1000 resultados para Química inorgànica
The presence of a highly tunable porous structure and surface chemistry makes metal–organic framework (MOF) materials excellent candidates for artificial methane hydrate formation under mild temperature and pressure conditions (2 °C and 3–5 MPa). Experimental results using MOFs with a different pore structure and chemical nature (MIL-100 (Fe) and ZIF-8) clearly show that the water–framework interactions play a crucial role in defining the extent and nature of the gas hydrates formed. Whereas the hydrophobic MOF promotes methane hydrate formation with a high yield, the hydrophilic one does not. The formation of these methane hydrates on MOFs has been identified for the first time using inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction (SXRPD). The results described in this work pave the way towards the design of new MOF structures able to promote artificial methane hydrate formation upon request (confined or non-confined) and under milder conditions than in nature.
The process of liquid silicon infiltration is investigated for channels with radii from 0.25 to 0.75 [mm] drilled in compact carbon preforms. The advantage of this setup is that the study of the phenomenon results to be simplified. For comparison purposes, attempts are made in order to work out a framework for evaluating the accuracy of simulations. The approach relies on dimensionless numbers involving the properties of the surface reaction. It turns out that complex hydrodynamic behavior derived from second Newton law can be made consistent with Lattice-Boltzmann simulations. The experiments give clear evidence that the growth of silicon carbide proceeds in two different stages and basic mechanisms are highlighted. Lattice-Boltzmann simulations prove to be an effective tool for the description of the growing phase. Namely, essential experimental constraints can be implemented. As a result, the existing models are useful to gain more insight on the process of reactive infiltration into porous media in the first stage of penetration, i.e. up to pore closure because of surface growth. A way allowing to implement the resistance from chemical reaction in Darcy law is also proposed.
The end of 2015 was the deadline that 189 countries gave themselves to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a list of eight goals that were agreed upon and approved by the UN after the Millennium Summit in year 2000. Despite some legitimate criticism, the MDGs were revealed as an important tool towards building a more equitable and sustainable world. Yet our planet still faces many challenges. In September 2015, the UN approved a new set of 17 goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aiming to develop and implement strategies to create “The Future We Want”; strategies that 192 countries agreed upon to work together towards a more sustainable planet.
A procedure is proposed to name new chemical elements. After the discovery of a new element is established by the joint IUPAC-IUPAP Working Group, the discoverers are invited to propose a name and a symbol to the IUPAC Inorganic Chemistry Division. Elements can be named after a mythological concept, a mineral, a place or country, a property or a scientist. After examination and acceptance by the Inorganic Chemistry Division, the proposal follows the accepted IUPAC procedure and is then ratified by the Council of IUPAC. This document is a slightly amended version of the 2002 IUPAC Recommendations; the most important change is that the names of all new elements should have an ending that reflects and maintains historical and chemical consistency. This would be in general “-ium” for elements belonging to groups 1–16, i.e. including the f-block elements, “-ine” for elements of group 17 and “-on” for elements of group 18.
Resorcinol-Formaldehyde xerogels are organic polymers that can be easily tailored to have specific properties. These materials are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and have a surface that is very rich in oxygen functionalities, and is therefore very hydrophilic. Their most interesting feature is that they may have the same chemical composition but a different porous texture. Consequently, the influence of porous characteristics, such as pore volume, surface area or pore size can be easily assessed. In this work, a commonly used desiccant, silica gel, is compared with organic xerogels to determine their rate and capacity of water adsorption, and to evaluate the role of surface chemistry versus porous texture. It was found that organic xerogels showed a higher rate of moisture adsorption than silica gel. Pore structure also seems to play an important role in water adsorption capacity. The OX-10 sample, whose porosity was mainly composed of micro-mesoporosity displayed a water adsorption capacity two times greater than that of the silica gel, and three times higher than that of the totally macroporous xerogel OX-2100. The presence of feeder pores (mesopores) that facilitate the access to the hydrophilic surface was observed to be the key factor for a good desiccant behaviour. Neither the total pore volume nor the high surface area (i.e. high microporosity) of the desiccant sample, is as important as the mesopore structure.
5% copper catalysts with Ce0.8M0.2Oδ supports (M = Zr, La, Ce, Pr or Nd) have been studied by rapid-scan operando DRIFTS for NOx Storage and Reduction (NSR) with high frequency (30 s) CO, H2 and 50%CO + 50%H2 micropulses. In the absence of reductant pulses, below 200–250 °C NOx was stored on the catalysts as nitrite and nitro groups, and above this temperature nitrates were the main species identified. The thermal stability of the NOx species stored on the catalysts depended on the acid/basic character of the dopant (M more acidic = NOx stored less stable ⇒ Zr4+ < none < Nd3+ < Pr3+ < La3+ ⇐ M more basic = NOx stored more stable). Catalysts regeneration was more efficient with H2 than with CO, and the CO + H2 mixture presented an intermediate behavior, but with smaller differences among the series of catalyst than observed using CO alone. N2 is the main NOx reduction product upon H2 regeneration. The highest NOx removal in NSR experiments performed at 400 °C with CO + H2 pulses was achieved with the catalyst with the most basic dopant (CuO/Ce0.8La0.2Oδ) while the poorest performing catalyst was that with the most acidic dopant (CuO/Ce0.8Zr0.2Oδ). The poor performance of CuO/Ce0.8Zr0.2Oδ in NSR experiments with CO pulses was attributed to its lower oxidation capacity compared to the other catalysts.
Remaining silicon in SiC-based materials produced via reactive infiltration limits their use in high-temperature applications due to the poor mechanical properties of silicon: low fracture toughness, extreme fragility and creep phenomena above 1000 °C. In this paper SiC–FeSi2 composites are fabricated by reactive infiltration of Si–Fe alloys into porous Cf/C preforms. The resulting materials are SiC/FeSi2 composites, in which remaining silicon is reduced by formation of FeSi2. For the richest Fe alloys (35 wt% Fe) a nominal residual silicon content below 1% has been observed. However this, the relatively poor mechanical properties (bending strength) measured for those resulting materials can be explained by the thermal mismatch of FeSi2 and SiC, which weakens the interface and does even generate new porosity, associated with a debonding phenomenon between the two phases.
This study evaluates the application of denim fiber scraps as a precursor for the synthesis of adsorbents for water treatment via pyrolysis and their application in water defluoridation. The best pyrolysis conditions for the synthesis of this novel adsorbent have been identified and a metal doping route with different salts of Al3 +, La3 + and Fe3 + was proposed to improve its fluoride adsorption behavior. Different spectroscopic and microscopic techniques (i.e., FTIR, XPS, XRF, SEM) were used to characterize the precursor and adsorbents, and to analyze the surface interactions involved in the fluoride removal mechanism. Experimental results showed that these adsorbents were effective for fluoride adsorption showing uptakes up to 4.25 mg/g. The Si-O–metal–F interactions appear to be highly relevant for the fluoride removal. This study highlights the potential of denim textile waste as a raw material for the production of added-value products, thus minimizing their associated disposal cost. It also shows the performance of denim textile waste as a precursor of adsorbents for addressing relevant environmental concerns such as fluoride pollution.
The knowledge of thermophysical properties of liquid Co-Si alloys is a key requirement for manufacturing of composite materials by infiltration method. Despite this need, the experimental and predicted property data of the Co-Si system are scarce and often inconsistent between the various sources. In the present work the mixing behaviour of Co-Si melts has been analysed through the study of the concentration dependence of various thermodynamic, surface (surface tension and surface composition) and structural properties (concentration fluctuations in the long-wavelength limit and chemical short-range order parameter) in the framework of the Compound Formation Model (CFM) and Quasi Chemical Approximation for regular solutions (QCA). In addition, the surface tension of the Co22·5Si77.5 (in at%) eutectic alloy, that is proposed to be used as the infiltrant, has been measured by the pendant drop method at temperatures ranging from 1593 to 1773 K. The results obtained were discussed with respect to both, temperature and concentration, and subsequently compared with the model predictions and literature data.
A novel procedure for the preparation of solid Pd(II)-based catalysts consisting of the anchorage of designed Pd(II)-complexes on an activated carbon (AC) surface is reported. Two molecules of the Ar–S–F type (where Ar is a plane-pyrimidine moiety, F a Pd(II)-ligand and S an aliphatic linker) differing in F, were grafted on AC by π–π stacking of the Ar moiety and the graphene planes of the AC, thus favouring the retaining of the metal-complexing ability of F. Adsorption of Pd(II) by the AC/Ar–S–F hybrids occurs via Pd(II)-complexation by F. After deep characterization, the catalytic activities of the AC/Ar–S–F/Pd(II) hybrids on the hydrogenation of 1-octene in methanol as a catalytic test were evaluated. 100% conversion to n-octane at T = 323.1 K and P = 15 bar, was obtained with both catalysts and most of Pd(II) was reduced to Pd(0) nanoparticles, which remained on the AC surface. Reusing the catalysts in three additional cycles reveals that the catalyst bearing the F ligand with a larger Pd-complexing ability showed no loss of activity (100% conversion to n-octane) which is assigned to its larger structural stability. The catalyst with the weaker F ligand underwent a progressive loss of activity (from 100% to 79% in four cycles), due to the constant aggregation of the Pd(0) nanoparticles. Milder conditions, T = 303.1 K and P = 1.5 bar, prevent the aggregation of the Pd(0) nanoparticles in this catalyst allowing the retention of the high catalytic efficiency (100% conversion) in four reaction cycles.
Habida cuenta del interés del alumnado de Ciencias, tanto a nivel bachillerato como universitario, por la Nanotecnología y tras la organización de dos cursos sobre la misma en la UVRA, hace un año el equipo constituyente de esta Red de Investigación Docente se embarcó en el proyecto de diseño y construcción del primer MOOC en Nanotecnología en España, contando con el asesoramiento de UniMOOC. El objetivo del curso es obtener una mejor comprensión de la nanotecnología y su conexión con la vida real; un nuevo enfoque didáctico para la enseñanza de la Nanotecnología en titulaciones superiores y Máster Universitarios. El sitio web es la principal guía a través de los recursos y actividades del curso, donde el estudiante dispone de una serie de herramientas gratuitas que descubrirá en las diferentes unidades, como vídeos, tutoriales, applets, etc. En este contexto, surgió esta Red de Investigación Docente, en colaboración con el Dpto. Lenguajes y Sistemas de la UA y UniMOOC, cuyo objetivo es la actualización de contenidos, actividades y recursos del mismo, su puesta en marcha y difusión, así como el análisis de su posible implantación en titulaciones afines.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.