997 resultados para Production curve


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Australia has an abundance of native Sapindaceae, with a few species that are considered to have an edible aril. A number of these have minor 'bush food' status but have limited commercial potential. Longan, lychee and rambutan were introduced into Australia from the mid 1800s. Serious commercialization of these crops began from the 1970s when farmers in sub-tropical and tropical regions of Australia were seeking new commercial horticultural opportunities. Currently the value of these industries is in the vicinity of $35 M with lychee the predominate crop followed by longan and rambutan respectively. Despite Australia being a minor producer on the world scale it has contributed significantly to the scientific and production developments through the combined efforts of researchers and innovative growers. This paper details the development and status of the commercial Sapindaceae in Australia and highlights production and research activities.


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Optimal matching of species to sites is required for a sustainable hardwood plantation industry in the subtropics. This paper reports the performance and adaptation of 60 taxa (species, provenances and hybrids) across two rainfall zones and a range of soil types in southern Queensland. Specifically, performance of taxa is compared across five replicated taxon–site matching trials at age 6 y. Three trials are in a 1000-mm y–1 rainfall zone of the Wide Bay region near Miriam Vale and two in a drier (about 750 mm y–1) rainfall zone near Kingaroy in the South Burnett region. In the higher-rainfall zone, the taxa with the fastest growth in the three trials at age 6 y were Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata Woondum provenance, which ranked 1st, 6th and 5th respectively; E. longirostrata Coominglah provenance, ranked 3rd, 2nd and 3rd; and two sources of E. grandis, Copperlode provenance (ranked 4th and 1st) and SAPPI seed orchard (ranked 6th and 4th), which were planted in only two of the three trials. Similarly, in the lower-rainfall zone, E. grandis and its hybrids appear promising from the 6-y growth data., This excellent early growth, however, has not continued in either rainfall zone, with these taxa, 8 y after planting, now showing signs of stress and mortality. Based on trial results in these two rainfall zones, the taxon that appears the most promising for sustainable plantation development with high average annual volume index values and low incidence of borer attack is Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (6.7 m³ ha–1). Eucalyptus grandis and E. longirostrata both have better average annual volume indexes (8.2 m³ ha–1 and 7.4 m³ ha–1 respectively) but are very susceptible to borer attack. The current and long-term productivity and sustainability of plantation forestry in these rainfall zones is discussed. Further, the implications of predicted climate change (particularly reduced rainfall) for growing trees for fibre production and carbon sequestration are explored.


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Uropathogenic Escherichia coli is the primary cause of urinary tract infections, which affects over 60% of women during their lifetime. UPEC exhibits a number of virulence traits that facilitate colonization of the bladder, including inhibition of cytokine production by bladder epithelial cells. The goal of this study was to identify the mechanism of this inhibition. We observed that cytokine suppression was associated with rapid cytotoxicity toward epithelial cells. We found that cytotoxicity, cytokine suppression and alpha-hemolysin production were all tightly linked in clinical isolates. We screened a UPEC fosmid library and identified clones that gained the cytotoxicity and cytokine-suppression phenotypes. Both clones contained fosmids encoding a PAI II(J96)-like domain and expressed the alpha-hemolysin (hlyA) encoded therein. Mutation of the fosmid-encoded hly operon abolished cytotoxicity and cytokine suppression. Similarly, mutation of the chromosomal hlyCABD operon of UPEC isolate F11 also abolished these phenotypes, and they could be restored by introducing the PAI II(J96)-like domain-encoding fosmid. We also examined the role of alpha-hemolysin in cytokine production both in the murine UTI model as well as patient specimens. We conclude that E. coli utilizes alpha-hemolysin to inhibit epithelial cytokine production in vitro. Its contribution to inflammation during infection requires further study.


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We investigated the effect of maize residues and rice husk biochar on biomass production, fertiliser nitrogen recovery (FNR) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions for three different subtropical cropping soils. Maize residues at two rates (0 and 10 t ha−1) combined with three rates (0, 15 and 30 t ha-1) of rice husk biochar were added to three soil types in a pot trial with maize plants. Soil N2O emissions were monitored with static chambers for 91 days. Isotopic 15N-labelled urea was applied to the treatments without added crop residues to measure the FNR. Crop residue incorporation significantly reduced N uptake in all treatments but did not affect overall FNR. Rice husk biochar amendment had no effect on plant growth and N uptake but significantly reduced N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in two of the three soils. The incorporation of crop residues had a contrasting effect on soil N2O emissions depending on the mineral N status of the soil. The study shows that effects of crop residues depend on soil properties at the time of application. Adding crop residues with a high C/N ratio to soil can immobilise N in the soil profile and hence reduce N uptake and/or total biomass production. Crop residue incorporation can either stimulate or reduce N2O emissions depending on the mineral N content of the soil. Crop residues pyrolysed to biochar can potentially stabilise native soil C (negative priming) and reduce N2O emissions from cropping soils thus providing climate change mitigation potential beyond the biochar C storage in soils. Incorporation of crop residues as an approach to recycle organic materials and reduce synthetic N fertiliser use in agricultural production requires a thorough evaluation, both in terms of biomass production and greenhouse gas emissions.


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The pattern of growth and development of seed crops of stylo (Stylosanthes guyanensis) was derived from measurements made on experimental and commercial crops in north Queensland. The three cultivars Cook, Endeavour, and Schofield differed appreciably only in the timetable of their development. Each had distinct successive phases of vegetative and reproductive development culminating in total annual seed production of 700-800 kg ha-1 from a healthy closed canopy, the main recorded cause of reduced production being the disease Botrytis sp. In a healthy crop of Cook, the peak quantity of standing seed represented almost 90 per cent of the total accountable seed, and the rise to and decline from this peak proceeded at rates of the order of 3-4 per cent per day. It is deduced that, although there appears to be little potential for either increase in overall production or improvement in synchronization or retention characteristics beyond that currently attained by a closed canopy of healthy plants, there is scope for an increase in the efficiency of recovery of standing seed. Maximum recovery will be achieved through attention to choice of time of harvest, presentation of a minimum amount of extraneous vegetation to the harvester, and improvement in harvester separation.


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The consequences of defoliation on seed production of stylo (Stylosanthes guyanensis) were examined in field experiments at Walkamin in north Queensland. The practical aim of defoliation is to present a level uncompacted crop canopy to the harvester without a reduction in the quantity of seed carried at harvest ripeness. It was concluded that the latest date at which defoliation is reasonably certain to achieve its objectives is about four weeks before first flower initiation. In north Queensland, this means late February for cvv. Cook and Endeavour and early April for cv. Schofield. The results suggest that development of the population of individual shoots must be synchronized to produce the highest peaks of standing seed; that this is best achieved by ensuring that a closed crop canopy with a ceiling shoot population exists at the time of first flower initiation; and that poorly synchronized shoot development is a consequence of defoliating too late and a cause of reduced seed production.


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Strips within commercial crops of Stylosanthes guyanensis in the Mareeba district of north Queensland were sprayed with diquat 4, 6 and 10 days before harvest and compared with unsprayed strips. Pre-harvest desiccation made combine harvesting easier, but did not increase harvest yield. Where seed formation and maturation was still possible, desiccation prevented this without substantially increasing the loss of seed to the ground; increased harvest efficiency was thus offset by a diminished quantity of standing seed. However, where there was little or no further potential for seed development, diquat had virtually no effect on the quantity of standing seed or harvest efficiency. It was concluded that the results warranted neither recommendation nor further evaluation of preharvest desiccation of S. guyanensis seed crops.


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Stylosanthes humilis swards grown at Brisbane in irrigated boxes were defoliated (about 60 per cent removal of tops) at floral initiation, first flower appearance, or advanced flowering stages ; seed yield was 45, 16, and 14 per cent respectively of seed yield in undefoliated swards. Decreased yields were primarily due to poor seed set of florets, were also associated with reduced inflorescence density and floret number per inflorescence, and occurred despite increases (in some defoliation treatments) in seed size, leaf growth rate, and differentiation of leaves and branches. Total seasonal plant growth was independent of defoliation treatment.


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Membrane filtration technology has been proven to be a technically sound process to improve the quality of clarified cane juice and subsequently to increase the productivity of crystallisation and the quality of sugar production. However, commercial applications have been hindered because the benefits to crystallisation and sugar quality have not outweighed the increased processing costs associated with membrane applications. An 'Integrated Sugar Production Process (ISPP) Concept Model' is proposed to recover more value from the non-sucrose streams generated by membrane processing. Pilot scale membrane fractionation trials confirmed the technical feasibility of separating high-molecular weight, antioxidant and reducing sugar fractions from cane juice in forms suitable for value recovery. It was also found that up to 40% of potassium salts from the juice can be removed by membrane application while removing the similar amount of water with potential energy saving in subsequent evaporation. Application of ISPP would allow sugar industry to co-produce multiple products and high quality mill sugar while eliminating energy intensive refining processes.


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This presentation given at the World Aquaculture conference in 2008 describes research undertaken at the Bribie Island Research Centre involving zero water exchange co-culture of whiting and banana prawns.


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Rice flower, an Australian native species, has been cultivated in appreciable quantities as a cut flower crop since 1991. Although the plant can be highly productive, achieving consistently high commercial yields can prove elusive. Rice Flower production guidelines for growers is essential reading for producers who would aspire to grow and market rice flower well. For anyone with an interest in new crop development, this book provides a valuable insight into the intricacies of growing an indigenous species commercially.


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DEEDI has been approached to perform an important outdoor pond experiment using the heated nursery ponds at Bribie Island Aquaculture Research Centre to get tiger prawn broodstock out of expensive clear-water tank systems and into ponds. This approach will enable a faster and more cost-effective adoption of existing selective breeding technology. Additional benefits will involve increased profitability and sustainability of genetic selection programs, improved understanding of prawn maturation benefiting other tiger prawn research and improved collaboration between DEEDI and CSIRO.


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To collate support and extension materials to ensure the recipients of Australian cattle have, at least, a minimum understanding of animal husbandry. As the number of destination markets increases, the need will also increase to produce similar material relevant and locally sensitive for these new markets.


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There are more than 10,000 small-scale fish farms in PNG producing tilapia, carp or trout for home consumption and sale. Interest in aquaculture is growing rapidly, and the government has given high priority to aquaculture development, in recognition of its potential contribution to achieving food security particularly in the inland areas. Significant constraints include lack of capability within management agencies to identify appropriate sites for pond development, inadequate supply and poor quality of fingerlings, limited availability and high cost of pond fertilisers and suitable feeds, and a general lack of knowledge and training on aquaculture husbandry skills.


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To increase numbers and reproduction in Ongole and Bali cows by as much as 60% in Indonesia requires use of rice straw for maintenance of cows and higher quality feed and crop by-products for growth and fattening of calves. These feedstuffs exist in large quantities. The project will couple feeding systems with management (controlled mating with a selected bull, weaning, compost production), previously developed by the project team, in village-based adaptive research across the main cattle regions of Indonesia, with emphasis on East Java. The project will link with research on nutrition interactions with reproduction of cows in indigenous pastoral systems in north Australia.