466 resultados para Sat Khande


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Satellite operators are starting to use the Ka-band (30/20 GHz) for communications systems requiring higher traffic capacity. The use of this band is expected to experience a significant growth in the next few years, as several operators have reported plans to launch new satellites with Ka-band capacity. It is worth mentioning the Ka-Sat satellite in Europe, launched in 2010, and ViaSat-1, of 2011, with coverage of USA1. Some other examples can be found in other parts of the World. Recent satellite communications standards, such as DVB-S22 or DVB-RCS3, which provide means to mitigate propagation impairments, have been developed with the objective of improving the use of the Ka-band, in comparison with previous technical standards. In the next years, the ALPHASAT satellite will bring about new opportunities4 for carrying out propagation and telecommunication experiments in the Ka- and Q/V-bands. Commercial uses are focused on the provision of high speed data communications, for Internet access and other applications. In the near future, it is expected that higher and higher data rates will also be needed to broadcast richer multimedia contents, including HD-TV, interactive content or 3D-TV. All of these services may be provided in the future by satellites of the current generation, whose life span can extend up to 2025 in some cases. Depending on local regulations, the available bandwidth for the satellite fixed and broadcasting services in the Ka-band is in excess of several hundred MHz, bidirectional, comprising more than 1 GHz for each sub-band in some cases. In this paper, the results of a propagation experiment that is being carried out at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain, are presented5. The objective of the experiment is twofold: gathering experimental time series of attenuation and analyzing them in order to characterize the propagation channel at these frequencies6. The experiment and statistical results correspond to five complete years of measurements. The experiment is described in more detail in Section II. Yearly characteristics of rain attenuation are presented in Section III, whereas Section IV is dedicated to the monthly, seasonal, and hourly characteristics. Section V covers the dynamic characteristics of this propagation effect, just before the conclusions are described in Section VI.


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This paper presents the model named Accepting Networks of Evolutionary Processors as NP-problem solver inspired in the biological DNA operations. A processor has a rules set, splicing rules in this model,an object multiset and a filters set. Rules can be applied in parallel since there exists a large number of copies of objects in the multiset. Processors can form a graph in order to solve a given problem. This paper shows the network configuration in order to solve the SAT problem using linear resources and time. A rule representation arquitecture in distributed environments can be easily implemented using these networks of processors, such as decision support systems, as shown in the paper.


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Water balance simulation in cropping systems is a very useful tool to study how water can be used efficiently. However this requires that models simulate an accurate water balance. Comparing model results with field observations will provide information on the performance of the models. The objective of this study was to test the performance of DSSAT model in simulating the water balance by comparing the simulations with observed measurements. The soil water balance in DSSAT uses a one dimensional ?tipping bucket? soil water balance approach where available soil water is determined by the drained upper limit (DUL), lower limit (LL) and saturated water content (SAT). A continuous weighing lysimeter was used to get the observed values of drainage and evapotranspiration (ET). An automated agrometeorological weather station close to the lisymeter was also used to record the climatic data. The model simulated accurately the soil water content after the optimization of the soil parameters. However it was found the inability of the model to capture small changes in daily drainage and ET. For that reason simulated cumulative values had larger errors as the time passed by. These results suggested the need to compare outputs of DSSAT and some hydrological model that simulates soil water movement with a more mechanistic approach. The comparison of the two models will allow us to find which mechanism can be modified or incorporated in DSSAT model to improve the simulations.


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This paper describes a new technique referred to as watched subgraphs which improves the performance of BBMC, a leading state of the art exact maximum clique solver (MCP). It is based on watched literals employed by modern SAT solvers for boolean constraint propagation. In efficient SAT algorithms, a list of clauses is kept for each literal (it is said that the clauses watch the literal) so that only those in the list are checked for constraint propagation when a (watched) literal is assigned during search. BBMC encodes vertex sets as bit strings, a bit block representing a subset of vertices (and the corresponding induced subgraph) the size of the CPU register word. The paper proposes to watch two subgraphs of critical sets during MCP search to efficiently compute a number of basic operations. Reported results validate the approach as the size and density of problem instances rise, while achieving comparable performance in the general case.


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El gran esfuerzo realizado durante la última década con el fin de integrar los diferentes materiales superconductores en el campo de los sistemas eléctricos y en otras aplicaciones tecnológicas ha dado lugar a un campo de investigación amplio y prometedor. El comportamiento eléctrico de los Superconductores de Alta Temperatura (SAT) crítica (masivo y cintas) depende de diferentes parámetros desde su fabricación hasta la aplicación final con imanes o cables. Sin embargo, las aplicaciones prácticas de estos materiales están fuertemente vinculadas con su comportamiento mecánico tanto a temperatura ambiente (manipulación durante fabricación o instalación) como a temperaturas criogénicas (condiciones de servicio). En esta tesis se ha estudiado el comportamiento mecánico de materiales masivos y cintas de alta temperatura crítica a 300 y 77 K (utilizando nitrógeno líquido). Se han obtenido la resistencia en flexión, la tenacidad de fractura y la resistencia a tracción a la temperatura de servicio y a 300 K. Adicionalmente, se ha medido la dureza mediante el ensayo Vickers y nanoindentación. El módulo Young se midió mediante tres métodos diferentes: 1) nanoindentación, 2) ensayos de flexión en tres puntos y 3) resonancia vibracional mediante grindosonic. Para cada condición de ensayo, se han analizado detalladamente las superficies de fractura y los micromecanismos de fallo. Las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales se han comparado con el fin de entender la influencia de las técnicas de procesado y de las características microestructurales de los monocristales en su comportamiento mecánico. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento electromecánico de cintas comerciales superconductoras de YBCO mediante ensayos de tracción y fatiga a 77 y 300 K. El campo completo de deformaciones en la superficie del material se ha obtenido utilizando Correlación Digital de Imágenes (DIC, por sus siglas en inglés) a 300 K. Además, se realizaron ensayos de fragmentación in situ dentro de un microscopio electrónico con el fin de estudiar la fractura de la capa superconductora y determinar la resistencia a cortante de la intercara entre el substrato y la capa cerámica. Se ha conseguido ver el proceso de la fragmentación aplicando tensión axial y finalmente, se han implementado simulaciones mediante elementos finitos para reproducir la delaminación y el fenómeno de la fragmentación. Por último, se han preparado uniones soldadas entre las capas de cobre de dos cintas superconductoras. Se ha medido la resistencia eléctrica de las uniones con el fin de evaluar el metal de soldadura y el proceso. Asimismo, se ha llevado a cabo la caracterización mecánica de las uniones mediante ensayos "single lap shear" a 300 y 77 K. El efecto del campo magnético se ha estudiado aplicando campo externo hasta 1 T perpendicular o paralelo a la cinta-unión a la temperatura de servicio (77 K). Finalmente, la distribución de tensiones en cada una de las capas de la cinta se estudió mediante simulaciones de elementos finitos, teniendo en cuenta las capas de la cinta mecánicamente más representativas (Cu-Hastelloy-Cu) que influyen en su comportamiento mecánico. The strong effort that has been made in the last years to integrate the different superconducting materials in the field of electrical power systems and other technological applications led to a wide and promising research field. The electrical behavior of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) materials (bulk and coated conductors) depends on different parameters since their processing until their final application as magnets or cables. However, practical applications of such materials are strongly related with their mechanical performance at room temperature (handling) as well as at cryogenic temperatures (service conditions). In this thesis, the mechanical behavior of HTS bulk and coated conductors was investigated at 300 and 77 K (by immersion in liquid nitrogen). The flexural strength, the fracture toughness and the tensile strength were obtained at service temperature as well as at 300 K. Furthermore, their hardness was determined by Vickers measurements and nanoindentation and the Young's modulus was measured by three different techniques: 1) nanoindentation, 2) three-point bending tests and 3) vibrational resonance with a grindosonic device. The fracture and deformation micromechanics have been also carefully analyzed for each testing condition. The comparison between the studied materials has been performed in order to understand the influence of the main sintering methods and the microstructural characteristics of the single grains on the macroscopic mechanical behavior. The electromechanical behavior of commercial YBCO coated conductors was studied. The mechanical behavior of the tapes was studied under tensile and fatigue tests at 77 and 300 K. The complete strain field on the surface of the sample was obtained by applying Digital Image Correlation (DIC) at 300 K. Addionally, in situ fragmentation tests inside a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) were carried out in order to study the fragmentation of the superconducting layer and determine the interfacial shear strength between substrate and ceramic layer. The fragmentation process upon loading of the YBCO layer has been observed and finally, Finite Element Simulations were employed to reproduce delamination and fragmentation phenomena. Finally, joints between the stabilizing Cu sides of two coated conductors have been prepared. The electrical resistivity of the joints was measured for the purpose of qualifying the soldering material and evaluating the soldering process. Additionally, mechanical characterization under single lap shear tests at 300 and 77 K has been carried out. The effect of the applied magnetic field has been studied by applying external magnetic field up to 1 T perpendicular and parallel to the tape-joint at service temperature (77 K). Finally, finite element simulations were employed to study the distribution of the stresses in earch layer, taking into account the three mechanically relevant layers of the coated conductor (Cu-Hastelloy-Cu) that affect its mechanical behavior


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La informática teórica es una disciplina básica ya que la mayoría de los avances en informática se sustentan en un sólido resultado de esa materia. En los últimos a~nos debido tanto al incremento de la potencia de los ordenadores, como a la cercanía del límite físico en la miniaturización de los componentes electrónicos, resurge el interés por modelos formales de computación alternativos a la arquitectura clásica de von Neumann. Muchos de estos modelos se inspiran en la forma en la que la naturaleza resuelve eficientemente problemas muy complejos. La mayoría son computacionalmente completos e intrínsecamente paralelos. Por este motivo se les está llegando a considerar como nuevos paradigmas de computación (computación natural). Se dispone, por tanto, de un abanico de arquitecturas abstractas tan potentes como los computadores convencionales y, a veces, más eficientes: alguna de ellas mejora el rendimiento, al menos temporal, de problemas NPcompletos proporcionando costes no exponenciales. La representación formal de las redes de procesadores evolutivos requiere de construcciones, tanto independientes, como dependientes del contexto, dicho de otro modo, en general una representación formal completa de un NEP implica restricciones, tanto sintácticas, como semánticas, es decir, que muchas representaciones aparentemente (sintácticamente) correctas de casos particulares de estos dispositivos no tendrían sentido porque podrían no cumplir otras restricciones semánticas. La aplicación de evolución gramatical semántica a los NEPs pasa por la elección de un subconjunto de ellos entre los que buscar los que solucionen un problema concreto. En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio sobre un modelo inspirado en la biología celular denominado redes de procesadores evolutivos [55, 53], esto es, redes cuyos nodos son procesadores muy simples capaces de realizar únicamente un tipo de mutación puntual (inserción, borrado o sustitución de un símbolo). Estos nodos están asociados con un filtro que está definido por alguna condición de contexto aleatorio o de pertenencia. Las redes están formadas a lo sumo de seis nodos y, teniendo los filtros definidos por una pertenencia a lenguajes regulares, son capaces de generar todos los lenguajes enumerables recursivos independientemente del grafo subyacente. Este resultado no es sorprendente ya que semejantes resultados han sido documentados en la literatura. Si se consideran redes con nodos y filtros definidos por contextos aleatorios {que parecen estar más cerca a las implementaciones biológicas{ entonces se pueden generar lenguajes más complejos como los lenguajes no independientes del contexto. Sin embargo, estos mecanismos tan simples son capaces de resolver problemas complejos en tiempo polinomial. Se ha presentado una solución lineal para un problema NP-completo, el problema de los 3-colores. Como primer aporte significativo se ha propuesto una nueva dinámica de las redes de procesadores evolutivos con un comportamiento no determinista y masivamente paralelo [55], y por tanto todo el trabajo de investigación en el área de la redes de procesadores se puede trasladar a las redes masivamente paralelas. Por ejemplo, las redes masivamente paralelas se pueden modificar de acuerdo a determinadas reglas para mover los filtros hacia las conexiones. Cada conexión se ve como un canal bidireccional de manera que los filtros de entrada y salida coinciden. A pesar de esto, estas redes son computacionalmente completas. Se pueden también implementar otro tipo de reglas para extender este modelo computacional. Se reemplazan las mutaciones puntuales asociadas a cada nodo por la operación de splicing. Este nuevo tipo de procesador se denomina procesador splicing. Este modelo computacional de Red de procesadores con splicing ANSP es semejante en cierto modo a los sistemas distribuidos en tubos de ensayo basados en splicing. Además, se ha definido un nuevo modelo [56] {Redes de procesadores evolutivos con filtros en las conexiones{ , en el cual los procesadores tan solo tienen reglas y los filtros se han trasladado a las conexiones. Dicho modelo es equivalente, bajo determinadas circunstancias, a las redes de procesadores evolutivos clásicas. Sin dichas restricciones el modelo propuesto es un superconjunto de los NEPs clásicos. La principal ventaja de mover los filtros a las conexiones radica en la simplicidad de la modelización. Otras aportaciones de este trabajo ha sido el dise~no de un simulador en Java [54, 52] para las redes de procesadores evolutivos propuestas en esta Tesis. Sobre el término "procesador evolutivo" empleado en esta Tesis, el proceso computacional descrito aquí no es exactamente un proceso evolutivo en el sentido Darwiniano. Pero las operaciones de reescritura que se han considerado pueden interpretarse como mutaciones y los procesos de filtrado se podrían ver como procesos de selección. Además, este trabajo no abarca la posible implementación biológica de estas redes, a pesar de ser de gran importancia. A lo largo de esta tesis se ha tomado como definición de la medida de complejidad para los ANSP, una que denotaremos como tama~no (considerando tama~no como el número de nodos del grafo subyacente). Se ha mostrado que cualquier lenguaje enumerable recursivo L puede ser aceptado por un ANSP en el cual el número de procesadores está linealmente acotado por la cardinalidad del alfabeto de la cinta de una máquina de Turing que reconoce dicho lenguaje L. Siguiendo el concepto de ANSP universales introducido por Manea [65], se ha demostrado que un ANSP con una estructura de grafo fija puede aceptar cualquier lenguaje enumerable recursivo. Un ANSP se puede considerar como un ente capaz de resolver problemas, además de tener otra propiedad relevante desde el punto de vista práctico: Se puede definir un ANSP universal como una subred, donde solo una cantidad limitada de parámetros es dependiente del lenguaje. La anterior característica se puede interpretar como un método para resolver cualquier problema NP en tiempo polinomial empleando un ANSP de tama~no constante, concretamente treinta y uno. Esto significa que la solución de cualquier problema NP es uniforme en el sentido de que la red, exceptuando la subred universal, se puede ver como un programa; adaptándolo a la instancia del problema a resolver, se escogerín los filtros y las reglas que no pertenecen a la subred universal. Un problema interesante desde nuestro punto de vista es el que hace referencia a como elegir el tama~no optimo de esta red.---ABSTRACT---This thesis deals with the recent research works in the area of Natural Computing {bio-inspired models{, more precisely Networks of Evolutionary Processors first developed by Victor Mitrana and they are based on P Systems whose father is Georghe Paun. In these models, they are a set of processors connected in an underlying undirected graph, such processors have an object multiset (strings) and a set of rules, named evolution rules, that transform objects inside processors[55, 53],. These objects can be sent/received using graph connections provided they accomplish constraints defined at input and output filters processors have. This symbolic model, non deterministic one (processors are not synchronized) and massive parallel one[55] (all rules can be applied in one computational step) has some important properties regarding solution of NP-problems in lineal time and of course, lineal resources. There are a great number of variants such as hybrid networks, splicing processors, etc. that provide the model a computational power equivalent to Turing machines. The origin of networks of evolutionary processors (NEP for short) is a basic architecture for parallel and distributed symbolic processing, related to the Connection Machine as well as the Logic Flow paradigm, which consists of several processors, each of them being placed in a node of a virtual complete graph, which are able to handle data associated with the respective node. All the nodes send simultaneously their data and the receiving nodes handle also simultaneously all the arriving messages, according to some strategies. In a series of papers one considers that each node may be viewed as a cell having genetic information encoded in DNA sequences which may evolve by local evolutionary events, that is point mutations. Each node is specialized just for one of these evolutionary operations. Furthermore, the data in each node is organized in the form of multisets of words (each word appears in an arbitrarily large number of copies), and all the copies are processed in parallel such that all the possible events that can take place do actually take place. Obviously, the computational process just described is not exactly an evolutionary process in the Darwinian sense. But the rewriting operations we have considered might be interpreted as mutations and the filtering process might be viewed as a selection process. Recombination is missing but it was asserted that evolutionary and functional relationships between genes can be captured by taking only local mutations into consideration. It is clear that filters associated with each node allow a strong control of the computation. Indeed, every node has an input and output filter; two nodes can exchange data if it passes the output filter of the sender and the input filter of the receiver. Moreover, if some data is sent out by some node and not able to enter any node, then it is lost. In this paper we simplify the ANSP model considered in by moving the filters from the nodes to the edges. Each edge is viewed as a two-way channel such that the input and output filters coincide. Clearly, the possibility of controlling the computation in such networks seems to be diminished. For instance, there is no possibility to loose data during the communication steps. In spite of this and of the fact that splicing is not a powerful operation (remember that splicing systems generates only regular languages) we prove here that these devices are computationally complete. As a consequence, we propose characterizations of two complexity classes, namely NP and PSPACE, in terms of accepting networks of restricted splicing processors with filtered connections. We proposed a uniform linear time solution to SAT based on ANSPFCs with linearly bounded resources. This solution should be understood correctly: we do not solve SAT in linear time and space. Since any word and auxiliary word appears in an arbitrarily large number of copies, one can generate in linear time, by parallelism and communication, an exponential number of words each of them having an exponential number of copies. However, this does not seem to be a major drawback since by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) one can generate an exponential number of identical DNA molecules in a linear number of reactions. It is worth mentioning that the ANSPFC constructed above remains unchanged for any instance with the same number of variables. Therefore, the solution is uniform in the sense that the network, excepting the input and output nodes, may be viewed as a program according to the number of variables, we choose the filters, the splicing words and the rules, then we assign all possible values to the variables, and compute the formula.We proved that ANSP are computationally complete. Do the ANSPFC remain still computationally complete? If this is not the case, what other problems can be eficiently solved by these ANSPFCs? Moreover, the complexity class NP is exactly the class of all languages decided by ANSP in polynomial time. Can NP be characterized in a similar way with ANSPFCs?


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Varios grupos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid se encuentran actualmente desarrollando un micro-satélite de experimentación bajo el proyecto UPMSat-2, sucesor de otro exitoso proyecto similar, el UPM-Sat 1. Bajo este marco la autora del presente documento ha llevado a cabo la realización de tres tareas fundamentales para hacer posible la puesta en órbita de dicho satélite. Las tareas principales definidas como alcance de este proyecto pretenden facilitar el uso de la memoria no volátil del computador de a bordo y comprobar el funcionamiento de todos los sistemas del satélite. Por ello se ha realizado el arranque desde la memoria no volátil junto con un manejador para el uso de la misma y un conjunto de pruebas de validación del software e integración del hardware. La satisfacción con los resultados obtenidos ha hecho posible la inclusión del software y pruebas desarrolladas al conjunto de todo el software del proyecto UPMSat-2, contribuyendo así a la capacidad del satélite para ser puesto en órbita.---ABSTRACT---UPMSat-2, the successor of UPM-Sat 1, is a joint project for the development of a micro-satellite for experimentation, which is being carried out by various research groups at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The author of this document has developed three main tasks to make possible the correct operation of this satellite during the duration of its mission. The scope of the present work is to enable the use of the on-board computer’s non-volatile memory and the development of a software to test that the satellite’s subsystems are working properly. To this end, the non-volatile memory’s boot sequence has been implemented together with the driver to use such memory, and a series of validation and integration tests for the software and the hardware. The results of the this work have been satisfactory, therefore they have been included in UPMSat-2’s software, contributing this way to the capacity of the satellite to carry out its mission.


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The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid participates in the MINISAT 01 program as the experiment CPLM responsible. This experiment aims at the study of the fluid behaviour in reduced gravity conditions. The interest of this study is and has been widely recognised by the scientific community and has potential applications in the pharmaceutical and microelectronic technologies (crystal growth), among others. The scientific team which has developed the CPLM experiment has a wide experience in this field and had participate in the performance of a large number of experiments on the fluid behaviour in reduced gravity conditions in flight (Spacelab missions, TEXUS sounding rockets, KC-135 and Caravelle aeroplanes, drop towers, as well as on earth labs (neutralbuoyancy and small scale simulations). The experimental equipment used in CPLMis a version of the payload developed for experimentation on drop towers and on board microsatellites as the UPM-Sat 1, adapted to fly on board MINISAT 01.


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O texto analisa a prática pastoral do neopentecostalismo na Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus. Esta Igreja expandiu-se substancialmente no Brasil, conseguiu arregimentar um número enorme de seguidores e conquistou expressiva visibilidade na mídia. A pesquisa estuda a trajetória histórica do neopentecostalismo, o seu desenvolvimento no Brasil e os aspectos teológicos do movimento. Estuda-se também a Igreja da Graça, sua origem, sua teologia, sua estrutura de governo, seu ministério pastoral e expansão. Por estar inserida dentro do neopentecostalismo, a Igreja da Graça reflete também a sua teologia, que propõe banir a doença, a pobreza e todo o tipo de sofrimento da vida humana, a fim de produzir uma nova geração de fiéis: ricos e saudáveis. De acordo com a sua teologia, o cristão deve viver todo o tempo de sua vida livre de qualquer aspecto negativo da existência humana. Se isso não acontece, é porque ele não tem fé, está sob o poder de Satã ou tem um comportamento que desagrada a Deus. Assim, a marca do verdadeiro cristão é a plena saúde física e emocional, além da prosperidade financeira. Entretanto, a pregação neopentecostal tem produzido desapontamentos, principalmente, quando a cura física não acontece e o dinheiro não aparece. Portanto, esta tese formula uma proposta de prática pastoral de esperança que possibilite aos decepcionados com essa mensagem triunfalista retomarem a vida cristã dentro do seu espaço cristão.(AU)


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O texto analisa a prática pastoral do neopentecostalismo na Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus. Esta Igreja expandiu-se substancialmente no Brasil, conseguiu arregimentar um número enorme de seguidores e conquistou expressiva visibilidade na mídia. A pesquisa estuda a trajetória histórica do neopentecostalismo, o seu desenvolvimento no Brasil e os aspectos teológicos do movimento. Estuda-se também a Igreja da Graça, sua origem, sua teologia, sua estrutura de governo, seu ministério pastoral e expansão. Por estar inserida dentro do neopentecostalismo, a Igreja da Graça reflete também a sua teologia, que propõe banir a doença, a pobreza e todo o tipo de sofrimento da vida humana, a fim de produzir uma nova geração de fiéis: ricos e saudáveis. De acordo com a sua teologia, o cristão deve viver todo o tempo de sua vida livre de qualquer aspecto negativo da existência humana. Se isso não acontece, é porque ele não tem fé, está sob o poder de Satã ou tem um comportamento que desagrada a Deus. Assim, a marca do verdadeiro cristão é a plena saúde física e emocional, além da prosperidade financeira. Entretanto, a pregação neopentecostal tem produzido desapontamentos, principalmente, quando a cura física não acontece e o dinheiro não aparece. Portanto, esta tese formula uma proposta de prática pastoral de esperança que possibilite aos decepcionados com essa mensagem triunfalista retomarem a vida cristã dentro do seu espaço cristão.(AU)


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A satellite DNA sequence, As120a, specific to the A-genome chromosomes in the hexaploid oat, Avena sativa L., was isolated by subcloning a fragment with internal tandem repeats from a plasmid, pAs120, that had been obtained from an Avena strigosa (As genome) genomic library. Southern and in situ hybridization showed that sequences with homology to sequences within pAs120 were dispersed throughout the genome of diploid (A and C genomes), tetraploid (AC genomes), and hexaploid (ACD genomes) Avena species. In contrast, sequences homologous to As120a were found in two A-genome species (A. strigosa and Avena longiglumis) and in the hexaploid A. sativa whereas this sequence was little amplified in the tetraploid Avena murphyi and was absent in the remaining A- and C-genome diploid species. In situ hybridization of pAs120a to hexaploid oat species revealed the distribution of elements of the As120a repeated family over both arms of 14 of 42 chromosomes of this species. By using double in situ hybridization with pAs120a and a C genome-specific probe, three sets of 14 chromosomes were revealed corresponding to the A, C, and D genomes of the hexaploid species. Simultaneous in situ hybridizations with pAs120a and ribosomal probes were used to assign the SAT chromosomes of hexaploid species to their correct genomes. This work reports a sequence able to distinguish between the closely related A and D genomes of hexaploid oats. This sequence offers new opportunities to analyze the relationships of Avena species and to explore the possible evolution of various polyploid oat species.


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Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genetically heterogeneous autosomal recessive syndrome associated with chromosomal instability, hypersensitivity to DNA crosslinking agents, and predisposition to malignancy. The gene for FA complementation group A (FAA) recently has been cloned. The cDNA is predicted to encode a polypeptide of 1,455 amino acids, with no homologies to any known protein that might suggest a function for FAA. We have used single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis to screen genomic DNA from a panel of 97 racially and ethnically diverse FA patients from the International Fanconi Anemia Registry for mutations in the FAA gene. A total of 85 variant bands were detected. Forty-five of the variants are probably benign polymorphisms, of which nine are common and can be used for various applications, including mapping studies for other genes in this region of chromosome 16q. Amplification refractory mutation system assays were developed to simplify their detection. Forty variants are likely to be pathogenic mutations. Seventeen of these are microdeletions/microinsertions associated with short direct repeats or homonucleotide tracts, a type of mutation thought to be generated by a mechanism of slipped-strand mispairing during DNA replication. A screening of 350 FA probands from the International Fanconi Anemia Registry for two of these deletions (1115–1118del and 3788–3790del) revealed that they are carried on about 2% and 5% of the FA alleles, respectively. 3788–3790del appears in a variety of ethnic groups and is found on at least two different haplotypes. We suggest that FAA is hypermutable, and that slipped-strand mispairing, a mutational mechanism recognized as important for the generation of germ-line and somatic mutations in a variety of cancer-related genes, including p53, APC, RB1, WT1, and BRCA1, may be a major mechanism for FAA mutagenesis.


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In Arabidopsis thaliana, trichome cells are specialized unicellular structures with uncertain functions. Based on earlier observations that one of the genes involved in cysteine biosynthesis (Atcys-3A) is highly expressed in trichomes, we have extended our studies in trichome cells to determine their capacity for glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis. First, we have analyzed by in situ hybridization the tissue-specific expression of the genes Atcys-3A and sat5, which encode O-acetylserine(thio)lyase (OASTL) and serine acetyltransferase (SAT), respectively, as well as gsh1 and gsh2, which encode γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase and glutathione synthetase, respectively. The four genes are highly expressed in leaf trichomes of Arabidopsis, and their mRNA accumulate to high levels. Second, we have directly measured cytoplasmic GSH concentration in intact cells by laser-scanning microscopy after labeling with monochlorobimane as a GSH-specific probe. From these measurements, cytosolic GSH concentrations of 238 ± 25, 80 ± 2, and 144 ± 19 μM were estimated for trichome, basement, and epidermal cells, respectively. Taking into account the volume of the cells measured using stereological techniques, the trichomes have a total GSH content more than 300-fold higher than the basement and epidermal cells. Third, after NaCl treatment, GSH biosynthesis is markedly decreased in trichomes. Atcys-3A, sat5, gsh1, and gsh2 mRNA levels show a decrease in transcript abundance, and [GSH]cyt is reduced to 47 ± 5 μM. These results suggest the important physiological significance of trichome cells related to GSH biosynthesis and their possible role as a sink during detoxification processes.


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Somatic mosaicism has been observed previously in the lymphocyte population of patients with Fanconi anemia (FA). To identify the cellular origin of the genotypic reversion, we examined each lymphohematopoietic and stromal cell lineage in an FA patient with a 2815–2816ins19 mutation in FANCA and known lymphocyte somatic mosaicism. DNA extracted from individually plucked peripheral blood T cell colonies and marrow colony-forming unit granulocyte–macrophage and burst-forming unit erythroid cells revealed absence of the maternal FANCA exon 29 mutation in 74.0%, 80.3%, and 86.2% of colonies, respectively. These data, together with the absence of the FANCA exon 29 mutation in Epstein–Barr virus-transformed B cells and its presence in fibroblasts, indicate that genotypic reversion, most likely because of back mutation, originated in a lymphohematopoietic stem cell and not solely in a lymphocyte population. Contrary to a predicted increase in marrow cellularity resulting from reversion in a hematopoietic stem cell, pancytopenia was progressive. Additional evaluations revealed a partial deletion of 11q in 3 of 20 bone marrow metaphase cells. By using interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization with an MLL gene probe mapped to band 11q23 to identify colony-forming unit granulocyte–macrophage and burst-forming unit erythroid cells with the 11q deletion, the abnormal clone was exclusive to colonies with the FANCA exon 29 mutation. Thus, we demonstrate the spontaneous genotypic reversion in a lymphohematopoietic stem cell. The subsequent development of a clonal cytogenetic abnormality in nonrevertant cells suggests that ex vivo correction of hematopoietic stem cells by gene transfer may not be sufficient for providing life-long stable hematopoiesis in patients with FA.


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Whenever we open our eyes, we are confronted with an overwhelming amount of visual information. Covert attention allows us to select visual information at a cued location, without eye movements, and to grant such information priority in processing. Covert attention can be voluntarily allocated, to a given location according to goals, or involuntarily allocated, in a reflexive manner, to a cue that appears suddenly in the visual field. Covert attention improves discriminability in a wide variety of visual tasks. An important unresolved issue is whether covert attention can also speed the rate at which information is processed. To address this issue, it is necessary to obtain conjoint measures of the effects of covert attention on discriminability and rate of information processing. We used the response-signal speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT) procedure to derive measures of how cueing a target location affects speed and accuracy in a visual search task. Here, we show that covert attention not only improves discriminability but also accelerates the rate of information processing.