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An outbreak of saprolegniasis in Catla catla in composite carp culture ponds were recorded during winter season. The typical cotton wool growths were observed on whole body surfaces of catla along with sporadic mortality. The fungal invasion was only restricted to skin and no fungal elements were visible in any internal organs after periodic acid schiff staining. On histology, periportal accumulation of mononuclear cells in liver, presence of myxosporidean cysts in antieror kidney, eosinophilic granular cells reaction in submucosa of stomach and intestine, dilated and engorged blood vessels of brain along with sloughing of epidermis and hyperplasia at gill lamellar base were pronounced changes. The possible role of release of Saprolegnia toxin in producing internal organs pathology has been discussed.


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Our understanding of the elasticity and rheology of disordered materials, such as granular piles, foams, emulsions or dense suspensions relies on improving experimental tools to characterize their behaviour at the particle scale. While 2D observations are now routinely carried out in laboratories, 3D measurements remain a challenge. In this paper, we use a simple model system, a packing of soft elastic spheres, to illustrate the capability of X-ray microtomography to characterise the internal structure and local behaviour of granular systems. Image analysis techniques can resolve grain positions, shapes and contact areas; this is used to investigate the material's microstructure and its evolution upon strain. In addition to morphological measurements, we develop a technique to quantify contact forces and estimate the internal stress tensor. As will be illustrated in this paper, this opens the door to a broad array of static and dynamical measurements in 3D disordered systems


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Rigid retaining walls are considered. Both the backfill and the soil supporting the foundation of the model wall have been made of a single dry granular soil. Attention is limited to one grain.


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This paper describes the use of fibre optic sensing with Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry (BOTDR) for near-continuous (distributed) strain monitoring of a large diameter pipeline, buried in predominantly granular material, subjected to a pipe jack tunnelling operation in London Clay. The pipeline, buried at shallow depth, comprises 4.6 m long sections connected with standard bell and spigot type joints, which connect to a continuous steel pipeline. In this paper the suitability of fibre optic sensing with BOTDR for monitoring pipeline behaviour is illustrated. The ability of the fibre optic sensor to detect local strain changes at joints and the subsequent impact on the overall strain profile is shown. The BOTDR strain profile was also used to infer pipe settlement through a process of double-integration and was compared to pipe settlement measurements. The close approximation of the measured pipe settlement provides further confidence in fibre optic strain sensing with BOTDR to investigate the intricacies of pipeline behaviour, pipe-soil interaction and interaction between pipe sections when subjected to ground movement. Copyright ASCE 2006.


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Soil-mix technology is effective for the construction of permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) for in situ groundwater treatment. The objective of this study was to perform initial experiments for the design of soil-mix technology PRBs according to (i) sorption isotherm, (ii) reaction kinetics and (iii) mass balance of the contaminants. The four tested reactive systems were: (i) a granular zeolite (clinoptilolite-GZ), (ii) a granular organoclay (GO), (iii) a 1:1-mixture GZ and model sandy clayey soil and (iv) a 1:1:1-mixture of GZ, GO and model soil. The laboratory experiments consisted of batch tests (volume 900mL and sorbent mass 18g) with a multimetal solution of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni. For the adsorption experiment, the initial concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 0.5mM (2.5 to 30mg/L). The maximum metal retention was measured in a batch test (300mg/L for each metal, volume 900mL, sorbent mass 90-4.5g). The reactive material efficiency order was found to be GZ>GZ-soil mix>GZ-soil-GO mix>GO. Langmuir isotherms modelled the adsorption, even in presence of a mixed cations solution. Adsorption was energetically favourable and spontaneous in all cases. Metals were removed according to the second order reaction kinetics; GZ and the 1:1-mix were very similar. The maximum retention capacity was 0.1-0.2mmol/g for Pb in the presence of clinoptilolite; for Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni, it was below 0.05mmol/g for the four reactive systems. Mixing granular zeolite, organoclay and model soil increased the chemisorption. Providing that GZ is reactive enough for the specific conditions, GZ can be mixed to obtain the required sorption. Granular clinoptilolite addition to soil is recommended for PRBs for metal contaminated groundwater. The laboratory experiments consisted of batch tests with a multimetal solution of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni. The four reactive materials chosen were granular zeolite, clinoptilolite and model sandy clayey soil, granular organoclay and a mix of clinoptilolite, model soil and organoclay. The reactive material efficiency order was found to be granular clinoptilolite>clinoptilolite-soil mix>clinoptilolite-soil-organoclay mix>granular organoclay. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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A one-dimensional analytical model is developed for the steady state, axisymmetric, slender flow of saturated powder in a rotating perforated cone. Both the powder and the fluid spin with the cone with negligible slip in the hoop direction. They migrate up the wall of the cone along a generator under centrifugal force, which also forces the fluid out of the cone through the powder layer and the porous wall. The flow thus evolves from an over-saturated paste at inlet into a nearly dry powder at outlet. The powder is treated as a Mohr-Coulomb granular solid of constant void fraction and permeability. The shear traction at the wall is assumed to be velocity and pressure dependent. The fluid is treated as Newtonian viscous. The model provides the position of the colour line (the transition from over- to under-saturation) and the flow velocity and thickness profiles over the cone. Surface tension effects are assumed negligible compared to the centrifugal acceleration. Two alternative conditions are considered for the flow structure at inlet: fully settled powder at inlet, and progressive settling of an initially homogeneous slurry. The position of the colour line is found to be similar for these two cases over a wide range of operating conditions. Dominant dimensionless groups are identified which control the position of the colour line in a continuous conical centrifuge. Experimental observations of centrifuges used in the sugar industry provide preliminary validation of the model. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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The squid waste which includes head, tentacles, viscera, fin, skin and pen amounts to 52% of the whole weight and is discarded at present. A method has been worked out for the conversion of squ.id waste into meal. The waste is boiled in salt solution (2%)/salt (2%) and alumn (0.5%) solution/and water for two minutes, drained and dried. All the dried samples including the control (dried without blanching) were analysed for physical and biochemical changes. Blanching reduced the yield but the product could be dried in a shorter period. The volatile bases were reduced significantly and the colour was improved. Blanching made pulverisation of the dried product easy. Pulverisation before drying yielded a granular product.


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The Internet of Things (IOT) concept and enabling technologies such as RFID offer the prospect of linking the real world of physical objects with the virtual world of information technology to improve visibility and traceability information within supply chains and across the entire lifecycles of products, as well as enabling more intuitive interactions and greater automation possibilities. There is a huge potential for savings through process optimization and profit generation within the IOT, but the sharing of financial benefits across companies remains an unsolved issue. Existing approaches towards sharing of costs and benefits have failed to scale so far. The integration of payment solutions into the IOT architecture could solve this problem. We have reviewed different possible levels of integration. Multiple payment solutions have been researched. Finally we have developed a model that meets the requirements of the IOT in relation to openness and scalability. It supports both hardware-centric and software-centric approaches to integration of payment solutions with the IOT. Different requirements concerning payment solutions within the IOT have been defined and considered in the proposed model. Possible solution providers include telcos, e-payment service providers and new players such as banks and standardization bodies. The proposed model of integrating the Internet of Things with payment solutions will lower the barrier to invoicing for the more granular visibility information generated using the IOT. Thus, it has the potential to enable recovery of the necessary investments in IOT infrastructure and accelerate adoption of the IOT, especially for projects that are only viable when multiple benefits throughout the supply chain need to be accumulated in order to achieve a Return on Investment (ROI). In a long-term perspective, it may enable IT-departments to become profit centres instead of cost centres. © 2010 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.


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Our understanding of the elasticity and rheology of disordered materials, such as granular piles, foams, emulsions or dense suspensions relies on improving experimental tools to characterise their behaviour at the particle scale. While 2D observations are now routinely carried out in laboratories, 3D measurements remain a challenge. In this paper, we use a simple model system, a packing of soft elastic spheres, to illustrate the capability of X-ray microtomography to characterise the internal structure and local behaviour of granular systems. Image analysis techniques can resolve grain positions, shapes and contact areas; this is used to investigate the materials microstructure and its evolution upon strain. In addition to morphological measurements, we develop a technique to quantify contact forces and estimate the internal stress tensor. As will be illustrated in this paper, this opens the door to a broad array of static and dynamical measurements in 3D disordered systems. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new type of chemi-resistor based on a novel metal-polymer composite is described. The composite contains nickel particles with sharp nano-scale surface features, which are intimately coated by the polymer matrix so that they do not come into direct physical contact. No conductive chains of filler particles are formed even at loadings above the percolation threshold and the composite is intrinsically insulating. However, when subjected to compression the composite becomes conductive, with sample resistance falling from ≥ 1012 Ω to < 0.01 Ω. The composite can be formed into insulating granules, which display similar properties to the bulk form. A bed of granules compressed between permeable frits provides a porous structure with a start resistance set by the degree of compression while the granules are free to swell when exposed to volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The granular bed presents a large surface area for the adsorption of VOCs from the gas stream flowing through it. The response of this system to a variety of vapours has been studied for two different sizes of the granular bed and for different matrix polymers. Large responses, ΔR/R0 ≥ 10^7, are observed when saturated vapours are passed through the chemi-resistor. Rapid response allows real time sensing of VOCs and the initial state is recovered in a few seconds by purging with an inert gas stream. The variation in response as a function of VOC concentration is determined.


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The influence of particle shape on the stress-strain response of fine silica sand is investigated experimentally. Two sands from the same source and with the same particle size distribution were examined using Fourier descriptor analysis for particle shape. Their grains were, on average, found to have similar angularity but different elongation. During triaxial stress path testing, the stress-strain behavior of the sands for both loading and creep stages were found to be influenced by particle elongation. In particular, the behavior of the sand with less elongated grains was more like that of rounded glass beads during creep. The results highlight the role of particle shape in stress transmission in granular packings and suggest that shape should be taken more rigorously into consideration in characterizing geomaterials. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Concerns over loosely compacted fill slopes stability in Hong Kong arouse in the past few decades, since the Sau Mau Ping disasters in 1972 and 1976. Research conducted on loose fill slopes in the past few years aimed to understand the failure mechanisms of a loosely compacted fill slope. Recently, layering effect has been hypothesised to be a possible condition in the fill slopes leading to a fast flowslide triggered by a rise of water table. Centrifuge experiments were conducted to investigate the layering effect on a model granular slope and hence to determine the triggering mechanisms of seepage induced slope failure. Test results showed that slope failure can be easily triggered in layered fill model slopes when seepage is restricted and localised pore water pressure is allowed to build up within the slope. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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The three-dimensional structure of very large samples of monodisperse bead packs is studied by means of X-Ray Computed Tomography. We retrieve the coordinatesofeach bead inthe pack and wecalculate the average coordination number by using the tomographic images to single out the neighbors in contact. The results are compared with the average coordination number obtained in Aste et al. (2005) by using a deconvolution technique. We show that the coordination number increases with the packing fraction, varying between 6.9 and 8.2 for packing fractions between 0.59 and 0.64. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group.


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We report the dependence of thermal conductivity, thermoelectric power and electrical resistivity on temperature for a bulk, large grain melt-processed Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) high temperature superconductor (HTS) containing two grains separated by a well-defined grain boundary. Transport measurements at temperatures between 10 and 300 K were carried out both within one single grain (intra-granular properties) and across the grain boundary (inter-granular properties). The influence of an applied external magnetic field of up to 8 T on the measured sample properties was also investigated. The presence of the grain boundary is found to affect strongly the electrical resistivity of the melt-processed bulk sample, but has almost no effect on its thermoelectric power and thermal conductivity, within experimental error. The results of this study provide direct evidence that the heat flow in multi-granular melt-processed YBCO bulk samples should be virtually unaffected by the presence of grain boundaries in the material. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.