549 resultados para Slave insurrections
Negli ultimi anni i progressi tecnologici in termini di miniaturizzazione elettronica, hanno permesso la realizzazione di componenti hardware ed in particolare di microprocessori e sensori dalle dimensioni ridottissime. Questo ha favorito la recente diffusione di reti di sensori wireless (Wireless Sensor Network) basate su sistemi embedded più o meno complessi ed applicate a settori di mercato che vanno dalla domotica alle applicazioni industriali, fino al monitoraggio dei pazienti. Lo scopo di questa tesi, svolta in collaborazione con la società Rinnova di Forlì, consiste nell’implementazione di un dimostratore che mostri la reale capacità di realizzare una rete WS che si appoggia su di un sistema embedded commerciale ed ampiamente diffuso come la piattaforma Arduino ed in grado di rilevare il livello di ammoniaca presente negli allevamenti di pollame. Tale gas infatti, se presente in quantità notevole, provoca una dannosa alterazione comportamentale dei polli e risulta quindi un parametro molto importante da monitorare. Oltre al sensore di ammoniaca, misurazione principale richiesta dal progetto, ne sono stati aggiunti uno per la temperatura ed uno per l’umidità. L’architettura finale implementata è quella tipica di una rete a stella, in cui il master centrale colleziona a polling i dati provenienti dai sensori collegati agli slave e li invia ad un server web, rendendoli accessibili mediante la rete Internet. L’utente finale può così accedere alla pagina web da un qualunque PC dotato di connessione Internet, monitorare i dati dei sensori e soprattutto verificare quando il livello di ammoniaca supera la soglia di attenzione, potendo così intervenire immediatamente nell’allevamento per effettuare le dovute operazioni di pulizia.
This Ph.D. dissertation reports on the work performed at the Wireless Communication Laboratory - University of Bologna and National Research Council - as well as, for six months, at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuit (IIS) in Nürnberg. The work of this thesis is in the area of wireless communications, especially with regards to cooperative communications aspects in narrow-band and ultra-wideband systems, cooperative links characterization, network geometry, power allocation techniques,and synchronization between nodes. The underpinning of this work is devoted to developing a general framework for design and analysis of wireless cooperative communication systems, which depends on propagation environment, transmission technique, diversity method, power allocation for various scenarios and relay positions. The optimal power allocation for minimizing the bit error probability at the destination is derived. In addition, a syncronization algorithm for master-slave communications is proposed with the aim of jointly compensate the clock drift and offset of wireless nodes composing the network.
This dissertation explores how diseases contributed to shape historical institutions and how health and diseases are still affecting modern comparative development. The overarching goal of this investigation is to identify the channels linking geographic suitability to diseases and the emergence of historical and modern insitutions, while tackling the endogenenity problems that traditionally undermine this literature. I attempt to do so by taking advantage of the vast amount of newly available historical data and of the richness of data accessible through the geographic information system (GIS). The first chapter of my thesis, 'Side Effects of Immunities: The African Slave Trade', proposes and test a novel explanation for the origins of slavery in the tropical regions of the Americas. I argue that Africans were especially attractive for employment in tropical areas because they were immune to many of the diseases that were ravaging those regions. In particular, Africans' resistance to malaria increased the profitability of slaves coming from the most malarial parts of Africa. In the second chapter of my thesis, 'Caste Systems and Technology in Pre-Modern Societies', I advance and test the hypothesis that caste systems, generally viewed as a hindrance to social mobility and development, had been comparatively advantageous at an early stage of economic development. In the third chapter, 'Malaria as Determinant of Modern Ethnolinguistic Diversity', I conjecture that in highly malarious areas the necessity to adapt and develop immunities specific to the local disease environment historically reduced mobility and increased isolation, thus leading to the formation of a higher number of different ethnolinguistic groups. In the final chapter, 'Malaria Risk and Civil Violence: A Disaggregated Analysis for Africa', I explore the relationship between malaria and violent conflicts. Using georeferenced data for Africa, the article shows that violent events are more frequent in areas where malaria risk is higher.
In meiner Dissertation beschäftigte ich mich mit unterschiedlichen Verteidungsstrategien, derenrnEffektivität und Evolution, der Ameisenart Temnothorax longispinosus (“Sklaven”), gegenüberrneinem sozialen Parasiten - der nahverwandten, sklavenhaltenden Art Protomognathusrnamericanus (“Sklavenhalter”). Wir entdeckten eine neue Kategorie der Verteidigungsstrategie,rnwelche es dem Wirten ermöglicht, flexibel auf die nicht vorhersagbaren Angriffe des Parasitenrnzu reagieren. Darüber hinaus erforschten wir, wie die Wirte ihre kollektive Verteidigung an einernVielzahl unterschiedlicher Angreifer anpassen können. Wir konnten feststellen, dass Wirte in derrnLage sind ihre kollektive Verteidigung dem Grad der Bedrohung anzupassen. Dies weist daraufrnhin, dass Selektion die Verteidigung gegen unterschiedliche Typen von Angreifern voneinanderrnunabhängig beeinflussen könnte. In einer dritten Studie belegten wir experimentell, dass diernParasiten die Evolution der Kolonieaggressivität der Wirtsart direkt beeinflussen. Die letztenrnbeiden Publikationen beschäftigten sich mit Sklavenrebellion, einer rätselhaftenrnVerteidigungsstrategie, da noch unklar ist, wie eine Eigenschaft von nicht reproduzierendenrnIndividuen vererbt werden kann. In einer Metaanalyse konnten wir die weite Verbreitung undrnhohe Variabilität dieser Eigenschaft dokumentieren, und fanden Hinweise, dassrnVerwandtenselektion eine mögliche Erklärung für die Evolution dieses Merkmals darstellenrnkönnte.
La tesi sviluppa, attraverso un processo definito e gestito, una libreria Android che permette di far comunicare diversi dispositivi mobili tramite Bluetooth. Inoltre gestisce: • le richieste di connessione sia che esse provengano dall’esterno, sia che partano dal dispositivo stesso; • la dinamicità del sistema utilizzando dispositivi mobili, cioè capaci di muoversi in diverse direzioni costantemente. In tal senso, la lista dei dispositivi vicini è costantemente aggiornata. • la comunicazione in stile Peer-to-Peer(P2P). In questo caso si viene a formare un gap in quanto la libreria Android di Bluetooth usa lo stile Master-Slave per i suoi dispositivi. Per colmare questo gap, la libreria sviluppata crea un layer soprastante la libreria Bluetooth di Android e maschera lo stile di comunicazione di quest’ultima a favo- re di una comunicazione paritaria, nella quale un dispositivo può sia accettare le richieste di connessione, sia connettersi ad altri dispositivi.
In this paper, I will argue that Canadian author Margaret Atwood uses fiscal and socially conservative dystopias to show how sex work and prostitution are choices that women would never have to make in a world with true gender equality. In these radically different worlds, women have no agency beyond their sexuality and no ability to express themselves as equals within either society. And while the structures of both societies, the society of The Handmaid’s Tale and that of both Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood, are inherently different, they both stem from modern conservative philosophies: for example, the country of Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale holds Christian conservative beliefs on the role of religion in the state and the culturally designated roles of women. I define social conservatism as the idea that government organizations are used to pursue an agenda promoting traditional religious values such as “public morality” and opposing “immoralities” such as abortion, prostitution, and homosexuality. I define fiscal conservatism as an agenda promoting privatization of the market, deregulation and lower taxes. In this paper I argue that because these philosophies are incompatible with gender equality, they drive women to occupations such as sex work. Women find that they have no choices and sex work provides something to “trade.” For Offred, this “trading” is more limited, because she is a sex slave. For Oryx, this trading allows her to travel to the West, yet not before her childhood is marked by prostitution and pornography. Sex work allows for Ren to reclaim some agency over her life, yet she only chooses sex work because she is presented with few other options. All of these issues stem from the philosophies that define these dystopias.
In mid-July 2003, the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive & Armaments Command (TACOM) performed a series of experiments at Keweenaw Research Center (KRC), with a remote operated mine roller system. This system, named Panther Lite, consists of two M113 Armored Personnel Carriers (APC’s) connected by a Tandem Vehicle Linkage Assembly (TVLA). The system has three sets of mine rollers, two of which are connected to the front of the lead vehicle with one set trailing from the trail vehicle. Currently, the system requires two joystick controllers. One regulates the braking of the tracks, throttle, and transmission of the lead vehicle and the other controls the braking and throttle of the rear vehicle. One operator controls both joysticks, attempting to maneuver the lead vehicle along a desired path. At the same time, this operator makes compensation maneuvers to reduce lateral loads in the TVLA and to guide the rear mine rollers along the desired path. The purpose of this project is to create algorithms that would allow the slave (trail) vehicle to operate using inputs that maneuver the control (lead) vehicle. The project will be completed by first reconstructing the experimental data. Kinematic models will be generated and simulations created. The models will then be correlated with the reconstructions of the experimental data. The successful completion of this project will be a first step to eliminating the need for the second joystick.
Bluetooth wireless technology is a robust short-range communications system designed for low power (10 meter range) and low cost. It operates in the 2.4 GHz Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) band and it employs two techniques for minimizing interference: a frequency hopping scheme which nominally splits the 2.400 - 2.485 GHz band in 79 frequency channels and a time division duplex (TDD) scheme which is used to switch to a new frequency channel on 625 μs boundaries. During normal operation a Bluetooth device will be active on a different frequency channel every 625 μs, thus minimizing the chances of continuous interference impacting the performance of the system. The smallest unit of a Bluetooth network is called a piconet, and can have a maximum of eight nodes. Bluetooth devices must assume one of two roles within a piconet, master or slave, where the master governs quality of service and the frequency hopping schedule within the piconet and the slave follows the master’s schedule. A piconet must have a single master and up to 7 active slaves. By allowing devices to have roles in multiple piconets through time multiplexing, i.e. slave/slave or master/slave, the Bluetooth technology allows for interconnecting multiple piconets into larger networks called scatternets. The Bluetooth technology is explored in the context of enabling ad-hoc networks. The Bluetooth specification provides flexibility in the scatternet formation protocol, outlining only the mechanisms necessary for future protocol implementations. A new protocol for scatternet formation and maintenance - mscat - is presented and its performance is evaluated using a Bluetooth simulator. The free variables manipulated in this study include device activity and the probabilities of devices performing discovery procedures. The relationship between the role a device has in the scatternet and it’s probability of performing discovery was examined and related to the scatternet topology formed. The results show that mscat creates dense network topologies for networks of 30, 50 and 70 nodes. The mscat protocol results in approximately a 33% increase in slaves/piconet and a reduction of approximately 12.5% of average roles/node. For 50 node scenarios the set of parameters which creates the best determined outcome is unconnected node inquiry probability (UP) = 10%, master node inquiry probability (MP) = 80% and slave inquiry probability (SP) = 40%. The mscat protocol extends the Bluetooth specification for formation and maintenance of scatternets in an ad-hoc network.
Saint Margaret, as presented in the “Katherine Group” life of the virgin martyr, claims to have Christ’s “marks” and “seals” on her. Bringing together postmodern theories of body modification and Paul Zumthor’s concept of mouvance, this essay reads these marks as tattoos that consist of virtual (tattoo fantasies), oral (tattoo narratives), and written elements (the actual marks on skin). Margaret defends and empowers herself by claiming to possess Christ’s ownership tattoo. Her oppressor Olibrius, in turn, intends to overwrite that mark palimpsestically and hence to empower himself, not unlike slave-owners in antiquity. While the gruesome torture scenes suggest that Olibrius wins the upper hand in this contest, the outcome of the narrative instead proves that Margaret triumphs. She dies a virgin after defiantly appropriating, in her tattoo narrative, the torture marks as her own, divine tattoo.
The awakening of national consciousness went hand in hand in Bohemia with an anxiety about national disappearance. In this context, the recourse to Pan-Slavism was for the Czechs a way to encourage themselves through the idea of belonging to a great Slavic world, while the Slavic Congress organized in Prague in 1848 was an attempt to realize this ideal. The Congress was a failure from the political point of view, but it did have some socio-cultural repercussions: notably, it served as a pretext for the advancement of women's issues in Bohemia. It is indeed in the wake of the Congress that Honorata z Wiśniowskich Zapová, a Polish women settled in Prague after her marriage to a Czech intellectual, founded, under the guise of collaboration between all Slavic women, the first women's association, as well as a (very short-lived) Czech-Polish institute, where Czech, as well as Polish girls, could get a quality education in their mother tongue. Honorata was undoubtedly the source of the polonophilia wind that seemed to blow over the Czech emancipation movement in the second half of the nineteenth century. In particular, Karolina Světlá showed in her Memoirs a great recognition for Honorata's efforts in matters of emancipation and education, and explicitly took up the challenge launched by the latter in founding another women's association and in inaugurating a school for underprivileged girls. But the tribute Světlá paid to Honorata is even more evident in her literary work, where Poland and the Polish woman (who often wears Honorata's features) play a significant role (see for example her short novel Sisters or her story A Few Days in the Life of a Prague Dandy). Světlá was probably the Czech feminist writer who, in her activities and in her work, relied most strongly on the Polish woman as a model for the Czech woman. However, she wasn't alone. In general, it was a characteristic of the Czech feminist movement of the second half of the nineteenth century to have recourse to the Polish woman and to Poland as a landmark for comparison and as a goal to be achieved.
As Death of a Salesman opens, Willy Loman returns home “tired to the death” (p. 13). Lost in reveries about the beautiful countryside and the past, he's been driving off the road; and now he wants a cheese sandwich. But Linda's suggestion that he try a new American-type cheese — “It's whipped” (p. 16) — irritates Willy: “Why do you get American when I like Swiss?” (p. 17). His anger at being contradicted unleashes an indictment of modern industrialized America: The street is lined with cars. There's not a breath of fresh air in the neighborhood. The grass don't grow any more, you can't raise a carrot in the back yard. (p. 17). In the old days, “This time of year it was lilac and wisteria.” Now: “Smell the stink from that apartment house! And another one on the other side…” (pp. 17–18). But just as Willy defines the conflict between nature and industry, he pauses and simply wonders: “How can they whip cheese?” (p. 18). The clash between the old agrarian ideal and capitalistic enterprise is well documented in the literature on Death of a Salesman, as is the spiritual shift from Thomas Jefferson to Andrew Carnegie to Dale Carnegie that the play reflects. The son of a pioneer inventor and the slave to broken machines, Willy Loman seems to epitomize the victim of modern technology.
During the American colonization in the 18th and 19th century, Africans were captured and shipped to America. Harsh living and working conditions often led to chronic diseases and high mortality rates. Slaves in the Caribbean were forced to work mainly on sugar plantations. They were buried in cemeteries like Anse Sainte-Marguerite on the isle of Grande-Terre (Guadeloupe) which was examined by archaeologists and physical anthropologists. Morphological studies on osseous remains of 148 individuals revealed 15 cases with signs for bone tuberculosis and a high frequency of periosteal reactions which indicates early stages of the disease. 11 bone samples from these cemeteries were analysed for ancient DNA. The samples were extracted with established procedures and examined for the cytoplasmic multicopy β-actin gene and Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA (IS 6110) by PCR. An amplification product for M. tuberculosis with the size of 123 bp was obtained. Sequencing confirmed the result. This study shows evidence of M. tuberculosis complex DNA in a Caribbean slave population.
Haiti, conocida en la época colonial como 'la Perla de las Antillas', su economía se organizó entorno a la producción de azúcar que proveían a través de Francia al resto de Europa. De este modo 70de la producción de azúcar era consumido en Europa y más del 60del café. Con una lógica que perseguía obtener los máximos rindes, buscaron mano de obra esclava en el África Subsahariana, población que directamente reemplazó a la originaria. Así comienza a plantearse el desarrollo de un tipo de economía en Haiti, que traería graves consecuencias ambientales hasta la actualidad. Hoy es el país más pobre de América, con una esperanza de vida de alrededor de 60 años, y la tasa de analfabetismo del 52. Ubicado en un área tropical, es frecuente que sufra el impacto de las tormentas tropicales y ciclones que, como consecuencia de una tala desmedida de laforestación originaria, las inundaciones acentúan los problemas, a lo que se suman los problemas sanitarios inherentes a un nivel de vida con tantas carencias; y a la preponderancia de minifundios en el área rural, llevan a conformar un escenario de enorme vulnerabilidad. En el año 2010, una triste noticia pondría a Haïti en el centro de la escena mundial: el terremoto de marzo de ese año que afectara el área de Puerto Príncipe dejando alrededor de 300.000 muertos y más de un millón de damnificados. En la actualidad la presencia debarrios enteros viviendo en carpas en espacios públicos, son una expresión de la vigencia de dicho evento. Sin embargo, desde mediados de la década pasada tienen lugar proyectos que intentan territorializar una experiencia argentina de reconocido impacto en procura de atender las necesidades de la población con mayor vulnerabilidad que habita en los espacios rurales. Se trata del Programa Pro Huerta, que desde hace más de veinte años se desarrolla en Argentina y se propuso en el ámbito de este país desde la perspectiva de la cooperación internacional. De este modo, en distintos departamentos de Haiti con el trabajo en conjunto de diversos países ponen en marcha un proyecto social de seguridad alimentaria. La finalidad es el análisis de la territorialización de la experiencia Pro Huerta Haiti a partir del enfoque de cooperación internacional del cual Argentina participa junto con Canadá y Haiti. Entre los resultados y aportes de esta investigación, se pudo constatar que en Haïtí se fortalecen las redes sociales, la familia, el trabajo solidario, la salud y en conjunto contribuyen a fortalecer la soberanía alimentaria, en un país con grandes carencias y gran vulnerabilidad. Asimismo, es interesante resaltar que el modelo de Cooperación Sur-Sur que la Argentina desarrolla, desde una visión horizontal donde nuestro país camina junto a Haití y Canadá en el aprendizaje cotidiano del crecimiento conjunto, donde cada país tiene mucho por seguir aprendiendo
El presente trabajo propone una lectura de la primera novela de Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá -La renuncia del héroe Baltasar- a partir del concepto de los comienzos teorizado por Edward Said, en tanto es posible advertir en ella una condensación de sentidos que el autor retoma, explora y continúa en su obra posterior. Por otra parte la novela aborda también, desde la ficción, los orígenes de la nacionalidad puertorriqueña mediante metáforas eróticas que dan cuenta de las relaciones de tensión entre blancos, mulatos y negros en la sociedad colonial puertorriqueña del siglo XVIII. En los conflictos derivados del esclavismo convergen espacios tales como el palenque, revueltas de esclavos, acciones características del cimarronaje como las fugas, es decir, diferentes imágenes que vinculan estrechamente esta obra en particular y textos posteriores del autor con una dimensión mayor, que excede los límites nacionales de Puerto Rico para abarcar la historia antillana.
El presente artículo es una aproximación a la situación laboral y jurídica de los afrodescendientes, esclavizados y libertos, en la frontera uruguayo-brasileña, en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, particularmente en lo que hace a su captura y secuestro para ser vendidos como mano de obra esclavizada cuando ya estaba abolida la esclavitud en el Uruguay. A diferencia del proceso de liberación ocurrido en Montevideo y sur uruguayo, la persistencia de mano de obra servil, ya sea como esclavos reconocidos en su condición de tal o como peones contratados, formulismo legal adoptado para disfrazar su condición de esclavizados ante las leyes uruguayas, persistió hasta finales del siglo XIX en las estancias de la frontera norte y este de ese país. Con el fin del tráfico negrero atlántico, se desarrolló en esos territorios un intenso tráfico subregional que abasteció la demanda de mano de obra esclavizada de los saladeros de Pelotas y de la cafeicultura de São Paulo y Río de Janeiro. Ese tráfico cuestiona el poder del Estado Oriental de hacer valer las leyes en el territorio y demuestra la dependencia del Brasil durante el período.