925 resultados para Quest simulointiohjelmisto
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Industrial
(Excerto) La ricerca sociologica si colloca sempre in un hie et nunc e lo studio di cui parlen) nel mio intervento non sfugge a questa inconveniente. Come altri studi empirici sui rapporto tra giovani e media, questa lavoro e nato, innanzitutto, dagli interrogativi suscitati dai miei figli, quando erano ancora piccoli. Non posso escludere che quest' interesse sia una sorta di tentativo inconscio di placare Ia mia coscienza di fronte ai problemi che facevo fatica a risolvere ali'interno della mia famiglia. Permettetemi anche di soffermarmi brevemente sui mio paese, il Portogalla, e sulla sua realtii culturale e politica. Vorrei sottolineare che, in una prospettiva di lungo peri ado, alia maniera di Braude!, il mio ·paese ha ritrovato Ia democrazia moho recentemente, dopa mezzo secolo di oscurantismo e di repressione del pensiero e della partecipazione attiva dei cittadini alia vita sociale.
Fundamento: A ausência de instrumentos capazes de mensurar o nível de conhecimento de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca sobre sua própria síndrome, participantes de programas de reabilitação, demonstra a carência de recomendações específicas a respeito da quantidade ou do conteúdo de informações necessárias. Objetivo: Construir e validar um questionário para avaliar o conhecimento sobre sua condição de pacientes portadores de insuficiência cardíaca participantes de programas de reabilitação cardíaca. Métodos: O instrumento foi construído com base no questionário de conhecimento para doença coronariana e aplicado em 96 pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, com média de idade de 60,22 ± 11,6 anos, 64% homens. A reprodutibilidade foi obtida por meio do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse, utilizando-se as situações do método de teste-reteste. A consistência interna foi obtida pelo alfa de Cronbach e a validade do construto, pela análise fatorial exploratória. Resultados: A versão final do instrumento apresentou 19 questões dispostas em dez áreas de importância para a educação do paciente. O instrumento proposto apresentou um índice de clareza de 8,94 ± 0,83. O valor do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse foi de 0,856 e do alfa de Cronbach, 0,749. A análise fatorial revelou cinco fatores associados às áreas de conhecimento. Quando os escores finais foram comparados com as características da população, verificou-se que baixa escolaridade e baixa renda estão significativamente associadas a baixos escores de conhecimento. Conclusão: O instrumento possui índice de clareza satisfatório e de validade adequado, podendo ser utilizado para avaliar o conhecimento de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca participantes de programas de reabilitação cardíaca.
This thesis explores the importance of literary New York City in the urban narratives of Edith Wharton and Anzia Yezierska. It specifically looks at the Empire City of the Progressive Period when the concept of the city was not only a new theme but also very much a typical American one which was as central to the American experience as had been the Western frontier. It could be argued, in fact, that the American city had become the new frontier where modern experiences like urbanization, industrialization, immigration, and also women's emancipation and suffrage, caused all kinds of sensations on the human scale from smoothly lived assimilation and acculturation to deeply felt alienation because of the constantly shifting urban landscape. The developing urban space made possible the emergence of new female literary protagonists like the working girl, the reformer, the prostitute, and the upper class lady dedicating her life to 'conspicuous consumption'. Industrialization opened up city space to female exploration: on the one hand, upper and middle class ladies ventured out of the home because of the many novel urban possibilities, and on the other, lower class and immigrant girls also left their domestic sphere to look for paid jobs outside the home. New York City at the time was not only considered the epicenter of the world at large, it was also a city of great extremes. Everything was constantly in flux: small brownstones made way for ever taller skyscrapers and huge waves of immigrants from Europe pushed native New Yorkers further uptown on the island, adding to the crowdedness and intensity of the urban experience. The city became a polarized urban space with Fifth Avenue representing one end of the spectrum and the Lower East Side the other. Questions of space and the urban home greatly mattered. It has been pointed out that the city setting functions as an ideal means for the display of human nature as well as social processes. Narrative representations of urban space, therefore, provide a similar canvas for a protagonist's journey and development. From widely diverging vantage points both Edith Wharton and Anzia Yezierska thus create a polarized city where domesticity is a primal concern. Looking at all of their New York narratives by close readings of exterior and interior city representations, this thesis shows how urban space greatly affects questions of identity, assimilation, and alienation in literary protagonists who cannot escape the influence of their respective urban settings. Edith Wharton's upper class "millionaire" heroines are framed and contained by the city interiors of "old" New York, making it impossible for them to truly participate in the urban landscape in order to develop outside of their 'Gilt Cages'. On the other side are Anzia Yezierska's struggling "immigrant" protagonists who, against all odds, never give up in their urban context of streets, rooftops, and stoops. Their New York City, while always challenging and perpetually changing, at least allows them perspectives of hope for a 'Promised Land' in the making. Central for both urban narrative approaches is the quest for a home as an architectural structure, a spiritual resting place, and a locus for identity forming. But just as the actual city embraces change, urban protagonists must embrace change also if they desire to find fulfillment and success. That this turns out to be much easier for Anzia Yezierska's driven immigrants rather than for Edith Wharton's well established native New Yorkers is a surprising conclusion to this urban theme.
This article presents and explores the axioms and core ideas, or idées-force, of the Fascist ideologies of the first third of the twentieth century. The aim is to identify the features that define the term “Classical Fascism” as a conceptual category in the study of politics and to uncover the core ideas of its political theory. This analysis requires an appraisal of both the idées-force themselves and the political use that is made of them. If these appreciations are correct, Classical Fascism is characterized by a set of ideological and political aims and methods in which ideas, attitudes and behaviours are determined by an anti-democratic palingenetic ultranationalism underpinned by a sacralized ideology; the quest for a united, indissoluble society as apolitical system and, at the same time, the collective myth that mobilizes and redeems the nation; and third, violence as a political vehicle applied unchecked against internal opposition and against external enemies who challenge the nation´s progression towards the dream of rebirth and the culmination of this progression in the form of an empire.
Nanoparticles, a new tool to deter crime? The detection of fingermarks at a crime scene or on evidence related with a criminal affair constitutes one of the main tasks of the investigators. Fingerprints, due to their uniqueness and invariability in time, remain a key element of an identification process (being for suspects or victims). The main difficulty resides in the fact that, most of the time, fingermarks are not visible through naked eye due to their chemical composition and the small amount of material that is left on the scene. There are said to be latent and their detection requires the application of specific techniques (optical or chemical). If numerous efficient techniques currently exist, there is a continuing quest for developing new techniques or reagents with an enhanced sensitivity towards secretions and with an increased efficiency. This article gives an outline about some currently performed researches based on the use of functionalized nanoparticles to detect latent fingermarks.
Elite perceptions about Europe are a very important point in order to understand the current European integration process, as well as the future perspectives for the continent. This study makes a comparison between the perceptions which political and economical elites in some European countries have about the European Union process and its mechanisms. The main goal is to identify the differences in positions of each type of elites, as well as the variations among three key countries. The database built thanks to the INTUNE (Integrated and United? A quest for Citizenship in an ¨ever closer Europe¨) Project Survey on European Elites and Masses, funded by the Sixth Framework Programme of the EU [Contract CIT 3-CT-2005-513421] have being used. The questionnaire was applied between February and May 2007, in a total of 18 European countries. The national teams got a total of almost 2000 valid responses at European level. In the analysis we have showed some general descriptive statistics about the perception of Europe taking as a reference two dimensions of the INTUNE project: identity (attachment to the national level, the meaning of being a truly national, and the threats from Turkey that EU is facing at this moment) and representation (trust in European and national institutions, preferences for a national or an European army). The results are presented distinguishing between political (national MP’s in low chambers) and economical elites (presidents of corporations, general managers…) and, at the same time, among three countries: Germany as an original member of the European Union; Spain, incorporated in 1986; and a new member, Poland, joining the EU in 2004.
La «troisième Quête» du Jésus historique relance le débat sur des acquis de la recherche. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'une nébuleuse de positions dissemblables plutôt que d'un courant homogène, cette constellation de chercheurs remet en cause le consensus antérieur. Son nouveau paradigme peut être saisi sur cinq points : 1) Les sources documentaires sur Jésus sont étendues et leur exploitation modifiée. 2) On relève un puissant retour à la judaïté du Nazaréen. 3) Le coeur de l'agir de Jésus n'est plus nécessairement une position millénariste, mais une conviction sapientiale. 4) L'histoire sociale met en valeur la réaction du messianisme populaire contre une politique d'acculturation gréco-romaine en Palestine. 5) Une christologie implicite redevient pensable au niveau de Jésus lui-même. The third Quest for the historical Jesus has re-opened the debate concerning research findings. Although this consists of a nebulous set of dissimilar positions rather than a homogenous trend, five previous points of consensus are being challenged by the constellation of researchers. The new paradigm may be summarised in five points: 1) The documentary sources on Jesus are spread out and their use is thereby modified. 2) A notable return to the Jewishness of Jesus of Nazareth. 3) The heart of Jesus' action is no longer seen as a millenarist position, but more as a conviction informed by Wisdom. 4) Social history emphasises the reaction of popular messianism confronting Greek-Roman political acculturation. 5) An implicit Christology becomes possible once more at the level of Jesus Himself.
Resultats d’una enquesta de victimització a migrants, elaborada en el si del Grup de recerca “Sistema de justícia penal”, amb el finançament de l’Institut de Seguretat de Catalunya. La recerca projectada parteix de la constatació de l’escàs coneixement existent sobre la victimització de la població migrant. Aquesta no és una singularitat del nostre país, sinó que és una deficiència universal, que té molt a veure amb la posició social de les persones migrants i amb les característiques de les fonts de coneixement de la delinqüència, tant les de caràcter oficial com les no oficials. Ja Christie (1986) havia advertit que la delinqüència soportada per la població migrant estava infrarepresentada a les enquestes de victimització, fet que explicava per la tendència d’aquests instruments de recerca a centrar-se en la “víctima ideal”. Sigui o no certa l’afirmació, pot constatar-se fàcilment com la forma en que normalment es duen a terme les enquestes permet pressuposar que no arriben a les persones migrants de la mateixa manera que a la població general. Un fet no menyspreable és que les persones pertanyents a aquests col-lectius socials minoritaris disposen en menor mesura de telèfon fix al seu domicili. A banda, s’ha de comptar amb els obstacles que poden dificultar l’accés dels entrevistadors o la confiança en aquests, i que les enquestes de victimització no acostumen a estratificar la mostra incloent entre els grups de població prefixats en la mostra convidada la nacionalitat de les persones entrevistades. Les enquestes de victimització realitzades a Catalunya i, en general, a Espanya, no han estat una excepció en aquests punts i per tant és pertinent dubtar si reflecteixen de manera adequada la victimització que pateixen aquests col-lectius.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) This book is meant to honour the Belgian religious educationalist Herman Lombaerts reflecting on his legacy. He is internationally renowned as a scholar with a strong commitment to and a conceptual analysis of the social and cultural context in which people live and learn. This series of essays is build upon a thought provoking, streamlined design on the relationship between theology and education, relying on Lombaerts' societal and cultural analysis of contemporary religious education. Three key elements are at stake: the self-agency of the learner, the hermeneutic and communitive interpretation of religious traditions in the teaching of religion, and the radical re-imagination of Christian theology relying on this new model of religious educational praxis. For Lombaerts, the search processes of religious people have their own dynamic and dignity. Practical theology should listen carefully and empathetically to this quest. But he is also convinced of the need of solid fundamental research to understand critically its ambiguities and perspectives. Scholars from Europe, the United States and Australia lead the way in this process of "conceptual stretching". Issues such as happiness of children, identity formation of youth, educational and religious insecurity of parents, multi-faith education, tradition crisis of churches, theological education of lay ministers, narrativity and modern art in religious education, etc. are examined from a practical theological point of view, with a strong commitment to the philosophical, psychological, sociological, educational and political dimensions of three issues. With this book the editors hope to commemorate Lombaerts' international radiation, by building a collegial bridge between the different theoretical approaches in the German, Dutch, French, Italian and Anglo-Saxon religious educational research.
My interest in higher education and citizenship in the Middle East at large and in Jordan in particular is fostered by some of the reflections Eickelman proposed (1992). Being a quite recent phenomenon, intimately linked with the more general topic of state formation it seemed to me more suitable to study it in a little country with a recent history (a field study left almost unexplored until now as far as Jordan is concerned, to the best of my knowledge, since Antoun 1994 focuses on the migration as a quest for higher education). The process of state formation in Jordan is quite studied. I thus intended to study the higher education policies as an attempt both to create a national citizenry and more recently as a way of controlling the more problematic part of the population (youth, which constitutes more than the double of the population. See UNDP and Ministry of Planning 2000). How do the young students enter the university system, and in which way does this system work? How is this system designed, in order to retain social control of the students (since they are usually perceived to be a factor of social and political instability, as in Iran or in Egypt)? Is there any significant difference between different faculties? And if so, why? My conclusions at this stage are that the university system is an integral part of the survival of the regime. The system works quite well, and Jordan has one of the best educational position in the region. Yet there are important distinctions to be made: the access to the better faculties is socially selective while the less valued faculties are left to the poorer and less wealthy youth. This results in a different treatment of the students and of the courses that I analysed. In the better faculties the teaching standards are quite high, and the relationship between professors and students is almost on a same-level base, while in the less privileged faculties the opposite is true. Thus we can observe a concrete politics of divide et impera intended to split the youth in two. For the more privileged there are some freedoms, both within and outside classes, designed I guess at forging them as autonomous individuals. On the opposite the less privileged are kept under tight control, even if also these students are a privileged category among youth at large.
BACKGROUND: Thy-1 is an abundant neuronal glycoprotein in mammals. Despite such prevalence, Thy-1 function remains largely obscure in the absence of a defined ligand. Astrocytes, ubiquitous cells of the brain, express a putative Thy-1 ligand that prevents neurite outgrowth. In this paper, a ligand molecule for Thy-1 was identified, and the consequences of Thy-1 binding for astrocyte function were investigated. RESULTS: Thy-1 has been implicated in cell adhesion and, indeed, all known Thy-1 sequences were found to contain an integrin binding, RGD-like sequence. Thy-1 interaction with beta3 integrin on astrocytes was demonstrated in an adhesion assay using a thymoma line (EL-4) expressing high levels of Thy-1. EL-4 cells bound to astrocytes five times more readily than EL-4(-f), control cells lacking Thy-1. Binding was blocked by either anti-Thy-1 or anti-beta3 antibodies, by RGD-related peptides, or by soluble Thy-1-Fc chimeras. However, neither RGE/RLE peptides nor Thy-1(RLE)-Fc fusion protein inhibited the interaction. Immobilized Thy-1-Fc, but not Thy-1(RLE)-Fc fusion protein supported the attachment and spreading of astrocytes in a Mn(2+)-dependent manner. Binding to Thy-1-Fc was inhibited by RGD peptides. Moreover, vitronectin, fibrinogen, denatured collagen (dcollagen), and a kistrin-derived peptide, but not fibronectin, also mediated Mn(2+)-dependent adhesion, suggesting the involvement of beta3 integrin. The addition of Thy-1 to matrix-bound astrocytes induced recruitment of paxillin, vinculin, and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) to focal contacts and increased tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins such as p130(Cas) and FAK. Furthermore, astrocyte binding to immobilized Thy-1-Fc alone was sufficient to promote focal adhesion formation and phosphorylation on tyrosine. CONCLUSIONS: Thy-1 binds to beta3 integrin and triggers tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion proteins in astrocytes, thereby promoting focal adhesion formation, cell attachment, and spreading.
Reliable quantification of the macromolecule signals in short echo-time H-1 MRS spectra is particularly important at high magnetic fields for an accurate quantification of metabolite concentrations (the neurochemical profile) due to effectively increased spectral resolution of the macromolecule components. The purpose of the present study was to assess two approaches of quantification, which take the contribution of macromolecules into account in the quantification step. H-1 spectra were acquired on a 14.1 T/26 cm horizontal scanner on five rats using the ultra-short echo-time SPECIAL (spin echo full intensity acquired localization) spectroscopy sequence. Metabolite concentrations were estimated using LCModel, combined with a simulated basis set of metabolites using published spectral parameters and either the spectrum of macromolecules measured in vivo, using an inversion recovery technique, or baseline simulated by the built-in spline function. The fitted spline function resulted in a smooth approximation of the in vivo macromolecules, but in accordance with previous studies using Subtract-QUEST could not reproduce completely all features of the in vivo spectrum of macromolecules at 14.1 T. As a consequence, the measured macromolecular 'baseline' led to a more accurate and reliable quantification at higher field strengths.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Quest'opera intende riaprire un dibattito teorico sul ruolo della bellezza nella scienza, nell'arte e nella filosofia. I contributi qui raccolti esplorano i diversi modi attraverso i quali la bellezza, come elemento nel contempo estetico, empirico e concettuale, appare implicata nell'attività stessa di scoperta e di creazione. Pur nella loro diversità, tali approcci sono concordi nel sottolineare la necessità di rivalorizzare la ricchezza straordinaria e il carattere vivente delle ''bellezze'' del pianeta e della natura. In tale orizzonte, in cui quest'opera si colloca, appare fondamentale oltre che naturale il voler riconciliare scienza e filosofia, creatività matematica e immaginazione artistica, natura e cultura.
Metabolomics uses high-resolution mass spectrometry to provide a chemical fingerprint of thousands of metabolites present in cells, tissues or body fluids. Such metabolic phenotyping has been successfully used to study various biologic processes and disease states. High-resolution metabolomics can shed new light on the intricacies of host-parasite interactions in each stage of the Plasmodium life cycle and the downstream ramifications on the host’s metabolism, pathogenesis and disease. Such data can become integrated with other large datasets generated using top-down systems biology approaches and be utilised by computational biologists to develop and enhance models of malaria pathogenesis relevant for identifying new drug targets or intervention strategies. Here, we focus on the promise of metabolomics to complement systems biology approaches in the quest for novel interventions in the fight against malaria. We introduce the Malaria Host-Pathogen Interaction Center (MaHPIC), a new systems biology research coalition. A primary goal of the MaHPIC is to generate systems biology datasets relating to human and non-human primate (NHP) malaria parasites and their hosts making these openly available from an online relational database. Metabolomic data from NHP infections and clinical malaria infections from around the world will comprise a unique global resource.