979 resultados para SUS (National Brazilian Healthy System)


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The aim of this article is to discuss the competence model present in the current world of work and organizations and its possibilities to strengthen democracy. The goal here is to investigate the ambiguities of such a model according to some reflections on the meaning it has assumed since the last decades of the XXth century. Next, the intention is to discuss the way the Brazilian educational system has absorbed this model and, finally, the objective is to question whether


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This work carried through an exploratory study with nine students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) that had passed for the scholarship in last the ten years and who were registered in the modality of Education for Young people and Adults (EYA). The objective was to identify the effect of the inclusive education, with regard to access and equity in education, in relation to the acquisition of reading, writing and calculation, having as reference the initial cycle of literacy. The research was developed with students aged between 16 and 46 years, in a city in interior of São Paulo (Brazil). About the participants, three were attended the Term I: (1ª and 2ª series), three the Term II (3ª e 4ª series) and three the Term III: (5ª series). An Instrument of Evaluation was elaborated, with specific questions of Portuguese language and mathematics. The study found that in the last ten years, of the investigated group, few students had frequented regular school and those who attended were for a short period of time. The great majority studied, in recent years, only in special school, against the current legislation of inclusive education policy in the Brazilian educational system. Although the students receive the classification of students with SEN, the scholar system demonstrate difficulties in taking care of these students in theirs specific demands of learning and remain, still, the necessity of adequate training of teachers to work in the inclusive schools and to attend the diversity present in the classroom.


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The paper demonstrates the magnitude of the constitutional statement of the dignity of the human person subscribed to the Federal Constitution of 1988 as a fundamental principle. Next, it brings reports on quality of life of residents of Vila Esperança, in the municipality of Cubatão (SP), from an ethnographic approach, descriptive and photographic documentation. We could conclude that the Brazilian legal system is organized hierarchically, so the Principle of Human Dignity cannot be disregard. The vital guarantee of a minimum vital floor is essential for poor people to expand the possibilities for the full exercise of human dignity.


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This paper focuses on the discussion of journalistic genres, more specifically on the comic journalism, in other words, when using humor as a tool to transmit information. Supported by the definitions proposed by José Marques de Melo (2003), based on the theories of journalism presented by Nelson Traquina (2005) and Felipe Pena (2005) and relying on the teachings of Jorge Halperín (2008) and Rafael Yanes (2004) about interview techniques, this research aimed to analyze the humor as a legitimate resource and collaborator in journalism performance. For this, we analyzed, in detail, six different frames of interviews of program The Noite with Danilo Gentili, which is broadcasted from Monday to Friday by the Brazilian Television System, SBT. In this analysis, we considered the contente of interviews, the technique and the resources used by the presenter and his team, the journalistic relevance of topics and guests and the reach of the general public to information


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Objective: to describe the profile of non-fatal cases related to interpersonal violence treated in an emergency care unit of reference that serves seven municipalities of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2008 to 2010. Methods: the study data came from the cases reported from the Epidemiological Vigilance in Penápolis-SP to the Brazilian Information System for Notifiable Diseases; variables were shown according to the Notification/Investigation Individual Formulary of Domestic, Sexual, and/or other Types of Violences. Results: 109 occurrences were studied; most of the victims were young and female (93.6%); and the aggressors, mostly were men (57.8%), partners or relatives/acquaintances of victims. Physical violence was the main form of aggression (93.6%), principally in the home (67.9%), on Sunday (16.5%), between 6:01pm and 12:00pm (57.8%). Conclusion: the cases reported had a consistent profile of domestic family violence against women, different from other studies about interpersonal violence in large cities and metropolitan regions


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Among planning instruments used by manager instances of Brazilian Health System it pointed the Health Municipal Plan (PMS) that should be built collectively showing political intentions, directresses, priorities, objectives, goals framework, estimative of resources and need costs to get the goals of the health sector. The aim of this work was to analyze the plans in relation to attendance of legal requirements which manage the Brazilian Health System, its constitution and showing of essential items. The study included three municipalities form São Paulo State. It was used the documental analysis as research technique. Near all plans showed an analysis of situation with detailed descriptions of general situation of municipality, and only one of them realized critical analysis of their epidemiological data; the financial income applied on health was decrypted by only one municipality. About programming, all municipalities described the main problems and its solutions. Although they had goals framework, the question about cost estimative to get the goals was not approached. Any municipality showed an annual review, being one of them delayed over than two years. It was observed no participation of Municipal Health Council on elaboration and review of plans. It was concluded that there was a deficiency in the plans analyzed. It’s necessary to execute continuing education with managers in relation to importance of systematic elaboration of plans and to incentive the promotion of active participation of Municipal Health Council promotion of aiming to became true the social control of health actions.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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The scenario that outlines this research project is characterized by the centrality of ICT on society and the necessity of having them embedded on education, both face-to-face and distance learning. Amongst the available ICT, the medium radio has been chosen due to its popularity within Brazilian society, as well as its 90 years of initiatives applied on education. Although the radio seems to be historically useful to education, it has been supporting more conservative approaches, such as teaching centred practices, simplytransmitted lessons and assessment based on memorization. On the other hand, Brazilian educational system has been changed since the early 90s, and those reforms brought new challenges to the radio on education, such as training critical listeners, concerned citizens, people with aesthetic sensibility, ethical standards etc. Thus, a systematic assessment of the real educational possibilities of the radio is even more necessary. This research projectaims to retrieve the most prominent educational initiatives using the radio, connecting them to the Brazilian regulatory framework on Education. The methodology consists of desk research and official documents analyses.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Table of Contents: Prairie Science Class Celebrates Anniversary, page 16 Program integrates environmental education into routine public school curriculum. Focus on Hunting, page 8-15 While the National Wildlife Refuge System has been shaped by a variety of public concerns, hunters were among the early, substantive voices. Texas Brochures Turned Some Heads, page 17 South Texas Refuge series of brochures are notable for their beauty and more. Forty Years for the Wilderness Act, Page 18 National Wilderness Preservation System protects more than 105.7 million acres, including more than 20 million acres on 65 refuges.


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Table of Contents: Celebrating 20 Years of Science on the M/ V Tiglax, page 5 Kevin Bell is honored as Captain of the largest ship operated by the National Wildlife Refuge System. Focus on…A River Runs Through It, pages 8-15 Rivers on refuges are managed for recreation, habitat restoration, water rights and sheer beauty. The Fight Against Giant Salvinia, page 18 Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Texas is fighting a weed that can travel three-quarters of a mile in 24 hours. Awards, page 21 From protecting the land to going “green,” awards recognize excellence.


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The CIPESC (R) is a tool that informs the work of nurses in Public Health and assists in prioritizing their care in practice, management and research. It is also a powerful pedagogical instrument for the qualification of nurses within the Brazilian healthcare system. In the teaching of infectious diseases, using the CIPESC (R) assists in analyzing the interventions by encouraging clinical and epidemiological thinking regarding the health-illness process. With the purpose in mind of developing resources for teaching undergraduate nursing students and encouraging reflection regarding the process of nursing work, this article presents an experimental application of CIPESC (R), using meningococcal meningitis as an example.