950 resultados para SPRING-GIS
水是人类生存不可或缺的资源,水环境污染问题愈来愈受到人们的重视。随着对点源污染控制能力的提高,非点源污染问题成为当前研究中的热点,而对非点源污染进行定量化研究的最直接、最有效的途径就是建立模拟模型。基于此热点问题,本文选择乌江流域(贵州境内)作为研究区,在ArcGIS 平台上建立了一个简单、快速评价流域非点源污染的方法,它考虑流域的空间异质性,且只需很少的参数。该方法用一个分辨率较高的栅格数字高程模型(DEM)将整个流域划分成100 m×100 m 的格网,计算每个栅格里产生的地表径流量和非点源污染负荷。通过模拟流域地表水流,追踪每个栅格中的水流流向,模拟非点源污染物在流域河网中的运动过程。该方法能计算一个区域水文系统年均非点源污染物的负荷,并能估算出由非点源污染在河网中产生的各污染物浓度值。 通过本项研究,能识别出流域内非点源污染严重区域,还可以快速模拟土地利用变化对流域非点源污染的影响,从而为流域今后的规划和综合治理提供科学依据。通过系统的研究,本文主要研究成果如下: 1. 建立了乌江流域(贵州境内)非点源污染数据库(空间数据库和属性数据库),这不仅有力地支撑了研究区非点源污染评价研究,同时对于在研究区开展其它方面的研究也是一个有力的支撑。 2. 基于Arc Hydro Tools 和DEM 自动提取的流域河网与1:25 万数字水系相比较,两者在总体上吻合较好,特别是两者的主干河道基本重合,这正是在DEM基于GIS 的乌江流域( 贵州境内) 非点源污染评价预处理中用AGREE 算法将主干河网与DEM 融合的效果;但也有少部分地区(地形平坦处,地形坡度≤3°或受人类活动影响较大的区域)两者存在较大差异,如将红枫湖、百花水库等湖泊水库区描述成河道了,在东干渠和西干渠处,由于人工河渠改变了水流的自然方向,使得提取河网与实际河网差别很大。 3. 以流域内的5 个水文站为子流域出口,分别描绘相应子流域,比较自动提取流域面积与实际量测结果,结果表明自动提取的子流域面积与实际量测子流域面积非常接近,相对误差在9%以内,能达到1:25 万数据的精度要求。 4. 以流域内5 个子流域的地表径流量,降雨量和土地利用百分比为输入参数,利用多元回归分析工具建立流域降雨径流模型,结果表明模拟相对误差在7%以内,证明所建降雨径流模型能满足模拟需要,模拟精度较高。 5. 流域出口处的年均非点源总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)输出通量分别为40309 ton 和2607 ton。从流域内各大支流控制的子流域来看,野济河流域由于其中的耕地面积大(占流域面积的51.21%),以3.03%的流域面积分别贡献了4.08%和3.95%的非点源总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)负荷;而湘江流域,由于其中的林地面积占主导地位(占流域面积的68.94%),以8.45%的流域面积只分别输出了6.40%和6.06%的非点源总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)负荷。因此,对非点源污染的控制要从耕地和草地着手,需要优先治理的流域为野济河流域、三岔河流域、猫跳河流域、偏岩河流域、乌江下干流流域。 6. 模拟的非点源总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)浓度值在流域上游明显大于下游。比较水质监测点浓度值与对应的模拟浓度值,可以发现在贵阳站和湘江站的观测值大大超过模拟值:贵阳站的总氮(TN)浓度观测值为9.37 mg/l,模拟值为2.94mg/l,总磷(TP)浓度观测值为0.68 mg/l,模拟值为0.19 mg/l;湘江站的总氮(TN)浓度观测值为5.77 mg/l,模拟值为1.98 mg/l,总磷(TP)浓度观测值为0.27 mg/l,模拟值为0.13 mg/l。另外在思南站的总磷(TP)的观测值也大大超过模拟值,观测值为0.44 mg/l,模拟值为0.14 mg/l。观测值与模拟值之间这种巨大的差异可能暗示在这两处存在明显的总氮(TN)点源污染。而贵阳站和湘江站刚好分别位于贵阳市和遵义市市区的下游,贵阳市和遵义市是流域内最大的两个工业城市。对于观测值小于模拟值的情况,主要有两种可能的原因:①某种土地利用类型的EMC 平均值赋得过高了,或②非点源污染物在随水流运动过程中损失了一部分,如沉淀或分解等。
Considerações básicas: A amostragem; A confecção de grades; O produto. Esquema do processo do modelo numérico de terreno do Spring.
Geoprocessamento. Sistema de informações geográficas - SIG / SPRING. Esquema operacional. Criação e manipulação do bancos de dados. Criação do plano de informação - PI. Escolha do modelo de dados. Imagens. Modelo Numérico de Terreno - MNT. Grades regulares. Fatiamento. Objeto. Mapa cadastral. Redes. Temática.
Análise espacial.
Os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) promoveram uma revolução nas operações de armazenamento e manipulação de informações espaciais e a Internet fomenta a atividade de disseminação desse tipo de informação para um público mais numeroso, heterogêneo e com diferentes interesses.
This study aims to present the conditions related to the European Union’s involvement in the Arab Spring, as well as examine the extent of this capability-based involvement in the first months of 2011 against the background of competence disputes between institutions and inter-governmental contentions. These considerations will be the basis for conclusions on the theoretical and practical viability of the European Union’s action in the region of North Africa, in terms of both interests defined in Brussels and representation of a jointly agreed position and undertaking practical actions in the international arena. These assumptions can facilitate a new perspective for the EU’s strategic approach framework in the region of North Africa.
PURPOSE: The role of PM10 in the development of allergic diseases remains controversial among epidemiological studies, partly due to the inability to control for spatial variations in large-scale risk factors. This study aims to investigate spatial correspondence between the level of PM10 and allergic diseases at the sub-district level in Seoul, Korea, in order to evaluate whether the impact of PM10 is observable and spatially varies across the subdistricts. METHODS: PM10 measurements at 25 monitoring stations in the city were interpolated to 424 sub-districts where annual inpatient and outpatient count data for 3 types of allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, asthma, and allergic rhinitis) were collected. We estimated multiple ordinary least square regression models to examine the association of the PM10 level with each of the allergic diseases, controlling for various sub-district level covariates. Geographically weighted regression (GWR) models were conducted to evaluate how the impact of PM10 varies across the sub-districts. RESULTS: PM10 was found to be a significant predictor of atopic dermatitis patient count (P<0.01), with greater association when spatially interpolated at the sub-district level. No significant effect of PM10 was observed on allergic rhinitis and asthma when socioeconomic factors were controlled for. GWR models revealed spatial variation of PM10 effects on atopic dermatitis across the sub-districts in Seoul. The relationship of PM10 levels to atopic dermatitis patient counts is found to be significant only in the Gangbuk region (P<0.01), along with other covariates including average land value, poverty rate, level of education and apartment rate (P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings imply that PM10 effects on allergic diseases might not be consistent throughout Seoul. GIS-based spatial modeling techniques could play a role in evaluating spatial variation of air pollution impacts on allergic diseases at the sub-district level, which could provide valuable guidelines for environmental and public health policymakers.
BACKGROUND: This study examined whether objective measures of food, physical activity and built environment exposures, in home and non-home settings, contribute to children's body weight. Further, comparing GPS and GIS measures of environmental exposures along routes to and from school, we tested for evidence of selective daily mobility bias when using GPS data. METHODS: This study is a cross-sectional analysis, using objective assessments of body weight in relation to multiple environmental exposures. Data presented are from a sample of 94 school-aged children, aged 5-11 years. Children's heights and weights were measured by trained researchers, and used to calculate BMI z-scores. Participants wore a GPS device for one full week. Environmental exposures were estimated within home and school neighbourhoods, and along GIS (modelled) and GPS (actual) routes from home to school. We directly compared associations between BMI and GIS-modelled versus GPS-derived environmental exposures. The study was conducted in Mebane and Mount Airy, North Carolina, USA, in 2011. RESULTS: In adjusted regression models, greater school walkability was associated with significantly lower mean BMI. Greater home walkability was associated with increased BMI, as was greater school access to green space. Adjusted associations between BMI and route exposure characteristics were null. The use of GPS-actual route exposures did not appear to confound associations between environmental exposures and BMI in this sample. CONCLUSIONS: This study found few associations between environmental exposures in home, school and commuting domains and body weight in children. However, walkability of the school neighbourhood may be important. Of the other significant associations observed, some were in unexpected directions. Importantly, we found no evidence of selective daily mobility bias in this sample, although our study design is in need of replication in a free-living adult sample.