941 resultados para Selective Catalytic-reduction
Ceria (CeO2) plays a vital role in emerging technologies for environmental and energy-related applications. The catalytic efficiency of ceria nanoparticles depends on its morphology. In this study, CeO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by a microwave-assisted hydrothermal method under different synthesis temperatures. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Raman scattering spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method. The X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering results indicated that all the synthesized samples had a pure cubic CeO2 structure. Rietveld analysis and Raman scattering also revealed the presence of structural defects due to an associated reduction in the valence of the Ce4+ ions to Ce3+ ions caused by an increasing molar fraction of oxygen vacancies. The morphology of the samples was controlled by varying the synthesis temperature. The TEM images show that samples synthesized at 80 degrees C consisted of spherical particles of about 5 nm, while those synthesized at 120 degrees C presented a mix of spherical and rod-like nanoparticles and the sample synthesized at 160 degrees C consisted of nanorods with 10 nm average diameter and 70 nm length. The microwave-assisted method proved to be highly efficient for the synthesis of CeO2 nanoparticles with different morphologies.
Zirconia-ceria solid-solutions are extensively used as promoters for three-way catalysts, which are applied in the control of NOx, CO and hydrocarbons emission from automotive exhausts. In addition, thesematerials can be used as anodes in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operated with hydrocarbons. There areonly few works on ZrO2-CeO2 ordered mesoporous materials for catalytic applications and for anodes inSOFCs. The interest in these anodes relies on the fact that ZrO2-CeO2materials are mixed ionic/electronic conductors in reducing atmosphere and, therefore, fuel oxidation is produced on its entire surface, while it only occurs in the [anode/electrolyte/gas] interface (triple-phase boundaries) for electronic conductors. In this work, a synthesis method was developed usingZr and Ce chloride precursors, HCl aqueous solution, Pluronic P123 as the structure directing agent, NH4OH to adjust the pH (3-4) and a Teflon autoclave to perform hydrothermal treatment (80ºC/48 hours). The samples were dried and calcined, until 540ºC in N2and 4 hours in air. The X-ray diffraction data showed that powders with higher CeO2 content are formed by a larger fraction of the cubic CeO2 phase, while for a lower CeO2content the major crystalline structure is the tetragonal ZrO2 phase. The NiO impregnation was made with an ethanol dispersion of Ni(NO3)×6H2O. The resulting powder was calcinated in air until 350ºC for 2 hours. Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) data were collected in order to evaluate the reduction profiles of ZrO2-x%CeO2:Ni samples in H2/Ar atmosphere. Results showed lower reduction temperatures for all ceria content in samples comparing to a NiO standard.
Nowadays, it is clear that the target of creating a sustainable future for the next generations requires to re-think the industrial application of chemistry. It is also evident that more sustainable chemical processes may be economically convenient, in comparison with the conventional ones, because fewer by-products means lower costs for raw materials, for separation and for disposal treatments; but also it implies an increase of productivity and, as a consequence, smaller reactors can be used. In addition, an indirect gain could derive from the better public image of the company, marketing sustainable products or processes. In this context, oxidation reactions play a major role, being the tool for the production of huge quantities of chemical intermediates and specialties. Potentially, the impact of these productions on the environment could have been much worse than it is, if a continuous efforts hadn’t been spent to improve the technologies employed. Substantial technological innovations have driven the development of new catalytic systems, the improvement of reactions and process technologies, contributing to move the chemical industry in the direction of a more sustainable and ecological approach. The roadmap for the application of these concepts includes new synthetic strategies, alternative reactants, catalysts heterogenisation and innovative reactor configurations and process design. Actually, in order to implement all these ideas into real projects, the development of more efficient reactions is one primary target. Yield, selectivity and space-time yield are the right metrics for evaluating the reaction efficiency. In the case of catalytic selective oxidation, the control of selectivity has always been the principal issue, because the formation of total oxidation products (carbon oxides) is thermodynamically more favoured than the formation of the desired, partially oxidized compound. As a matter of fact, only in few oxidation reactions a total, or close to total, conversion is achieved, and usually the selectivity is limited by the formation of by-products or co-products, that often implies unfavourable process economics; moreover, sometimes the cost of the oxidant further penalizes the process. During my PhD work, I have investigated four reactions that are emblematic of the new approaches used in the chemical industry. In the Part A of my thesis, a new process aimed at a more sustainable production of menadione (vitamin K3) is described. The “greener” approach includes the use of hydrogen peroxide in place of chromate (from a stoichiometric oxidation to a catalytic oxidation), also avoiding the production of dangerous waste. Moreover, I have studied the possibility of using an heterogeneous catalytic system, able to efficiently activate hydrogen peroxide. Indeed, the overall process would be carried out in two different steps: the first is the methylation of 1-naphthol with methanol to yield 2-methyl-1-naphthol, the second one is the oxidation of the latter compound to menadione. The catalyst for this latter step, the reaction object of my investigation, consists of Nb2O5-SiO2 prepared with the sol-gel technique. The catalytic tests were first carried out under conditions that simulate the in-situ generation of hydrogen peroxide, that means using a low concentration of the oxidant. Then, experiments were carried out using higher hydrogen peroxide concentration. The study of the reaction mechanism was fundamental to get indications about the best operative conditions, and improve the selectivity to menadione. In the Part B, I explored the direct oxidation of benzene to phenol with hydrogen peroxide. The industrial process for phenol is the oxidation of cumene with oxygen, that also co-produces acetone. This can be considered a case of how economics could drive the sustainability issue; in fact, the new process allowing to obtain directly phenol, besides avoiding the co-production of acetone (a burden for phenol, because the market requirements for the two products are quite different), might be economically convenient with respect to the conventional process, if a high selectivity to phenol were obtained. Titanium silicalite-1 (TS-1) is the catalyst chosen for this reaction. Comparing the reactivity results obtained with some TS-1 samples having different chemical-physical properties, and analyzing in detail the effect of the more important reaction parameters, we could formulate some hypothesis concerning the reaction network and mechanism. Part C of my thesis deals with the hydroxylation of phenol to hydroquinone and catechol. This reaction is already industrially applied but, for economical reason, an improvement of the selectivity to the para di-hydroxilated compound and a decrease of the selectivity to the ortho isomer would be desirable. Also in this case, the catalyst used was the TS-1. The aim of my research was to find out a method to control the selectivity ratio between the two isomers, and finally to make the industrial process more flexible, in order to adapt the process performance in function of fluctuations of the market requirements. The reaction was carried out in both a batch stirred reactor and in a re-circulating fixed-bed reactor. In the first system, the effect of various reaction parameters on catalytic behaviour was investigated: type of solvent or co-solvent, and particle size. With the second reactor type, I investigated the possibility to use a continuous system, and the catalyst shaped in extrudates (instead of powder), in order to avoid the catalyst filtration step. Finally, part D deals with the study of a new process for the valorisation of glycerol, by means of transformation into valuable chemicals. This molecule is nowadays produced in big amount, being a co-product in biodiesel synthesis; therefore, it is considered a raw material from renewable resources (a bio-platform molecule). Initially, we tested the oxidation of glycerol in the liquid-phase, with hydrogen peroxide and TS-1. However, results achieved were not satisfactory. Then we investigated the gas-phase transformation of glycerol into acrylic acid, with the intermediate formation of acrolein; the latter can be obtained by dehydration of glycerol, and then can be oxidized into acrylic acid. Actually, the oxidation step from acrolein to acrylic acid is already optimized at an industrial level; therefore, we decided to investigate in depth the first step of the process. I studied the reactivity of heterogeneous acid catalysts based on sulphated zirconia. Tests were carried out both in aerobic and anaerobic conditions, in order to investigate the effect of oxygen on the catalyst deactivation rate (one main problem usually met in glycerol dehydration). Finally, I studied the reactivity of bifunctional systems, made of Keggin-type polyoxometalates, either alone or supported over sulphated zirconia, in this way combining the acid functionality (necessary for the dehydrative step) with the redox one (necessary for the oxidative step). In conclusion, during my PhD work I investigated reactions that apply the “green chemistry” rules and strategies; in particular, I studied new greener approaches for the synthesis of chemicals (Part A and Part B), the optimisation of reaction parameters to make the oxidation process more flexible (Part C), and the use of a bioplatform molecule for the synthesis of a chemical intermediate (Part D).
Il presente lavoro di tesi è frutto di una collaborazione fra il Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica ed Inorganica (gruppo del Prof. Valerio Zanotti – Mattia Vaccari, Dr. Rita Mazzoni) ed il Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e dei Materiali (gruppo del Prof. Angelo Vaccari – Dr. Thomas Pasini, Dr. Stefania Albonetti, Prof. Fabrizio Cavani) e si inserisce il un progetto volto a valutare l’attività e la selettività del catalizzatore di idrogenazione di Shvo 1, verso l’idrogenazione selettiva del doppio legame polare del 5-idrossimetilfurfurale (HMF) in fase omogenea. L’HMF è un composto di natura organica facilmente ottenibile dalle biomasse, il quale può essere impiegato come building block per ottenere prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto per la chimica fine o additivi per biocarburanti aventi un elevato potere calorifico. In particolare la nostra attenzione si è rivolta alla produzione del 2,5-diidrossimetilfurano (BHMF), un importante building block per la produzione di polimeri e schiume poliuretaniche. Il lavoro di tesi da me svolto ha riguardato la messa a punto di una nuova metodologia sintetica per la preparazione del catalizzatore di Shvo e lo studio della sua attività catalitica nella riduzione di HMF a BHMF. Il comportamento del catalizzatore è stato monitorato studiando la resa in BHMF in funzione di tutti i parametri di reazione: temperatura, pressione di H2, solvente, rapporto molare substrato/catalizzatore, concentrazione, tempo. Successivamente è stata valutata la possibilità di riciclare il catalizzatore recuperando il prodotto di estrazione con acqua, per precipitazione o eseguendo la reazione in miscela bifasica (toluene/H2O). The present work is a collaboration between the Department of Physics and Inorganic Chemistry (group of Prof. Valerio Zanotti - Mattia Vaccari, Dr. Rita Mazzoni) and the Department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials (Group of Prof. Angelo Vaccari - Dr. Thomas Pasini, Dr. Stefania Albonetti, Prof. Fabrizio Cavani), and it’s a project devoted to evaluate the activity and selectivity of the Shvo catalyst, in the selective hydrogenation of polar double bond of 5 -hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in homogeneous phase. The HMF is an organic compound easily obtained from biomass, which can be used as a building block for fine chemicals abd polymer production or additives for biofuels with a high calorific value. In particular, our attention turned to the production of 2.5-bishydroxymethylfuran (BHMF), an important building block for the production of polymers and polyurethane foams. This thesis has involved the development of a new synthetic methodology for the preparation of Shvo’s catalyst and the study of its catalytic activity in the reduction of HMF to BHMF. The behavior of the catalyst was monitored by studying the yield in BHMF as a function of all the reaction parameters: temperature, pressure of H2, solvent, substrate to catalyst molar ratio, concentration, time. Subsequently it was evaluated the possibility of recycling the catalyst recovering the product of extraction with water, by precipitation or performing the reaction in biphasic mixture (toluene/H2O).
The oxidation of alcohols and olefins is a pivotal reaction in organic synthesis. However, traditional oxidants are toxic and they often release a considerable amounts of by-products. Here, two IronIII-based systems are shown as oxidative catalyst, working in mild conditions with hydrogen peroxide as primary oxidant. An efficient catalytic system for the selective oxidation of several alcohols to their corresponding aldehydes and ketones was developed and characterized, [Fe(phen)2Cl2]NO3 (phen=1,10-Phenantroline). It was demonstrated that the adoption of a buffered aqueous solution is of crucial importance to ensure both considerable activity and selectivity.The Iron - Thymine-1-acetic acid in-situ complex was studied as catalyst in alcohol oxidations and C-H oxidative functionalization, involving hydrogen peroxide as primary oxidant in mild reaction conditions. The catalytic ability in alcohol oxidations was investigated by Density Functional Theory calculations, however the catalyst still has uncertain structure. The system shows satisfactory activity in alcohol oxidation and aliphatic rings functionalization. The Fe-THA system was studied in cyclohexene oxidation and oxidative halogenations. Halide salts such as NBu4X and NH4X were introduced in the catalytic system as halogens source to obtain cyclohexene derivatives such as halohydrins, important synthetic intermediates.The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute in testing new catalytic systems for alcohol oxidations and C-H functionalization. In particular, most of the efforts in this work focus on studying the Iron - Thymine-1-acetic acid (THA) systems as non-heme oxidative model, which present: •an iron metal centre(s) as a coordinative active site, •hydrogen peroxide as a primary oxidant, •THA as an eco-friendly, biocompatible, low cost coordinating ligand.
Zusammenfassung:rnDie vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt das Design und die Synthese neuartiger Porphyrinoide anhand der Modifikation und der π-Systemausdehnung an der Peripherie des Porphyrin-Gerüsts. Die Darstellung künstlicher Porphyrine ist von Interesse, da neue physiko-chemischen Eigenschaften erhalten und untersucht werden können. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Porphyrinoide wurden mit Hilfe von modernen Synthesemethoden wie den metallkatalysierten Kreuzkupplungen und somit durch Aryl-Aryl Verknüpfungen aufgebaut.rnDer erste Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit der Modifikation des Porphyrin-Gerüsts. Porphyrine bestehen aus jeweils zwei Pyrrol- und Pyrrolenin-Einheiten, welche systematisch ausgetauscht wurden. Die Pyrrol-Einheiten wurden durch Carbazol ersetzt, das sich formal vom Pyrrol durch Anfügen von zwei Benzogruppen ableitet und deshalb besonders gut geeignet ist. Die Pyrrolenin-Einheiten wurden aus folgenden Gründen durch andere Heterozyklen wie Pyridin, Pyrrol oder Triazol ersetzt: rn* Nachbildung des stabilen Porphyrin trans-NH-Tautomers (Carbazol und Pyridin)rn* Nachbildung von (NH)4-Liganden wie Calix[4]pyrrol (Carbazol und Pyrrol)rn* Vereinigung von N-H und C-H Wasserstoffbrücken-Donor-Einheiten in einem Makrozyklus (Carbazol und Triazol)rnDie Synthese eines drei-Zentren Porphyrinoids mit ausgedehntem π-System wird im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit beschrieben. Dieses Thema basiert auf der aktuellen Entwicklung von nicht-Edelmetall basierten Katalysatoren für die Reduktion von Sauerstoff. Hier werden derzeit N4 makrozyklische Metallkomplexe, die mehrere katalytisch aktive Stellen aufweisen, untersucht. In diesem Zusammenhang, hat die Gruppe von Prof. Müllen einen neuartigen drei-Zentren-Komplex entwickelt. Ausgehend von diesen Erkenntnissen, dient diese Arbeit zur Verbesserung der katalytischen Aktivität des drei-Zentren-Komplex durch die Variation von verschieden Substituenten. Hierbei wurden zwei wesentliche Konzepte verfolgt:rn* Vernetzung durch die Bildung von Netzwerken oder durch Pyrolyse in der Mesophasern* Verbesserung des Katalysator-Trägermaterial-KontaktsrnNeben den Synthesen wurden die Eigenschaften und möglichen Anwendungen dieser neuartigen Materialen untersucht, wie z.B. als Liganden für Übergangsmetalle, als Anionenrezeptoren oder als Elektrokatalysatoren für die Reduktion von Sauerstoff. rn
This work deals with the oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) using metal supported catalysts. Catalysts were prepared from the immobilisation of preformed monometallic (Au, Pd) and bimetallic (AuCu, AuPd) nanoparticles on commercial oxides (TiO2, CeO2). Au-TiO2 catalyst was found to be very active for HMF oxidation; however, this system deactivated very fast. For this reason, we prepared bimetallic gold-copper nanoparticles and an increase in the catalytic activity was observed together with an increase in catalyst stability. In order to optimise the interaction of the metal active phase with the support, Au and AuCu nanoparticles were supported onto CeO2. Au-CeO2 catalyst was found to be more active than the bimetallic one, leading to the conclusion that in this case the most important feature is the interaction between gold and the support. Catalyst pre-treatments (calcination and washing) were carried out to maximise the contact between the metal and the oxide and an increase in the FDCA production could be observed. The presence of ceria defective sites was crucial for FDCA formation. Mesoporous cerium oxide was synthesised with the hard template method and was used as support for Au nanoparticles to promote the catalytic activity. In order to study the role of active phase in HMF oxidation, PdAu nanoparticles were supported onto TiO2. Au and Pd monometallic catalysts were very active in the formation of HMFCA (5-hydroxymethyl-2-furan carboxylic acid), but Pd was not able to convert it, leading to a low FDCA yield. The calcination of PdAu catalysts led to Pd segregation on the particles surface, which changed the reaction pathway and included an important contribution of the Cannizzaro reaction. PVP protected PdAu nanoparticles, synthesised with different morphologies (core-shell and alloyed structure), confirmed the presence of a different reaction mechanism when the metal surface composition changes.
Narcolepsy is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep abnormalities, including cataplexy. The aim of this study was to assess REM sleep pressure and homeostasis in narcolepsy. Six patients with narcolepsy and six healthy controls underwent a REM sleep deprivation protocol, including one habituation, one baseline, two deprivation nights (D1, D2) and one recovery night. Multiple sleep latency tests (MSLTs) were performed during the day after baseline and after D2. During D1 and D2 REM sleep was prevented by awakening the subjects at the first polysomnographic signs of REM sleep for 2 min. Mean sleep latency and number of sleep-onset REM periods (SOREMs) were determined on all MSLT. More interventions were required to prevent REM sleep in narcoleptics compared with control subjects during D1 (57 ± 16 versus 24 ± 10) and D2 (87 ± 22 versus 35 ± 8, P = 0.004). Interventions increased from D1 to D2 by 46% in controls and by 53% in narcoleptics (P < 0.03). Selective REM sleep deprivation was successful in both controls (mean reduction of REM to 6% of baseline) and narcoleptics (11%). Both groups had a reduction of total sleep time during the deprivation nights (P = 0.03). Neither group had REM sleep rebound in the recovery night. Narcoleptics had, however, an increase in the number of SOREMs on MSLT (P = 0.005). There was no increase in the number of cataplexies after selective REM sleep deprivation. We conclude that: (i) REM sleep pressure is higher in narcoleptics; (ii) REM sleep homeostasis is similar in narcoleptics and controls; (iii) in narcoleptics selective REM sleep deprivation may have an effect on sleep propensity but not on cataplexy.
Three Bavarian mountain dogs aged between 18 and 20 months, not related to each other, were presented with chronic signs of cerebellar dysfunction. On sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging brain images, the tentative diagnosis of cerebellar hypoplasia was established based on an enlarged cerebrospinal fluid space around the cerebellum and an increased cerebrospinal fluid signal between the folia. Post-mortem examination was performed in one dog and did show an overall reduction of cerebellar size. On histopathologic examination, a selective loss of cerebellar granule cells with sparing of Purkinje cells was evident. Therefore, the Bavarian mountain dog is a breed where cerebellar cortical degeneration caused by the rather exceptional selective granule cell loss can be seen as cause of chronic, slowly progressive cerebellar dysfunction starting at an age of several months.
Human leishmaniasis is a major public health problem in many countries, but chemotherapy is in an unsatisfactory state. Leishmania major phosphodiesterases (LmjPDEs) have been shown to play important roles in cell proliferation and apoptosis of the parasite. Thus LmjPDE inhibitors may potentially represent a novel class of drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Reported here are the kinetic characterization of the LmjPDEB1 catalytic domain and its crystal structure as a complex with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) at 1.55 A resolution. The structure of LmjPDEB1 is similar to that of human PDEs. IBMX stacks against the conserved phenylalanine and forms a hydrogen bond with the invariant glutamine, in a pattern common to most inhibitors bound to human PDEs. However, an extensive structural comparison reveals subtle, but significant differences between the active sites of LmjPDEB1 and human PDEs. In addition, a pocket next to the inhibitor binding site is found to be unique to LmjPDEB1. This pocket is isolated by two gating residues in human PDE families, but constitutes a natural expansion of the inhibitor binding pocket in LmjPDEB1. The structure particularity might be useful for the development of parasite-selective inhibitors for the treatment of leishmaniasis.
The Pd-C-assisted hydrogenolysis of substituted 3-(2-nitrophenyl)-isoxazoles, irrespective of substitution on the isoxa-zole ring, invariably leads to reduction of nitro to amino group with concomitant regiospecific ring closure to yield substituted 4-quinolinamines. In contrast similar hydrogenation of 3-(nitro substituted phenyl)-2-isoxazolines results in reduction of the nitro group only with conservation of isoxazoline ring to yield 3-(amino substituted phenyl)-2-isoxazolines.
Dominant-negative mutations in the homopentameric extracellular matrix glycoprotein cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) result in inappropriate intracellular retention of misfolded COMP in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of chondrocytes, causing chondrocyte cell death, which leads to two skeletal dysplasias: pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (EDM1). COMP null mice show no adverse effects on normal bone development and growth, suggesting a possible therapy involving removal of COMP mRNA. The goal of this study was to assess the ability of a hammerhead ribozyme (Ribo56, designed against the D469del mutation) to reduce COMP mRNA expression. In COS7 cells transfected with plasmids that overexpress wild-type or mutant COMP mRNA and Ribo56, the ribozyme reduced overexpressed normal COMP mRNA by 46% and mutant COMP mRNA by 56% in a dose-dependent manner. Surprisingly, the use of recombinant adenoviruses to deliver wild-type or mutant COMP mRNA and Ribo56 simultaneously into COS7 cells proved problematic for the activity of the ribozyme to reduce COMP expression. However, in normal human costochondral cells (hCCCs) infected only with adenoviruses expressing Ribo56, expression of endogenous wild-type COMP mRNA was reduced in a dose-dependent manner by 50%. In chondrocytes that contain heterozygous COMP mutations (D469del, G427E and D511Y) that cause PSACH, Ribo56 was more effective at reducing COMP mRNA (up to 70%). These results indicate that Ribo56 is effective at reducing mutant and wild-type COMP levels in cells and suggests a possible mode of therapy to reduce the mutant protein load.
The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway, through its major effector node AKT, is critical for the promotion of cell growth, division, motility and apoptosis evasion. This signaling axis is therefore commonly targeted in the form of mutations and amplifications in a myriad of malignancies. Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) was first discovered as the kinase responsible for phosphorylating and inhibiting the activity of glycogen synthase, ultimately antagonizing the storage of glucose as glycogen. Its activity counteracts the effects of insulin in glucose metabolism and AKT has long been recognized as one of the key molecules capable of phosphorylating GSK3 and inhibiting its activity. However, here we demonstrate that GSK3 is required for optimal phosphorylation and activation of AKT in different malignant cell lines, and that this effect is independent of the type of growth factor stimulation and can happen even in basal states. Both GSK3 alpha and GSK3 beta isoforms are necessary for AKT to become fully active, displaying a redundant role in the setting. We also demonstrate that this effect of GSK3 on AKT phosphorylation and full activation is dependent on its kinase activity, since highly specific inhibitors targeting GSK3 catalytic activity also promote a reduction in phosphorylated AKT. Analysis of reverse phase protein array screening of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells treated with RNA interference targeting GSK3 unexpectedly revealed an increase in levels of phosphorylated MAPK14 (p38). Treatment with the selective p38 inhibitor SB 202190 rescued AKT activation in that cell line, corroborating the importance of unbiased proteomic analysis in exposing cross-talks between signaling networks and demonstrating a critical role for p38 in the regulation of AKT phosphorylation.
Hepatocellular carcinoma is the main liver-related cause of death in patients with compensated cirrhosis. The early phases are asymptomatic and the prognosis is poor, which makes prevention essential. We propose that non-selective beta-blockers decrease the incidence and growth of hepatocellular carcinoma via a reduction of the inflammatory load from the gut to the liver and inhibition of angiogenesis. Due to their effect on the portal pressure, non-selective beta-blockers are used for prevention of esophageal variceal bleeding. Recently, non-hemodynamic effects of beta-blockers have received increasing attention. Blockage of β-adrenoceptors in the intestinal mucosa and gut lymphatic tissue together with changes in type and virulence of the intestinal microbiota lead to reduced bacterial translocation and a subsequent decrease in the portal load of pathogen-associated molecular patterns. This may reduce hepatic inflammation. Blockage of β-adrenoceptors also decrease angiogenesis by inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factors. Because gut-derived inflammation and neo-angiogenesis are important in hepatic carcinogenesis, non-selective beta-blockers can potentially reduce the development and growth of hepatocellular carcinoma. Rodent and in vitro studies support the hypothesis, but clinical verification is needed. Different study designs may be considered. The feasibility of a randomized controlled trial is limited due to the necessary large number of patients and long follow-up. Observational studies carry a high risk of bias. The meta-analytic approach may be used if the incidence and mortality of hepatocellular carcinoma can be extracted from trials on variceal bleeding and if the combined sample size and follow up is sufficient.
Mechanisms underlying motor neuron subtype-selective endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and associated axonal pathology in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) remain unclear. Here we show that the molecular environment of the ER between motor neuron subtypes is distinct, with characteristic signatures. We identify cochaperone SIL1, mutated in Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome (MSS), as being robustly expressed in disease-resistant slow motor neurons but not in ER stress-prone fast-fatigable motor neurons. In a mouse model of MSS, we demonstrate impaired ER homeostasis in motor neurons in response to loss of SIL1 function. Loss of a single functional Sil1 allele in an ALS mouse model (SOD1-G93A) enhanced ER stress and exacerbated ALS pathology. In SOD1-G93A mice, SIL1 levels were progressively and selectively reduced in vulnerable fast-fatigable motor neurons. Mechanistically, reduction in SIL1 levels was associated with lowered excitability of fast-fatigable motor neurons, further influencing expression of specific ER chaperones. Adeno-associated virus-mediated delivery of SIL1 to familial ALS motor neurons restored ER homeostasis, delayed muscle denervation and prolonged survival.