961 resultados para Rheo-optics


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We identify a test of quantum mechanics versus macroscopic local realism in the form of stochastic electrodynamics. The test uses the steady-state triple quadrature correlations of a parametric oscillator below threshold.


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We study the effects of driving a two-level atom by two intense field modes that have equal frequencies but are otherwise distinguishable; the intensity of one mode is also assumed to be greater than that of the other. We calculate first the dressed states of the system, and then its resonance fluorescence and Autler-Townes absorption spectra. We find that the energy spectrum of the doubly dressed atom consists of a ladder of doublet continua. These continua manifest themselves in the fluorescence spectrum, where they produce continua at the positions of the Mellow sideband frequencies omega(L)+/-2 Omega of the strong field, and in the Autler-Townes absorption spectrum, which becomes a two-continuum doublet.


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We consider the case of two cavity modes of the electromagnetic field, which are coupled via the action of a parametric amplifier. The fields are allowed to leak from the cavity and homodyne measurement is performed on one of the modes. Because of the correlations between the modes, this leads to a reduction of the variance in a quadrature of the other mode, although no measurement is performed on it directly. We discuss how this relates to the Einstein-Podolky-Rosen Gedankenexperiment.


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The steady-state resonance fluorescence spectrum of a two-level atom driven by a bichromatic field in a broadband squeezed vacuum is studied. When the carrier frequency of the squeezed vacuum is tuned to the frequency of the central spectral line, anomalous spectral features, such as hole burning and dispersive profiles, can occur at the central line. We show that these features appear for wider, and experimentally more convenient, ranges of the parameters than in the case of monochromatic excitation. ?he absence of a coherent spectral component at the central line makes any experimental attempt to observe these features much easier. We also discuss the general features of the spectrum. When the carrier frequency of the squeezed vacuum is tuned to the first odd or even sidebands, the spectrum is asymmetric and only the sidebands an sensitive to phase. For appropriate choices of the phase the linewidths or only the odd or even sidebands can be reduced. A dressed-stale interpretation is provided.


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A novel flow-tagging technique is presented which was employed to measure gas velocities in the free stream of a shock tube. This method is based on the laser spectroscopic techniques of Laser-Enhanced Ionisation (LEI) and Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The flow in the shock tube is seeded with small amounts of sodium, and LEI is used to produce a substantial depletion of neutral sodium atom concentration in a well-defined region of the flow, by using two wavelength-resonance excitation and subsequent collisional ionisation. At a specific time delay, single-laser-pulse planar LIF is utilised to produce a two-dimensional (2-D) inverse image of the depleted tagged region downstream of the flow. By measuring the displacement of the tagged region, free stream velocities in a shock tube were determined. Large variations in the concentration of sodium seeded into the flow were observed and even in the presence of these large variations accurate free-stream velocity measurements were obtained. The experimentally determined value for velocity compares very well with the predicted velocity.


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The technique of frequency-resolved optical gating is used to characterize the intensity and the phase of picosecond pulses after propagation through 700 m of fiber at close to the zero-dispersion wavelength. Using the frequency-resolved optical gating technique, we directly measure the severe temporal distortion resulting from the interplay between self-phase modulation and higher-order dispersion in this regime. The measured intensity and phase of the pulses after propagation are found to be in good agreement with the predictions of numerical simulations with the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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The fluorescence spectrum of a strongly driven two-level atom located inside an optical cavity damped by a narrow-bandwidth squeezed vacuum is studied. We use a dressed atom model approach, first applied to squeezed vacuum problems by Yeoman and Barnett, to derive the master equation of the system and discuss the role of the cavity and the squeezed vacuum in the narrowing of the spectral lines and the population trapping effect. We find that in the presence of a single-mode cavity the effect of squeezing on the fluorescence spectrum is more evident in the linewidths of the Rabi sidebands rather than in the linewidth of the central component. Even in the absence of squeezing, the cavity can reduce the linewidth of the central component almost to zero, whereas the Rabi sidebands can be narrowed only to some finite value. In the presence of a two-mode cavity and a two-mode squeezed vacuum the signature of squeezing is evident in the linewidths of all spectral lines. We also establish that the narrowing of the spectral lines is very sensitive to the detuning of the driving field from the atomic resonance. Moreover, we find that the population trapping effect, predicted for the broadband squeezed vacuum case, may appear in a narrow-bandwidth case only if the input squeezed modes are perfectly matched to the cavity modes and if there is non-zero squeezing at the Rabi sidebands.


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We consider the quantum dynamics of a neutral atom Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential, including many-body hard-sphere interactions. Using a mean-field factorization we show that the coherent oscillations due to tunneling are suppressed when the number of atoms exceeds a critical value. An exact quantum solution, in a two-mode approximation, shows that the mean-field solution is modulated by a quantum collapse and revival sequence.


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We report the observation of the quantum effects of competing chi((2)) nonlinearities. We also report classical signatures of competition, namely, clamping of the second-harmonic power and production of nondegenerate frequencies in the visible. Theory is presented that describes the observations as resulting from competition between various chi((2)) up-conversion and down-conversion processes. We show that competition imposes hitherto unsuspected limits to both power generation and squeezing. The observed signatures are expected to be significant effects in practical systems.


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Under the conditions of the rotating wave approximation (RWA), a transition strongly driven by a resonant oscillating field displays the well known symmetric Autler-Townes doublet. However, if the counter-rotating component, neglected in the RWA, is taken into account, the Bloch-Siegert shift gives rise to an Autler-Townes doublet of unequal intensity even in the case of a resonant driving field. This effect is investigated theoretically in a V-shaped three-level double-resonance configuration and the results are presented in this paper. An interesting observation is that the level of asymmetry not only depends on the driving-field intensity but also on the characteristics of the driven system including relaxation rates and equilibrium population distributions.


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From a general model of fiber optics, we investigate the physical limits of soliton-based terabaud communication systems. In particular we consider Raman and initial quantum noise effects which are often neglected in fiber communications. Simulations of the position diffusion in dark and bright solitons show that these effects become increasingly important at short pulse durations, even over kilometer-scale distances. We also obtain an approximate analytic theory in agreement with numerical simulations, which shows that the Raman effects exceed the Gordon-Haus jitter for sub-picosecond pulses. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Quantum information theory, applied to optical interferometry, yields a 1/n scaling of phase uncertainty Delta phi independent of the applied phase shift phi, where n is the number of photons in the interferometer. This 1/n scaling is achieved provided that the output state is subjected to an optimal phase measurement. We establish this scaling law for both passive (linear) and active (nonlinear) interferometers and identify the coefficient of proportionality. Whereas a highly nonclassical state is required to achieve optimal scaling for passive interferometry, a classical input state yields a 1/n scaling of phase uncertainty for active interferometry.


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We propose two quantum error-correction schemes which increase the maximum storage time for qubits in a system of cold-trapped ions, using a minimal number of ancillary qubits. Both schemes consider only the errors introduced by the decoherence due to spontaneous emission from the upper levels of the ions. Continuous monitoring of the ion fluorescence is used in conjunction with selective coherent feedback to eliminate these errors immediately following spontaneous emission events.


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Antiphase dynamics of an optically pumped NH3 bidirectional ring laser under the chaotic, phase-sensitive mode coupling is experimentally observed. Our experimental result suggests strongly that the dynamics is a generic behavior of the laser.