986 resultados para Raw material quality


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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Oceans are a vast source of natural substances. In them, we find various compounds with wide biotechnological and biomedical applicabilities. The exploitation of the sea as a renewable source of biocompounds can have a positive impact on the development of new systems and devices for biomedical applications. Marine polysaccharides are among the most abundant materials in the seas, which contributes to a decrease of the extraction costs, besides their solubility behavior in aqueous solvents and extraction media, and their interaction with other biocompounds. Polysaccharides such as alginate, carrageenan and fucoidan can be extracted from algae, whereas chitosan and hyaluronan can be obtained from animal sources. Most marine polysaccharides have important biological properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, and anti-inflammatory activity, as well as adhesive and antimicrobial actions. Moreover, they can be modified in order to allow processing them into various shapes and sizes and may exhibit response dependence to external stimuli, such as pH and temperature. Due to these properties, these biomaterials have been studied as raw material for the construction of carrier devices for drugs, including particles, capsules and hydrogels. The devices are designed to achieve a controlled release of therapeutic agents in an attempt to fight against serious diseases, and to be used in advanced therapies, such as gene delivery or regenerative medicine.


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I. This paper deals with an experiment carried out to evaluate the effect of the sugar cane upper end on the composition of the sugar cane harvest as a raw material for the sugar industry. The variety studied was Co 421. The authors intend to study other varieties in the future. The data were collected from plant cane, at intervals of two weeks, always from the same field, from a small central area of 3.000 square meters approximately. Sixty (60) stalks were cut in each occasion, randomly chosen from the whole area. They were afterwards separated into three groups of 20 stalks, one for each of the treatments, namely: a) Complete stalks, with no leaves or sheaths. b) Stalks harvested by the technique of REYNOSO, that is, as usually done in practice. c) Stalks with the tops completely cut out, that is, cut by technique of REYNOSO and then with 3 other top internodes eliminated. The treatments caused significant differences on the following technological characteristics: a) Weight b) Cane pol c) Available sucrose (pol) per cent cane d) Cane juice pol e) Saline coefficient of juice. II. Except for weight, all changes were favorable to treatment c, even if with differences relatively slight, in percentage. IIII. Treatment differences for cane fiber, brix, reducing sugars, juice ashes, coefficient of purity and glucose coefficient were not significant. IV. Time of harvest was an important factor affecting the composition of the cane and of the juice. V. On the average the available sucrose of cane for treatments, with an standard error of 0.13%, was: Treatment c 13.05% Treatment b 12.65% Treatment a 12.53% This shows that there is no sound basis for the heavy fines applied by some sugar mills to planters who do not cut low enough the tops of the cane stalks.


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I. This paper deals with an experiment carried out to evaluate the effect of sugar cane upper end on the composition of the stalks and juice of sugar cane harvest as a raw material for the sugar industry. The variety studied was CB 41-76. The data were collected from plant cane at intervals of a two weeks, always from the same field, from a small central area of 3.000 square meters approximately, 60 stalks were cut in each occasion, randomly chosen from the whole area. They were afterwards separated into three groups of 20 stalks one for each of the treatments, namely: a) Complete stalk, with no leaves or sheaths. b) Stalks harvested by the technique of REYNOSO, that is, as usually done in practice. c) Stalks with the tops completely cut out, that is, cut by the techinique of REYNOSO and then with 3 other top internodes eliminated. The treatments caused significant differences on the weight of cane and coefficient of purity of juice, but the percentual differences between the average treatments a and c is 13% and 2%, respectively. II. Treatment differences for cane pol, cane fibre, brix, juice pol, reducing sugars, juice ashes, glucose coefficient, saline coefficient and available sucrose (pol) per cent were not significant. III. Time of harvest was an important factor affecting the composition of the cane and the juice. This paper shows that there is no sound basis for the heavy fines applied some sugar mills to planters who do not cut low enough the tops of the cane stalks.


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ABSTRACT : Gene duplication is a fundamental source of raw material for the origin of genetic novelty. It has been assumed for a long time that DNA-based gene duplication was the only source of new genes. Recently however, RNA-based gene duplication (retroposition) was shown in multiple organisms to contribute significantly to their genetic diversity. This mechanism produces intronless gene copies (retrocopies) that are inserted in random genomic position, independent of the position of the parental source genes. In human, mouse and fruit fly, it was demonstrated that the X-linked genes spawned an excess of functional retroposed gene copies (retrogenes). In human and mouse, the X chromosome also recruited an excess of retrogenes. Here we further characterized these interesting biases related to the X chromosome in mammals. Firstly, we have confirmed presence of the aforementioned biases in dog and opossum genome. Then based on the expression profile of retrogenes during various spermatogenetic stages, we have provided solid evidence that meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) is responsible for an excess of retrogenes stemming from the X chromosome. Moreover, we showed that the X-linked genes started to export an excess of retrogenes just after the split of eutherian and marsupial mammalian lineages. This suggests that MSCI has originated around this time as well. More fundamentally, as MSCI reflects the spread of recombination barrier between the X and Y chromosomes during their evolution, our observation allowed us to re-estimate the age of mammalian sex chromosomes. Previous estimates suggested that they emerged in the common ancestor of all mammals (before the split of monotreme lineage); whereas, here we showed that they originated around the split of marsupial and eutherian lineages, after the divergence of monotremes. Thus, the therian (marsupial and eutherian) sex chromosomes are younger than previously thought. Thereafter, we have characterized the bias related to the recruitment of genes to the X chromosome. Sexually antagonistic forces are most likely driving this pattern. Using our limited retrogenes expression data, it is difficult to determine the exact nature of these forces but some conclusions have been made. Lastly, we looked at the history of this biased recruitment: it commenced around the split of marsupial and eutherian lineages (akin to the biased export of genes out of the X). In fact, the sexually antagonistic forces are predicted to appear just around that time as well. Thereby, the history of the recruitment of genes to the X, provides an indirect evidence that these forces are responsible for this bias.


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The most valuable pigment of the Roman wall paintings was the red color obtained from powdered cinnabar (Minium Cinnabaris pigment), the red mercury sulfide (HgS), which was brought from mercury (Hg) deposits in the Roman Empire. To address the question of whether sulfur isotope signatures can serve as a rapid method to establish the provenance of the red pigment in Roman frescoes, we have measured the sulfur isotope composition (delta(34) S value in parts per thousand VCDT) in samples of wall painting from the Roman city Aventicum (Avenches, Vaud, Switzerland) and compared them with values from cinnabar from European mercury deposits (Almaden in Spain, Idria in Slovenia, Monte Amiata in Italy, Moschellandsberg in Germany, and Genepy in France). Our study shows that the delta(34) S values of cinnabar from the studied Roman wall paintings fall within or near to the composition of Almaden cinnabar; thus, the provenance of the raw material may be deduced. This approach may provide information on provenance and authenticity in archaeological, restoration and forensic studies of Roman and Greek frescoes. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Major climatic and geological events but also population history (secondary contacts) have generated cycles of population isolation and connection of long and short periods. Recent empirical and theoretical studies suggest that fast evolutionary processes might be triggered by such events, as commonly illustrated in ecology by the adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes (isolation and reconnection of lakes and watersheds) and in epidemiology by the fast adaptation of the influenza virus (isolation and reconnection in hosts). We test whether cyclic population isolation and connection provide the raw material (standing genetic variation) for species evolution and diversification. Our analytical results demonstrate that population isolation and connection can provide, to populations, a high excess of genetic diversity compared with what is expected at equilibrium. This excess is either cyclic (high allele turnover) or cumulates with time depending on the duration of the isolation and the connection periods and the mutation rate. We show that diversification rates of animal clades are associated with specific periods of climatic cycles in the Quaternary. We finally discuss the importance of our results for macroevolutionary patterns and for the inference of population history from genomic data.


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Actualment la situació del mercat espanyol i català del biodièsel es caracteritza per les grans importacions d’oli de palma africana. Per a produir aquesta matèria primera s’estan establint plantacions a gran escala d’Elaeis guineensis (palma africana) a Indonèsia. El monocultiu d’Elaeis guineensis i la producció de l’oli tenen associats grans impactes ambientals i socials. Per una banda, els impactes ambientals són principalment la desforestació, el canvi d’ús del sòl, la pèrdua de biodiversitat, l’erosió del sòl i la contaminació de l’aire, del sòl de l’aigua. Per altra banda, els impactes socials més destacats són la violació dels drets humans dels pobles indígenes, els conflictes d’adquisició de terres i que es compromet la seguretat alimentària del país. Per tant, l’ús del biodièsel produït amb oli de palma africana redueix les emissions de GEH a Espanya i a Catalunya provocant un gran impacte ambiental i social a Indonèsia.


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In this study, glyoxalated alkaline lignins with a non-volatile and non-toxic aldehyde, which can be obtained from several natural resources, namely glyoxal, were prepared and characterized for its use in wood adhesives. The preparation method consisted of the reaction of lignin with glyoxal under an alkaline medium. The influence of reaction conditions such as the molar ratio of sodium hydroxide-to-lignin and reaction time were studied relative to the properties of the prepared adducts. The analytical techniques used were FTIR and 1H-NMR spectroscopies, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Results from both the FTIR and 1H-NMR spectroscopies showed that the amount of introduced aliphatic hydroxyl groups onto the lignin molecule increased with increasing reaction time and reached a maximum value at 10 h, and after they began to decrease. The molecular weights remained unchanged until 10 h of reaction time, and then started to increase, possibly due to the repolymerization reactions. DSC analysis showed that the glass transition temperature (Tg) decreased with the introduction of glyoxal onto the lignin molecule due to the increase in free volume of the lignin molecules. TGA analysis showed that the thermal stability of glyoxalated lignin is not influenced and remained suitable for wood adhesives. Compared to the original lignin, the improved lignin is reactive and a suitable raw material for adhesive formula


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The main objective of this study was to explore the suitability of Vitis vinifera as a raw material and alkaline lignin as a natural binder for fiberboard manufacturing. In the first step, Vitis vinifera was steam- exploded through a thermo-mechanical vapor process in a batch reactor, and the obtained pulp was dried, ground, and pressed to produce the boards. The effects of pretreatment factors and pressing conditions on the chemical composition of the fibers and the physico-mechanical properties of binderless fiberboards were evaluated, and the conditions that optimize these properties were found. A response surface method based on a central composite design and multiple-response optimization was used. The variables studied and their respective variation ranges were: pretreatment temperature (Tr: 190-210ºC), pretreatment time (tr: 5-10 min), pressing temperature (Tp: 190-210ºC), pressing pressure (Pp: 8-16MPa), and pressing time (tp: 3-7min). The results of the optimization step show that binderless fiberboards have good water resistance and weaker mechanical properties. In the second step, fiberboards based on alkaline lignin and Vitis vinifera pulp produced at the optimal conditions determined for binderless fiberboards were prepared and their physico-mechanical properties were tested. Our results show that the addition of about 15% alkaline lignin leads to the production of fiberboards that fully meet the requirements of the relevant standard specifications


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Besides polyurethanes and polyesters, phenolic and epoxy resins are the most prominent applications for technical lignins in thermosetting materials. To evaluate the potential application of lignin raw materials in phenol formaldehyde and epoxy resins, three types of alkaline lignins were characterized in terms of their structures and thermal properties. The lignin samples analyzed were kraft lignin (LIG-1), soda–rice straw lignin (LIG-2), and soda-wheat straw lignin (LIG-3). FTIR and 1H-NMR methods were used to determine their structure. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) was used to determine the molecular weight distribution (MWD). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to measure the glass transition temperature (Tg), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to determine the thermal stability of lignin samples. Results showed that kraft lignin (LIG-1) has moderate hydroxyl-group content, is rich in G-type units, and has good thermal stability. These properties make it more suitable for direct use in phenol formaldehyde resins, and it is therefore a good raw material for this purpose. The alkaline soda-rice straw lignin (LIG-2) with a high hydroxyl-group content and excellent thermal stability is most suited to preparing lignin-based epoxy resin


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Plants naturally synthesize a variety of polymers that have been used by mankind as a source of useful biomaterials. For example, cellulose, the main constituent of plant cell wall and the most abundant polymer on earth, has been used for several thousand years as a source of fibers for various fabrics. Similarly, rubber extracted from the bark of the tree Hevea brasiliensis, has been a major source of elastomers until the development of similar synthetic polymers. In the last century, the usefulness of plant polymers as biomaterials has been expanded through the chemical modification of the natural polymers. For example, a number of plastics have been made by substituting the hydroxyl groups present on the glucose moiety of cellulose with larger groups, such as nitrate or acetate, giving rise to materials such as cellulose acetate, a clear plastic used in consumer products such as toothbrush handles and combs. Similarly, starch has been used in the manufacture of plastics by either using it in blends with synthetic polymers or as the main constituent in biodegradable plastics. The advent of transformation and expres- sion of foreign genes in plants has created the possibility of expanding the usefulness of plants to include the synthesis of a range of biomolecules. In view of the capacity of certain crops to produce a large quantity of organic raw material at low cost, such as oils and starch, it is of interest to explore the possibility of using transgenic plants as efficient vectors for the synthesis of biopolymers. Such plant based biopolymers could replace, in part, the synthetic plastics and elastomers produced from petroleum, offering the advantage of renewability and sustainability. Furthermore, being natural pro- ducts, biopolymers are usually biodegradable and can thus contribute to alleviate problems associated with the management of plastic waste. In this article, the emphasis will be on the use of transgenic plants for the synthesis of two novel classes of industrially useful polymers, namely protein based polymers made from natural or artificial genes, and polyhydroxyalkanoates, a family of bacterial poly- esters having the properties of biodegradable plastics and elastomers.


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Abstract : Gene duplication is an essential source of material for the origin of genetic novelty and the evolution of lineage- or species-specific phenotypic traits. The reverse transcription of source gene mRNA followed by the genomic insertion of the resulting cDNA - retroposition - has provided the human genome with a significant number of gene copies during the last ~63 million years (MYA) of primate evolution. We estimated that at least 1 new functional gene (retrogene) per MYA emerged by retroposition in the primate lineage leading to humans. Using a combination of comparative sequencing and evolutionary simulations, we obtained strong evidence of functionality for 7 primate specific retrogenes. Most of these genes are specifically expressed in testis suggesting that retroposition has contributed with genetic raw material necessary for the evolution ofmale-specific functions in primates. We characterized CDC14Bretro (identified in the previous survey) that originated from the retroposition of a cell cycle gene - CDC14B - in the common ancestor of humans and apes. We demonstrate that CDC14Bretro experienced a period of intense positive selection in the African ape ancestor. By virtue of the amino acid substitutions that occurred during this period CDC 14Bretro adapted to a new subcellular compartment in African apes. Further analyses indicate that this subcellular shift reflects the evolution of anew functional role of CDC 14Bretro. Prompted by this result, we used yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to investigate on a global scale the extent of functional diversification of duplicate genes through the subcellular adaptation of their encoded proteins. We found that duplicate proteins frequently evolved new cellular localization patterns, either by partitioning of ancestral localizations ("sublocalization"), or more frequently by relocalization to previously unoccupied compartments ("neolocalization"). Interestingly, proteins involved in processes with a wider subcellular distribution more frequently evolved new localization patterns suggesting that subcellular localization changes are dependent on progenitor gene functions. Relocated proteins adapted to their new subcellular environments and evolved new functional roles through changes of their physio-chemical properties, expression levels, and interaction partners. Our work suggests an important role of subcellular adaptation for the emergence of new gene functions.


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The stems and roots of most dicot plants increase in diameter by radial growth, due to the activity of secondary meristems. Two types of meristems function in secondary plant body formation: the vascular cambium, which gives rise to secondary xylem and phloem, and the cork cambium, which produces a bark layer that replaces the epidermis and protects the plant stem from mechanical damage and pathogens. Cambial development, the initiation and activity of the vascular cambium, leads to an accumulation of wood, the secondary xylem tissue. The thick, cellulose-rich cell walls of wood provide a source of cellulose and have the potential to be used as a raw material for sustainable and renewable energy production. In this review, we will discuss what is known about the mechanisms regulating the cambium and secondary tissue development.