456 resultados para SUPERCONDUCTORS


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El projecte consisteix en l’anàlisi tèrmica de l’obtenció d’òxids de ceri a partir de precursors moleculars com són el propionat de ceri (III), el propionat de ceri (III) dopat amb gadolini i el propionat de ceri (III) dopat amb zirconi. Els òxids resultants són materials superconductors que ofereixen una resistència nul•la al pas del corrent en determinades condicions. Per realitzar l’estudi hem fet servir quatre tècniques diferents: termogravimetria, calorimetria diferencial, espectrometria de masses i difracció de raigs-x


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La present Tesi Doctoral, titulada desenvolupament computacional de la semblança molecular quàntica, tracta, fonamentalment, els aspectes de càlcul de mesures de semblança basades en la comparació de funcions de densitat electrònica.El primer capítol, Semblança quàntica, és introductori. S'hi descriuen les funcions de densitat de probabilitat electrònica i llur significança en el marc de la mecànica quàntica. Se n'expliciten els aspectes essencials i les condicions matemàtiques a satisfer, cara a una millor comprensió dels models de densitat electrònica que es proposen. Hom presenta les densitats electròniques, mencionant els teoremes de Hohenberg i Kohn i esquematitzant la teoria de Bader, com magnituds fonamentals en la descripció de les molècules i en la comprensió de llurs propietats.En el capítol Models de densitats electròniques moleculars es presenten procediments computacionals originals per l'ajust de funcions densitat a models expandits en termes de gaussianes 1s centrades en els nuclis. Les restriccions físico-matemàtiques associades a les distribucions de probabilitat s'introdueixen de manera rigorosa, en el procediment anomenat Atomic Shell Approximation (ASA). Aquest procediment, implementat en el programa ASAC, parteix d'un espai funcional quasi complert, d'on se seleccionen variacionalment les funcions o capes de l'expansió, d'acord als requisits de no negativitat. La qualitat d'aquestes densitats i de les mesures de semblança derivades es verifica abastament. Aquest model ASA s'estén a representacions dinàmiques, físicament més acurades, en quant que afectades per les vibracions nuclears, cara a una exploració de l'efecte de l'esmorteïment dels pics nuclears en les mesures de semblança molecular. La comparació de les densitats dinàmiques respecte les estàtiques evidencia un reordenament en les densitats dinàmiques, d'acord al que constituiria una manifestació del Principi quàntic de Le Chatelier. El procediment ASA, explícitament consistent amb les condicions de N-representabilitat, s'aplica també a la determinació directe de densitats electròniques hidrogenoides, en un context de teoria del funcional de la densitat.El capítol Maximització global de la funció de semblança presenta algorismes originals per la determinació de la màxima sobreposició de les densitats electròniques moleculars. Les mesures de semblança molecular quàntica s'identifiquen amb el màxim solapament, de manera es mesuri la distància entre les molècules, independentment dels sistemes de referència on es defineixen les densitats electròniques. Partint de la solució global en el límit de densitats infinitament compactades en els nuclis, es proposen tres nivells de aproximació per l'exploració sistemàtica, no estocàstica, de la funció de semblança, possibilitant la identificació eficient del màxim global, així com també dels diferents màxims locals. Es proposa també una parametrització original de les integrals de recobriment a través d'ajustos a funcions lorentzianes, en quant que tècnica d'acceleració computacional. En la pràctica de les relacions estructura-activitat, aquests avenços possibiliten la implementació eficient de mesures de semblança quantitatives, i, paral·lelament, proporcionen una metodologia totalment automàtica d'alineació molecular. El capítol Semblances d'àtoms en molècules descriu un algorisme de comparació dels àtoms de Bader, o regions tridimensionals delimitades per superfícies de flux zero de la funció de densitat electrònica. El caràcter quantitatiu d'aquestes semblances possibilita la mesura rigorosa de la noció química de transferibilitat d'àtoms i grups funcionals. Les superfícies de flux zero i els algorismes d'integració usats han estat publicats recentment i constitueixen l'aproximació més acurada pel càlcul de les propietats atòmiques. Finalment, en el capítol Semblances en estructures cristal·lines hom proposa una definició original de semblança, específica per la comparació dels conceptes de suavitat o softness en la distribució de fonons associats a l'estructura cristal·lina. Aquests conceptes apareixen en estudis de superconductivitat a causa de la influència de les interaccions electró-fonó en les temperatures de transició a l'estat superconductor. En aplicar-se aquesta metodologia a l'anàlisi de sals de BEDT-TTF, s'evidencien correlacions estructurals entre sals superconductores i no superconductores, en consonància amb les hipòtesis apuntades a la literatura sobre la rellevància de determinades interaccions.Conclouen aquesta tesi un apèndix que conté el programa ASAC, implementació de l'algorisme ASA, i un capítol final amb referències bibliogràfiques.


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We have studied the normal and superconducting transport properties of Bi(1.65)Pb(0.35)Sr(2)Ca(2)Cu(3)O(10+delta) (Bi-2223) ceramic samples. Four samples, from the same batch, were prepared by the solid-state reaction method and pressed uniaxially at different compacting pressures, ranging from 90 to 250 MPa before the last heat treatment. From the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity, combined with current conduction models for cuprates, we were able to separate contributions arising from both the grain misalignment and microstructural defects. The behavior of the critical current density as a function of temperature at zero applied magnetic field, J (c) (T), was fitted to the relationship J (c) (T)ae(1-T/T (c) ) (n) , with na parts per thousand 2 in all samples. We have also investigated the behavior of the product J (c) rho (sr) , where rho (sr) is the specific resistance of the grain-boundary. The results were interpreted by considering the relation between these parameters and the grain-boundary angle, theta, with increasing the uniaxial compacting pressure. We have found that the above type of mechanical deformation improves the alignment of the grains. Consequently the samples exhibit an enhance in the intergranular properties, resulting in a decrease of the specific resistance of the grain-boundary and an increase in the critical current density.


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We performed measurements of electrical resistivity as a function of temperature, rho(T), in polycrystalline samples of YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7-delta) (Y-123) subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures. We observed by using X-ray diffractometry that samples have a very similar composition. Most of the identified peaks are related to the superconducting Y-123 phase. Also, from the X-ray diffraction patterns performed, in powder and pellet samples, we estimated the Lotgering factor along the (00l) direction, F((00l)). The results indicate that F((00l)) increases from 0.13 to 0.16. From electrical resistivity measurements as a function of temperature, we were able to separate contributions arising from both the grain misalignment and microstructural defects. We found appreciable degradation in the normal-state transport properties of samples with an increase in uniaxial compacting pressure. It seems that this type of behavior is associated with an increase in the influence of microstructural defects at the intergranular level. The experimental results are analyzed in the framework of a current conduction model of granular samples.


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The ability to predict molecular geometries has important applications in chemistry. Specific examples include the areas of protein space structure elucidation, the investigation of host–guest interactions, the understanding of properties of superconductors and of zeolites. This prediction of molecular geometries often depends on finding the global minimum or maximum of a function such as the potential energy. In this paper, we consider several well-known molecular conformation problems to which we apply a new method of deterministic global optimization called the cutting angle method. We demonstrate that this method is competitive with other global optimization techniques for these molecular conformation problems.


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The recent discovery of arsenic-based high temperature superconductors has reignited interest in the study of superconductor: biological interfaces. However, the new superconductor materials involve the chemistry of arsenic and their toxicity remains unclear [Hand, E., 2008. Nature 452 (24), 922]. In this study the possible adverse effects of this new family of superconductors on cells have been examined. Cell culture studies in conjunction with microscopy and viability assays were employed to examine the influence of arsenic-based superconductor PrOxFeAs (x = 0.75) material in vitro. Imaging data revealed that cells were well adhered and spread on the surface of the superconductor. Furthermore, cytotoxicity studies showed that cells were unaffected during the time-course of the experiments, providing support for the biocompatibility aspects of PrOxFeAs-based superconductor material.


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This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis of parameters of a rectangular microstrip antenna with bianisotropic substrate, and including simultaneously the superconducting patch. The full-wave Transverse Transmission Line - TTL method, is used to characterize these antennas. The bianisotropic substrate is characterized by the permittivity and permeability tensors, and the TTL gives the general equations of the electromagnetic fields of the antennas. The BCS theory and the two fluids model are applied to superconductors in these antennas with bianisotropic for first time. The inclusion of superconducting patch is made using the complex resistive boundary condition. The resonance complex frequency is then obtained. Are simulated some parameters of antennas in order to reduce the physical size, and increase the its bandwidth. The numerical results are presented through of graphs. The theoretical and computational analysis these works are precise and concise. Conclusions and suggestions for future works are presented


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The main objective in this work is the analysis of resonance frequency microstrip structures with glass fiber and electromagnetic band gap (EBG/PBG) substrate and analysis of microstrip antennas with rectangular patch of superconductor of high critical temperature (HTS). In this work was used the superconductors YBCO (critical temperature of 90K), SnBaCaCuOy (critical temperature of 160K), and Sn5InCa2Ba4Cu10Oy (critical temperature of 212K) with results in Gigahertz and Terahertz. Was used microstrip antennas arrays planar and linear phase and linear phase planar with patch with superconductor. It presents a study of the major theories that explain superconductivity. In phase arrays were obtained the factors arrays for such configurations, and the criteria of phase and spacing between the elements compound in the array, which were examined in order to get a main lobe with high directivity and high gain. In the analysis we used the method of Transverse Transmission Line (TTL) used in domain of the Fourier Transform (FTD). The LTT is a full wave method, which obtains the electromagnetic field in terms of the components transverse of the structure. The addition of superconductive patch is made using the boundary condition resistive complex. Results are obtained resonance frequency as a function of the parameters of the antenna, radiation patterns of the E and H Planes, for the phase antenna arrays in linear and planar configurations, for different values of the phase and the spacing between elements


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Recently, planar antennas have been studied due to their characteristics as well as the advantages that they offers when compared with another types of antennas. In the mobile communications area, the need for this kind of antennas have became each time bigger due to the intense increase of the mobile communications this sector. That needs of antennas which operate in multifrequency and wide bandwidth. The microstrip antennas presents narrow bandwidth due the loss in the dielectric generated by radiation. Another limitation is the radiation pattern degradation due the generation of surface waves in the substrate. In this work some used techniques to minimize the disadvantages (previously mentioned) of the use of microstrip antennas are presented, those are: substrates with PBG material - Photonic Bandgap, multilayer antennas and with stacked patches. The developed analysis in this work used the TTL - Transverse Transmission Line method in the domain of Fourier transform, that uses a component of propagation in the y direction (transverse to the direction real of propagation z), treating the general equations of electric and magnetic field as functions of Ey and Hy. One of the advantages of this method is the simplification of the field equations. therefore the amount of equations lesser must the fields in directions x and z be in function of components Ey and Hy. It will be presented an brief study of the main theories that explain the superconductivity phenomenon. The BCS theory. London Equations and Two Fluids model will be the theories that will give support the application of the superconductors in the microfita antennas. The inclusion of the superconductor patch is made using the resistive complex contour condition. This work has as objective the application of the TTL method to microstrip structures with single and multilayers of rectangular patches, to obtaining the resonance frequency and radiation pattern of each structure


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This work has as main objective the study of arrays of microstrip antennas with superconductor rectangular patch. The phases and the radiation patterns are analyzed. A study of the main theories is presented that explain the microscopic and macroscopic phenomena of superconductivity. The BCS, London equations and the Two Fluid Model, are theories used in the applications of superconductors, at the microstrip antennas and antennas arrays. Phase Arrangements will be analyzed in linear and planar configurations. The arrangement factors of these configurations are obtained, and the phase criteria and the spacing between the elements, are examined in order to minimize losses in the superconductor, compared with normal conductors. The new rectangular patch antenna, consist of a superconducting material, with the critical temperature of 233 K, whose formula is Tl5Ba4Ca2Cu9Oy, is analyzed by the method of the Transverse nTransmission Line (TTL), developed by H. C. C. Fernandes, applied in the Fourier Transform Domain (FTD). The TTL is a full-wave method, which has committed to obtaining the electromagnetic fields in terms of the transverse components of the structure. The inclusion of superconducting patch is made using the complex resistive boundary condition, using the impedance of the superconductor in the Dyadic Green function, in the structure. Results are obtained from the resonance frequency depending on the parameters of the antenna using superconducting material, radiation patterns in E-Plane and H -Plane, the phased antennas array in linear and planar configurations, for different values of phase angles and different spacing between the elements


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In the first part of this work our concern was to investigate the thermal effects in organic crystals using the theory of the polarons. To analyse such effect, we used the Fröhlich s Hamiltonian, that describes the dynamics of the polarons, using a treatment based on the quantum mechanics, to elucidate the electron-phonon interaction. Many are the forms to analyzing the polaronic phenomenon. However, the measure of the dielectric function can supply important information about the small polarons hopping process. Besides, the dielectric function measures the answer to an applied external electric field, and it is an important tool for the understanding of the many-body effects in the normal state of a polaronic system. We calculate the dielectric function and its dependence on temperature using the Hartree-Fock decoupling method. The dieletric function s dependence on the temperature is depicted by through a 3D graph. We also analyzed the so called Arrhenius resistivity, as a functionof the temperature, which is an important tool to characterize the conductivity of an organic molecule. In the second part we analyzed two perovskita type crystalline oxides, namely the cadmium silicate triclinic (CdSiO3) and the calcium plumbate orthorhombic (CaPbO3), respectively. These materials are normally denominated ABO3 and they have been especially investigated for displaying ferroelectric, piezoelectric, dielectrics, semiconductors and superconductors properties. We found our results through ab initio method within the functional density theory (DFT) in the GGA-PBE and LDA-CAPZ approximations. After the geometry optimization for the two structure using the in two approximations, we found the structure parameters and compared them with the experimental data. We still determined further the angles of connection for the two analyzed cases. Soon after the convergence of the energy, we determined their band structures, fundamental information to characterize the nature of the material, as well as their dielectrics functions, optical absorption, partial density of states and effective masses of electrons and holes


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A new class of hybrid ruteno-cuprates - such as Ru-1212 and Ru-1222 - was discovered in 1995 by Bauerfeind and collaborators. These materials present superconducting and magnetic states at low temperatures, an atypical duality in other superconductors. The superconductivity is more easily observed in Ru-1222, while Ru-1212 is a more problematic case, due to the strong effects of the preparation details in its superconducting properties, becoming the material superconductor or not. Ru-1212 presents a critical temperature that can vary between 0 and 46 K, depending on the preparation conditions, and a temperature of magnetic transition of around 132 K. The samples were prepared through solid state reactions, by using a mixture of high purity powders, followed by calcination and sinterization in the nitrogen and oxygen atmospheres. This paper shows the preparation process of Ru-1212 samples, followed by their structural and magnetic characterization.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)