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The geological history of Filchnerfjella and surrounding areas (2°E to 8°E) in central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, is constructed from metamorphic and igneous petrology, and structural investigations. The geology of Filchner-fjella consists mainly of metamorphic rocks accompanied by intrusive rocks. Two stages of metamorphism can be recognized in this area. The earlier stage metamorphism is defined as a porphyroblast stage (garnet, hornblende, and sillimanite stable), and the later one is recognized as a symplectic stage (orthopyroxene and cordieritestable). Taking metamorphic textures and geothermobarometries into account, the rocks experienced an early high-P/medium-T followed by a low-P and high-T stage. Partial melting took place during the low-P/high-T stage, because probable melt of leucocratic gneiss contains cordierite. The field relationships and petrography of the syenite at Filchnerfjella are similar to those of post-tectonic plutons from central Dronning Maud Land, and most of the post-tectonic intrusive rocks have within-plate geochemical features. The structural history in Filchnerfjella and surrounding areas can be divided into the Pan-African stage and the Meso to Cenozoic stage that relates to the break-up of Gondwana.


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Based on benthic and planktic foraminifera, Bolboforma, oxygen isotope measurements and seismic data, major changes in Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene paleoenvironments on the mid Norwegian shelf are discussed and a possible scenario of the late Cenozoic uplift history is given. The dating of the Neogene sequence has been done using foraminifera and Bolboforma. Four main assemblage zones have been identified with nine distinct subzones. Most of the Miocene sequence is preserved. The lower Miocene sediments contain only siliceous microfossils. A period of high fertility and upwelling in the study area prevailed. The early Miocene-early mid Miocene (15 Ma?) change from a siliceous to a calcareous rich microfauna, dominated by Nonion barleeanum, can be related to increased surface-water circulation due to overflow across the Iceland-Faeroe ridge. During the Miocene the temperature decreased in the study area. Evidence of increased amounts of coarser sediments may suggest that an uplift of the mainland areas occurred during the mid-late Miocene. Lower Pliocene sediments contain a foraminiferal fauna that seems to occur in slightly colder conditions than the late Miocene fauna suggesting a further cooling. Possibly, Arctic waters entered the study area in the early Pliocene. A very marked change in lithology (from compacted claystone to unconsolidated diamicton), fauna (from deep dwelling to shallow dwelling species) and seismic signature (from flat lying reflectors to prograding clinoforms) occurs during the mid?-late Pliocene. A two step cooling trend is indicated by the microfauna of these prograding wedges. (1) The first wedge buildups might have been associated with an uplift of the mainland during the early late Pliocene (mid Pliocene, ca. 4 Ma). However, the age determination is somewhat uncertain and may very well be of late Pliocene age. (2) The second step of wedge buildup is associated with a glacial phase where the dominating microfauna exists of arctic species. Large continental ice sheets might have occurred at this time reaching coastal areas and that possibly many of the geomorphological features such as the strandflat were made during this episode. The Pleistocene epoch is represented by an increased percentage of boreal foraminifera intermingled with high arctic species which indicates that interglacial-glacial cycles prevailed and the dynamics of the glacier system changed.


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Sedimentary sections recovered from the Tonga platform and forearc during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 provide a record of the sedimentary evolution of the active margin of the Indo-Australian Plate from late Eocene time to the Present. Facies analyses of the sediments, coupled with interpretations of downhole Formation MicroScanner logs, allow the complete sedimentary and subsidence history of each site to be reconstructed. After taking into account the water depths in which the sediments were deposited and their subsequent compaction, the forearc region of the Tofua Arc (Site 841) can be seen to have experienced an initial period of tectonic subsidence dating from 35.5 Ma. Subsidence has probably been gradual since that time, with possible phases of accelerated subsidence, starting at 16.2 and 10.0 Ma. The Tonga Platform (Site 840) records only the last 7.0 Ma of arc evolution. However, the increased accuracy of paleowater depth determinations possible with shallow-water platform sediments allows the resolution of a distinct increase in subsidence rates at 5.30 Ma. Thus, sedimentology and subsidence analyses show the existence of at least two, and possibly four, separate subsidence events in the forearc region. Subsidence dating from 35.5 Ma is linked to rifting of the South Fiji Basin. Any subsidence dating from 16.2 Ma at Site 841 does not correlate with another known tectonic event and is perhaps linked to localized extensional faulting related to slab roll back during steady-state subduction. Subsidence from 10.0 Ma coincides with the breakup of the early Tertiary Vitiaz Arc because of the subduction polarity reversal in the New Hebrides and the subsequent readjustment of the plate boundary geometry. More recently, rapid subsidence and deposition of a upward-fining cycle from 5.30 Ma to the Present at Site 840 is thought to relate to rifting of the Lau Basin. Sedimentation is principally controlled by tectonic activity, with variations in eustatic sea level playing a significant, but subordinate role. Subduction of the Louisville Seamount Chain seems to have disrupted the forearc region locally, although it had only a modest effect on the subsidence history and sedimentation of the Tonga Platform as a whole.


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A large diameter piston core containing 8.35 m of metalliferous sediment has been recovered from a small abyssal valley in the remote Southwest Pacific Basin (31°42.194'S, 143°30.331'W; 5082 m water depth), providing unique insight into hydrothermal activity and eolian sedimentation there since the early Oligocene. A combination of fish-teeth Sr-isotope stratigraphy and INAA geochemical data reveals an exponentially decreasing hydrothermal flux 31 Ma to the present. Although hydrothermal sedimentation related to seafloor spreading explains this trend, a complex history of late Eocene/early Oligocene ridge jumps, propagating rifts and plate tectonic reorganization of South Pacific seafloor could have also played a role. A possible hiatus in deposition, as recorded by changes in core composition just below 2 m depth, is beyond the resolution of the fish teeth Sr isotope dating method employed here; however, the timing of this interval may be coincident with extinction of the Pacific-Farallon Ridge at ~20 Ma. A low flux eolian component accumulating at this site shows an increase relative to the hydrothermal component above 2 m depth, consistent with dust-generating continental sources far to the west (Australia/New Zealand). This is the first long-term paleoceanographic record obtained from within the South Pacific "bare zone" (Rea et al., 2006), an anomalous region where Pacific seafloor has largely escaped sediment accumulation since the Late Cretaceous.


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An increasing number of studies have examined the effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and ocean acidification on marine fish, yet little is known about the effects on large pelagic fish. We tested the effects of elevated CO2 on the early life history development and behaviour of yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi. Eggs and larvae were reared in current day control (450 µatm) and two elevated CO2 treatments for a total of 6 d, from 12 h post-fertilization until 3 d post-hatching (dph). Elevated CO2 treatments matched projections for the open ocean by the year 2100 under RCP 8.5 (880 µatm CO2) and a higher level (1700 µatm CO2) relevant to upwelling zones where pelagic fish often spawn. There was no effect of elevated CO2 on survival to hatching or 3 dph. Oil globule diameter decreased with an increasing CO2 level, indicating potential effects of elevated CO2 on energy utilization of newly hatched larvae, but other morphometric traits did not differ among treatments. Contrary to expectations, there were no effects of elevated CO2 on larval behaviour. Activity level, startle response, and phototaxis did not differ among treatments. Our results contrast with findings for reef fish, where a wide range of sensory and behavioural effects have been reported. We hypothesize that the absence of behavioural effects in 3 dph yellowtail kingfish is due to the early developmental state of newly hatched pelagic fish. Behavioural effects of high CO2 may not occur until larvae commence branchial acid-base regulation when the gills develop; however, further studies are required to test this hypothesis. Our results suggest that the early stages of kingfish development are tolerant to rising CO2 levels in the ocean.


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Although the prevalence or even occurrence of insect herbivory during the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) has been questioned, we present the earliest-known ecologic evidence showing that by Late Pennsylvanian times (302 million years ago) a larva of the Holometabola was galling the internal tissue of Psaronius tree-fern fronds. Several diagnostic cellular and histological features of these petiole galls have been preserved in exquisite detail, including an excavated axial lumen filled with fecal pellets and comminuted frass, plant-produced response tissue surrounding the lumen, and specificity by the larval herbivore for a particular host species and tissue type. Whereas most suggestions over-whelmingly support the evolution of such intimate and reciprocal plant-insect interactions 175 million years later, we provide documentation that before the demise of Pennsylvanian age coal-swamp forests, a highly stereotyped life cycle was already established between an insect that was consuming internal plant tissue and a vascular plant host responding to that herbivory. This and related discoveries of insect herbivore consumption of Psaronius tissues indicate that modern-style herbivores were established in Late Pennsylvanian coal-swamp forests.


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The financial and economic crises have led to an enormous plumbing exercise, involving a fundamental re-design of the global and European regulatory and supervisory system. This book systematically assesses the big items on the G-20 and EU agendas and the effectiveness with which they have been implemented in the EU. Its publication coincides with the demand by European Commissioner Jonathan Hill, in the context of the Capital Markets Union, for a 'comprehensive review' of the impact and coherence of EU legislation in the area of financial services. Karel Lannoo argues in the book that much has been done by European policy-makers to make the financial system safer and to prevent banking crises of the magnitude that erupted in 2008 and 2011, but that the new framework puts an enormous burden on banks and supervisors to implement and enforce it correctly. With the huge amount of secondary or 'level-2' legislation in place, this process has spiralled out of control, and as member states always find new ways of ‘gold-plating’ EU rules, the EU always finds further reasons to achieve a 'single rulebook'. This process has to be brought to a halt, and mutual recognition, a basic single-market principle, reinforced. The new framework also brings huge advantages, which should offer benefits to all parties. Banking Union is a huge step forward, which introduces 'one-stop shopping' for banks in the eurozone, another basic single market principle, and a true single supervisor. The clarity of the new resolution framework should, if correctly applied, trigger early intervention and bring an end to forbearance, thereby enforcing market discipline in the banking sector. It should also avoid reliance on taxpayers' money to bail-out banks in trouble, which totalled 14% of EU GDP during the crisis.


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Oxygen isotope data are compared with relative abundances of selected planktic foraminifera through a ca. 15 m interval at DSDP Site 593 (Tasman Sea, southwest Pacific, 40°S) in which there are prominent changes in population sizes, as well as several evolutionary events. We focus on the relation between faunal and climatic histories. The base of early Miocene oxygen isotope Zone Mi1b (uppermost planktic foraminiferal Zone N.6) is identified from closesampled (c. 14 kyr) isotope records of Globigerina woodi and Cibicides kullenbergi. Chronostratigraphic interpolations, using the first occurrences of Globorotalia praescitula, G. mimea and Praeorbulina curva give an age estimate of ca. 18.4 Ma (cf. 18.1 -18.3 Ma for the base of the zone at DSDP Site 608 (type level, north Atlantic, 43°N) ). Another significant benthic delta18O enrichment event, informally designated as the base of zone "Mi1c", is identified 10 m higher in the sequence at ca. 17.8 Ma. Populations of Globoquadriau dehiscens and Globigerinoides trilobus (inferred to be near the southern margin of their distributions) either reduced considerably or withdrew, particularly in the vicinity of zone "Mi1c". A bioseries linking Globorotalia incognita with G. zealandica developed following the benthic delta18O enrichment spike at the base of Zone Mi1b; the latter species became extinct (at least regionally) just above the base of zone "Mi1c". In contrast, the apparently opportunistic Globorotlia praescitula increased dramatically in abundance at this time; there were also transformations in its architecture, leading to the evolutionary appearance of G. miozea. While planktic foraminifera abundances often do not closely covary with the detailed isotope records and tend to be more stable through time, the near coincidence of evolutionary and biogeographic events with isotopic events suggests at least indirect adaptive responses to climatic changes. Early Miocene middle-latitude planktic foraminiferal evolution, biogeography, and biostratigraphy, may be intimately connected with climatic history.


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I have compiled CaCO3 mass accumulation rates (MARs) for the period 0-25 Ma for 144 Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program drill sites in the Pacific in order to investigate the history of CaCO3 burial in the world's largest ocean basin. This is the first synthesis of data since the beginning of the Ocean Drilling Program. Sedimentation rates, CaCO3 contents, and bulk density were estimated for 0.5 Myr time intervals from 0 to 14 Ma and for 1 Myr time intervals from 14 to 25 Ma using mostly data from Initial Reports volumes. There is surprisingly little coherence between CaCO3 MAR time series from different Pacific regions, although regional patterns exist. A transition from high to low CaCO3 MAR from 23-20 Ma is the only event common to the entire Pacific Ocean. This event is found worldwide. The most likely cause of lowered pelagic carbonate burial is a rising sea-level trend in the early Miocene. The central and eastern equatorial Pacific is the only region with adequate drill site coverage to study carbonate compensation depth (CCD) changes in detail for the entire Neogene. The latitude-dependent decrease in CaCO3 production away from the equator is an important defining factor of the regional CCD, which shallows away from the equatorial region. Examination of latitudinal transects across the equatorial region is a useful way to separate the effects of changes in carbonate production ('productivity') from changes in bottom water chemistry ('dissolution') upon carbonate burial.


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The chronostratigraphy, the calcareous nannofossil biochronology, and the biostratigraphy of the Miocene and Pliocene sediments retrieved during Leg 115 in the equatorial western Indian Ocean are presented and discussed. Most of the zonal boundaries of the standard 1971 zonation of Martini and the 1973 zonation of Bukry are easily recognized in these low-latitude sediments. We also comment on the secondary events that are proposed in the literature to improve the biostratigraphic resolution provided by the standard zonations. The study of calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and taphonomy of sequences from the Northern Mascarene Plateau area, which was drilled to investigate the Neogene history of carbonate flux and dissolution, indicate that the accumulation of carbonates in this area results from a complex interplay among carbonate bioproductivity, carbonate removal by chemical dissolution and mechanical erosion, and carbonate addition by mass and current transport. In spite of these drawbacks, major changes and trends in carbonate accumulation can be recognized, most of which, if not all, correlate with major steps in the evolution of the Neogene climatic system.


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In order to understand the processes controlling organic carbon deposition (i.e., primary productivity vs. terrigenous supply) and their paleoceanographic significance, three sediment cores (PS2471, PS2474. and PS2476) from the Laptev Sea continental margin were investigated for their content and composition of organic carbon. The characterization of organic matter indudes the determination of buk parameters (hydrogen index values and C/N ratios) and the analysis of specific biomarkers (n-alaknes, fatty acids, alkenones, and pigments). Total organic carbon (TOC) values vary between 0.3 and 2%. In general, the organic matter from the Laptev Sea continental margin is dominated by terrigenous matter throughout. However. significant amounts of marine organic carbon occur. The turbidites, according to a still preliminary stratigraphy probably deposited during glacial Oxygen Isotope Stages 2 and 4, are characterized by maximum amounts of organic carbon of terrigenous origin. Marine organic carbon appears to show enhanced relative abundances in the Termination I (?) and early Holocene time intervals, as indicated by maximum amounts of short chain n-alkanes, short-chain fatty acids, and alkenones. The increased amounts of faity acids, however, may also have a freshwater origin due to increased river discharge at that time. The occurrence of alkenones is suggested to indicate an intensification of Atlantic water inflow along the Eurasian continental margin starting at that time. Oxygen Isotope Stage l accumutation rates of total organic carhon are 0.3, 0.17, and 0.02 C/cm**2/ky in cores PS2476, PS2474, and PS2471, respectively.