925 resultados para Rockwell, Todd


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This presentation describes research at Montana Tech to improve oil recovery rates in the Elm Coulee Oil Field in the Bakken Reservoir, Richmond County, Montana. The slides display current recovery rate predictions, enhanced oil recovery methods, reservoir model building and history matching strategies. Recommended development strategies include implementing hydrocarbon gas injection operations to improve current oil recovery rates by more than 75%. The impact of increased production on Production Engineers is also described. The Principal Investigators include John Evans, Leo Heath, David Reichhardt and Burt Todd in the Petroleum Engineering Department.


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The successful application of the phenomenon of pre­cipitation hardening to aluminum and copper has indicated the possibility of hardening all metals in the same way. The phenomenon of age hardening was discoveredin 1911, and since that time much research has been car­ried on in all parts of the world on various alloy sys­tems.


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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the age-hardening of aluminum with magnesium and zinc in such proportions as to conform to the compound MgZn2. Because of a lack of time and proper equipment, the only property investigated was the hardness as indicated by the Rockwell Superficial Hardness Tester.


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The subject of the thesis was based upon the theory of precipitation or age hardening of the copper by the compound formed by the Manganese and silicon present in the ternary Cu-Mn-Si alloy. The effect of the heat treat­ment to such an alloy was to be studied and the best aging time and temperature was to be determined.


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The most important element in the alloying of steels, has also been used quite extensively as a third constituent in copper-zinc alloys. The chief characteristics of nickel which make it desirable as an alloying element are its toughness, high strength, and resistance to corrosion.


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Many attempts have been made to improve iron and steel and their alloys by the addition of boron. The re­sults obtained were not encouraging for the reason that the amount of boron used, generally from 0.2 to 2.0 per cent is altogether too high. This percentage of boron ren­ders the product hard and brittle and of late the experiments with boron in this connection have been practically abandoned.


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Although powder metallurgical methods have been used for years to fabricate tungsten and platinum, very little scientific data have been recorded until the beginning of this century. A large percentage of all commercial production at present is based upon past practice rather than upon scientific knowledge.


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During recent years, duralumin and all aluminum alloys have been made the object of much discussion regarding their hardening mechanism. The commercial success of nearly all of the alloys of aluminum and mag­nesium is dependent on their ability to age or precipitation harden.


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We evaluated the effects of a 6-week jump training program on 12 college basketball players using strength training programs. The Leg Press (LP) group participated in a strength program using the leg press, and the Power Clean group (PC) used the power clean exercise instead of the leg press. Both groups participated in a 6-week jump training program. Pre-program measurements recorded jump scores for one-foot take off and two-foot take offs. The LP group had an average pre-program vertical of 72.60 and 88.05 cm for the 2-foot and 1-foot take-off for an increase of about 1.7 cm. The PC group had an average post-program vertical of 76.2 cm for the 2-foot take-off for an increase of 3.6 cm, and 90.81 cm for the 1-foot take-off for an increase of about 2.75 cm. The comparison of average increases between the LP and PC groups was not significant for either the 2-foot or 1-foot take off.


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We tested the hypothesis that occupational clothing would impair performance during swimming. The sub questions included: (1) Will the standard work wear of a railway worker or laborer impede swimming ability? (2) Will this clothing impact the individual’s ability to tread water? We addressed the research questions with three hypotheses. Analysis showed statistically significant p-values and all three null hypotheses were rejected in favor of the three research hypotheses, showing strong evidence that standard labor wear had adverse effects on 11.43 meter/12.5 yard swim time, water treading time and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) during water treading. The mean swim time more than doubled when the subjects wore standard labor-wear and their average rate of perceived exertion increased from 11.6 in standard swim wear to 17.1 in standard laborwear. It may be beneficial for those workers who work near water to be exposed to educational programs that allow in-water experiences so they develop an understanding of their abilities in, and respect for, the water.


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The longboard skateboard has a longer, and usually wider, deck than the standard skateboard to provide greater support for the rider during the higher speeds attained on this version of the skateboard. Fourteen volunteer subjects participated in downhill and uphill longboarding trials. Heart rates were monitored during both trials, and the downhill and uphill average heart rates were compared with resting heart rates and then compared with accepted intensity recommendations for health and fitness benefits. The study questions were: Does longboarding have an acute effect on heart rates? If so, will longboarding uphill and/or downhill cause heart rate changes to levels recommended to improve cardiorespiratory health and fitness? With these questions as guidance we developed four hypotheses. With beats/minute and average uphill heart rate of 167.8 beats/minute statistical analysis showed statistically significant p values < .0001 and each null hypothesis was rejected in favor of their respective research hypotheses. Based on average age and average resting heart rate, average age-predicted maximum heart rate was 193.2 beats/minute and heart rate reserve was 133.2 beats/minute. The average percentages of heart rate reserve for the downhill section (131.4 beats/minute) and uphill section )(167.8 beats/minute) were 54% and 81% respectively. Downhill heart rates are within moderate intensity levels, 40% to 60% of heart rate reserve, and uphill heart rates are within vigorous intensity levels, greater than 60% of heart rate reserve. These results indicate that longboarding can increase heart rate to suggested levels suggested by the American College of Sports Medicine for improving cardiovascular health and fitness.


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The object of casehardening is to produce articles of steel having a tough or ductile interior and a hard sur­face. Quenching produces a surface somewhat harder than the interior, but in order to obtain a high surface hard­ness, the percentage of alloying elements in the steel must be raised to such an extent that the core or central por­tion becomes hard and brittle also.


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More than 3000 years ago, men began quenching and tem­pering tools to improve their physical properties. The an­cient people found that iron was easier to shape and form in a heated condition. Charcoal was used as the fuel, and when the shaping process was completed, the smiths cooled the piece in the most obvious way, quenching in water. Quite un­intentionally, these people stumbled on the process for im­proving the properties of iron, and the art of blacksmithing began.


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In January, 2010, the Petroleum Engineering department at Montana Tech moved into a new building, the Natural Resources Building, to start a new chapter in the history of the program on campus. Occupying a new building is a positive event, and it coincides with a surge of student enrollment which is prompted by industry needs and world energy demand. This time of new facilities and growing student numbers leads to the question of what the future has in store for the department. It also leads to reflection about where the department has been in the past. This history is a record and a story of that past.