931 resultados para QUASI-CRYSTALS
Com o objetivo de estudar a relação entre cristais de oxalato de cálcio e floema, fragmentos de folhas de Peltodon radicans foram fixados e processados, segundo métodos usuais, para estudos ao microscópio de luz e eletrônico de transmissão. Observou-se que os cristais ocorrem nas células da bainha do feixe, lateralmente em relação ao floema. Células intermediárias estabelecem conexão entre elemento crivado e células da bainha, portadoras de cristais, com crescimento intrusivo entre estas. Íons cálcio são abundantes no citoplasma das células da bainha que contém cristais de oxalato de cálcio. Nas células intermediárias a detecção ultra-citoquímica de cálcio também apresentou resultados positivos, enquanto nos elementos crivados a presença deste íon não foi constatada. Há, portanto, um gradiente crescente de concentração de cálcio dos elementos crivados para as células da bainha. Assim, formulamos a hipótese de que a formação de cristais de oxalato de cálcio tem, em P. radicans, o objetivo de controlar os níveis de cálcio citossólico nos elementos crivados.
We theoretically study many-body excitations in three different quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) electron systems: (i) those formed on the surface of liquid Helium; (ii) in two coupled semiconductor quantum wires; and (iii) Q1D electrons embedded in polar semiconductor-based quantum wires. Our results show intersubband coupling between higher subbands and the two lowest subbands affecting even the lower energy intersubband plasmons on the liquid Helium surface. Concerning the second system, we show a pronounced extra peak appearing in the intersubband impurity spectral function for temperatures as high as 20 K. We finally show coupled intersubband plasmon-phonon modes surviving for temperatures up to 300 K.
Pilocarpine is a natural substance with potential application in the treatment of several diseases. In this work Fourier Transform (FT)-Raman spectrum and the Fourier Transform infra red (FT-IR) spectrum of pilocarpine hydrochloride C11H17N2O2+.Cl- were investigated at 300 K. Vibrational wavenumber and wave vector have been predicted using density functional theory (B3LYP) calculations with the 6-31 G(d,p) basis set. A comparison with experiment allowed us to assign most of the normal modes of the crystal.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We report the preparation of direct hexagonal liquid crystals, constituted of oil-swollen cylinders arranged on a triangular lattice in water. The volume ratio of oil over water, rho, can be as large as 3.8. From the lattice parameter measured by small-angle X-ray scattering, we show that all the oil is indeed incorporated into the cylinders, thus allowing the diameter of the cylinders to be controlled over one decade range, provided that the ionic strength of the aqueous medium and rho are varied concomitantly. These hexagonal swollen liquid crystals (SLCs) have been first reported with sodium dodecyl sulfate as anionic surfactant, cyclohexane as solvent, 1-pentanol as co-surfactant, and sodium chloride as salt (Ramos, L.; Fabre, P. Langmuir 1997, 13, 13). The stability of these liquid crystals is investigated when the pH of the aqueous medium or the chemical nature of the components (salt and surfactant) is changed. We demonstrate that the range of stability is quite extended, rendering swollen hexagonal phases potentially useful for the fabrication of nanomaterials. As illustrations, we finally show that gelation of inorganic particles in the continuous aqueous medium of a SLC and polymerization within the oil-swollen cylinders of a SLC can be conducted without disrupting the hexagonal order of the system.
This paper presents the fabrication and analysis of a three-dimensional FCC photonic crystal (PhC) based on a self-assembly synthesis of monodispersive latex spheres. Experimental optical characterization, achieved by measurements of the specular reflectance under variable angles, indicated the clear presence of a Bragg diffraction pattern. Results are further explored by theoretical calculations based on the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method to determine the full PhC band structure.
The holographic imaging of rigid objects with diode lasers emitting in many wavelengths in a sillenite Bi12TiO20 photorefractive crystal is both theoretically an experimentally investigated. It is shown that, due to the multi-wavelength emission and the typically large free spectral range of this light source, contour fringes appear on the holographic image corresponding to the surface relief, even in single-exposure recordings. The influence of the number of emitted modes on the fringe width is analysed, and the possible applications of the contour fringes in the field of optical metrology are pointed out.
In this work we develop an approach to obtain analytical expressions for potentials in an impenetrable box. In this kind of system the expression has the advantage of being valid for arbitrary values of the box length, and respect the correct quantum limits. The similarity of this kind of problem with the quasi exactly solvable potentials is explored in order to accomplish our goals. Problems related to the break of symmetries and simultaneous eigenfunctions of commuting operators are discussed.
We present a recent development in holography with multimode, large free-spectral range (FSR) diode lasers in photorefractive sillenite crystals. A novel refractometry method based on this type of holographic recording in Bi12TiO20 (BTO) crystals is proposed. The holographic image of a prism-shaped transparent sample appears covered of interference fringes, and as the sample is properly translated, the fringes run along the holographic image. An expression providing the refractive index of the medium as a function of the sample displacement and the correspondent number of running fringes was derived. The refractive indexes of optical (BK7) glass, ethanol, hexan, cumene and aqueous solution of NaCl with different concentrations were measured in order to test the method. The obtained results are in good agreement with the ones reported in literature or measured by us using a commercial Abbe refractometre. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report the synthesis of zirconia microneedles by the direct nucleation of particles inside a hexagonal swollen liquid crystal (SLC) (cell parameter a = 27 nm) prepared by mixing with the proper ratio, an aqueous solution of sulfated zirconium colloids, a cationic surfactant (cetylpyridinium chloride), cychlohexane as swelling agent with an oil over water ratio of 2.5 (vol.), and 1-pentanol as cosurfactant. After a slow crystallogenesis that can be enhanced by an initial induction step under moderate temperature, particles in the centimeter range can be obtained, with a very high shape ratio (over 100). These particles are made of crystalline octahydrate zirconium oxychloride containing pores of 20 nm diameter, aligned along the main axis of the liquid crystal, as the fingerprint of the oil cylinders present in the hexagonal phase. The morphology of these particles confirms that the shaping mechanism is based on true liquid crystal templating (TLCT). Further thermal treatment of these particles, after extraction from the SLC, leads to the crystallization of zirconia with the same needlelike morphology as the zirconium oxychloride.
The existence of multiple active levels in a photorefractive Bi12TiO20 crystal is here investigated at 514.5nm wavelength. We carry out two-wave mixing experiments using symmetrically incident beams of equal intensities. A large amplitude fast phase modulation in one of the beams reduces the fringes visibility and improves the detection of the generated frequency modulated signals in both (R and S) output directions. Diffraction efficiencies of the phase (photorefractive) and the absorption (photochromic) gratings are quantitatively computed as functions of the grating period. Results show that the absorption grating has two distinct components: one associated to the photorefractive trap density modulation and another related to local light-induced effects between different levels. The photorefractive grating was also investigated at 633nm and 594nm (besides 514.5nm) and a significant quenching of the photorefractive effect was observed at these wavelengths.
This work presents a review of recent developments in phase-stepping real-time holographic interferometry with photorefractive sillenite crystals. Quantitative results are shown in micro-rotation, micro-displacement, and micro-deformation measurements, and in wave-optics and surface analysis as well. The phase stepping was carried out in a four-frame process and the resulting phase map was unwrapped by applying a sin/cos filter. The experimental results are in good agreement with the ones obtained through other means, showing the promising potentialities of phase-stepping real-time holographic interferometry for in situ visualisation, monitoring and analysis in non-destructive testing.
This study focuses on the seasonal presence of acicular crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum Chain. (Verbenaceae). Specimens collected in different months from 1996 to 2000 were examined for the abundance of acicular crystals in the cambium. This information was correlated with the phenology of the species and the climate of the region. Acicular calcium oxalate crystals were found in cambial fusiform and ray cell initials, as well as in their daughter cells. An abundance of crystals was observed during periods of water deficit and leaf fall (July). Fewer crystals were found in the beginning of the wet season and bud swelling (September). When trees were flowering and the soil was wet (November and December), acicular crystals were rarely observed. During this period, acicular crystals were found in differentiating phloem and xylem parenchyma cells, in fully differentiated phloem cells, but not in fully differentiated xylem cells.
Synthesis and self-assembly of nanomaterials can be controlled by the properties of soft matter. on one hand, dedicated nanoreactors such as reverse microemulsions or miniemulsions can be designed. on the other hand, direct shape control can be provided by the topology of liquid crystals that confine the reacting medium within a specific geometry. In the first case, the preparation of micro- or miniemulsions generally requires energetic mechanical stirring. The second approach uses thermodynamically stable systems, but it remains usually limited to binary (water + surfactant) systems. We report the preparation of different families of materials in highly ordered quaternary mediums that exhibit a liquid crystal structure with a high cell parameter. They were prepared with the proper ratios of salted water, nonpolar solvent, surfactant. and cosurfactants that form spontaneously swollen hexagonal phases. These swollen liquid crystals can be prepared from all classes of surfactants (cationic, anionic, and nonionic). They contain a regular network of parallel cylinders, whose diameters can be swollen with a nonpolar solvent, that are regularly spaced in a continuous aqueous salt solution. We demonstrate in the present report that both aqueous and organic phases can be used as nanoreactors for the preparation of materials. This property is illustrated by various examples such as the synthesis of platinum nanorods prepared in the aqueous phase or zirconia needles or the photo- or gamma-ray-induced polymerization of polydiacetylene in the organic phase. In all cases, materials can be easily extracted and their final shapes are directed by the structure-directing effect imposed by the liquid crystal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)