1000 resultados para Razão comunicativa
This study presents implications of the assumptions of a model of educational management based on the perspective of technical and instrumental rationality regarding fundamental studies of the Frankfurt School and Gentilini (2001). We analyzed the presence of such theoretical assumptions in the Complementary Education Program “Prof. Henrique Scabello” implemented in the city of Araraquara, SP. The results indicate that this model of educational management brings negative implications for the school investigated, and above all that adherence to the management model based on communicative rationality can favor the realization of a truly democratic school management.
This text, essayistic character, aims to make some reflections on the dispute or supposed conflict that exists between two elements that have become essential in the constitution of the philosophical domain, in order to assess their contribution in the ethical field. On the one hand, we find the rational dimension, which is marked and has acquired certain predominance in western thought. On the other hand, the dimension of passion, that throughout the history of philosophy, has been subject to exclusion and devaluation, making it as if it were an obstacle to the formulation of ideas and universal values true and substantial. If one looks at the world seeing them or giving it a necessary and essential character, the other tends to recognize the contingent aspect of reality, seeing in it the possibility of accidental and uncertain.
This study aimed at both identifying possibilities of communicative action that occur in the formative trajectory of Science teachers, and therefore collaborate in the discussion on the rationality approach that supports teacher education. Therefore, we hope to contribute for the construction of a formative model that encourages human emancipation. For this purpose, we draw concepts from Communicative Action Theory proposed by Jürgen Habermas. Data were obtained by half-structuralized interviews. Although strategic actions predominate among those used by teachers during their education period, we observed some tension focus could be identified, better recognized and built up in order to enlarge possibilities of increasing communicative actions in teacher education. We identified political and epistemological factors as obstacles for these possibilities to materialize.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar como se efetuou, historicamente, através das idéias dos filósofos Pitágoras, Parmênides, Sócrates, Platão, Aristóteles, Tomás de Aquino, Francis Bacon, Descartes e Newton, a cisão entre os dois modos de conhecimento, o racional e o sensorial e como foi construída a religião cristã, de onde se originaram seus principais elementos, a imortalidade da alma e a existência de Deus, que fundamentaram uma religião tipicamente antropocêntrica, contributiva para uma visão utilitarista da natureza. Entende-se que estas duas categorias são essenciais para se entender como a natureza passou a ser dessacralizada completamente pelo ser humano e como foram criadas as bases filosóficas para a houvesse a dominação dos homens sobre outros homens, postas em práticas com o advento do capitalismo.
In this paper, we aim to understand the discourses of public school teachers who were former students of an Undergraduate Physics Education course, when they are perceived as actors speakers a public sphere concerned about teacher eduaction. So, we focused virtual dialogues occurred between these former students and a professor of the same course during the organization of the First Meeting of Ex-students inserted in an annual event called Meeting of the Teaching Practice in Physics of Ilha Solteira (ENPEFIS). Thus, we analyze these dialogues according to concepts of public sphere, communicative action and teachers as intellectuals according to elements of the content analysis of these virtual dialogues. Therefore, we envision in this work an important discussion for science teaching , since it reflects briefly on Physics Education committed to discussing science teaching in order to overcome the dogmatic and instrumental science education.
Taking into consideration various argumentation perspectives, the introduction of Modern and Contemporary Physics at High School level has been defended by various researchers. In the present qualitative nature research, we heard and interpreted ten High School physics teachers’ discourses, aiming to analyze how their initial education, regarding to Modern and Contemporary Physics, was based in a rationality which matches with the communicative and the dialogical actions. Teachers of our sample were individually interviewed and, at that time, they had finished their initial undergraduate program at least five years before. Teachers’ discourses interpretation was supported by some French school discourse analysis’ concepts, Jürgen Habermas’ communicative action, Freire’s dialogical action, as well as teachers’ education research critical referential. The discourses interpretations evidenced that these teachers’ education, with respect to Modern and Contemporary Physics, was mainly based in technical-instrumental rationality basis. This perspective did not help teachers’ autonomy construction in order to work these subjects in their classes, mainly in a perspective coherent with the teachers’ emancipation, producing reflexes in classroom physics teaching. The study evidenciates the necessity of future teachers’ professors revise theirs teaching practice, as well studying other curricular structures, regarding to Modern and Contemporary Physics teaching.
The rationalism appears as a philosophical current whose mental process and logic and evidenced, with the main characteristic of modern thought the method, the Bauhaus represents for the design the way the industry undressed the ornaments seeking the ideal of form and function. In a current contemporary design the emotional recovery in addition to the functions that an object can have, aesthetic, practical and symbolic, also the emotional identification, making review the methods. This article makes a relation of this context with the brilliantly that the couple Charles and Ray Eames, have created a method quite emotional for the creation of design, starting with the invention of the plywood and then with access to various technologies resulting from post-war, they created a very interesting process of building design combining art technique, producing seats that are ageless, found easily in the contemporary world.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Este artigo avalia o efeito da "orientação molecular" nas propriedades mecânicas do PVC Rígido. Introduz-se o tema associando-o à aplicação do PVC Orientado em sistemas de tubulações, considerando a importância do nível de gelificação na qualidade desses produtos. É descrito e testado um método experimental de orientação mono-axial em um extrudado e materiais com diferentes razões de estiramento são produzidos para avaliação de propriedades mecânicas. Aumentando a razão de estiramento, há ganhos principalmente no limite de resistência à tração, além do módulo elástico sob tração e tenacidade. Por outro lado, a deformação na ruptura é reduzida.
O uso de radionuclídeos em hidrologia, como a concentração de urânio e a razão de atividades (234U/238U), tornou-se ultimamente uma ferramenta de grande importância nas pesquisas relacionadas à água subterrânea. Estes parâmetros têm sido usados para identificar os principais mecanismos de mobilização, precipitação e transporte dos isótopos de um aquífero, ou seja, esses isótopos têm sido empregados como traçadores para água. A área de estudo deste trabalho compreende os corpos graníticos fraturados da Suíte Intrusiva de Itu, que afloram a leste do Estado de São Paulo junto à Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná, fazendo parte da Bacia Hidrográfica do Médio Tietê. Os poços de onde foram coletadas as águas subterrâneas investigadas foram perfurados nos granitos desta Suíte, localizados nos municípios de Salto (poço YVC), Itu (HND), Itupeva (poço ITUP) e Indaiatuba (poços BDN 1 e BDN 2), sendo estes utilizados no abastecimento residencial ou para irrigação. As coletas foram mensais e o tempo de amostragem foi de um ano e meio com o objetivo de avaliar a sazonalidade destas águas. A técnica utilizada, para discriminar os isótopos de urânio dissolvidos, bem como para determinar sua razão de atividade (234U/238U), nas amostras das águas subterrâneas, foi a de espectrometria alfa. Os resultados mostram que os parâmetros físico-químicos e composição química da água exercem um papel muito importante no comportamento dos isótopos analisados. As importantes variações observadas tanto entre as águas de um mesmo poço, como também entre poços diferentes, mostram que os processos de recarga e/ou de interação rocha – água ocorrem de maneira distinta.
Programa de doctorado: Lengua, literatura y traducción