996 resultados para Sigmundr Brestisson, d. 1002.


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The behavior of tandem pin heterojunctions based on a-SiC: H alloys is investigated under different optical and electrical bias conditions. The devices are optimized to act as optically selective wavelength filters. Depending on the device configuration (optical gaps, thickness, sequence of cells in the stack structure) and on the applied voltage (positive or negative) and optical bias (wavelength, intensity, frequency) it is possible to combine the wavelength discrimination function with the self amplification of the signal. This wavelength nonlinearity allows the amplification or the rejection of a weak signal-impulse. The device works as an active tunable optical filter for wavelength selection and can be used as an add/drop multiplexer (ADM) which enables data to enter and leave an optical network bit stream without having to demultiplex the stream. Results show that, even under weak transient input signals, the background wavelength controls the output signal. This nonlinearity, due to the transient asymmetrical light penetration of the input channels across the device together with the modification on the electrical field profile due to the optical bias, allows tuning an input channel without demultiplexing the stream. This high optical nonlinearity makes the optimized devices attractive for the amplification of all optical signals. Transfer characteristics effects due to changes in steady state light, control d.c. voltage and applied light pulses are presented. Based on the experimental results and device configuration an optoelectronic model is developed. The transfer characteristics effects due to changes in steady state light, dc control voltage or applied light pulses are simulated and compared with the experimental data. A good agreement was achieved.


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Ramsey pricing has been proposed in the pharmaceutical industry as a principle to price discriminate among markets while allowing to recover the (fixed) R&D cost. However, such analyses neglect the presence of insurance or the fund raising costs for most of drug reimbursement. By incorporating these new elements, we aim at providing some building blocks towards an economic theory incorporating Ramsey pricing and insurance coverage. We show how coinsurance affects the optimal prices to pay for the R&D investment. We also show that under certain conditions, there is no strategic incentive by governments to set coinsurance rates in order to shift the financial burden of R&D. This will have important implications to the application of Ramsey pricing principles to pharmaceutical products across countries.


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An improved class of Boussinesq systems of an arbitrary order using a wave surface elevation and velocity potential formulation is derived. Dissipative effects and wave generation due to a time-dependent varying seabed are included. Thus, high-order source functions are considered. For the reduction of the system order and maintenance of some dispersive characteristics of the higher-order models, an extra O(mu 2n+2) term (n ??? N) is included in the velocity potential expansion. We introduce a nonlocal continuous/discontinuous Galerkin FEM with inner penalty terms to calculate the numerical solutions of the improved fourth-order models. The discretization of the spatial variables is made using continuous P2 Lagrange elements. A predictor-corrector scheme with an initialization given by an explicit RungeKutta method is also used for the time-variable integration. Moreover, a CFL-type condition is deduced for the linear problem with a constant bathymetry. To demonstrate the applicability of the model, we considered several test cases. Improved stability is achieved.


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Electronics Letters Vol.38, nº 19


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L'analyse pollinique des sédiments argileux, riches en macrorestes de végétaux, du "Belasien» (Crétacé inférieur) de Buarcos a permis reconnaître la présence d'une riche microflore. On a, nottament, reconnu la présence de: Concavisporites punctatus, Auritulinosporites complexis, Chomotriletes sp., Trilobosporites cf. bernissartensis, Apiculatisporites vulgaris, Cicatricosisporites sp. 1, Cicatricosisporites sp. 2. Cicatricosisporites sp. 3, Cicatricosisporites sp. 4, Cicatricosisporites sp. 5, Cicatricosisporites sp. 6. Costatoperforosporites fistulosus, Ceratosporites sp. l, C. cf. equalis, Ischyosporites teixeirae n. sp., Liburnisporites sp. AequitriraditeS cf. spinulosus, Cedripites lusitanicus, Clavatipollenites cf. hughesi. Après discution de la stratigraphie des diffèrentes espèces on sugère une âge barremo-aptien pour cette association malgré la présence de l'ensemble Apiculalisporites vulgaris-Classopollls major plutôt d'âge Aptien.


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Dissertação de doutoramento em História dos Descobrimentos e da Expansão Portuguesa


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Les résultats des études PISA – aussi bien en ce qui concerne celle de 2000 comme celle de 2003 - n’ont guêre été satisfaisants pour de nombreux pays de l’OCDE (ce n’est pas le cas pour la Belgique!). Par exemple Portugal, s’il présente des résultats comparables à la moyenne des pays européens ou même supérieurs pour la région de Lisbonne et la vallée du Tage, présente des résultats inférieurs pour l’ensemble du territoire. La Suisse est, curieusement, un autre pays qui se situe en deçà des expectatives. Selon le rapport 2003 (Ramalho, 2004 :50), les études comparatives en littéracie (lecture) et en numéracie n’ont pas ©montré de différence significative par rapport aux résultats de 2000. Nous avons pris connaissance €™une étude suisse qui avait pris pour point de ©part des résultats également ©favorables, pour ce pays, au même rapport PISA : cette recherche analyse l’insertion socio-économique des familles comme également l’influence des transmissions familiales sur les parcours scolaires des élèves.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo caracterizar a desnutrição protéico-energética associada a parasitose intestinal em grupo de 149 crianças de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 3 a 72 meses, da cidade de Mirassol D'Oeste, na região do Projeto Polonoroeste em Mato Grosso. De cada criança foram coletados os seguintes dados: sexo, peso, idade e amostra de fezes para exame parasitológico. Os dados peso/idade obtidos foram analisados pelos critérios de GOMEZ. Utilizou-se como padrão de referência o National Center for Health Statistic (NCHS). Para diagnóstico dos parasitas intestinais executou-se o método de Hoffman, Pons e Janer. O grupo estudado constitui-se em sua maioria de crianças desnutridas, sendo a forma leve de desnutrição mais comum que as formas moderada e grave. As enteroparasitoses foram encontradas em 69% das amostras examinadas. A "Giardia lamblia" foi o protozoário mais comum e o "Ancilostomídeo" o helminto mais encontrado. O teste X² não mostrou relação de depenªncia entre o estado nutricional e a freqüência de enteroparasitoses.


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Thèse pour obtenir le grade de DOCTEUR DE L' UNIVERSITÉ PARIS XII, Discipline: Urbanisme Aménagement


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Paper presented at the 9th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK, 4-5 Sep. 2008. URL: http://academic-conferences.org/eckm/eckm2008/eckm08-home.htm


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Espaces et sociétés, N.79, modes de vie et société portugaise, pág. 93-106


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Le test ELISA-TÉTANOS (Biosys, France) a été utilisé pour le titrage des anti-corps tétaniques (sensibilité = 0,0025 UI/ml) en sérums humains de donneurs de sang, 566 hommes et 108 femmes, âges de 18 à 58 ans, moyenne de 29 ans, provenant de São Paulo, SP, Brésil. L'OMS, acceptant seulement la séroneutralisation sur souris (NT), la méthode de référence, pour les études sur la protection contre le tétanos, préconise le titre de 0,01 UI/ml comme minimum protecteur. BOURLEAUD & HUET ont proposé la limite de 0,06 UI/ml quand s'emploie le test ELISA, en attendant à une certaine discordance inévitable entre les méthodes. Parmi les 674 sérums étudiés, 178 (26,41%) n'ont pas présenté d'anticorps (< 0,0025 UI/ml); 413 (61,28%) ont présenté des résultats égaux ou supérieurs à 0,01 UI/ml et en 232 (34,42%) les titres ont été égaux ou supérieurs à 0,06 UI/ml. Le pourcentage d'individus protégés a été inversement proportionnel à 1'âge: environ 50% dans le groupe le plus jeune (hommes de 18 à 35 ans et femmes de 18 à 23 ans) contre environ 10% dans le groupe de plus de 42 ans ont présenté des titres sûrement protecteurs (> 0,06 UI/ml).


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Twelve new species of miocene ostracoda from the Tagus basin (Portugal) are described. Paleoenvironments concerning each of these species are given.