich: es gestattet den Verbindungszugang aller Netzbenutzer besonders für erneuerbare Energiequellen und lokale Stromerzeugung mit hohem Wirkungsgrad sowie ohne oder mit niedrigen Kohlendioxidemissionen – Zuverlässig: es verbessert und garantiert die Sicherheit und Qualität der Versorgung mit den Forderungen des digitalen Zeitalters mit Reaktionsmöglichkeiten gegen Gefahren und Unsicherheiten – Wirtschaftlich: es garantiert höchste Wirtschaftlichkeit durch Innovation, effizientes Energiemanagement und liefert „gleiche Ausgangsbedingungen“ für Wettbewerb und Regulierung. Es beinhaltet die neuesten Technologien, um Erfolg zu gewährleisten, während es die Flexibilität behält, sich an weitere Entwicklungen anzupassen und fordert daher ein zuversichtliches Programm für Forschung, Entwicklung und Demonstration, das einen Kurs im Hinblick auf ein Stromversorgungsnetz entwirft, welches die Bedürfnisse der Zukunft Europas befriedigt: – Netztechnologien, die die Stromübertragung verbessern und Energieverluste verringern, werden die Effizienz der Versorgung erhöhen, während neue Leistungselektronik die Versorgungsqualität verbessern wird. Es wird ein Werkzeugkasten erprobter technischer Lösungen geschaffen werden, der schnell und wirtschaftlich eingesetzt werden kann, so dass bestehende Netze Stromeinleitungen von allen Energieressourcen aufnehmen können. – Fortschritte bei Simulationsprogrammen wird die Einführung innovativer Technologien in die praktische Anwendung zum Vorteil sowohl der Kunden als auch der Versorger stark unterstützen. Sie werden das erfolgreiche Anpassen neuer und alter Ausführungen der Netzkomponenten gewährleisten, um die Funktion von Automatisierungs- und Regelungsanordnungen zu garantieren. – Harmonisierung der ordnungspolitischen und kommerziellen Rahmen in Europa, um grenzüberschreitenden Handel von sowohl Energie als auch Netzdienstleistungen zu erleichtern; damit muss eine Vielzahl von Einsatzsituationen gewährleistet werden. Gemeinsame technische Normen und Protokolle müssen eingeführt werden, um offenen Zugang zu gewährleisten und den Einsatz der Ausrüstung eines jeden Herstellers zu ermöglichen. – Entwicklungen in Nachrichtentechnik, Mess- und Handelssystemen werden auf allen Ebenen neue Möglichkeiten eröffnen, auf Grund von Signalen des Marktes frühzeitig technische und kommerzielle Wirkungsgrade zu verbessern. Es wird Unternehmen ermöglichen, innovative Dienstvereinbarungen zu benutzen, um ihre Effizienz zu verbessern und ihre Angebote an Kunden zu vergrößern. Schließlich muss betont werden, dass für einen erfolgreichen Übergang zu einem zukünftigen nachhaltigen Energiesystem alle relevanten Beteiligten involviert werden müssen.
Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt in der Anwendung funktionalisierter Mikrocantilever mit integrierter bimorpher Aktuation und piezo-resistiver Detektion als chemische Gassensoren für den schnellen, tragbaren und preisgünstigen Nachweis verschiedener flüchtiger Substanzen. Besondere Beachtung erfährt die Verbesserung der Cantilever-Arbeitsleistung durch den Betrieb in speziellen Modi. Weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt in der Untersuchung von spezifischen Sorptionswechselwirkungen und Anwendung von innovativen Funktionsschichten, die bedeutend auf die Sensorselektivität wirken.
Aquest projecte parteix d'un projecte anterior realitzat per un company d'escola, en el qual es pretenia muntar un sistema per obtenir un diagnòstic dels pacients que pateixen bruxisme. El sistema que aquest company va muntar constava de dos subsistemes: el sistema de captura, encarregat de capturar el senyal mitjançant sensors i pretractar el senyal i el sistema de processament de dades, encarregat de rebre les dades provinents del sistema de captura mitjançant una ràdio sintonitzada a la freqüència 432,95MHz, que després s'envien al convertidor A/D de l'Olorim i s'emmagatzemen a la memòria interna de l'Olorim. Aquest projecte pretén millorar l'apartat de capacitat per a les dades i oferir major portabilitat mitjançant una targeta SD. Per dur a terme aquesta millora es recullen les dades emmagatzemades a la memòria interna del sistema microprocessat i s’emmagatzemen en una memòria SD. Les dades s'emmagatzemen a la targeta SD dins un fitxer creat prèviament amb l'ordinador, el qual ha de ser el primer fitxer que es crea a la targeta, ja que ha d'estar en sectors consecutius. En aquest fitxer s'aniran emmagatzemant les dades que ens proporcioni el sistema de captura en format RAW
Identification and Semiactive Control of Smart Structures Equipped with Magnetorheological Actuators
This paper deals with the problem of identification and semiactive control of smart structures subject to unknown external disturbances such as earthquake, wind, etc. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological actuators being installed in WUSCEEL. The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms
Background reading for coursework to prepare a technical report as part of the orientation phase. These items are business documents (i.e. grey literature) which might be read as a prelude or complement to finding information in peer reviewed academic publications. grey literature links and articles to be used in preparation of technical report. See also overview guidance document for this assignment http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/8017/