900 resultados para Sleeping Beauty
Objetivos: Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1) analizar las desigualdades de género en la salud en la población asalariada, de 25 a 64 años, casada o que vive en pareja en Cataluña y 2) examinar las desigualdades de género en la relación entre las exigencias de la esfera doméstica y familiar, las horas de trabajo remunerado y la salud.Métodos: Los datos proceden de la Encuesta de Salud de Cataluña de 2006 (ESCA 2006). La población analizada fueron hombres y mujeres entre 25 y 64 años, asalariados y que convivían en pareja (N =4.537). Las variables dependientes fueron el estado de salud percibido, la salud mental, el consumo de psicofármacos y las horas de sueño. Las variables explicativas fueron el número de horas de trabajo remunerado, número de personas en el hogar, la convivencia con menores de 12 años, la convivencia con personas entre 65 y 74 años, la convivencia con personas mayores de 74 años y, tener una persona contratada para realizar trabajo doméstico.Resultados: Convivir con menores de 12 años se asoció negativamente con mala salud y con consumo de psicofármacos en las mujeres; que el consumo de psicofármacos en mujeres estaba relacionado positivamente con la convivencia con personas entre 65 y 74 años y con la convivencia con mayores de 74 años (aOR: 2,60; 95% IC: 1,41-4,80 y aOR: 2,93; 95% IC: 1,58-5,44 respectivamente) y en los dos sexos los largos horarios de trabajo se asociaron con problemas de salud mental aunque en mayor proporción en hombres.Conclusión: La combinación de las exigencias familiares y las horas de trabajo remunerado se asocia con diversos indicadores de salud con diferentes patrones en hombres y en mujeres.
Experience Iowa’s natural beauty and all the fun our state parks off er as you make memories with family and friends. With an array of activities for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages, there’s something for everyone whether you’re visiting for an afternoon or a week. Grab a camera, a loved one or two, a sense of adventure and come explore. Hike to a breathtaking overlook, canoe along a peaceful river, fish for trout, learn about native species, roast marshmallows over the campfire and more at one of Iowa’s 72 state parks.
En la actual concepción bio-psico-social, los Trastornos del Comportamiento Alimentario (TCA) y la obesidad están plurideterminados por factores biológicos, psicológicos y socioculturales que actúan como elementos perpetuantes en el tiempo. Se pueden modificar actitudes contraproducentes con un programa de prevención multidisciplinar y disminuir de modo significativo la población con riesgo de obesidad y de padecer un TCA. Para ello, es necesario desarrollar dichos programas de prevención, previos a la atención primaria, y la estrategia para lograrlo es la intervención ante factores de riesgo, integrada en un conjunto de actividades de educación para la salud más global. Esta propuesta educativa pretende brindar a los profesores de Educación Física una revisión bibliográfica sobre la dimensión que desde la cultura occidental se tiene de los Trastornos del Comportamiento Alimentario (TCA) y la obesidad, al tiempo que promueve la reflexión sobre las posibilidades de intervención que ofrece la Educación Física desde el ámbito educativo en cuanto a la prevención de la obesidad, de los TCA, y de las conductas de riesgo. La presente propuesta de proyecto de prevención quiere destacar la función que cumplen docentes, tutores y tutoras, como acompañantes de los estudiantes, su posición privilegiada para conocerlos de cerca y estar así atentos a sus vivencias y la posibilidad de identificar oportunamente conductas no saludables en estudiantes que necesiten ciertas pautas para mejorar su estilo de vida, modificar sus habitos, o ser derivados para una atención especializada. Por ese motivo, en esta propuesta educativa se invita a los docentes y tutores a revisar sus convicciones personales y cuestionar la manera de pensar sobre la belleza física y el cuidado corporal. Esta reflexión junto a las pautas metodológicas permitirá abordar el tema de los TCA y la obesidad con tacto, respeto y la atención necesaria frente a los sentimientos de los y las estudiantes que se encuentran en un periodo de cambios importantes y con interrogantes en torno a su identidad e imagen corporal
En este trabajo se analizan los estereotipos sexistas detectados en los filmes de la factoría Disney. En este caso, debido a la extensión limitada que debe tener el Trabajo de Final de Grado, solo se analizan cuatro películas: Blancanieves y los siete enanitos, La Sirenita, La Bella y la Bestia, y Aladdín. Se comentan detalladamente los casos de sexismo lingüístico y se citan los casos de sexismo situacional que detectamos durante el visionado de las cintas. Se ofrece, también, una propuesta alternativa de lenguaje no sexista seguido de un breve comentario traductológico de cada una de las propuestas para demostrar que es posible trabajar con un lenguaje igualitario. Además, en este trabajo de investigación se exponen, también, una serie de problemas lingüísticos que por diversos motivos no se han podido solucionar.
Per Maria-Mercè Marçal, la poeta no es pot trobar, no es pot veure, en el «mirall del bell», que sempre han fomentat els discursos dominants. El seu és una altra mena de mirall trencat que reflecteix un ésser complex, híbrid i contaminat que lluita «entre un jo que es vol fer i els múltiples personatges que, des del mirall, li retornen una imatge múltiple». En aquest article, per explorar el tema de l’imaginari femení i el llenguatge poètic, hem escollit dialogar amb Maria- Mercè Marçal i examinar tres dels múltiples bocins que conformen la seva imatge en el mirall. Conversem amb dues mares i un pare simbòlics de l’altre cantó del seu espill, tots tres proveïdors de material ideològic i eixos vertebradors dels assaigs marçalians. Es tracta d’intel·lectuals ben diversos: l’escriptora anglesa Virginia Woolf, el filòsof francès Jacques Derrida i la poeta catalana Maria-Antònia Salvà. En definitiva, dividim la investigació en tres apartats, que volen coincidir amb el diàleg que Marçal suposem que hi mantingué. De primer, amb Virginia Woolf, explorem la necessitat de la poeta de descobrir el sentiment de «fúria» que porta a dins per tal d’assumir la irracionalitat del seu llenguatge. Després, ens endinsem en les teories derridianes sobre la dona i l’escriptura, en un intent de demostrar que ambdues són espècies híbrides que viuen en el llindar, en un espai d’entremig. A l’últim, amb Maria-Antònia Salvà, revisem la imatge de la dona-monstre amb la certesa que «el salvatge» i «l’incert » són el motor del llenguatge poètic femení.
Since the begínning ofAdvertising, art has been a source ofinexhaustible inspiration for the advertising creative, who have used or misused it with any limits. With more or less direct references to artists, pieces or art movements, to references to the act ofart creation itself and certain aesthetic categories. Taking into account the various semantic versions that art offers, with multiple connotative lectures, this use has not been much profitable in many occasions, not as much as it could have been. However, in other circumstances, thís use has been vampirizing, only preoccupied for the audience impact ofa well knowll reference, but despising it and reducing it to a mere reclaim. In the case ofGiocconda by Leonardo da Vinci or the Birth ofVenus by Bottícelli are significant examples ofthis use, maybe popular, ofthe art productíon. That is to say that the depository was used as a source ofreferences to enrich the lectures ofthe advertising pieces (for instance, the excellent Citroen Xsara Picasso advertisement with the fordism mass production chain) or ¡ust to allow a higher t1Otoriety (like the Chupa-Chups advertisement where the Mona Lisa heartily sucks one ofthe mythical sweets with a stick). Thanks to a selected advertising pieces, graphical and audiovisual, we will be able to go through this kind ofadvertising creation logistics, from the moment that this one decided to call out these art references that were sleeping dreamingly Oll the fair in a depository until this strictly cultural moment came.
OBJECTIVE: To assess whether problematic internet use is associated with somatic complaints and whether this association remains when checking for internet activity among a random sample of adolescents living in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey of 3,067 8th graders (50.3% females) divided into average (n = 2,708) and problematic (n = 359) Internet users and compared for somatic complaints (backache, overweight, headaches, musculoskeletal pain, sleep problems and sight problems) controlling for sociodemographic and internet-related variables. Logistic regressions were performed for each complaint and for all of them simultaneously controlling variables significant at the bivariate level. RESULTS: At the multivariate level, when taken separately, problematic internet users were more likely to have a chronic condition (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] with 95% CI: 1.58 [1.11:2.23]) and to report back pain (aOR: 1.46 [1.04:2.05]), overweight (aOR: 1.74 [1.03:2.93]), musculoskeletal pain (aOR: 1.36 [1.00:1.84]) and sleep problems (aOR: 2.16 [1.62:2.88]). When considered in the full model, only sleep problems remained significant (aOR: 2.03 [1.50:2.74]). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that problematic internet users report health problems more frequently, with lack of sleep being the most strongly associated and seeming to act as mediator regarding the other ones. Clinicians should remember to screen for excessive internet use their patients complaining of sleep-related problems, back or musculoskeletal pain or overweight. Clinicians should advise parents to limit the amount of time their adolescent children can spend online for leisure activities. Furthermore, limiting the number of devices used to connect to the internet could help warrant enough sleeping time.
El 2010 la cosmètica va generar un volum de negoci de 5.200 milions a Espanya.
We investigated the changes in both performance and selected physiological parameters following a Live High-Train Low (LHTL) altitude camp in either normobaric hypoxia (NH) or hypobaric hypoxia (HH) replicating current "real" practices of endurance athletes. Well-trained triathletes were split into two groups (NH, n = 14 and HH, n = 13) and completed an 18-d LHTL camp during which they trained at 1100-1200 m and resided at an altitude of 2250 m (PiO2 = 121.7±1.2 vs. 121.4±0.9 mmHg) under either NH (hypoxic chamber; FiO2 15.8±0.8%) or HH (real altitude; barometric pressure 580±23 mmHg) conditions. Oxygen saturations (SpO2) were recorded continuously daily overnight. PiO2 and training loads were matched daily. Before (Pre-) and 1 day after (Post-) LHTL, blood samples, VO2max, and total haemoglobin mass (Hbmass) were measured. A 3-km running test was performed near sea level twice before, and 1, 7, and 21 days following LHTL. During LHTL, hypoxic exposure was lower for the NH group than for the HH group (220 vs. 300 h; P<0.001). Night SpO2 was higher (92.1±0.3 vs. 90.9±0.3%, P<0.001), and breathing frequency was lower in the NH group compared with the HH group (13.9±2.1 vs. 15.5±1.5 breath.min-1, P<0.05). Immediately following LHTL, similar increases in VO2max (6.1±6.8 vs. 5.2±4.8%) and Hbmass (2.6±1.9 vs. 3.4±2.1%) were observed in NH and HH groups, respectively, while 3-km performance was not improved. However, 21 days following the LHTL intervention, 3-km run time was significantly faster in the HH (3.3±3.6%; P<0.05) versus the NH (1.2±2.9%; ns) group. In conclusion, the greater degree of race performance enhancement by day 21 after an 18-d LHTL camp in the HH group was likely induced by a larger hypoxic dose. However, one cannot rule out other factors including differences in sleeping desaturations and breathing patterns, thus suggesting higher hypoxic stimuli in the HH group.
The objective of this work was to evaluate basal temperature, thermal sum at different phenological stages, phenological phase duration, yield and seasonality of one nectarine and 14 peach cultivars, between 2006 and 2009. The considered phenological phases were: pruning-sprouting; sprouting-flowering, from swollen bud to open flower; flowering-fruiting, from petal fall to medium-sized fruit; and ripening. Minimum basal temperatures (Tb) obtained were: pruning-sprouting, 8°C, irrespective of the cultivars; sprouting-flowering, 10°C, except for 'Cascata 968', which required 8°C Tb; flowering-fruiting, 12°C, except for 'Oro Azteca', which required 14°C Tb; ripening, 14°C, except for 'Sunblaze', 'Diamante Mejorado' and 'Precocinho' with 12°C Tb. For most cultivars, the maximum basal temperatures were 30, 34, 34 and 28ºC for phases pruning-sprouting, sprouting-flowering, flowering-fruiting and ripening, respectively. 'Turmalina', 'Marli' and 'Tropic Beauty' showed average yields of 3,945.0, 3,969.3 and 3,954.0 kg ha-1, respectively, in 2009, while the nectarine 'Sunblaze' showed around 3,900 kg ha-1 in 2008 and 2009. The cultivars differed for their total cycle and for the accumulated thermal sums which varied, respectively, from 245 days and 1,881.4 degree-days for 'Oro Azteca', to144 days and 1,455.7 degree-days for 'Precocinho'.
Many bird parasites reduce their hosts' fitness and, as a consequence, anti-parasite behaviour such as preening and nest sanitation has evolved. These activities are time consuming and, during the day, compete directly with time devoted to foraging and food provisioning to nestlings. Moreover, infested hosts may have to allocate extra time to foraging in order to compensate for the energy loss that ectoparasites impose on the nestlings and parents. Alternatively, brooding females could, at the expense of sleeping, allocate more time to preening and nest sanitation at night. If sleeping has a short-term restoring function, one may then expect a reduction in feeding efficiency of sleep-deprived females. In this study, the effect of a haematophagous ectoparasite, the hen flea, on the activity budgets of breeding female great tits during the day and at night was investigated experimentally. Time allocated to nest sanitation increased only slightly from 0.6 % of daytime in ectoparasite-free nests to 2.8% of daytime in infested nests, thus demonstrating the higher priority given to food provisioning than parasite control. Females in infested nests reduced their sleeping time significantly (73.5% of night-time in parasite-free nests versus 48.1% in infested nests). The time freed from the reduction of sleeping time was mainly used for nest sanitation (8.3% of night-time in parasite-free nests versus 27.1% in infested nests). Despite this strong decrease in sleeping time, there was no effect of ectoparasites on the females' rate of food provisioning to nestlings.
According to Ray Harryhausen, a special effects expert in the film industry, "Gustave Doré would have made a great director of photography . . . He saw things from the point of view of the camera." Doré's work has had a permanent impact on the imaginative realm of film since its very early days. In return, the silver screen has etched Doré into the 20th century imagination. Almost every film about the Bible since The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ produced by Pathé in 1902 refers to his illustrations, and every film adaptation of Dante or Don Quixote has used him as a model, from Georg Wilhelm Pabst and Orson Welles to Terry Gilliam. All films dealing with life in London in the Victorian era by directors ranging from David Lean, to Roman Polanski and Tim Burton draw on the visions in London: a pilgrimage for their sets. A large number of dream fantastical or phantasmagorical scenes take their inspiration from Doré's graphic world, beginning with Georges Méliès' A Trip to the Moon in 1902. In the realm of cartoons and animation, Walt Disney owes a huge debt to Doré. Doré primal forests, from Atala in particular, were also used in the various versions of King Kong from 1933 to the 2005 film by Peter Jackson, who had already drawn on Doré for The Lord of the Rings. Jean Cocteau was also indebted to the illustrations for Perrault's Fairy Tales for his Beauty and the Beast (1945), as was George Lucas for the character Chewbacca in Star Wars (1977) and even the Harry Potter film series. Through his influence on film history, Doré shaped the mass culture imagination.
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has become indispensable for the diagnosis and control of hypertension. However, no consensus exists on how daytime and nighttime periods should be defined. OBJECTIVE: To compare daytime and nighttime blood pressure (BP) defined by an actigraph and by body position with BP resulting from arbitrary daytime and nighttime periods. PATIENTS AND METHOD: ABPM, sleeping periods and body position were recorded simultaneously using an actigraph (SenseWear Armband(®)) in patients referred for ABPM. BP results obtained with the actigraph (sleep and position) were compared to the results obtained with fixed daytime (7a.m.-10p.m.) and nighttime (10p.m.-7a.m.) periods. RESULTS: Data from 103 participants were available. More than half of them were taking antihypertensive drugs. Nocturnal BP was lower (systolic BP: 2.08±4.50mmHg; diastolic BP: 1.84±2.99mmHg, P<0.05) and dipping was more marked (systolic BP: 1.54±3.76%; diastolic BP: 2.27±3.48%, P<0.05) when nighttime was defined with the actigraph. Standing BP was higher (systolic BP 1.07±2.81mmHg; diastolic BP: 1.34±2.50mmHg) than daytime BP defined by a fixed period. CONCLUSION: Diurnal BP, nocturnal BP and dipping are influenced by the definition of daytime and nighttime periods. Studies evaluating the prognostic value of each method are needed to clarify which definition should be used.
In 1992, the American academy of paediatrics has recommended that infants be placed on their backs to sleep, because prone sleeping has been correlated with sudden infant death syndrome. Following this article, medical paediatric community has documented an exponential increase in the diagnosis of posterior cranial deformities, which were considered as the consequence of unrelieved pressure onto the occiput during infant sleep. These last 15 years, management of posterior positional plagiocephaly has evolved but is still not standardized; it varies according to local specificities, and medical or parental preferences. Treatment of deformational plagiocephaly includes preventive counseling, repositioning adjustments and exercises, physiotherapy, osteopathy, treatment by dynamic cranial orthosis. On extremely rare occasions, corrective surgery is proposed. This article aims at reviewing the epidemiologic, diagnostic, and various therapeutic options of posterior positional plagiocephaly.
Objective: Local shockwave-application (SW) has shown to improve healing of various tissues and decrease necrosis of flaps. Though, there is no data about the optimal time-point of SW-application with regard to induction of ischemia (i.e. flap elevation) and subsequent effect on flap survival. Therefore we compared 2 shock-wave protocols in a model of persistent ischemia and investigated underlying mechanisms. Methods: 18 C57BL/6-mice equipped with a skinfold chamber containing a musculocutaneous flap were assigned to 3 experimental groups: 1. One session of 500 SWimpulses at 0·15 mJ/mm2 applied 24 hrs before (preconditioning) or 2. Applied 30 min after flap elevation (treatment). 3. Untreated flaps (control). Tissue necrosis,microhemodynamics, inflammation, apoptosis and angiogenesis were assessed by intravital epi-fluorescence microscopy over 10 days. Results: SW significantly reduced flap necrosis independent from the application time-point (preconditioning: 29 ± 7%; treatment: 25 ± 7% vs. control: 47 ± 2%; d10, p<0·05). This was associated with an early increase of functional capillary density (preconditioning: 236 ± 39 cm/cm2; treatment: 211 ± 33 cm/cm2 vs. control: 141 ± 7 cm/cm2; day1, p<0·05). Arteriolar diameter, red blood cell velocity and blood flow were comparable between the 3 experimental groups. SW-application significantly decreased the ischemiainduced inflammatory response (apoptotic cell death and leukocyte-endothelial interaction: (p<0·05)). Sprouts indicating angiogenesis were observed from day 7 only after SW-application. Conclusions: SW protects ischemically challenged musculocutaneous tissue. Interestingly, postoperative SW-application is as efficient as preoperative SWapplication. The protective effect induced by mechanical stress might be based on an early recruitment of ''sleeping capillaries'' maintaining nutritive perfusion and an anti-inflammatory effect within the ischemically jeopardized tissue. SWapplication provides a non-invasive alternative to local thermic and systemic pre-treatment of endangered tissues.