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Differential scanning calorimetry was used to evaluate the effect of storage at 10degreesC, 20degreesC and 30degreesC, and 40% and 65% relative humidity (RH) on adzuki bean starch gelatinisation and protein denaturation temperatures. Storage for 6 months at an elevated storage temperature (30degreesC) caused increases in the starch gelatinisation onset temperature (T-o) and gelatinisation peak temperature (T-p) for both Bloodwood and Erimo varieties. Storage at 40% RH resulted in higher T-o and T-p values than storage at 65% RH. The T-o of starch from Bloodwood and Erimo beans stored for up to 1.5 months at 10degreesC and 65% were similar to those of fresh beans. The changes in the salt-soluble protein component were less clear cut than those of the starch. Nonetheless, protein extracted from beans stored at 40% RH exhibited significantly lower T-o and T-p values compared with those stored at 65% RH. This indicates some destabilisation of the protein at the higher RH. These results suggest that detrimental changes occur in starch and, to a lesser extent protein, of adzuki beans stored under unfavourable conditions. On the basis of these results, the best storage conditions to maintain the characteristics of fresh beans are low temperatures (e.g. 10degreesC) and high RH (e.g. 65%). (C) 2003 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Group criticisms judged to be reasonable in the mouth of an ingroup member are aggressively rejected when they stem from an outgroup member (the intergroup sensitivity effect). Mediational analyses suggest that this phenomenon is underpinned by an attributional bias; criticisms from insiders are more likely to be perceived as being motivated for constructive reasons than are criticisms from outsiders, thus arousing lower levels of defensiveness. But what if group members were to receive information that called into question the ingroup critic's commitment to the group? For example, if the ingroup critic was known to be a low identifier with their group, or used language to suggest that they were psychologically distancing themselves from their group, we might expect that ingroup critics will be downgraded as strongly as outgroup critics. Furthermore, it might be possible for people to turn an outgroup criticism into an ingroup criticism by making salient their shared identity at the superordinate level. Three experiments are described that provide support for each of these propositions.
1. Dwarf stands of the mangrove Rhizophora mangle L. are extensive in the Caribbean. We fertilized dwarf trees in Almirante Bay, Bocas del Toro Province, north-eastern Panama with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to determine (1) if growth limitations are due to nutrient deficiency; and (2) what morphological and/or physiological factors underlie nutrient limitations to growth. 2. Shoot growth was 10-fold when fertilized with P and twofold with N fertilization, indicating that stunted growth of these mangroves is partially due to nutrient deficiency. 3. Growth enhancements caused by N or P enrichment could not be attributed to increases in photosynthesis on a leaf area basis, although photosynthetic nutrient-use efficiency was improved. The most dramatic effect was on stem hydraulic conductance, which was increased sixfold by P and 2.5-fold with N enrichment. Fertilization with P enhanced leaf and stem P concentrations and reduced C : N ratio, but did not alter leaf damage by herbivores. 4. Our findings indicate that addition of N and P significantly alter tree growth and internal nutrient dynamics of mangroves at Bocas del Toro, but also that the magnitude, pattern and mechanisms of change will be differentially affected by each nutrient.
The complex and variable composition of honey, depending on source, season and processing, means different honey samples could cause variation in the characteristics of the finished product. The objective of this study was to determine how the minor components present in honey affect starch gelatinization. A Rapid Visco Analyser was used to measure changes in viscosity when unmodified maize starch was gelatinized in a honey or model sugar solution. When honey was compared to equivalent blends of sugars, there was an increase in starch viscosity with increasing levels of addition. However, at the same level, honey gave a lower viscosity than the blends of sugars. Honeys from different sources (differing in pH and amylase activity) show a varied effect on starch gelatinization, with starch viscosity increasing with addition level for six of the honeys, but decreasing with increasing addition level for two honey samples. Varying the pH also produced variation in starch gelatinization patterns between honey types. Between pH 3.0 and 4.0, starch viscosity was similar for all four honey types studied, while above this pH there were differences between all honey types. As expected, starch viscosity decreased as the solution pH neared the optimum for honey amylase activity (pH 5.3-5.6), though it did not increase as the pH moved away from the honey amylase activity optimum. Differences between honey samples, and between honey and a model sugar mixture, in their effect on starch gelatinization was attributed to honey amylase activity and the composition and concentration of minor organic compounds present. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology
Background: Recent research has shown that Mulligan's Mobilization With Movement treatment technique for the elbow (MWM), a peripheral joint mobilization technique, produces a substantial and immediate pain relief in chronic lateral epicondylalgia (48% increase in pain-free grip strength).(1) This hypoalgesic effect is far greater than that previously reported with spinal manual therapy treatments, prompting speculation that peripheral manual therapy treatments may differ in mechanism of action to spinal manual therapy techniques. Naloxone antagonism and tolerance studies, which employ widely accepted tests for the identification of endogenous opioid-mediated pain control mechanisms, have shown that spinal manual therapy-induced hypoalgesia does not involve an opioid mechanism. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of naloxone administration on the hypoalgesic effect of MWM. Methods: A randomized, controlled trial evaluated the effect of administering naloxone, saline, or no-substance control injection on the MWM-induced hypoalgesia in 18 participants with lateral epicondylalgia. Pain-free grip strength, pressure pain threshold, thermal pain threshold, and upper limb neural tissue provocation test 2b were the outcome measures. Results: The results demonstrated that the initial hypoalgesic effect of the MWM was not antagonized by naloxone, suggesting a nonopioid mechanism of action. Conclusions: The studied peripheral mobilization treatment technique appears to have a similar effect profile to previously studied spinal manual therapy techniques, suggesting a nonopioid-mediated hypoalgesia following manual therapy.
This article has addressed the following research problem: what consumers` personal values most influence the country-of-origin effect? Furthermore, it has verified whether there are differences on this influence, in terms of consumers` demographic characteristics such as gender, age and country familiarity. A descriptive and quantitative empirical research has been used to analyse the product category of Chinese home appliances, using a sample of Brazilian executives. Results have shown that consumers` personal values exert different influences on the evaluation of foreign products. Most influences of personal values on the country-of-origin effect are negative; the more important the personal values, the more negative the products are evaluated. Exceptions are for women. With the results of this research, marketing professionals and theoreticians may better manage the use of a product`s country of origin as a marketing tool in international marketing activities.
Variation in larval size has been shown to be an important factor for the post-metamorphic performance of marine invertebrates but, despite its importance, few sources of this variation have been identified. For a range of taxa, offspring size is positively correlated with maternal size but the reasons for this correlation remain unclear. We halved the size of colonies in the bryozoan Bugula neritina 1 wk prior to reproduction (but during embryogenesis) to determine if larval size is a fixed or plastic trait. We manipulated colonies in such a way that the ratio of feeding zooids to reproductive zooids was constant between treatment and control colonies. We found that manipulating colony size strongly affects larval size; halved colonies produced larvae that were similar to13% smaller than those produced by intact colonies. We entered these data into a simple model based on previous work to estimate the likely post-metamorphic consequences of this reduction in larval size. The model predicted that larvae that came from manipulated colonies would suffer similar to300% higher post-metamorphic mortality and similar to50% lower fecundity as adults. Colonies that are faced with a stress appear to be trading off current offspring fitness to maximize their own long-term fitness and this may explain previous observations of compensatory growth in colonial organisms. This study demonstrates that larval size is a surprisingly dynamic trait and strong links exist between the maternal phenotype and the fitness of the offspring. The performance of settling larvae may be determined not only by their larval experience but also by the experience of their mothers.
Previous study revealed that the swarm-founding wasp Polybia paulista is accurately able to distinguish nestmates from non-nestmates in the summer. However, the risk of accepting alien intruders is considered to be low in winter colonies, and additionally brood production is limited in 30-40% of colonies during the winter in this species. Thus, it is expected that colonies might lower their acceptance threshold and accept some conspecific wasps from alien colonies in winter. We conducted field experiments to examine tolerance of conspecific (nestmate and non-nestmate) females in winter. In contrast to our prediction, our colonies did not accept any individuals from alien colonies. We suggest that P. paulista exhibits the colony-specific acceptance threshold in winter, and colonies that produced brood in their nests may have raised the acceptance threshold even if the risk of accepting alien intruders is low in winter.
Aspergillus versicolor grown on xylan or xylose produces two beta-xylosidases with differences in biochemical properties and degree of glycosylation. We investigated the alterations in the biochemical properties of these beta-xylosidases after deglycosylation with Endo-H or PNGase F. After deglycosylation, both enzymes migrated faster in PAGE or SDS-PAGE exhibiting the same R(f). Temperature optimum of xylan-induced and xylose-induced beta-xylosidases was 45A degrees C and 40A degrees C, respectively, and 35A degrees C after deglycosylation. The xylan-induced enzyme was more active at acidic pH. After deglycosylation, both enzymes had the same pH optimum of 6.0. Thermal resistance at 55A degrees C showed half-life of 15 min and 9 min for xylose- and xylan-induced enzymes, respectively. After deglycosylation, both enzymes exhibited half-lives of 7.5 min. Native enzymes exhibited different responses to ions, while deglycosylated enzymes exhibited identical responses. Limited proteolysis yielded similar polypeptide profiles for the deglycosylated enzymes, suggesting a common polypeptide core with differential glycosylation apparently responsible for their biochemical and biophysical differences.
Background: Over-ventilation causing low arterial carbon dioxide levels (PaCO2) has been associated with the development of neonatal chronic lung disease and adverse outcomes. This may occur very soon after birth. Aim: To investigate the effect on PaCO2 and oxygenation of very premature lambs resuscitated with different tidal volumes and PEEP. Methods: Anaesthetised lambs delivered at 126 days gestation were randomised to 15 min resuscitation with 3 regimes: (1) Laerdal resuscitation bag (B) with 100% oxygen and no PEEP, (2) fixed tidal volume (VT) of 5 mL/kg, or (3) VT of 10 mL/kg, both delivered with a Babylog 8000 ventilator in volume guarantee mode with 8 cm H2O PEEP and variable FiO2. Frequent blood gases were measured and VT, mean airway pressure (Paw), minute volume (MV), ventilation rate (VR), respiratory system compliance (Crs) and alveolar/arterial oxygen difference (AaDO2) were recorded. Results: Twenty lambs were studied. B (1) was associated with more variable VT and peak inspiratory pressures (PIP) compared to fixed tidal volumes (2 and 3). The lambs ventilated with 10 mL/kg were over-ventilated, those ventilated with 5 mL/kg were slightly under-ventilated. Those ventilated with the Laerdal bag had a mean VT of 7.5 mL/kg and were normocarbic. The different tidal volumes had little effect on oxygenation. PEEP improved oxygenation. The table shows the values at 15 minutes expressed as mean and SEM. TABLE. No caption av... TABLE. No caption av... Image Tools Conclusion: Very premature lambs can be effectively resuscitated from birth using volume guarantee ventilation. Within minutes of birth different tidal volumes had a large effect on PaCO2 and no effect on oxygenation. Studies are needed to determine the appropriate tidal volume for resuscitating very premature infants to maintain acceptable levels of PaCO2. © International Pediatrics Research Foundation, Inc. 2004. All Rights Reserved.
Lipopeptides produced by Bacillus subtilis are known for their high antifungal activity. The aim of this paper is to show that at high concentration they can damage the surface ultra-structure of bacterial cells. A lipopeptide extract containing iturin and surfactin (5 mg mL-1) was prepared after isolation from B. subtilis (strain OG) by solid phase extraction. Analysis by atomic force microscope (AFM) showed that upon evaporation, lipopeptides form large aggregates (0.1-0.2 mu m2) on the substrates silicon and mica. When the same solution is incubated with fungi and bacteria and the system is allowed to evaporate, dramatic changes are observed on the cells. AFM micrographs show disintegration of the hyphae of Phomopsis phaseoli and the cell walls of Xanthomonas campestris and X. axonopodis. Collapses to fungal and bacterial cells may be a result of formation of pores triggered by micelles and lamellar structures, which are formed above the critical micelar concentration of lipopeptides. As observed for P. phaseoli, the process involves binding, solubilization, and formation of novel structures in which cell wall components are solubilized within lipopeptide vesicles. This is the first report presenting evidences that vesicles of uncharged and negatively charged lipopeptides can alter the morphology of gram-negative bacteria.
This paper has investigated the electrochemical oxidation of glyphosate herbicide (GH) on RuO(2) and IrO(2) dimensionally stable anode (DSA (R)) electrodes. Electrolysis was achieved under galvanostatic control as a function of pH, GH concentration, supporting electrolyte, and current density. The influence of the oxide composition on GH degradation seems to be significant in the absence of chloride; Ti/Ir(0.30)Sn(0.70)O(2) is the best electrode material to oxidize GH. GH oxidation is favored at low pH values. The use of chloride medium increases the oxidizing power and the influence of the oxide composition is meaningless. At 30 mA cm(-2) and 4 h of electrolysis, complete GH removal from the electrolyzed solution has been obtained. In chloride medium, application of 50 mA cm(-2) leads to virtually total mineralization ( release of phosphate ions = 91%) for all the evaluated oxide materials. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The electrochemical treatment of a synthetic tannery wastewater prepared with 30 compounds used in animal skin processing was studied. Electrolyses were performed in a one-compartment flow cell at a current density of 20 mA cm(-2), using a dimensionally stable anode (DSA (R)) of composition Ti/Ir(0.10)Sn(0.90)O(2) as the working electrode. Effects of chloride concentration and presence of sulfate were evaluated. Variation in the concentration of phenolic compounds as a function of electrolysis time revealed a first-order exponential decay; faster phenol removals were obtained with increasing chloride concentration in the wastewater. Lower phenol removals were obtained in the presence of sulfate. Higher chloride concentrations led to a faster decrease in total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and absorbance values at 228 nm. Faster wastewater color removal, higher current efficiency and lower energy consumption were also obtained. This electrochemical treatment was also able to reduce the wastewater toxicity for Daphnia similis. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Binary and ternary Pt-based catalysts were prepared by the Pechini-Adams modified method on carbon Vulcan XC-72, and different nominal compositions were characterized by TEM and XRD. XRD showed that the electrocatalysts consisted of the Pt displaced phase, suggesting the formation of a solid solution between the metals Pt/W and Pt/Sn. Electrochemical investigations on these different electrode materials were carried out as a function of the electrocatalyst composition, in acid medium (0.5 mol dm(-3) H2SO4) and in the presence of ethanol. The results obtained at room temperature showed that the PtSnW/C catalyst display better catalytic activity for ethanol oxidation compared to PtW/C catalyst. The reaction products (acetaldehyde, acetic acid and carbon dioxide) were analyzed by HPLC and identified by in situ infrared reflectance spectroscopy. The latter technique also allowed identification of the intermediate and adsorbed species. The presence of linearly adsorbed CO and CO2 indicated that the cleavage of the C-C bond in the ethanol substrate occurred during the oxidation process. At 90 degrees C, the Pt85Sn8W7/C catalyst gave higher current and power performances as anode material in a direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC).