881 resultados para Rotating Drum
This paper reports an experiment that investigated people"s body ownership of an avatar that was observed in a virtual mirror. Twenty subjects were recruited in a within-groups study where 10 first experienced a virtual character that synchronously reflected their upper-body movements as seen in a virtual mirror, and then an asynchronous condition where the mirror avatar displayed prerecorded actions, unrelated to those of the participant. The other 10 subjects experienced the conditions in the opposite order. In both conditions the participant could carry out actions that led to elevation above ground level, as seen from their first person perspective and correspondingly in the mirror. A rotating virtual fan eventually descended to 2m above the ground. The hypothesis was that synchronous mirror reflection would result in higher subjective sense of ownership. A questionnaire analysis showed that the body ownership illusion was significantly greater for thesynchronous than asynchronous condition. Additionally participants in the synchronous condition avoided collision with the descending fan significantly more often than those in the asynchronous condition. The results of this experiment are put into context within similar experiments on multisensory correlation and body ownership within cognitive neuroscience.
The integration of the human brain with computers is an interesting new area of applied neuroscience, where one application is replacement of a person"s real body by a virtual representation. Here we demonstrate that a virtual limb can be made to feel part of your body if appropriate multisensory correlations are provided. We report an illusion that is invoked through tactile stimulation on a person"s hidden real right hand with synchronous virtual visual stimulation on an aligned 3D stereo virtual arm projecting horizontally out of their shoulder. An experiment with 21 male participants showed displacement of ownership towards the virtual hand, as illustrated by questionnaire responses and proprioceptive drift. A control experiment with asynchronous tapping was carried out with a different set of 20 male participants who did not experience the illusion. After 5 min of stimulation the virtual arm rotated. Evidence suggests that the extent of the illusion was also correlated with the degree of muscle activity onset in the right arm as measured by EMG during this period that the arm was rotating, for the synchronous but not the asynchronous condition. A completely virtual object can therefore be experienced as part of one"s self, which opens up the possibility that an entire virtual body could be felt as one"s own in future virtual reality applications or online games, and be an invaluable tool for the understanding of the brain mechanisms underlying body ownership.
Diplomityössä esitetään menetelmä populaation monimuotoisuuden mittaamiseen liukulukukoodatuissa evoluutioalgoritmeissa, ja tarkastellaan kokeellisesti sen toimintaa. Evoluutioalgoritmit ovat populaatiopohjaisia menetelmiä, joilla pyritään ratkaisemaan optimointiongelmia. Evoluutioalgoritmeissa populaation monimuotoisuuden hallinta on välttämätöntä, jotta suoritettu haku olisi riittävän luotettavaa ja toisaalta riittävän nopeaa. Monimuotoisuuden mittaaminen on erityisen tarpeellista tutkittaessa evoluutioalgoritmien dynaamista käyttäytymistä. Työssä tarkastellaan haku- ja tavoitefunktioavaruuden monimuotoisuuden mittaamista. Toistaiseksi ei ole ollut olemassa täysin tyydyttäviä monimuotoisuuden mittareita, ja työn tavoitteena on kehittää yleiskäyttöinen menetelmä liukulukukoodattujen evoluutioalgoritmien suhteellisen ja absoluuttisen monimuotoisuuden mittaamiseen hakuavaruudessa. Kehitettyjen mittareiden toimintaa ja käyttökelpoisuutta tarkastellaan kokeellisesti ratkaisemalla optimointiongelmia differentiaalievoluutioalgoritmilla. Toteutettujen mittareiden toiminta perustuu keskihajontojen laskemiseen populaatiosta. Keskihajonnoille suoritetaan skaalaus, joko alkupopulaation tai nykyisen populaation suhteen, riippuen lasketaanko absoluuttista vai suhteellista monimuotoisuutta. Kokeellisessa tarkastelussa havaittiin kehitetyt mittarit toimiviksi ja käyttökelpoisiksi. Tavoitefunktion venyttäminen koordinaattiakseleiden suunnassa ei vaikuta mittarin toimintaan. Myöskään tavoitefunktion kiertäminen koordinaatistossa ei vaikuta mittareiden tuloksiin. Esitetyn menetelmän aikakompleksisuus riippuu lineaarisesti populaation koosta, ja mittarin toiminta on siten nopeaa suuriakin populaatioita käytettäessä. Suhteellinen monimuotoisuus antaa vertailukelpoisia tuloksia riippumatta parametrien lukumäärästä tai populaation koosta.
Tämä diplomityö on tehty Andritz Oy:lle Washers & Filters tuoteryhmään. Työ on osa pienten sellupesureiden tuotekehitysprojektia. Tavoitteena on vertailla olemassa olevaa tuotekehitysaineistoa ja tuoda esiin suunnitteluprosessi, jolla DD – sellupesurin osien rakenteita voidaan järjestelmällisesti kehittää. Diplomityössä tutkittuja osia ovat tiiviste–elementti, päätypalkki ja rumpu. Tiiviste–elementtejä vertailtiin olemassa olevan tuotekehitysaineiston osalta, sekä tutkittiin geneettisiin algoritmeihin pohjautuvan topologian optimoinnin soveltuvuutta tiiviste-elementin suunnitteluun. Päätypalkin ja rummun optimaaliset geometriat selvitettiin geneettisiä algoritmejä hyödyntävällä topologisella optimoinnilla. Optimaalisten topologioiden perusteella suunniteltiin valmistettavissa olevat rakenteet joiden ainevahvuudet määrättiin alustavasti vakion variointiin perustuvalla optimoinnilla. Tällä menettelyllä saatiin päätypalkista ja rummusta aikaiseksi aikaisempaa kevyemmät rakenteet. Topologian optimointi huomattiin soveltuvan rakenteisiin, joiden kuormitus- ja kiinnitystiedot ovat yksiselitteisesti määrätyt.
In machine design we always want to save space, save energy and produce as much power as possible. We can often reduce accelerations, inertial loads and energy consumption by changing construction. In this study the old cardan gear mechanism (hypocycloid mechanism) has been compared with the conventional slider-crank mechanism in air pumps and four-stroke engines. Comprehensive Newtonian dynamics has been derived for the both mechanisms. First the slidercrank and the cardan gear machines have been studied as lossless systems. Then the friction losses have been added to the calculations. The calculation results show that the cardan gear machines can be more efficient than the slider-crank machines. The smooth running, low mass inertia, high pressures and small frictional power losses make the cardan gear machines clearly better than the slider-crank machines. The dynamic tooth loads of the original cardan gear construction do not rise very high when the tooth clearances are kept tight. On the other hand the half-size crank length causes high bearing forces in the cardan gear machines. The friction losses of the cardan gear machines are generally quite small. The mechanical efficiencies are much higher in the cardan gear machines than in the slider-crank machines in normal use. Crankshaft torques and power needs are smaller in the cardan gear air pumps than in the equal slider-crank air pumps. The mean crankshaft torque and the mean output power are higher in the cardan gear four-stroke engines than in the slider-crank four-stroke engines in normal use. The cardan gear mechanism is at its best, when we want to build a pump or an engine with a long connecting rod (≈ 5⋅crank length) and a thin piston (≈ 1.5⋅crank length) rotating at high angular velocity and intermittently high angular acceleration. The cardan gear machines can be designed also as slide constructions without gears. Suitable applications of the cardan gear machines are three-cylinder half-radial engines for motorcycles, sixcylinder radial engines for airplanes and six-cylinder double half-radial engines for sport cars. The applied equations of Newtonian dynamics, comparative calculations, calculation results (tables, curves and surface plots) and recommendations presented in this study hold novelty value and are unpublished before. They have been made and written by the author first time in this study.
We compute the shift in the frequency of the spin resonance in a solid that rotates in the field of a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave. Electron-spin resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, and ferromagnetic resonance are considered. We show that contrary to the case of the rotating LC circuit, the shift in the frequency of the spin resonance has strong dependence on the symmetry of the receiver. The shift due to rotation occurs only when rotational symmetry is broken by the anisotropy of the gyromagnetic tensor, by the shape of the body or by magnetocrystalline anisotropy. General expressions for the resonance frequency and power absorption are derived and implications for experiment are discussed.
Purpose: To assess the feasibility of a method based on microwave spectrometry to detect structural distortions of metallic stents in open air conditions and envisage the prospects of this approach toward possible medical applicability for the evaluation of implanted stents. Methods: Microwave absorbance spectra between 2.0 and 18.0 GHz were acquired in open air for the characterization of a set of commercial stents using a specifically design setup. Rotating each sample over 360º, 2D absorbance diagrams were generated as a function of frequency and rotation angle. To check our approach for detecting changes in stent length (fracture) and diameter (recoil), two specific tests were performed in open air. Finally, with a few adjustments, this same system provides 2D absorbance diagrams of stents immersed in a water-based phantom, this time over a bandwidth ranging from 0.2 to 1.8 GHz. Results: The authors show that metallic stents exhibit characteristic resonant frequencies in their microwave absorbance spectra in open air which depend on their length and, as a result, may reflect the occurrence of structural distortions. These resonances can be understood considering that such devices behave like dipole antennas in terms of microwave scattering. From fracture tests, the authors infer that microwave spectrometry provides signs of presence of Type I to Type IV stent fractures and allows in particular a quantitative evaluation of Type III and Type IV fractures. Recoil tests show that microwave spectrometry seems able to provide some quantitative assessment of diametrical shrinkage, but only if it involves longitudinal shortening. Finally, the authors observe that the resonant frequencies of stents placed inside the phantom shift down with respect to the corresponding open air frequencies, as it should be expected considering the increase of dielectric permittivity from air to water. Conclusions: The evaluation of stent resonant frequencies provided by microwave spectrometry allows detection and some quantitative assessment of stent fracture and recoil in open air conditions. Resonances of stents immersed in water can be also detected and their characteristic frequencies are in good agreement with theoretical estimates. Although these are promising results, further verifica tion in a more relevant phantom is required in order to foresee the real potential of this approach.
Tämän työn tavoite oli selvittää miten rumpukalvoilla ja virittämisellä voidaan vaikuttaa rumpujen soundiin. Voiko samasta rumpusetistä saada hyvän soundin niin rockin kuin jazzinkin soittoon? Miten kannattaa menetellä jos konsertissa soitetaan tyyliltään hyvin erilaisia kappaleita? Lähtökohtana oli yksi rumpusetti jolla testattiin neljäkymmentäyksi uutta rumpukalvoa erilaisin virein. Kaikki kokeilut tehtiin studiossa ja niistä äänitettiin näytteet. Miri Miettinen toimi yhteistyökumppanina käytännön studiotyössä toimien äänittäjänä sekä toi pidemmän kokemuksen tuomaa osaamista virittämiseen. Kirjoitin aiheesta tiivistetyn artikkelin Riffi-lehteen. Artikkeli on julkaistu numerossa 4/2006. Lehti on liitteenä työssä. Tämä soveltava tutkimus voi olla myös esimerkki muille kuinka perehtyä omiin rumpuihinsa. Empiirinen kokemus tällaisesta työsta helpottaa toimintaa rumpalina. Rummut saa nopeammin ja helpommin kuulostamaan siltä kuin pitäisi. Tulos-osiossa käsitellään rumpujen virittämistä. Tutkimuksen myötä tulin tulokseen että käytettävä rumpukalvo antaa soundille ominaisen sävynsä, virityksellä se saadaan kuulostamaan musiikkityyliin sopivalta. Jotkut kalvot soveltuvat ominaisuuksiensa puolesta tiettyyn tyylin paremmin kuin toiset. Rumpujen virittämisen lisäksi tulos-osion kolme tärkeintä pääryhmää ovat pop/rock -soundi, jazz-soundi ja all-around -soundi. Niissä pohditaan soundia historian merkittävien rumpalien kautta. Jokaiseen pääryhmään kuuluu näyte-osio jossa esitellään tutkimuksessa saatuja tuloksia. Kahta saman kuuloista kalvoa ei tullut vastaan, toisin sanoen kalvot vaikuttaa merkittävästi rumpujen soundiin. Työn mukana on näyte-cd jolta voi kuunnella kaikki ääninäytteet. Raitalistan avulla jokainen voi vertailla kalvoja mieleisessään järjestyksessä. Kuuntelemalla samalla viretasolla tehtyjä eri kalvojen näytteitä peräkkäin, kuulee selkeästi niiden soundien eron.
Lime kiln is used as a part of the modern kraft pulp process in order to produce burnt lime from lime mud. This rotating kiln is supported by support rollers, which are traditionally supported by journal bearings. Since the continuous growth in the production of pulp mills requires larger lime kilns, the traditional bearing construction has become unreliable. The main problem especially involves the running-in phase of the bearings. In the present thesis, a new type of support roller was developed by using the systematic approach of machine design. Structural analysis was conducted on the critical parts of the selected structure by the finite element method. The operation of hydrodynamic bearings was examined by analytical methods. As a result of this work, a new type of support for rotating kilns was designed, which is more reliable and easier to service. A new support roller geometry is described, which pro¬vides for significant cost savings.
Studies of the kinetics of electrocatalytic reactions on well oriented single crystal surfaces have demonstrated the influence of surface structure on the rate and mechanisms of many electrochemical processes. The preparation and characterization of these surfaces is the first step in this type of studies. In this paper, a methodology employed in order to ensure the quality and cleanliness of single crystals and their utilization as rotating electrodes is described.
A rotating machine usually consists of a rotor and bearings that supports it. The nonidealities in these components may excite vibration of the rotating system. The uncontrolled vibrations may lead to excessive wearing of the components of the rotating machine or reduce the process quality. Vibrations may be harmful even when amplitudes are seemingly low, as is usually the case in superharmonic vibration that takes place below the first critical speed of the rotating machine. Superharmonic vibration is excited when the rotational velocity of the machine is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. In such a situation, a part of the machine’s rotational energy is transformed into vibration energy. The amount of vibration energy should be minimised in the design of rotating machines. The superharmonic vibration phenomena can be studied by analysing the coupled rotor-bearing system employing a multibody simulation approach. This research is focused on the modelling of hydrodynamic journal bearings and rotorbearing systems supported by journal bearings. In particular, the non-idealities affecting the rotor-bearing system and their effect on the superharmonic vibration of the rotating system are analysed. A comparison of computationally efficient journal bearing models is carried out in order to validate one model for further development. The selected bearing model is improved in order to take the waviness of the shaft journal into account. The improved model is implemented and analyzed in a multibody simulation code. A rotor-bearing system that consists of a flexible tube roll, two journal bearings and a supporting structure is analysed employing the multibody simulation technique. The modelled non-idealities are the shell thickness variation in the tube roll and the waviness of the shaft journal in the bearing assembly. Both modelled non-idealities may cause subharmonic resonance in the system. In multibody simulation, the coupled effect of the non-idealities can be captured in the analysis. Additionally one non-ideality is presented that does not excite the vibrations itself but affects the response of the rotorbearing system, namely the waviness of the bearing bushing which is the non-rotating part of the bearing system. The modelled system is verified with measurements performed on a test rig. In the measurements the waviness of bearing bushing was not measured and therefore it’s affect on the response was not verified. In conclusion, the selected modelling approach is an appropriate method when analysing the response of the rotor-bearing system. When comparing the simulated results to the measured ones, the overall agreement between the results is concluded to be good.
Teräksen raaka-ainekustannusten jyrkkä nousu pakottaa prosessiteollisuuden etsimään vaihtoehtoisia rakennemateriaaleja, joiden ominaisuudet ovat vähintään terästä vastaavia. Prosessiteollisuudessa joudutaan käyttämään runsaasti kemikaaleja kestäviä laitteita, jolloin rakennemateriaaliksi sopiva on haponkestävä teräs. Laitteiden kokojen kasvusta seuraa niiden kokonaispainojen kasvu aiheuttaen haasteita niitä kantaville perustuksille. Komposiitti on yksi varteenotettava vaihtoehto haponkestävän teräksen korvaajaksi, sillä komposiitin ominaisuus/painosuhde on terästä parempi. Diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut selvittää Washers & Filters – tuoteperheeseen kuuluvien laitteiden, DD-pesurin (Drum Displacer) ja GF- suotimen (GasFree Filter), rakenteista löytyvien osien mahdollisuutta korvata komposiitilla. Työn pohjaksi on käsitelty komposiittien ominaisuuksia, tyyppejä ja valmistusmenetelmiä sekä perehdytty sellupesureiden toimintaprosessiin. Tältä pohjalta löytyi valintakriteerien avulla rakenteita, joita olisi mahdollista korvata komposiitilla.
Musiikkiteknologia on laaja soveltava tieteenala, jota voidaan hyödyntää kasvatustieteissä, psykologiassa ja kognitiivisissa tieteissä. Musiikkilaitteet ja ohjelmistot hyödyntävät tietotekniikkaa. Musiikkiteknologian ohjelmat ovat joko kaupallisia tai pohjautuvat avoimen lähdekoodin ajatteluun. Tässä työssä kartoitin Linuxin avoimen lähdekoodin virtuaaliinstrumentit sekä toteutin rumpukoneen, kosketinsoittimen ja yksinkertaisen karaokeohjelman mobiilille laitteelle. Tehty työ osoittaa, että tietoteknisin keinoin voidaan toteuttaa tutkimushankkeissa hyödynnettäviä musiikkiteknologian ohjelmia.
This paper is a literature review which describes the construction of state of the art of permanent magnet generators and motors constructing and discusses the current and possible application of these machines in industry. Permanent magnet machines are a well-know class of rotating and linear electric machines used for many years in industrial applications. A particular interest for permanent magnet generators is connected with wind mills, which seem to be becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Geared and direct-driven permanent magnet generators are described. A classification of direct-driven permanent magnet generators is given. Design aspects of permanent magnet generators are presented. Permanent magnet generators for wind turbines designs are highlighted. Dynamics and vibration problems of permanent magnet generators covered in literature are presented. The application of the Finite Element Method for mechanical problems solution in the field of permanent magnet generators is discussed.
This work reviews recent studies of underpotential deposition (UPD) of several metals on Pt and Au substrates performed in the Grupo de Materiais Eletroquímicos e Métodos Eletroanalíticos (IQSC -- USP, São Carlos). The UPD Cu, Cd and Pb on Pt were analysed in terms of their influence in the oxygen evolution reaction. Partial blockage of surface active sites, promoted by Pb ad-atoms, resulted in a change from water to hydrogen peroxide as the final product. The Ag UPD on Pt and Au substrates was also discussed in this work. A detailed model of charge calculation for Ag monolayer was developed and confirmed by the rotating ring-disk data. The partial charge transfer in UPD studies was analysed in the Cd/Pt and Cd/Au systems and a value of 0.5 was found for the adsorption electrovalence of Cd ad-ions. The Sn/Pt UPD systems were studied from the point of view of the valences of metallic ions in solution. The deposition from Sn(IV) generates a full monolayer with a maximum occupation of approximately 40% of the surface active sites (340 µC cm-2) plus 105 µC cm-2 of Hads (half monolayer). Changing the metallic ion for Sn(II), it was possible to deposit a full monolayer (210 µC cm-2) without any detectable Hads. Finally, the effect of anions was discussed in the Zn/Pt and Zn/Au systems. Here, the hydrogen evolution reaction (her) and the hydrogen adsorption/desorption were used in order to investigate the maximum coverage of the surface with Zn ad-atoms. The full monolayer, characterised by the complete absence of Hads, was achieved only in 0.5 M HF solutions.