895 resultados para SMA, Skid resistance, texture, Contact Area, RTM
The Early Cretaceous alkaline magmatism in the northeastern region of Paraguay (Amambay Province) is represented by stocks, plugs, dikes, and dike swarms emplaced into Carboniferous to Triassic-Jurassic sediments and Precambrian rocks. This magmatism is tectonically related to the Ponta Pora Arch, a NE-trending structural feature, and has the Cerro Sarambi and Cerro Chiriguelo carbonatite complexes as its most significant expressions. Other alkaline occurrences found in the area are the Cerro Guazu and the small bodies of Cerro Apua, Arroyo Gasory, Cerro Jhu, Cerro Tayay, and Cerro Teyu. The alkaline rocks comprise ultramafic-mafic, syenitic, and carbonatitic petrographic associations in addition to lithologies of variable composition and texture occurring as dikes; fenites are described in both carbonatite complexes. Alkali feldspar and clinopyroxene, ranging from diopside to aegirine, are the most abundant minerals, with feldspathoids (nepheline, analcime), biotite, and subordinate Ti-rich garnet; minor constituents are Fe-Ti oxides and cancrinite as the main alteration product from nepheline. Chemically, the Amambay silicate rocks are potassic to highly potassic and have miaskitic affinity, with the non-cumulate intrusive types concentrated mainly in the saturated to undersaturated areas in silica syenitic fields. Fine-grained rocks are also of syenitic affiliation or represent more mafic varieties. The carbonatitic rocks consist dominantly of calciocarbonatites. Variation diagrams plotting major and trace elements vs. SiO(2) concentration for the Cerro Sarambi rocks show positive correlations for Al(2)O(3), K(2)O, and Rb, and negative ones for TiO(2), MgO, Fe(2)O(3), CaO, P(2)O(5), and Sr, indicating that fractional crystallization played an important role in the formation of the complex. Incompatible elements normalized to primitive mantle display positive spikes for Rb, La, Pb, Sr, and Sm, and negative for Nb-Ta, P, and Ti, as these negative anomalies are considerably more pronounced in the carbonatites. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns point to the high concentration of these elements and to the strong LRE/HRE fractionation. The Amambay rocks are highly enriched in radiogenic Sr and have T(DM) model ages that vary from 1.6 to 1.1 Ga. suggesting a mantle source enriched in incompatible elements by metasomatic events in Paleo-Mesoproterozoic times. Data are consistent with the derivation of the Cerro Sarambi rocks from a parental magma of lamprophyric (minette) composition and suggest an origin by liquid immiscibility processes for the carbonatites. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Stainless steels are well known to be prone to cold welding and material transfer in sliding contacts and therefore difficult to cold form unless certain precautions as discussed in this paper are taken. In the present study different combinations of tool steels/stainless steels/lubricants has been evaluated with respect to their galling resistance using pin-on-disc testing. The results show that a high galling resistance is favored by a high stainless steel sheet hardness and a blasted stainless steel sheet surface topography. The effect of type of lubricant was found to be more complex. For example, the chlorinated lubricants failed to prevent metal-to-metal contact on a brushed sheet surface but succeeded on a blasted sheet surface of the same stainless steel material. This is believed to be due to a protective tribofilm which is able to form on the blasted surface, but not on the brushed surface.
Two simulative test methods were used to study galling in sheet forming of two types of stainlesssteel sheet: austenitic (EN 1.4301) and lean duplex LDX 2101 (EN 1.4162) in different surface conditions. Thepin-on-disc test was used to analyse the galling resistance of different combinations of sheet materials and lubricants. The strip reduction test, a severe sheet forming tribology test was used to simulate the conditionsduring ironing. This investigation shows that the risk of galling is highly dependent on the surface texture of theduplex steel. Trials were also performed in an industrial tool used for high volume production of pumpcomponents, to compare forming of LDX 2101 and austenitic stainless steel with equal thickness. The forming forces, the geometry and the strains in the sheet material were compared for the same component.It was found that LDX steels can be formed to high strain levels in tools normally applied for forming ofaustenitic steels, but tool adaptations are needed to comply with the higher strength and springback of thematerial.
Chloroquine is grossly under dosed in young children with malaria : implications for drug resistance
Background: Plasmodium falciparum malaria is treated with 25 mg/kg of chloroquine (CQ) irrespective of age. Theoretically, CQ should be dosed according to body surface area (BSA). The effect of dosing CQ according to BSA has not been determined but doubling the dose per kg doubled the efficacy of CQ in children aged <15 years infected with P. falciparum carrying CQ resistance causing genes typical for Africa. The study aim was to determine the effect of age on CQ concentrations. Methods and Findings: Day 7 whole blood CQ concentrations were determined in 150 and 302 children treated with 25 and 50 mg/kg, respectively, in previously conducted clinical trials. CQ concentrations normalised for the dose taken in mg/kg of CQ decreased with decreasing age (p<0.001). CQ concentrations normalised for dose taken in mg/m(2) were unaffected by age. The median CQ concentration in children aged <2 years taking 50 mg/kg and in children aged 10-14 years taking 25 mg/kg were 825 (95% confidence interval [CI] 662-988) and 758 (95% CI 640-876) nmol/l, respectively (p = 0.67). The median CQ concentration in children aged 10-14 taking 50 mg/kg and children aged 0-2 taking 25 mg/kg were 1521 and 549 nmol/l. Adverse events were not age/concentration dependent. Conclusions: CQ is under-dosed in children and should ideally be dosed according to BSA. Children aged <2 years need approximately double the dose per kg to attain CQ concentrations found in children aged 10-14 years. Clinical trials assessing the efficacy of CQ in Africa are typically performed in children aged <5 years. Thus the efficacy of CQ is typically assessed in children in whom CQ is under dosed. Approximately 3 fold higher drug concentrations can probably be safely given to the youngest children. As CQ resistance is concentration dependent an alternative dosing of CQ may overcome resistance in Africa.
Agricultural activity has direct consequences on the soil and water quality. Thus, assessing environmental impacts of this vital economic activity, through soil attribute analysis, is essential to the proposal of alternatives. The aim of this study was to analyze soil quality under different land management practices, conventional and organic. The study was carried out in a watershed of the Ibiuna municipality, SP, Brazil, an important supplier of agricultural products for the São Paulo metropolitan area. A hundred samples were collected, 20 in each type of land use: reforested areas, native vegetation, pasture, conventional cultivation and organic cultivation. The soil resistance to penetration, its pH (in water and KO), electrical conductivity, bulk density, particle density, porosity, soil color, soil texture and the percentages of carbon and nitrogen were analyzed. The data were statistically analyzed, searching for significant differences. The results of soil analysis showed great similarity between the organic and conventional culture, with no statistical differences. However, organic cultivation showed greater similarity to the soil of native vegetation in the percentage of carbon and nitrogen in soils compared to conventional culture. Thus, the discussion begins on a topic very little explored so far, and the results obtained should be further studied.
The variation of soil textural characteristics is a function of the relief and parent materials. The objective of this work was to study soil texture spatial variability from different parent material in Pereira Barreto, SP. An area of 530.67 hectares was mapped through the use of Global Positioning System receivers and obtaining of Digital Elevation Models. A set of 201 soil samples was collected from every seven hectares, at three depths: 0 - 0.25 m; 0.25 - 0.50 m; and 0.80 - 1.00 m. The amounts of sand, silt and clay were obtained by the pipette method and analyzed by both descriptive statistics and geostatistics. Soil textures varied as a function of parent materials and topography.
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a altura de plantas e a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes de soja e arroz em dois teores de água (água retida a 0,05 e a 0,01 MPa) e três de resistência do solo à penetração (entre 0,25 e 6,46 MPa), determinados com o penetrômetro de anel dinamométrico. Foram utilizadas amostras de Latossolo Vermelho, distrófico, textura média (LVd) e Latossolo Vermelho, eutroférrico, textura argilosa (LVef), coletadas na profundidade de 0,0-0,20 m e compactadas em camadas de 0,03 m, em vasos de 0,20 m de altura e 0,25 m de diâmetro. A altura das plantas foi reduzida para valores de resistência à penetração superiores a 3,0 MPa. A menor produção de matéria seca da parte aérea das plantas ocorreu na resistência à penetração de 3,76 e 3,37 MPa para soja; 3,93 e 3,37 MPa para arroz, no Latossolo Vermelho, textura média e Latossolo Vermelho argiloso, respectivamente, no teor de água retida na tensão de 0,05 MPa, e no maior teor de água somente ocorreu redução da produção de matéria seca das raízes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A erodibilidade é um fator de extrema importância na caracterização da perda de solo, representando os processos que regulam a infiltração de água e sua resistência à desagregação e o transporte de partículas. Assim, por meio da análise de dependência espacial dos componentes principais da erodibilidade (fator K), objetivou-se estimar a erodibilidade do solo em uma área de nascentes da microbacia do Córrego do Tijuco, Monte Alto-SP, e analisar a variabilidade espacial das variáveis granulométricas do solo ao longo do relevo. A erodibilidade média da área foi considerada alta, e a análise de agrupamento k-means apontou para uma formação de cinco grupos: no primeiro, os altos teores de areia grossa (AG) e média (AM) condicionaram sua distribuição nas áreas planas; o segundo, caracterizado pelo alto teor de areia fina (AF), distribui-se nos declives mais convexos; o terceiro, com altos teores de silte e areia muito fina (AMF), concentrou-se nos maiores declives e concavidades; o quarto, com maior teor de argila, seguiu as zonas de escoamento de água; e o quinto, com alto teor de matéria orgânica (MO) e areia grossa (AG), distribui-se nas proximidades da zona urbana. A análise de componentes principais (ACP) mostrou quatro componentes com 87,4 % das informações, sendo o primeiro componente principal (CP1) discriminado pelo transporte seletivo de partículas principalmente em zonas pontuais de maior declividade e acúmulo de sedimentos; o segundo (CP2), discriminado pela baixa coesão entre as partículas, mostra acúmulo da areia fina nas áreas de menor cota em toda a área de concentração de água; o terceiro (CP3), discriminado pela maior agregação do solo, concentra-se principalmente nas bases de grandes declives; e o quarto (CP4), discriminado pela areia muito fina, distribui-se ao longo das declividades nas maiores altitudes. Os resultados sugerem o comportamento granulométrico do solo, que se mostra suscetível ao processo erosivo devido às condições texturais superficiais e à movimentação do relevo.
The indiscriminate management and use of soils without moisture control has changed the structure of it due to the increment of the traffic by agricultural machines through the years, causing in consequence, a soil compaction and yield reduction in the areas of intensive traffic. The purpose of this work was to estimate and to evaluate the performance of preconsolidation pressure of the soil and shear stress as indicators of changes on soil structure in fields cropped with sugarcane, as well as the impact of management processes in an Eutrorthox soil structure located in São Paulo State. The experimental field was located in Piracicaba's rural area (São Paulo State, Brazil) and has been cropped with sugarcane, in the second harvest cycle. The soil was classified by Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) [Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), 1999. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos. Sistema Brasileiro de Classificao de Solos, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Brasilia, 412 pp.] as an Eutrorthox. Undisturbed samples were collected and georeferenced in a grid of 60 m x 60 m from two depths: 0-0.10 m (superficial layer - SL) and in the layer of greatest mechanical resistance (LGMR), previously identified by cone index (CI). The investigated variables were pressure preconsolidation (sigma(p)), apparent cohesion (c) and internal friction angle (phi). The conclusions from the results were that the SLSC was predicted satisfactorily from up as a function of soil moisture; thus, decisions about machinery size and loading (contact pressures) can be taken. Apparent cohesion (c), internal friction angle (phi) and the Coulomb equation were significantly altered by traffic intensity. The sigma(p), c and phi maps were shown to be important tools to localize and visualize soil compaction and mechanical resistance zones. They constitute a valuable resource to evaluate the traffic impact in areas cropped with sugarcane in State of São Paulo, Brazil. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The seismic method is of extreme importance in geophysics. Mainly associated with oil exploration, this line of research focuses most of all investment in this area. The acquisition, processing and interpretation of seismic data are the parts that instantiate a seismic study. Seismic processing in particular is focused on the imaging that represents the geological structures in subsurface. Seismic processing has evolved significantly in recent decades due to the demands of the oil industry, and also due to the technological advances of hardware that achieved higher storage and digital information processing capabilities, which enabled the development of more sophisticated processing algorithms such as the ones that use of parallel architectures. One of the most important steps in seismic processing is imaging. Migration of seismic data is one of the techniques used for imaging, with the goal of obtaining a seismic section image that represents the geological structures the most accurately and faithfully as possible. The result of migration is a 2D or 3D image which it is possible to identify faults and salt domes among other structures of interest, such as potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. However, a migration fulfilled with quality and accuracy may be a long time consuming process, due to the mathematical algorithm heuristics and the extensive amount of data inputs and outputs involved in this process, which may take days, weeks and even months of uninterrupted execution on the supercomputers, representing large computational and financial costs, that could derail the implementation of these methods. Aiming at performance improvement, this work conducted the core parallelization of a Reverse Time Migration (RTM) algorithm, using the parallel programming model Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP), due to the large computational effort required by this migration technique. Furthermore, analyzes such as speedup, efficiency were performed, and ultimately, the identification of the algorithmic scalability degree with respect to the technological advancement expected by future processors
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar métodos de inoculação de Phytophthoraparasitica em plântulas e plantas jovens de citros (Citrus spp.) visando sua utilização em estudos de resistência de porta-enxertos à gomose de Phytophthora. Os métodos de inoculação testados foram: contato planta sem ferimento-patógeno, casca destacada, inserção de disco de meio de cultura contendo micélio sob a casca, método do disco e inserção de agulha e palito infestados em plântulas e plantas jovens de citros. A resistência de genótipos à gomose pode ser avaliada em plântulas in vitro, através de inserção de agulha infestada. O método do disco e o da inserção sob casca foram os melhores quando utilizados em plantas jovens. A medida da área total da lesão é a variável ideal para avaliação da doença. No entanto, o comprimento da lesão pode ser utilizado na avaliação da doença em plântulas, plantas jovens e no campo.
Realizou-se um experimento em uma área de implantação da cultura do eucalipto no município de São Miguel Arcanjo-SP, com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia da aplicação aérea de grânulos de argila como veículo dos herbicidas sulfentrazone e isoxaflutole, no controle de plantas daninhas. Foi realizada aplicação aérea dos herbicidas sulfentrazone, nas doses de 500 e 750 g i.a. ha-1, e isoxaflutole, nas doses de 150 e 225 g i.a. ha-1, utilizando-se como veículo grânulos de argila com densidade de 1,05 g cm ³, alta capacidade de absorção (24 mL 100 g-1), alta resistência ao desgaste e tamanho das partículas entre 500 mícrons e 1 mm. Também foram feitas aplicações via líquida dos mesmos herbicidas e doses com um pulverizador convencional, acoplado a um trator. Além desses tratamentos, foi mantida uma parcela testemunha, sem aplicação dos herbicidas. Nas parcelas experimentais foram semeadas as espécies de plantas daninhas Brachiaria decumbens, Ipomoea grandifolia, Merremia cissoides e Panicum maximum, sendo realizadas avaliações visuais de controle aos 75 e 110 dias após a aplicação. em geral, foram observados, nas plantas daninhas avaliadas, resultados de controle semelhantes ou superiores para a aplicação aérea (via grânulos) até 75 DAA e superiores para essa modalidade de aplicação aos 110 DAA, indicando uma extensão no período do efeito do residual dos herbicidas estudados.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento aéreo e radicular de duas cultivares de milho (Zea mays L.), em solo submetido a quatro níveis de compactação. Utilizou-se um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro distroférrico de textura média, em vasos montados com anéis de PVC sobrepostos, com diâmetro interno de 14,5 cm e altura de 35 cm. Os níveis de compactação utilizados em subsuperfície foram caracterizados pelas densidades do solo de 1,28, 1,42, 1,56 e 1,69 Mg m³. As cultivares de milho foram o híbrido AG-5011 e a variedade Sol da Manhã. Aos 40 dias após a emergência das plantas, determinaram-se as massas da matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, a densidade do comprimento radicular e o diâmetro médio radicular. A compactação do solo comprometeu o desenvolvimento das plantas de milho híbrido e da variedade na mesma intensidade. Apesar de alterar a distribuição do sistema radicular ao longo do perfil do solo, o impedimento físico em subsuperfície não diminuiu a produção total de raízes de milho. O diâmetro médio radicular apresentou alta correlação com o crescimento de raízes no solo compactado. O sistema radicular do milho não é capaz de romper uma camada compactada de solo com resistência mecânica da ordem de 1,4 MPa.
Augmented glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) is an adaptive mechanism exhibited by pancreatic islets from insulin-resistant animal models. Gap junction proteins have been proposed to contribute to islet function. As such, we investigated the expression of connexin 36 (Cx36), connexin 43 (Cx43), and the glucose transporter Glut2 at mRNA and protein levels in pancreatic islets of dexamethasone (DEX)-induced insulin-resistant rats. Study rats received daily injections of DEX (1 mg/kg body mass, i.p.) for 5 days, whereas control rats (CTL) received saline solution. DEX rats exhibited peripheral insulin resistance, as indicated by the significant postabsorptive insulin levels and by the constant rate for glucose disappearance (K-ITT). GSIS was significantly higher in DEX islets (1.8-fold in 16.7 mmol/L glucose vs. CTL, p < 0.05). A significant increase of 2.25-fold in islet area was observed in DEX vs. CTL islets (p < 0.05). Cx36 mRNA expression was significantly augmented, Cx43 diminished, and Glut2 mRNA was unaltered in islets of DEX vs. CTL (p < 0.05). Cx36 protein expression was 1.6-fold higher than that of CTL islets (p < 0.05). Glut2 protein expression was unaltered and Cx43 was not detected at the protein level. We conclude that DEX-induced insulin resistance is accompanied by increased GSIS and this may be associated with increase of Cx36 protein expression.