999 resultados para Second Empire
Vol. II has title: Montalembert d'après son journal et sa correspondance.
The index (v. 10) covers also the author's Histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'à la révolution.
No more published.
Fiction under Bonaparte.--The novels of Stendhal.--The fiction of the romantic school.--Alexandre Dumas and the Napoleonic generation.--The development of Balzac.--The maturity of Balzac.--The genius of Balzac.--Prosper Mérimée.--Théophile Gautier.--George Sand.--Gustave Flaubert.--The generation of the Restoration.--Émile Zola.--Alphonse Daudet.--The generation of Louis Philippe.--Guy de Maupassant.--The generation of the Second Empire.
The thesis here presented, entitled “PAINTED” GARDENS BY ÉMILE ZOLA, MEETING PLACES OF LITERATURE AND ART, aims to analyze the treatment of the theme of garden in La Curée, the second of the twenty novels that make up the cycle of Les Rougon-Macquart, series published between 1871 and 1893. In this story, the author, an ardent republican, bluntly attacks the imperial regime, emphasizing the confusion of high society, the immorality of speculation occurred under the Haussmann's renovation of Paris, the profusion of luxury and pleasure, and, in short, a dynamism geared exclusively to the sense of destruction or perversion. Hence we have devoted an entire chapter to argue the presentation of this novel as a chronicle of Parisian society of the Second Empire. Also, because reading Zola is to recognize the profusion of metaphorical language, the analysis of the poetic discourse has played an important role in the body of this thesis. This analysis focuses on the two major descriptions of the greenhouse of hôtel Saccard, in chapters I and IV, both aiming to present this garden as a disturbing space, favorable to the discovery of unsuspected amorous capabilities, according to the mentality of the nineteenth century, so full of puritan principles, for which the tropical world of greenhouses meant a sexual freedom which did not understand bans or limitations. The sexual corruption that occurs in this greenhouse, is not only indicative of moral laxity in personal relationships, but also works as a symbolic image of decay and breakdown of society as a whole...
Siegfried Kracauer (1889-1966) fu di formazione ingegnere-architetto, giornalista. Egli fu un instancabile osservatore critico della superficie della realtà, convinto quale era che solo dall’osservazione dei fenomeni superficiali si potesse davvero intuire la realtà di un’epoca. L’obiettivo della tesi è cercare di cogliere il rapporto tra forma e critica della realtà attraverso saggi, articoli di giornale, recensioni di libri e film, biografie e autobiografie. All’interno di questo lavoro si sono isolate alcune immagini e opere che permettono, a nostro parere, di cogliere il senso della decifrazione della modernità in Kracauer. La luce come figura ambigua della fantasmagoria e della metropoli, il mito e la razionalizzazione capitalistica, la figura di Ginster, personaggio letterario chiaramente autobiografico incaricato di descrivere le tensioni nel passaggio dall’esperienza della prima guerra mondale al mondo moderno dell’improvvisazione e della perdita dei confini e, infine, Jacques Offenbach e l’operetta, incursione storica di Kracauer alla ricerca di una biografia sociale della città di Parigi come archeologia della modernità sviluppando un parallelo tra l’epoca del Secondo Impero di Napoleone III e l’avvento del nazismo. A ognuno di questi momenti è dedicato un capitolo che cerca di sviluppare continuità e discontinuità del pensiero di Kracauer nei confronti delle eredità filosofiche e metodologiche di György Lukács, Georg Simmel, Karl Marx. mL’attenzione è stata rivolta alle testimonianze dei rapporti e dei confronti, talora aspri, con i suoi colleghi e amici a partire da quelli complicati con Benjamin e Adorno che restituiscono un’immagine di un pensatore originale e complesso alla ricerca e, paradossalmente sulla soglia, di una via per pensare l’irruzione della cultura di massa e del potere assoggettante delle immagini.
In summer 1866 the Austro-Prussian struggle for supremacy in Germany erupted into open conflict. King Georg V of Hanover sided with other governments loyal to the German Confederation against Prussia, but after initially defeating Prussian forces at Langensalza, he was forced to capitulate. Two days after the battle, on June 29, 1866, the widow of the Hanoverian general Sir Georg Julius von Hartmann told her daughter in no uncertain terms how she felt about the Prussian government and its allies. In her opinion they were nothing more than “robber states” that cloaked their disregard for the Ten Commandments in sanctimonious public displays of piety. “These Protestant Jesuits,” she continued, “offend me more than the Catholic ones. You know that I am German with all my heart and love my Germany, but I cannot consider them genuine Germans anymore because they only want to make Germany Prussian.”
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Series title also at head of t.-p.
Appendix includes "Letter of Mons. J.B. Say to H. James, Esq." and "Letter upon the cause of the distress in Ireland."
Goldsmiths'-Kress no. 17874.31-1, suppl.
Portugal was one of the first and most enduring European colonial powers of modern times: 1415 and 1975 mark the beginning and the end of a long empire cycle that left impressive imprints in many places. Since it started, the overseas expansion and the exploration of the colonial resources were closely articulated with state-building and the preservation of national independence. A forerunner at the Great Age of Discoveries, but a latecomer in the era of industrialization, in the 19th and early-20th centuries Portugal was a peripheral country, and the economic gap with the rich and industrialized core of Europe was wide. During this period, however, the country faced the critical challenge of ruling vast and geographically scattered overseas territories, and of preserving them from the greed of strong imperialist powers. This article starts by outlining the major developments in the Portuguese colonial policy over a century, since the 1820s until 1926. The independence of Brazil (1822) was a crucial turning point, which brought about a shift towards Africa. The First Republic (1910-1926), pervaded by a nationalist ideology, gave a new impetus to the efforts towards a more effective colonisation. Symptomatically, a Ministry of Colonies was then established for the first time. Second, it describes and analyses the transformation of the central office for colonial affairs – from a small ministerial department to an autonomous ministry -, stressing the increasing bureaucratic specialisation, the growth of the apparatus and its staff, and the introduction of new criteria for the selection and promotion of permanent officials (namely a higher profile given to careers in local colonial administration). Finally, it presents a collective biography of both the politicians (Cabinet ministers) and the administrators (directors-general) who ran the Colonial Office for a large period of the Constitutional Monarchy (from 1851 to 1910) and during the First Republic, thus enabling to assess the impact of regime change on elite circulation and career patterns.
Between 2008 and 2009 a preventive excavation supervised by the Unit of Archaeology of the University of Minho was conducted in an area with approximately 5000 square meters allowing the identification of a wide sector of the Via XVII necropolis, which is one of the five roman necropolises known to have existed in Bracara Augusta. The findings enabled us to define a typological framework related with incinerations, to understand the internal organization of the necropolis and recover the ritual marks of the funerary practices between the first century BC and the second century AD.