809 resultados para Service quality measurement


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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The present study has got as its aim to show how the impressions management is being used by the hotels in Paraiba State. For that, the dramma or role play perspective has been adopted as a model for service management. From the theater metaphor, the physical environment and its components can be seen as a scenery of the service show. We conduct the reader to notice the importance of the consummer about the service quality demand and its influence on his satisfaction. A methodology with exploring and qualifying nature has been adopted by using the analyses of content technique in interviews applied to hotel managers lebeled as having 4 and 5 stars in the State, trying to check how impression management takes place, identifying impression management tools used in relation to the physical evidences and to contacting people, as well as checking managers views in the survey about the use of impression management for client satisfaction make. The information revealed that managers, maybe for being unaware about impression management theory, haven t considered neither the physical evidences yet, nor contacting people as marketing tools. About the physical evidences, we could see that hotels take actions in a pulverized way referring to environment decoration and colors, however there isn t a global usage of physical evidences to highlight the service. Contacting people by their turn, receive better importance and attention. It was possible to make sure that managers are aware about the influence of the employee over the attendance quality. This way, we may come into a conclusion that impression management at Paraiba hotels has been under used, as long as managers seem to be, most times, turned to actions related to contacting people, not having realized the planning importance and national-wide use of service scenery in a genaral way yet


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Cette thèse est une contribution à la modélisation, la planification et l’optimisation du transport pour l’approvisionnement en bois de forêt des industries de première transformation. Dans ce domaine, les aléas climatiques (mise au sol des bois par les tempêtes), sanitaires (attaques bactériologiques et fongiques des bois) et commerciaux (variabilité et exigence croissante des marchés) poussent les divers acteurs du secteur (entrepreneurs et exploitants forestiers, transporteurs) à revoir l’organisation de la filière logistique d’approvisionnement, afin d’améliorer la qualité de service (adéquation offre-demande) et de diminuer les coûts. L’objectif principal de cette thèse était de proposer un modèle de pilotage améliorant la performance du transport forestier, en respectant les contraintes et les pratiques du secteur. Les résultats établissent une démarche de planification hiérarchique des activités de transport à deux niveaux de décision, tactique et opérationnel. Au niveau tactique, une optimisation multi-périodes permet de répondre aux commandes en minimisant l’activité globale de transport, sous contrainte de capacité agrégée des moyens de transport accessibles. Ce niveau permet de mettre en œuvre des politiques de lissage de charge et d’organisation de sous-traitance ou de partenariats entre acteurs de transport. Au niveau opérationnel, les plans tactiques alloués à chaque transporteur sont désagrégés, pour permettre une optimisation des tournées des flottes, sous contrainte des capacités physiques de ces flottes. Les modèles d’optimisation de chaque niveau sont formalisés en programmation linéaire mixte avec variables binaires. L’applicabilité des modèles a été testée en utilisant un jeu de données industrielles en région Aquitaine et a montré des améliorations significatives d’exploitation des capacités de transport par rapport aux pratiques actuelles. Les modèles de décision ont été conçus pour s’adapter à tout contexte organisationnel, partenarial ou non : la production du plan tactique possède un caractère générique sans présomption de l’organisation, celle-ci étant prise en compte, dans un deuxième temps, au niveau de l’optimisation opérationnelle du plan de transport de chaque acteur.


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Diante de um mercado virtual mais competitivo, impulsionado pelo crescimento das compras online e pelo aumento do número de varejistas nessa modalidade, mensurações para avaliar a qualidade do serviço online tornam-se importantes, sobretudo pela identificação de relação positiva entre a qualidade do serviço e a performance do serviço. Nesse sentido, Ding, Hu e Sheng (2011) propuseram uma medida consistente sobre a qualidade percebida do serviço no comércio eletrônico, sob a perspectiva do autosserviço: e-SELFQUAL. Este artigo apresenta resultados da replicação da e-SELFQUAL no contexto brasileiro. Duas coletas de dados foram realizadas, na primeira, para uma amostra final de 106 estudantes, observou-se uma inadequação em um constructo da escala, e uma nova tradução foi proposta. Uma segunda coleta foi aplicada a uma amostra de 175 pessoas. A confiabilidade e a validade (convergente e discriminante) da escala foram atestadas, mantendo os itens originais do instrumento. Desse modo, os resultados indicam possível uso da e-SELFQUAL para mensurar a qualidade do autosserviço online no Brasil.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze emotions related to a child’s critical illness from the perspective of the family and discuss the link those emotions might form with value creation. High quality service is of paramount importance in hospital care, especially when a child is diagnosed with critical illness. Through the analysis of patient family emotions and their triggers, the study was aiming to deepen the understanding of value creation for customer. Therefore, the research sought to find answers to the following three sub-questions: 1. What are the emotions experienced? 2. What triggers them? 3. How are the emotions linked to amelioration or aggravation of value for patient and family? The theoretical background of this research is built on two core concepts: emotions and value creation. As both concepts are wide and multifaceted, the research concentrates on viewing emotions from the applicable cognitive angle, identifying and categorizing emotions in a general level. Value creation is studied from the service perspective, discussing the possible relations between emotions and value creation. Moreover, the suitability of views regarding customer value co-creation to health care encounters is analyzed. Qualitative approach was selected as the most appropriate methodology for conducting the empirical research. The empirical data was collected from public blogs, for which a total of 18 blogs were reviewed. Five blogs were selected for the analysis, which had the intent of identifying the emotions experienced by patient families and deepening the knowledge of their role in value creation during health care service encounters. The empirical study of this research discovered a wide range of positive and negative emotions, which denotes that a severe life situation does not prevent the feeling of positive emotions. Furthermore, by combining the empirical findings to the theoretical background, this study concludes that recognizing and treating the patient family as a partner and value creator is essential. The high quality technical aspect of care is vital, but it is not the sole attribute for service quality, as the interpersonal communication plays a large role in the customer’s overall assessment of the health care performance. The patients and their families largely evaluate the service encounter based on their perceptions, thus emotions play a significant role. Depending on the service experience, value maybe created or destructed. Hence, this study posits emotion at the core of the service encounter, indicating towards the importance of active assessment of customer perceptions and the recognition of the emotional states


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An integrated method for the prediction of the spatial pollution distribution within a street canyon directly from a microscopic traffic simulation model is outlined. The traffic simulation package Paramics is used to model the flow of vehicles in realistic traffic conditions on a real road network. This produces details of the amount of pollutant produced by each vehicle at any given time. The authors calculate the dispersion of the pollutant using a particle tracking diffusion method which is superimposed on a known velocity and turbulence field. This paper shows how these individual components may be integrated to provide a practical street canyon pollution model. The resulting street canyon pollution model provides isoconcentrations of pollutant within the road topography.


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Os mecanismos e técnicas do domínio de Tempo-Real são utilizados quando existe a necessidade de um sistema, seja este um sistema embutido ou de grandes dimensões, possuir determinadas características que assegurem a qualidade de serviço do sistema. Os Sistemas de Tempo-Real definem-se assim como sistemas que possuem restrições temporais rigorosas, que necessitam de apresentar altos níveis de fiabilidade de forma a garantir em todas as instâncias o funcionamento atempado do sistema. Devido à crescente complexidade dos sistemas embutidos, empregam-se frequentemente arquiteturas distribuídas, onde cada módulo é normalmente responsável por uma única função. Nestes casos existe a necessidade de haver um meio de comunicação entre estes, de forma a poderem comunicar entre si e cumprir a funcionalidade desejadas. Devido à sua elevada capacidade e baixo custo a tecnologia Ethernet tem vindo a ser alvo de estudo, com o objetivo de a tornar num meio de comunicação com a qualidade de serviço característica dos sistemas de tempo-real. Como resposta a esta necessidade surgiu na Universidade de Aveiro, o Switch HaRTES, o qual possui a capacidade de gerir os seus recursos dinamicamente, de modo a fornecer à rede onde é aplicado garantias de Tempo-Real. No entanto, para uma arquitetura de rede ser capaz de fornecer aos seus nós garantias de qualidade serviço, é necessário que exista uma especificação do fluxo, um correto encaminhamento de tráfego, reserva de recursos, controlo de admissão e um escalonamento de pacotes. Infelizmente, o Switch HaRTES apesar de possuir todas estas características, não suporta protocolos standards. Neste documento é apresentado então o trabalho que foi desenvolvido para a integração do protocolo SRP no Switch HaRTES.


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Enquadramento: O carácter inovador da Cirurgia de Ambulatório reside no seu modelo organizativo específico, centrado no doente, que o envolve num circuito independente do de internamento, procurando-se ganhos em eficiência e em qualidade e obtendo-se níveis de maior humanização e satisfação dos utentes e seus familiares. Objetivos: Analisar de que forma as variáveis sociodemográficos influenciam a qualidade percebida dos utentes de uma Unidade de Cirurgia de Ambulatório de um Hospitalar Central; verificar se existem efeitos significativos das variáveis circunstanciais na qualidade percebida dos utentes de uma Unidade de Cirurgia de Ambulatório de um Hospitalar Central; verificar a existência de efeitos significativos das variáveis sociofamiliares na qualidade percebida nos utentes. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, com corte transversal, descritivo e correlacional; enquadra-se num estudo descritivo analítico-correlacional porque o mesmo tem por objetivo explorar as relações entre variáveis e descrevê-las. Os dados foram colhidos junto dos utentes tendo como base escalas e questionários. A amostra é não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 140 utentes de uma Unidade de Cirurgia de Ambulatório de um Hospitalar Central, na maioria, do sexo masculino (60,7%), com uma idade mínima de 19 anos e uma máxima de 94 anos, ao que corresponde uma idade média de 58,01 (±19.26 anos). Foi aplicado um Questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e sociofamiliar, incluindo-se o Questionário (Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey) MOS-SSS (Fachado et al., 2007) e o Questionário Service Quality (SERVQUAL) (Parasuraman et al., 1988). Resultados: Os utentes do sexo feminino manifestam mais satisfação em relação à UCA (cortesia/empatia p=0.000; compreensão do utente p=0.000; fiabilidade p=0.005; acessibilidade p=0.010; qualidade global p=0.001; os utentes idosos obtiveram valores mais elevados em quase todas as dimensões e na qualidade global (aspetos físicos p=0.006); os participantes com o ensino básico manifestaram mais satisfação (fiabilidade p<0,016); os que possuem um rendimento familiar até 1000€ apresentaram maior nível de satisfação (cortesia/empatia p=0,033); os utentes que não se deslocam em meio de transporte próprio atribuem mais qualidade à UCA (fiabilidade p=0,028); aqueles cuja residência está situada a uma distância superior a 15 km do hospital revelam índices mais elevados de qualidade (cortesia/simpatia p=0.037; compreensão do utente p=0.044; fiabilidade p=0.022; acessibilidade p=0.001; qualidade global p=0.013); os participantes cuja distância de casa ao centro de saúde é superior a 9 km revelam mais satisfação (fiabilidade p=0.038); os utentes com tempos de espera para a cirurgia entre 6-12 meses atribuem mais qualidade à UCA (cortesia/empatia p=0.000; compreensão do utente p=0.011; fiabilidade p=0.007; acessibilidade p=0.001; qualidade global p=0.001). Conclusão: A maioria dos utentes atribui qualidade à UCA, tendo em conta a cortesia/empatia, a compreensão do utente, fiabilidade, acessibilidade e aspetos físicos, pode afirmar-se que a referida Unidade adequa os serviços prestados às suas necessidades, garantindo, deste modo, a satisfação dos utentes. Palavras-chave: Cirurgia de Ambulatório; Satisfação dos utentes; Qualidade; Atendimento.


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The present study seeks to describe the features and peculiarities of the relationship between organizational culture and the quality of tourism services, specifically in the restaurant sector, attempting to contribute toward maintaining the tourism sector of the city of Natal/RN. Thus, a descriptive and correlational study, with qualitative and quantitative approaches, of thirty-seven restaurants that are located in areas that compose the tourism corridor of Natal was undertaken. To collect the quantitative dada, the Organizational Culture Evaluation instrument of Cameron and Quinn (2006) was applied and the SERVPERF instrument of Cronin and Taylor (1992) was used to measure the quality of the services. The results suggest that the Clan and Innovation Cultures are associated with better levels of quality of services than those of the Market and Hierarchy Cultures. The relationships that were identified in this study are consistent with results found in other studies and the information reported here can serve as a basis for managers of the restaurant sector to reach excellence in their services, satisfying their customers and contributing to maintaining the tourism sector


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El volumen de datos en bibliotecas ha aumentado enormemente en los últimos años, así como también la complejidad de sus fuentes y formatos de información, dificultando su gestión y acceso, especialmente como apoyo en la toma de decisiones. Sabiendo que una buena gestión de bibliotecas involucra la integración de indicadores estratégicos, la implementación de un Data Warehouse (DW), que gestione adecuadamente tal cantidad de información, así como su compleja mezcla de fuentes de datos, se convierte en una alternativa interesante a considerar. El artículo describe el diseño e implementación de un sistema de soporte de decisiones (DSS) basado en técnicas de DW para la biblioteca de la Universidad de Cuenca. Para esto, el estudio utiliza una metodología holística, propuesto por Siguenza-Guzman et al. (2014) para la evaluación integral de bibliotecas. Dicha metodología evalúa la colección y los servicios, incorporando importantes elementos para la gestión de bibliotecas, tales como: el desempeño de los servicios, el control de calidad, el uso de la colección y la interacción con el usuario. A partir de este análisis, se propone una arquitectura de DW que integra, procesa y almacena los datos. Finalmente, estos datos almacenados son analizados y visualizados a través de herramientas de procesamiento analítico en línea (OLAP). Las pruebas iniciales de implementación confirman la viabilidad y eficacia del enfoque propuesto, al integrar con éxito múltiples y heterogéneas fuentes y formatos de datos, facilitando que los directores de bibliotecas generen informes personalizados, e incluso permitiendo madurar los procesos transaccionales que diariamente se llevan a cabo.


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The present study has got as its aim to show how the impressions management is being used by the hotels in Paraiba State. For that, the dramma or role play perspective has been adopted as a model for service management. From the theater metaphor, the physical environment and its components can be seen as a scenery of the service show. We conduct the reader to notice the importance of the consummer about the service quality demand and its influence on his satisfaction. A methodology with exploring and qualifying nature has been adopted by using the analyses of content technique in interviews applied to hotel managers lebeled as having 4 and 5 stars in the State, trying to check how impression management takes place, identifying impression management tools used in relation to the physical evidences and to contacting people, as well as checking managers views in the survey about the use of impression management for client satisfaction make. The information revealed that managers, maybe for being unaware about impression management theory, haven t considered neither the physical evidences yet, nor contacting people as marketing tools. About the physical evidences, we could see that hotels take actions in a pulverized way referring to environment decoration and colors, however there isn t a global usage of physical evidences to highlight the service. Contacting people by their turn, receive better importance and attention. It was possible to make sure that managers are aware about the influence of the employee over the attendance quality. This way, we may come into a conclusion that impression management at Paraiba hotels has been under used, as long as managers seem to be, most times, turned to actions related to contacting people, not having realized the planning importance and national-wide use of service scenery in a genaral way yet


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Education is one of the main industries in the world, which needs to focus more than other types of industries. As Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world” (www.brainyquote.com). Global economic recession era put serious pressure on private Higher Education Institutions (HEI), which resulted as decrease in the university spending`s budget. Therefore, HEI forced to develop more competitive ways to find new financial resources for rapid technological and organizational changes (Savsar, 2012). Students are the motive of being of Higher Education. The aim of this study is to implement İmportance-Satisfaction Analysis (IPA) matrix to evaluate the student`s satisfaction and assess importance of different attributes in terms of student`s perception. The students that participated in this study enrolled in the present academic year, 2015/2016, in the Economics and Administration Faculty-Qafqaz University. In order to perform study, survey method applied to collect the data and number of received valid questionnaire were 266. Questionnaire used to collect demographic information of students, identify importance given to each attribute and satisfaction degree of each attribute. Descriptive analysis used to identify profile of respondents, also find satisfaction and importance degree for each attributes. To evaluate differences between groups, built association between variables, find relation between variables and answering to the research hypothesis inferential analysis applied. Moreover, IPA matrix was been used to explore the attributes that needs improvement that perceived as attributes that are more important for the students. The result showed that generally students are satisfied with service quality offered by HEI-on sample of the Qafqaz University. In addition, research found that there are no differences in overall satisfaction and importance by department, gender, academic year and grade point average. IPA matrix highlighted the main attributes, which performs well, namely Academic Services and Teaching aspects, and in another hand needs to concentrate in Undergraduate program and External Relations. In addition, research found that loyalty of students is very low and there is a negative correlation between loyalty and satisfaction.


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Recent health policy in England has demanded greater involvement of patients and the public in the commissioning of health and social care services. Public involvement is seen as a means of driving up service quality, reducing health inequalities and achieving value in commissioning decisions. This paper presents a summary and analysis of the forms that public involvement in commissioning are to take, along with empirical analysis from a qualitative study of service-user involvement. It is argued that the diversity of constituencies covered by the notion of ‘public involvement’, and the breadth of aims that public involvement is expected to achieve, require careful disaggregation. Public involvement in commissioning may encompass a variety of interest groups, whose inputs may include population needs assessment, evaluation of service quality, advocacy of the interests of a particular patient group or service, or a combination of all of these. Each of these roles may be legitimate, but there are significant tensions between them. The extent to which the structures for public involvement proposed recognize these possible tensions is arguably limited. Notably, new Local Involvement Networks (LINks), which will feed into commissioning decisions, are set as the arbiters of these different interests, a demanding role which will require considerable skill, tenacity and robustness if it is to be fulfilled effectively.


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Part 20: Health and Care Networks


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Tese submetida como requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia Aplicada Especialidade em Psicologia Clínica