572 resultados para Simulador Orçamentário


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Using formal methods, the developer can increase software s trustiness and correctness. Furthermore, the developer can concentrate in the functional requirements of the software. However, there are many resistance in adopting this software development approach. The main reason is the scarcity of adequate, easy to use, and useful tools. Developers typically write code and test it. These tests usually consist of executing the program and checking its output against its requirements. This, however, is not always an exhaustive discipline. On the other side, using formal methods one might be able to investigate the system s properties further. Unfortunately, specification languages do not always have tools like animators or simulators, and sometimes there are no friendly Graphical User Interfaces. On the other hand, specification languages usually have a compiler which normally generates a Labeled Transition System (LTS). This work proposes an application that provides graphical animation for formal specifications using the LTS as input. The application initially supports the languages B, CSP, and Z. However, using a LTS in a specified XML format, it is possible to animate further languages. Additionally, the tool provides traces visualization, the choices the user did, in a graphical tree. The intention is to improve the comprehension of a specification by providing information about errors and animating it, as the developers do for programming languages, such as Java and C++.


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Alongside the advances of technologies, embedded systems are increasingly present in our everyday. Due to increasing demand for functionalities, many tasks are split among processors, requiring more efficient communication architectures, such as networks on chip (NoC). The NoCs are structures that have routers with channel point-to-point interconnect the cores of system on chip (SoC), providing communication. There are several networks on chip in the literature, each with its specific characteristics. Among these, for this work was chosen the Integrated Processing System NoC (IPNoSyS) as a network on chip with different characteristics compared to general NoCs, because their routing components also accumulate processing function, ie, units have functional able to execute instructions. With this new model, packets are processed and routed by the router architecture. This work aims at improving the performance of applications that have repetition, since these applications spend more time in their execution, which occurs through repeated execution of his instructions. Thus, this work proposes to optimize the runtime of these structures by employing a technique of instruction-level parallelism, in order to optimize the resources offered by the architecture. The applications are tested on a dedicated simulator and the results compared with the original version of the architecture, which in turn, implements only packet level parallelism


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The separation methods are reduced applications as a result of the operational costs, the low output and the long time to separate the uids. But, these treatment methods are important because of the need for extraction of unwanted contaminants in the oil production. The water and the concentration of oil in water should be minimal (around 40 to 20 ppm) in order to take it to the sea. Because of the need of primary treatment, the objective of this project is to study and implement algorithms for identification of polynomial NARX (Nonlinear Auto-Regressive with Exogenous Input) models in closed loop, implement a structural identification, and compare strategies using PI control and updated on-line NARX predictive models on a combination of three-phase separator in series with three hydro cyclones batteries. The main goal of this project is to: obtain an optimized process of phase separation that will regulate the system, even in the presence of oil gushes; Show that it is possible to get optimized tunings for controllers analyzing the mesh as a whole, and evaluate and compare the strategies of PI and predictive control applied to the process. To accomplish these goals a simulator was used to represent the three phase separator and hydro cyclones. Algorithms were developed for system identification (NARX) using RLS(Recursive Least Square), along with methods for structure models detection. Predictive Control Algorithms were also implemented with NARX model updated on-line, and optimization algorithms using PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). This project ends with a comparison of results obtained from the use of PI and predictive controllers (both with optimal state through the algorithm of cloud particles) in the simulated system. Thus, concluding that the performed optimizations make the system less sensitive to external perturbations and when optimized, the two controllers show similar results with the assessment of predictive control somewhat less sensitive to disturbances


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Os sensores inteligentes são dispositivos que se diferenciam dos sensores comuns por apresentar capacidade de processamento sobre os dados monitorados. Eles tipicamente são compostos por uma fonte de alimentação, transdutores (sensores e atuadores), memória, processador e transceptor. De acordo com o padrão IEEE 1451 um sensor inteligente pode ser dividido em módulos TIM e NCAP que devem se comunicar através de uma interface padronizada chamada TII. O módulo NCAP é a parte do sensor inteligente que comporta o processador. Portanto, ele é o responsável por atribuir a característica de inteligência ao sensor. Existem várias abordagens que podem ser utilizadas para o desenvolvimento desse módulo, dentre elas se destacam aquelas que utilizam microcontroladores de baixo custo e/ou FPGA. Este trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura hardware/software para um módulo NCAP segundo o padrão IEEE 1451.1. A infra-estrutura de hardware é composta por um driver de interface RS-232, uma memória RAM de 512kB, uma interface TII, o processador embarcado NIOS II e um simulador do módulo TIM. Para integração dos componentes de hardware é utilizada ferramenta de integração automática SOPC Builder. A infra-estrutura de software é composta pelo padrão IEEE 1451.1 e pela aplicação especí ca do NCAP que simula o monitoramento de pressão e temperatura em poços de petróleo com o objetivo de detectar vazamento. O módulo proposto é embarcado em uma FPGA e para a sua prototipação é usada a placa DE2 da Altera que contém a FPGA Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6. O processador embarcado NIOS II é utilizado para dar suporte à infra-estrutura de software do NCAP que é desenvolvido na linguagem C e se baseia no padrão IEEE 1451.1. A descrição do comportamento da infra-estrutura de hardware é feita utilizando a linguagem VHDL


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Neste trabalho são apresentadas duas técnicas para a avaliação da dispersão, num corpo d'água receptor, do efluente líquido de uma refinaria de petróleo. Assim, a pluma de dispersão foi caracterizada por medidas em campo de condutividade elétrica e por simulação computacional (simulador Cormix). Como caso de estudo, escolheu-se uma refinaria de petróleo cujo efluente é lançado no rio Atibaia (Paulínia/SP). O comportamento do efluente foi avaliado em um trecho de 1000 m após o ponto de lançamento. Os resultados demonstraram que a medição da condutividade elétrica é uma técnica adequada para a avaliação da dispersão de efluentes líquidos de refinaria de petróleo, pois apresentam alta condutividade elétrica e, com isso, há um forte contraste entre os valores do efluente e do rio. Além disso, outros parâmetros de qualidade da água do rio seguiram comportamento de dispersão semelhante ao da condutividade. A pluma de dispersão gerada pelo simulador computacional apresentou uma elevada concordância com os dados obtidos em campo. Nesse sentido, a simulação computacional pode ser uma ferramenta útil para a avaliação da dispersão do efluente considerando-se cenários hipotéticos, e para projetos de emissários.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the control in pre-emergence of the weeds brachiaria grass (Brachiaria decumbens) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) in different depths in the ground, for the oxyfluorfen and isoxaflutole herbicides, applied in pre-emergence condition and submitted of different rain blades. The experimental design was entirely at random, with four repetitions. Each set was consisted of plastic vases with substratum capacity of 4L, filled with arenaceous ground, increased of brachiaria grass and goosegrass seeds in the depths: 0,5; 1,0; 3,0; 6,0 and 9,0 cm. Doses of 37,5 g a.i. ha -1 of isoxaflutole and 720 g a.i. ha -1 of oxyfluorfen were used. The rain blades was 5, 10 and 20 mm applied with a stationary rain simulator, beyond a treatment without rain. Visual evaluations of control at 7 and 14 days had been carried through after application of the herbicides, counting of germinated plants and dry biomass of plants without application. The development of both weeds was inhibited by herbicides, reaching 100% of control, in all depth levels. The different rain blades had not influenced the control of the weeds. In the biggest depth of sowing (9,0 cm), the emergence was above 45% to B. decumbens and 36% to E. indica in treatments without herbicides application.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)