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The maintenance of vision, through prevention and attenuation of neuronal injury in glaucoma, forms the basis of current clinical practice. Currently, the reduction of intraocular pressure is the only proven method to achieve these goals. Although this strategy enjoys considerable success, some patients progress to blindness; hence, additional management options are highly desirable. Several terms describing treatment modalities of neuronal diseases with potential applicability to glaucoma are used in the literature, including neuroprotection, neurorecovery, neurorescue and neuroregeneration. These phenomena have not been defined within a coherent framework. Here, we suggest a set of definitions, postulates and principles to form a foundation for the successful translation of novel glaucoma therapies from the laboratory to the clinic.


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In bacterial meningitis, several pharmacodynamic factors determine therapeutic success-when defined as sterilization of the CSF: (1) Local host defense deficits in the CNS require the use of bactericidal antibiotics to sterilize the CSF. (2) CSF antibiotic concentrations that are at least 10-fold above the MBC are necessary for maximal bactericidal activity. Protein binding, low pH, and slow bacterial growth rates are among the factors that may explain the high antibiotic concentrations necessary in vivo. (3) High CSF peak concentrations that lead to rapid bacterial killing appear more important than prolonged suprainhibitory concentrations, probably because very low residual levels in the CSF prevent bacterial regrowth, even during relatively long dosing intervals. (4) Penetration of antibiotics into the CSF is significantly impaired by the blood-brain barrier and thus, very high serum levels are necessary to achieve the CSF concentrations required for optimal bactericidal activity. Beyond these principles, recent data suggests that rapid lytic killing of bacteria in the CSF may have harmful effects on the brain because of the release of biologically active products from the lysed bacteria. Since rapid CSF sterilization remains a key therapeutic goal, the harmful consequences of bacterial lysis present a major challenge in the therapy of bacterial meningitis. Currently, dexamethasone represents that only clinically beneficial approach to reduce the harmful effects of bacterial lysis, and novel approaches are required to improve the outcome of this serious infection.


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The pathophysiologic aspects of bacterial meningitis impose some specific requirements on successful antimicrobial therapy of this disease. Because infections of the subarachnoid space rapidly produce destruction of the brain tissue, treatment must be instituted as early as possible. In the subarachnoid space, efficient host defense mechanisms are absent, particularly at the start of the infection, and therefore antibiotics have to produce a bactericidal effect to eliminate the microorganisms. As animal studies indicate, only drug concentrations 20- to 100-fold higher than the minimal bactericidal concentration are effective in vivo. Because penetration of antibiotics to the site of infection is limited by the blood-brain barrier, the high cerebrospinal fluid concentrations necessary to kill the bacteria may be difficult to achieve and therapy may be limited by toxicity. Even with optimal antibiotic therapy, the morbidity and mortality remain high, and new therapeutic interventions are necessary and should be aimed at modifying selective components of the inflammatory process.


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Recently nanoscale junctions consisting of 0-D nanostructures (single molecule) or 1-D nanostructures (semiconducting nanowire) sandwiched between two metal electrodes are successfully fabricated and characterized. What lacks in the recent developments is the understanding of the mechanism behind the observed phenomena at the level of atoms and electrons. For example, the origin of observed switching effect in a semiconducting nanowire due to the influence of an external gate bias is not yet understood at the electronic structure level. On the same context, different experimental groups have reported different signs in tunneling magneto-resistance for the same organic spin valve structure, which has baffled researchers working in this field. In this thesis, we present the answers to some of these subtle questions by investigating the charge and spin transport in different nanoscale junctions. A parameter-free, single particle Green’s function approach in conjunction with a posteriori density functional theory (DFT) involving a hybrid orbital dependent functional is used to calculate the tunneling current in the coherent transport limit. The effect of spin polarization is explicitly incorporated to investigate spin transport in a nanoscale junction. Through the electron transport studies in PbS nanowire junction, a new orbital controlled mechanism behind the switching of the current is proposed. It can explain the switching behavior, not only in PbS nanowire, but in other lead-chalcogenide nanowires as well. Beside this, the electronic structure properties of this nanowire are studied using periodic DFT. The quantum confinement effect was investigated by calculating the bandgap of PbS nanowires with different diameters. Subsequently, we explain an observed semiconducting to metallic phase transition of this nanowire by calculating the bandgap of the nanowire under uniform radial strain. The compressive radial strain on the nanowire was found to be responsible for the metallic to semiconducting phase transition. Apart from studying one dimensional nanostructure, we also present transport properties in zero dimensional single molecular junctions. We proposed a new codoping approach in a single molecular carborane junction, where a cation and an anion are simultaneously doped to find the role of a single atom in the device. The main purpose was to build a molecular junction where a single atom can dictate the flow of electrons in a circuit. Recent observations of both positive and negative sign in tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) the using same organic spin-valve structure hasmystified researchers. From our spin dependent transport studies in a prototypical organic molecular tunneling device, we found that a 3% change in metal-molecule interfacial distance can alter the sign of TMR. Changing the interfacial distance by 3%, the number of participating eigenstates as well as their orbital characteristic changes for anti-parallel configuration of the magnetization at the two electrodes, leading to the sign reversal of the TMR. Apart from this, the magnetic proximity effect under applied bias is investigated quantitatively, which can be used to understand the observed unexpectedmagnetismin carbon basedmaterials when they are in close proximity with magnetic substrates.


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Carbon nanotube (CNT) is a one dimensional (1-D) nanostructured material, which has been the focal point of research over the past decade for intriguing applications ranging from nanoelectronics to chemical and biological sensors. Using a first-principles gradient corrected density functional approach, we present a comprehensive study of the geometry and energy band gap in zig-zag semi-conducting (n,0) carbon nanotubes (CNT) to resolve some of the conflicting findings. Our calculations confirm that the single wall (n,0) CNTs fall into two distinct classes depending upon n mod 3 equal to 1 (smaller band gaps) or 2 (larger gaps). The effect of longitudinal strain on the band gap further confirms the existence of two distinct classes: for n mod 3 = 1 or 2, changing Eg by ~ ±110 meV for 1% strain in each case. We also present our findings for the origin of metallicity in multiwall CNTs.