864 resultados para Resistance Associated Protein-2
The Zn-CeO 2 composite coatings through electrodeposition technique were successfully fabricated on mild steel substrate. As a comparison pure zinc coating was also prepared. The concentration of CeO 2 nanoparticles was varied in the electrolytic bath and the composites were electrodeposited both in the presence and absence of cetyltriammonium bromide (CTAB). The performance of the CeO 2 nanoparticles towards the deposition, crystal structure, texture, surface morphology and electrochemical corrosion behavior was studied. For characterizations of the electrodeposits, the techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used. Both the additives ceria and surfactant polarize the reduction processes and thus influence the deposition process, surface nature and the electrochemical properties. The electrochemical experiments like potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) studies carried out in 3.5 wt. NaCl solution explicit higher corrosion resistance by CeO 2 incorporated coating in the presence of surfactant. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An analysis of the Mycobacterium smegmatis genome suggests that it codes for several thiolases and thiolase-like proteins. Thiolases are an important family of enzymes that are involved in fatty acid metabolism. They occur as either dimers or tetramers. Thiolases catalyze the Claisen condensation of two acetyl-Coenzyme A molecules in the synthetic direction and the thiolytic cleavage of 3-ketoacyl-Coenzyme A molecules in the degradative direction. Some of the M. smegmatis genes have been annotated as thiolases of the poorly characterized SCP2-thiolase subfamily. The mammalian SCP2-thiolase consists of an N-terminal thiolase domain followed by an additional C-terminal domain called sterol carrier protein-2 or SCP2. The M. smegmatis protein selected in the present study, referred to here as the thiolase-like protein type 1 (MsTLP1), has been biochemically and structurally characterized. Unlike classical thiolases, MsTLP1 is a monomer in solution. Its structure has been determined at 2.7 angstrom resolution by the single wavelength anomalous dispersion method. The structure of the protomer confirms that the N-terminal domain has the thiolase fold. An extra C-terminal domain is indeed observed. Interestingly, it consists of six beta-strands forming an anti-parallel beta-barrel which is completely different from the expected SCP2-fold. Detailed sequence and structural comparisons with thiolases show that the residues known to be essential for catalysis are not conserved in MsTLP1. Consistent with this observation, activity measurements show that MsTLP1 does not catalyze the thiolase reaction. This is the first structural report of a monomeric thiolase-like protein from any organism. These studies show that MsTLP1 belongs to a new group of thiolase related proteins of unknown function.
Heterogeneity in tumors has led to the development of combination therapies that enable enhanced cell death. Previously explored combination therapies mostly involved the use of bioactive molecules. In this work, we explored a non-conventional strategy of using carbon nanostructures (CNs) single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) and graphene oxide (GO)] for potentiating the efficacy of a bioactive molecule paclitaxel (Tx)] for the treatment of lung cancer. The results demonstrated enhanced cell death following combination treatment of SWNT/GO and Tx indicating a synergistic effect. In addition, synergism was abrogated in the presence of an anti-oxidant, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), and was therefore shown to be reactive oxygen species (ROS) dependent. It was further demonstrated using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation assay that treatment with CNs was associated with enhanced mitogen associated protein kinase (MAPK) activation that was ROS mediated. Hence, these results for the first time demonstrated the potential of SWNT/GO as co-therapeutic agents with Tx for the treatment of lung cancer.
A obesidade é uma doença crônica, resultante do excesso de gordura no organismo. O aumento da obesidade no mundo, tem se revelado como um dos fenômenos clínicos e epidemiológicos da atualidade. Estudos populacionais e em modelos animais demonstram que a origem da epidemia da obesidade está relacionada a fatores genéticos, modificações de hábitos nutricionais, redução da atividade física, e alterações nutricionais durante a lactação, desempenhando um papel relevante no desenvolvimento da obesidade, DM2 e cardiomiopatias. As mitocôndrias são os coordenadores centrais do metabolismo energético, assim, alterações funcionais e estruturais dessa organela têm sido associadas à desordens metabólicas. Elas exercem um papel na sobrevivência e função dos cardiomiócitos devido à alta demanda energética do miocárdio. Desta forma, disfunções mitocondriais estão relacionadas com disfunções no miocárdio e conseqüente progressão de cardiomiopatias. Neste estudo, avaliamos a bioenergética e a ultraestrutura de cardiomiócitos de camundongos obesos e controle hiperalimentados durante a lactação. O consumo de oxigênio das fibras cardíacas foi avaliado por respirometria de alta-resolução, utilizando um oxígrafo-2K-Oroboros. A ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos foi analisada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e o conteúdo das proteínas Carnitina palmitoil transferase 1 (CPT1), Proteína desacopladora 2 (UCP2) , Transportador de glicose 1 e 4 (GLUT1) e (GLUT4), Proteína Kinase ativada por AMP (AMPK) e Proteína kinase ativada por AMP fosforilada p(AMPK) por Western blotting (WB). Além disso, o peso dos animais, a gordura retroperitoneal, epididimal e a glicemia em jejum foram determinadas. Nossos resultados confirmaram que os animais do grupo hiperalimentados (GH), aos 90 dias de vida, apresentaram aumento da massa corporal, de gordura epididimária e retroperitoneal comparado ao grupo controle (GC). As taxas respiratórias foram semelhantes nos dois grupos quando foram utilizados os substratos dos complexos I e II. Entretanto, quando o ácido graxo palmitoil-L-carnitina foi utilizado, a taxa respiratória máxima do GH foi significativamente menor. A análise ultraestrutural dos cardiomiócitos do GH demonstrou intenso dano na matriz mitocondrial e maior presença de gotículas de lipídios, caracterizando deposição ectópica. Os resultados do WB mostraram aumento significativo do conteúdo de CPT1 e UCP2 no GH comparado ao GC. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas no conteúdo de GLUT1 entre os grupos, entretanto, observamos maior conteúdo do GLUT4 no GH. Além disso, encontramos maior conteúdo de AMPK no GH, ao passo que o conteúdo de pAMPK foi semelhante entre os grupos. Entretanto, a razão pAMPK/AMPK é significativamente menor no GH. Esses resultados sugerem que a hiperalimentação durante a lactação leva a obesidade na vida adulta com alterações na bioenergética e ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos.
O desequilíbrio nutricional no início da vida leva ao desenvolvimento da obesidade, diabetes e doenças cardiovasculares na idade adulta. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos a longo prazo da hiperalimentação na lactação por meio do modelo de redução da ninhada na hemodinâmica e bioenergética cardíaca. Vinte e quatro camundongos machos Swiss adultos foram divididos em dois grupos (controle e hiperalimentado) submetidos a duas condições (linha de base e isquemia/reperfusão) formando quatro grupos no total: grupo controle linha de base (GCLB), grupo controle isquemia/reperfusão (GCIR), grupo hiperalimentado linha de base (GHLB) e o grupo hiperalimentado isquemia/reperfusão (GHIR), todos com seis camundongos/grupo. As alterações cardíacas foram analisadas por meio da hemodinâmica cardíaca, da respiração mitocondrial e da biologia molecular. Os parâmetros hemodinâmicos analisados foram a velocidade de contração (Max dP/dt), a velocidade de relaxamento (Min dP/dt), o tempo de relaxamento cardíaco isovolumétrico (Tau) e os batimentos por minuto (BPM). A respiração mitocondrial foi avaliada por meio da razão do controle respiratório (RCR) na oxidação de carboidratos e ácidos gordos, e finalmente, a biologia molecular, através de proteínas-chave como a proteína quinase B (AKT), a proteína quinase ativada por adenosina monofosfato (AMPK), a carnitina palmitoil transferase 1 (CPT-1), a proteína desacopladora 2 (UCP2), o 4-hidroxinonenal (4-HNE) e a gliceraldeído-3-fosfato desidrogenase (GAPDH). Os camundongos do GH desenvolveram maior peso corporal (30,95%, P<0,001), gordura epididimal (68,64%, P<0,001), gordura retroperitoneal (109,38%, P<0,01) e glicemia de jejum (19,52%, P<0,05) comparados aos do GC. Os parâmetros Max dP/dt e BPM apresentaram diminuição no GHIR quando comparado ao GHLB (P<0,001 e P<0,05). O parâmetro Min dP/dt apresentou-se reduzido no GCIR e GHIR quando comparado aos grupos GCLB e GCLB (P<0,05; P<0,0001 respectivamente). Camundongos do GHIR apresentaram redução do Tau quando comparado aos grupos GCIR e GHLB (P<0,0001). Estes desequilíbrios na hemodinâmica cardíaca foram associados a função mitocondrial, uma vez que, o GHLB apresenta a RCR reduzida para oxidação de ácidos graxos e carboidratos (P<0,05 e P<0,01, respectivamente) e o GHIR apenas na oxidação dos ácidos graxos (P<0,01). Além disso, o GHIR apresentou diversas alterações nas proteínas-chave do metabolismo energético cardíaco, como diminuição do conteúdo de AKT (P<0,05) e aumento do conteúdo de CPT-1 (P<0,05), 4-HNE (P<0,05) e GAPDH (P<0,05) quando comparado ao CGIR. Finalmente, a expressão do mRNA para CPT1, GAPDH e UCP2 foi aumentada no GHIR quando comparado aos GCIR (P<0,05) e GHLB (P<0,05). A expressão de mRNA para UCP2 e CPT-1 foi reduzida no GCIR quando comparado ao GCLB (P<0,01 e P<0,05, respectivamente). O estudo apresenta resultados consistentes, demonstrando efeitos deletérios sobre o metabolismo cardíaco adulto resultante de alterações nutricionais durante a lactação.
Bioenergética mitocondrial do coração na obesidade induzida por dieta ocidental em camundongos Swiss
A obesidade, doença resultante do acúmulo excessivo de gordura corporal, é importante fator de risco para diabetes mellitus tipo 2, dislipidemias e doenças cardiovasculares, doenças de alta prevalência em todo o mundo. O processo de transição nutricional decorrente da globalização contribuiu para o crescente número de indivíduos com obesidade, principalmente pela modificação nos hábitos alimentares da população, com ampla inclusão de produtos industrializados ricos em gordura saturada, sal e açúcar, denominada dieta ocidental. Os mecanismos pelos quais a obesidade induzida por dieta leva ao desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos na literatura, porém sabe-se que a obesidade leva ao comprometimento da função cardíaca e do metabolismo energético, aumentando a morbidade e mortalidade. Em grande parte dos estudos relacionados à obesidade, o metabolismo energético celular comprometido associa-se à disfunção mitocondrial. Neste contexto, torna-se importante avaliar a função mitocondrial na obesidade, visto que as mitocôndrias são organelas com funções-chave no metabolismo energético. No presente estudo, avaliamos inicialmente o efeito obesogênico da dieta ocidental em camundongos Swiss por 16 semanas a partir do desmame. Para tal, analisamos a ingestão alimentar, evolução da massa corporal, Índice de Lee, peso das gorduras epididimal e retroperitoneal, peso e morfologia do fígado, relação entre o peso do fígado/massa corporal, peso do ventrículo esquerdo (VE)/massa corporal, glicemia de jejum e teste intraperitoneal de tolerância à glicose. Avaliamos também o consumo de oxigênio das fibras cardíacas através da respirometria de alta resolução. Além disso, o conteúdo das proteínas envolvidas no metabolismo energético: Carnitina Palmitoil Transferase 1 (CPT1), proteína desacopladora 2 (UCP2), Transportadores de glicose 1 e 4 (GLUT1 e GLUT4), proteína quinase ativada por AMP (AMPK), proteína quinase ativada por AMP fosforilada (pAMPK), receptor de insulina β (IRβ) e substrato do receptor de insulina 1 (IRS-1) foi determinado por western blotting. Nossos resultados confirmaram o caráter obesogênico da dieta ocidental, visto que os camundongos submetidos a esta dieta (GO), apresentaram-se hiperfágicos (P<0,001) e obesos (72,031,82, P<0,001), com aumento progressivo no ganho de massa corporal. Além do aumento significativo dos parâmetros: Índice de Lee (362,902,44, P<0,001), gorduras epididimal e retroperitonial (3,310,15 e 1,610,11, P<0,001), relação entre o peso do fígado/massa corporal (0,060,003, P<0,001) e peso de ventrículo esquerdo (VE)/massa corporal (0,080,002, P<0,01), hiperglicemia de jejum (192,1014,75, P<0,01), intolerância à glicose (P<0,05, P<0,01) e deposição ectópica de gordura no fígado. A respirometria de alta resolução evidenciou disfunção mitocondrial cardíaca no grupo GO, com reduzida capacidade de oxidação de carboidratos e ácidos graxos (P<0,001) e aumento do desacoplamento entre a fosforilação oxidativa e a síntese de ATP (P<0,001). Os resultados de western blotting evidenciaram aumento nos conteúdos de CPT1 (1,160,08, P<0,05) e UCP2 (1,080,06, P<0,05) e redução no conteúdo de IRS-1 (0,600,08, P<0,05). Não houve diferença significativa nos conteúdos de GLUT1, GLUT4, AMPK, pAMPK, pAMPK/AMPK e IRβ. Em conclusão, o consumo da dieta ocidental resultou no desenvolvimento de obesidade com disfunção mitocondrial associada a alterações no metabolismo energético.
果实为开花植物所特有的发育器官,在种子的成熟和传播过程中发挥着重要作用。同时,肉质果实中含有丰富的营养物质,包括纤维素、维生素、抗氧化剂等,成为人们饮食的重要组成部分。由于果实的成熟衰老和抗病性直接影响果品的质量和市场价值,因此,研究果实成熟衰老和抗病性的调控机制具有重要的理论意义和应用前景。本文主要利用蛋白质组学的方法,探讨外源化学物质抑制果实成熟衰老和诱导抗病性的调控机制。 1. 硅对果实的抗病性诱导:用硅酸钠(1%)处理采后的甜樱桃果实,再接种褐腐病原菌(Molinilia fracticola),置于20C下,观测贮藏期间果实的发病率,并分析硅处理后诱导的主要蛋白质及调控机制。研究结果表明:硅酸钠处理可显著抑制贮藏期间褐腐病的发生,其抑病机理与硅诱导PR-蛋白的表达,提高果实的抗氧化水平,减轻由病原菌侵染造成的氧化胁迫相关。同时,硅处理还能保护细胞骨架结构,有利于增强果实对病原菌入侵的抵抗力。 2. 水杨酸对果实的抗病性诱导:用水杨酸(SA,2mM)在果园处理三种成熟度的甜樱桃果实,然后接种青霉病原菌(Penicillium expansum)观察其发病情况,并取样分析参与抗病性应答的主要蛋白质及调控机制。试验结果表明:SA处理能显著降低青霉病的发病率和抑制病斑扩展,而且SA对低成熟度甜樱桃果实的抗性诱导效果更好。在八成熟的果实中,有5个热激蛋白和4个脱氢酶蛋白被SA诱导,这些蛋白参与了糖酵解和三羧酸循环。抗氧化蛋白和PR蛋白主要参与较低成熟度果实的抗性应答,而热激蛋白和脱氢酶在较高成熟度果实的抗性应答中更明显,SA诱导的抗性与代谢途径相关。 3. 草酸对果实的抗性诱导:用5mM的草酸处理冬枣果实后,接种青霉菌(P. expansum),观察果实发病情况,测定果实相关的生理指标,分析参与果实抗性应答的主要蛋白质及调控机制。结果表明:草酸能明显延缓冬枣果实的衰老,提高果实对青霉菌的抗性。草酸处理能抑制果实乙烯的释放量和呼吸强度,延缓叶绿素的降解,减少乙醇积累。利用蛋白质组学的研究方法证实了在25个参与了草酸处理应答的蛋白中,胱硫醚-β-合酶结构域包含蛋白(CBB domain-containing protein)和3个与光合作用相关蛋白[二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/加氧酶(Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase, chloroplast precursor),二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/加氧酶大亚基结合蛋白(RuBisCO large subunit-binding protein subunit beta, chloroplast precursor),植物光系统Ⅱ放氧复合蛋白2(PSII oxygen-evolving complex protein 2)]的表达量上调,乙醇脱氢酶的表达量出现下调。草酸处理还提高了与乙烯合成前体相关蛋白的表达,抑制了ACC合成酶的活性。草酸提高果实抗病的机制与延缓果实成熟衰老和保持果实抗性有关。 4. 果实衰老的调控机制:采用高氧(100%)和低氧(2-3%)处理苹果果实,观察果实衰老的进程,并基于蛋白质组学的研究方法,探讨苹果果实衰老与线粒体蛋白质组的关系。结果表明,在苹果衰老过程中有22个蛋白的表达量发生变化,这些蛋白主要参与了三羧酸循环,电子传递,碳代谢和胁迫应答。高氧处理能诱导氧化胁迫,加速了果实的衰老。质谱鉴定结果证明:在高氧胁迫下,超氧化物歧化酶(manganese superoxide dismutase,MnSOD)和线粒体外膜通道蛋白(porin) 的表达量降低,MnSOD的活性受到抑制,由此提高了线粒体中超氧阴离子的含量,增加了蛋白质的氧化损伤。 此外,高氧处理改变了porin的功能,导致了线粒体膜的透势发生变化,从而引起外膜损伤。由此阐明了活性氧在果实的成熟衰老调控中的重要作用。
The objective of this study was to develop soy protein fortified fish sticks from Tilapia. Two preliminary studies were conducted to select the best fish-soy protein-spice mixture combination with four treatments to develop breaded fish sticks. Developed products were organoleptically assessed using 30 untrained panellists with 7-point hedonic scale. The product developed with new combination was compared with market product. Sixty percent of Tilapia fish mince, 12% of Defatted Textured Soy protein (DTSP), 1.6% of salt and 26.4% of ice water (<5°C) and Spice mixture containing 3g of garlic, 2g of pepper 2g of onion and 1.6g of cinnamon were selected as the best formula to manufacture the product. There was no significant difference when compared with market samples in relation to the organoleptic attributes. Proximate composition of the product was 25.76% of crude protein, 2.38% of crude fat, 60.35% of moisture and2.75% of ash. Products were packaged in Poly Vinyl Chloride clear package (12 gauge) and were stored at -1°C and changes in moisture content, peroxide value, pH value and microbiological parameters were assessed during five weeks of storage. Organoleptic acceptability was not changed significantly in all parameters tested (p>0.05). Total aerobic count and yeast and mould count were in acceptable ranges in frozen storage for 5 weeks. Data were analyzed using AN OVA and Friedman non-parametric test.
The parasitic copepod Sinergasilus major is an important pathogen of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. To understand the immune response of grass carp to the copepod infection, suppression subtractive hybridization method was employed to characterize genes up-regulation during the copepod infection in liver and gills of the fish. One hundred and twenty-two dot blot positive clones from infected subtracted library were sequenced. Searching available databases by using these nucleotide sequences revealed that 23 genes are immune-related, including known acute-phase reactants, and four novel genes encoding proteins such as source of immunodominant MHC-associated peptides (SIMP), TNF receptor-associated factor 2 binding protein (T2BP), poliovirus receptor-related protein 1 precursor, glycoprotein A repetitions predominant (GARP). The differential expression of seven immune genes, i.e. GARP, alpha-2-macroglobulin, MHC class I, C3, SIMP, T2BP, transferrin, as a result of infection was further confirmed by RT-PCR, with the up-regulation of alpha-2-macroglobulin, MHC class I, C3, SIMP and T2BP in the liver of infected fish, and down-regulation of SIMP in the gills of infected fish. The present study provides foundation for understanding grass carp immune response and candidate genes for further analysis.
The nucleoside analogue cordycepin (3'-deoxyodenosine, 3'-dA), one of the components of cordyceps militaris, has been shown to inhibit the growth of various tumor cells. However, the probable mechanism is still obscure. In this study, the inhibition of cell growth and changes in protein expression induced by cordycepin were investigated in BEL-7402 cells. Using the MTT assay and flow cytometry, we found that cordycepin inhibits cell viability and induces apoptosis in BEL 7402 cells. Additionally. the proteins were separated using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and eight proteins were found to be significantly, affected by cordycepin compared to untreated control; among them, two were downregulated and six were upregulated. Of the eight proteins, six were identified with peptide mass fingerprinting using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) after in-gel trypsin digestion. These proteins are involved in various aspects of cellular metabolism. It is suggested that the effect of cordycepin on the growth of tumor cells is significantly related to the metabolism-associated protein expression induced by cordycepin. Copyright 2008 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.
Osteoporosis is a complex skeletal disorder characterized by compromised bone strength. Variation in bone mineral density (BMD) is a contributing factor. The aim of this research as to select informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in potential candidate genes from loci suggestively linked to BMD variation for fine mapping. The gene regulated by oestrogen in breast cancer 1 (GREB1), located at 2p25.1, was selected. GREB1 transcription is initiated early in the oestrogen receptor alpha regulated pathway. There was significant association between GREB1_03 and BMD variation at the lumbar spine and femoral neck (FN) in the discovery cohort. Significant association was observed between GREB1_04 and FN BMD in the replication cohort. The development and differentiation enhancing factor 2, the integrin cytoplasmic domain associated protein 1 and A-disintegrin and metalloprotease 17 were selected due to their respective roles in cell mobility and adhesion. There was no linkage or association observed between the Chr2 cluster SNPs and BMD. Two factors in bone remodelling are the attraction of bone cell precursors and endocrine regulation of the process, primarily through the action of parathyroid hormone (PTH). The C-C chemokine receptor type 3 (CCR3) encodes a CC chemokine receptor expressed in osteoclast precursors. The PTH receptor type 1 (PTHR1) encodes a G-protein coupled receptor for PTH. Association was observed between CCR3 haplotypes and BMD variation at the FN. There was no linkage or association observed between PTHR1 SNPs and BMD variation. Population genetic studies with complex phenotypes endeavour to elucidate the traits genetic architecture. This study presents evidence of association between GREB1 and BMD variation and as such, introduces GREB1 as a novel gene target for osteoporosis genetics studies. It affirms that common genomic variants in PTHR1 are not associated with BMD variation in Caucasians and supports the evidence that CCR3 may be contributing to BMD variation
VCP (VCP/p97) is a ubiquitously expressed member of the AAA(+)-ATPase family of chaperone-like proteins that regulates numerous cellular processes including chromatin decondensation, homotypic membrane fusion and ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation by the proteasome. Mutations in VCP cause a multisystem degenerative disease consisting of inclusion body myopathy, Paget disease of bone, and frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD). Here we show that VCP is essential for autophagosome maturation. We generated cells stably expressing dual-tagged LC3 (mCherry-EGFP-LC3) which permit monitoring of autophagosome maturation. We determined that VCP deficiency by RNAi-mediated knockdown or overexpression of dominant-negative VCP results in significant accumulation of immature autophagic vesicles, some of which are abnormally large, acidified and exhibit cathepsin B activity. Furthermore, expression of disease-associated VCP mutants (R155H and A232E) also causes this autophagy defect. VCP was found to be essential to autophagosome maturation under basal conditions and in cells challenged by proteasome inhibition, but not in cells challenged by starvation, suggesting that VCP might be selectively required for autophagic degradation of ubiquitinated substrates. Indeed, a high percentage of the accumulated autophagic vesicles contain ubiquitin-positive contents, a feature that is not observed in autophagic vesicles that accumulate following starvation or treatment with Bafilomycin A. Finally, we show accumulation of numerous, large LAMP-1 and LAMP-2-positive vacuoles and accumulation of LC3-II in myoblasts derived from patients with IBMPFD. We conclude that VCP is essential for maturation of ubiquitin-containing autophagosomes and that defect in this function may contribute to IBMPFD pathogenesis.
The incidence of prostate cancer is increasing in western countries because of population aging. Prostate cancer begins as an androgen-dependent disease, but it can become androgen independent at a later stage or in tumors recurring after an antihormonal treatment. Although many genetic events have been described to be involved in androgen-dependent and/or -independent prostate cancer growth, little is known about the contribution of epigenetic events. Here we have examined the possibility that the methyl-CpG-binding protein MECP2 might play a role in controlling the growth of prostate cancer cells. Inhibition of MECP2 expression by stable short hairpin RNA stopped the growth of both normal and cancer human prostate cells. In addition, ectopic expression of the MECP2 conferred a growth advantage to human prostate cancer cells. More importantly, this expression allowed androgen-dependent cells to grow independently of androgen stimulation and to retain tumorigenic properties in androgen-depleted conditions. Analysis of signaling pathways showed that this effect is independent of androgen receptor signaling. Instead, MECP2 appears to act by maintaining a constant c-myc level during antihormonal treatment. We further show that MECP2-expressing cells possess a functional p53 pathway and are still responsive to chemotherapeutic drugs.
We found that engagement of beta 2 integrins on human neutrophils induced activation of RhoA, as indicated by the increased ratio of GTP:GTP 1 GDP recovered on RhoA and translocation of RhoA to a membrane fraction. The clustering of beta 2 integrins also induced a time-dependent increase in GDP bound to RhoA, which correlated with beta 2 integrin-induced activation of p190RhoGAP. The activation of p190RhoGAP was completely blocked by [4-amino-5-(4-methylphenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine] (PP1), a selective inhibitor of Src family tyrosine kinases. However, clustering of beta 2 integrins did not increase the basal tyrosine phosphorylation of p190RhoGAP, nor did it affect the amount of p120RasGAP bound to p190RhoGAP. Instead, the beta 2 integrin-induced activation of p190RhoGAP was accompanied by increased tyrosine phosphorylation of a p190RhoGAP-associated protein, p120RasGAP, and accumulation of both p120RasGAP and p190RhoGAP in a membrane fraction. PP1 blocked the beta 2 integrin-induced phosphorylation of p120RasGAP, as well as the translocation of p190RhoGAP and p120RasGAP, but it did not affect the accumulation of RhoA in the membrane fraction. In agreement with the mentioned findings, PP1 also increased the GTP:GTP 1 GDP ratio recovered on RhoA immunoprecipitated from beta2 integrin-stimulated cells. Thus, in neutrophils, beta 2 integrin-induced activation of p190RhoGAP requires a signal from a Src family tyrosine kinase, but it does not occur via the signaling pathway responsible for activation of RhoA.
Background/Aims:Mid-gut carcinoids (MGC) are the most common of the gastrointestinal carcinoid tumours. There is a lack of reliable prognostic indicators for MGC. Cox-2 and Bcl-2 were evaluated as prognostic biomarkers in a cohort of well-characterised non-appendiceal MGC. Methods: Tissue from the primary MGC tumours of 37 patients was subjected to immunohistochemical detection of Cox-2 and Bcl-2. In 9 cases tissue from secondary lesions was also examined. The study assessed whether tumour-associated Cox-2 and Bcl-2 expression were related to patient survival. Results: Cox-2 expression was demonstrated in 30/36 primary tumours. When all tumours were analysed Cox-regression analysis indicated a trend towards worsening survival with increasing Cox-2 histoscore (intensity x proportion; hazard ratio 1.53, 95%CI 0.93, 2.52; p=0.09). Analysis of Cox-2 positive tumours revealed a highly significant association between increasing histoscore and decreased survival (hazard ratio 3.03, 95%CI 1.33, 6.91, p=0.008). Tumour-associated Bcl-2 expression had no effect on patient survival (hazard ratio 1.12, 95% CI 0.42, 2.99 p=0.82). There was no significant association between Cox-2 and Bcl-2 expression (ï?£2 p=0.16), or Cox-2 histoscore and Bcl-2 expression (MWU p=0.59). Analysis of the Cox-2 histoscores of primary tumours and their corresponding secondary lesions, revealed a statistically significant trend towards increasing histoscore in the latter (Wilcoxon p=0.04). Conclusions: This study has provided evidence that Cox-2 expression in primary MGC may be associated with a more negative prognostic outlook.