909 resultados para Product Release


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) have been widely reported. In the central nervous system (CNS), astrocytes are the major source for LIF, expression of which is enhanced following disturbances leading to neuronal damage. How astrocytic LIF expression is regulated, however, has remained an unanswered question. Since neuronal stress is associated with production of extracellular adenosine, we investigated whether LIF expression in astrocytes was mediated through adenosine receptor signaling. METHODS: Mouse cortical neuronal and astrocyte cultures from wild-type and adenosine A2B receptor knock-out animals, as well as adenosine receptor agonists/antagonists and various enzymatic inhibitors, were used to study LIF expression and release in astrocytes. When needed, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: We show here that glutamate-stressed cortical neurons induce LIF expression through activation of adenosine A2B receptor subtype in cultured astrocytes and require signaling of protein kinase C (PKC), mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs: p38 and ERK1/2), and the nuclear transcription factor (NF)-κB. Moreover, LIF concentration in the supernatant in response to 5'-N-ethylcarboxamide (NECA) stimulation was directly correlated to de novo protein synthesis, suggesting that LIF release did not occur through a regulated release pathway. Immunocytochemistry experiments show that LIF-containing vesicles co-localize with clathrin and Rab11, but not with pHogrin, Chromogranin (Cg)A and CgB, suggesting that LIF might be secreted through recycling endosomes. We further show that pre-treatment with supernatants from NECA-treated astrocytes increased survival of cultured cortical neurons against glutamate, which was absent when the supernatants were pre-treated with an anti-LIF neutralizing antibody. CONCLUSIONS: Adenosine from glutamate-stressed neurons induces rapid LIF release in astrocytes. This rapid release of LIF promotes the survival of cortical neurons against excitotoxicity.


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Micelles formed from amphiphilic block copolymers have been explored in recent years as carriers for hydrophobic drugs. In an aqueous environment, the hydrophobic blocks form the core of the micelle, which can host lipophilic drugs, while the hydrophilic blocks form the corona or outer shell and stabilize the interface between the hydrophobic core and the external medium. In the present work, mesophase behavior and drug encapsulation were explored in the AB block copolymeric amphiphile composed of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) as a hydrophile and poly(propylene sulfide) PPS as a hydrophobe, using the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A (CsA) as an example of a highly hydrophobic drug. Block copolymers with a degree of polymerization of 44 on the PEG and of 10, 20 and 40 on the PPS respectively (abbreviated as PEG44-b-PPS10, PEG44-b-PPS20, PEG44-b-PPS40) were synthesized and characterized. Drug-loaded polymeric micelles were obtained by the cosolvent displacement method as well as the remarkably simple method of dispersing the warm polymer melt, with drug dissolved therein, in warm water. Effective drug solubility up to 2 mg/mL in aqueous media was facilitated by the PEG- b-PPS micelles, with loading levels up to 19% w/w being achieved. Release was burst-free and sustained over periods of 9-12 days. These micelles demonstrate interesting solubilization characteristics, due to the low glass transition temperature, highly hydrophobic nature, and good solvent properties of the PPS block


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The delivery kinetics of growth factors has been suggested to play an important role in the regeneration of peripheral nerves following axotomy. In this context, we designed a nerve conduit (NC) with adjustable release kinetics of nerve growth factor (NGF). A multi-ply system was designed where NC consisting of a polyelectrolyte alginate/chitosan complex was coated with layers of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) to control the release of embedded NGF. Prior to assessing the in vitro NGF release from NC, various release test media, with and without stabilizers for NGF, were evaluated to ensure adequate quantification of NGF by ELISA. Citrate (pH 5.0) and acetate (pH 5.5) buffered saline solutions containing 0.05% Tween 20 yielded the most reliable results for ELISA active NGF. The in vitro release experiments revealed that the best results in terms of reproducibility and release control were achieved when the NGF was embedded between two PLGA layers and the ends of the NC tightly sealed by the PLGA coatings. The release kinetics could be efficiently adjusted by accommodating NGF at different radial locations within the NC. A sustained release of bioactive NGF in the low nanogram per day range was obtained for at least 15days. In conclusion, the developed multi-ply NGF loaded NC is considered a suitable candidate for future implantation studies to gain insight into the relationship between local growth factor availability and nerve regeneration.


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Revenue management practices often include overbooking capacity to account for customerswho make reservations but do not show up. In this paper, we consider the network revenuemanagement problem with no-shows and overbooking, where the show-up probabilities are specificto each product. No-show rates differ significantly by product (for instance, each itinerary andfare combination for an airline) as sale restrictions and the demand characteristics vary byproduct. However, models that consider no-show rates by each individual product are difficultto handle as the state-space in dynamic programming formulations (or the variable space inapproximations) increases significantly. In this paper, we propose a randomized linear program tojointly make the capacity control and overbooking decisions with product-specific no-shows. Weestablish that our formulation gives an upper bound on the optimal expected total profit andour upper bound is tighter than a deterministic linear programming upper bound that appearsin the existing literature. Furthermore, we show that our upper bound is asymptotically tightin a regime where the leg capacities and the expected demand is scaled linearly with the samerate. We also describe how the randomized linear program can be used to obtain a bid price controlpolicy. Computational experiments indicate that our approach is quite fast, able to scale to industrialproblems and can provide significant improvements over standard benchmarks.


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Information about Improving Transition Outcomes statewide resource mapping product.


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Thy-1, an abundant mammalian glycoprotein, interacts with αvβ3 integrin and syndecan-4 in astrocytes and thus triggers signaling events that involve RhoA and its effector p160ROCK, thereby increasing astrocyte adhesion to the extracellular matrix. The signaling cascade includes calcium-dependent activation of protein kinase Cα upstream of Rho; however, what causes the intracellular calcium transients required to promote adhesion remains unclear. Purinergic P2X7 receptors are important for astrocyte function and form large non-selective cation pores upon binding to their ligand, ATP. Thus, we evaluated whether the intracellular calcium required for Thy-1-induced cell adhesion stems from influx mediated by ATP-activated P2X7 receptors. Results show that adhesion induced by the fusion protein Thy-1-Fc was preceded by both ATP release and sustained intracellular calcium elevation. Elimination of extracellular ATP with Apyrase, chelation of extracellular calcium with EGTA, or inhibition of P2X7 with oxidized ATP, all individually blocked intracellular calcium increase and Thy-1-stimulated adhesion. Moreover, Thy-1 mutated in the integrin-binding site did not trigger ATP release, and silencing of P2X7 with specific siRNA blocked Thy-1-induced adhesion. This study is the first to demonstrate a functional link between αvβ3 integrin and P2X7 receptors, and to reveal an important, hitherto unanticipated, role for P2X7 in calcium-dependent signaling required for Thy-1-stimulated astrocyte adhesion.


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Adrenal chromaffin cells synthesize and secrete catecholamines and neuropeptides that may regulate hormonal and paracrine signaling in stress and also during inflammation. The aim of our work was to study the role of the cytokine interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) on catecholamine release and synthesis from primary cell cultures of human adrenal chromaffin cells. The effect of IL-1beta on neuropeptide Y (NPY) release and the intracellular pathways involved in catecholamine release evoked by IL-1beta and NPY were also investigated. We observed that IL-1beta increases the release of NPY, norepinephrine (NE), and epinephrine (EP) from human chromaffin cells. Moreover, the immunoneutralization of released NPY inhibits catecholamine release evoked by IL-1beta. Moreover, IL-1beta regulates catecholamine synthesis as the inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase decreases IL-1beta-evoked catecholamine release and the cytokine induces tyrosine hydroxylase Ser40 phosphorylation. Moreover, IL-1beta induces catecholamine release by a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-dependent mechanism, and by nitric oxide synthase activation. Furthermore, MAPK, protein kinase C (PKC), protein kinase A (PKA), and nitric oxide (NO) production are involved in catecholamine release evoked by NPY. Using human chromaffin cells, our data suggest that IL-1beta, NPY, and nitric oxide (NO) may contribute to a regulatory loop between the immune and the adrenal systems, and this is relevant in pathological conditions such as infection, trauma, stress, or in hypertension.


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We consider the dynamic relationship between product market entry regulationand equilibrium unemployment. The main theoretical contribution is combininga Mortensen-Pissarides model with monopolistic competition in the goods marketand individual wage bargaining. Product market competition affects unemploymentvia two channels: the output expansion effect and a countervailing effect dueto a hiring externality. Competition is then linked to barriers to entry. Acalibrated model compares a high-regulation European regime to a low-regulationAnglo-American one. Our quantitative analysis suggests that under individualbargaining, no more than half a percentage point of European unemployment ratescan be attributed to entry regulation.


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This paper investigates the link between brand performance and cultural primes in high-risk,innovation-based sectors. In theory section, we propose that the level of cultural uncertaintyavoidance embedded in a firm determine its marketing creativity by increasing the complexityand the broadness of a brand. It determines also the rate of firm product innovations.Marketing creativity and product innovation influence finally the firm marketingperformance. Empirically, we study trademarked promotion in the Software Security Industry(SSI). Our sample consists of 87 firms that are active in SSI from 11 countries in the period1993-2000. We use the data coming from SSI-related trademarks registered by these firms,ending up with 2,911 SSI-related trademarks and a panel of 18,213 observations. We estimatea two stage model in which first we predict the complexity and the broadness of a trademarkas a measure of marketing creativity and the rate of product innovations. Among severalcontrol variables, our variable of theoretical interest is the Hofstede s uncertainty avoidancecultural index. Then, we estimate the trademark duration with a hazard model using thepredicted complexity and broadness as well as the rate of product innovations, along with thesame control variables. Our evidence confirms that the cultural avoidance affects the durationof the trademarks through the firm marketing creativity and product innovation.


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Neuron-astrocyte reciprocal communication at synapses has emerged as a novel signalling pathway in brain function. Astrocytes sense the level of synaptic activity and, in turn, influence its efficacy through the regulated release of 'gliotransmitters' such as glutamate, ATP or D-serine. A calcium-dependent exocytosis is proposed to drive the release of gliotransmitters but its existence is still debated. Over the last years, we have been studying the molecular determinants governing D-serine release from glia using different approaches. Using a novel bioassay for D-serine, we have been able to show that D-serine release occurs mainly through a calcium- and SNARE proteindependent mechanism just supporting the idea that this amino acid is released by exocytosis from glia. We next have pursued our exploration by confocal imaging and tracking of the exocytotic routes for Dserine- mediated gliotransmission and have shown that D-serine releasable pools are confined to synaptobrevin2/cellubrevin-bearing vesicles. To shed light onto the mechanisms controlling the storage and the release of gliotransmitters and namely D-serine, we have developed a new method for the immunoisolation of synaptobrevin 2- positive vesicles from rat cortical astrocytes in culture while preserving their content in gliotransmitters. The purified organelles are clear round shape vesicles of excellent purity with homogeneous size (40 nm) as judged by electron microscopy. Immunoblotting analysis revealed that isolated vesicles contain most of the major proteins already described for neuron-derived vesicles like synaptic vesicle protein 2 (SV2) and the proton pump H?-ATPase. In addition, we have analyzed the content for various amino acids of these vesicles by means of chiral capillary electrophoresis coupled to laser-induced fluorescence detection. The purified vesicles contain large amount of D-serine. We also detect peaks corresponding to unidentified compounds that may correspond to others amino acids. Postembedding immunogold labelling of the rat neocortex further revealed the expression of D-serine in astrocytes processes contacting excitatory synapses. Finally, we have examined the uptake properties for Dserine and glutamate inside the isolated glial vesicles. Our results provide significant support for the existence of an uptake system for D-serine in secretory glial vesicles and for the storage of chemical substances like D-serine and glutamate. 11th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins 763 123


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In a world with two countries which differ in size, we study theimpact of (the speed of) trade liberalization on firms' profitsand total welfare of the countries involved. Firms correctlyanticipate the pace of trade liberalization and take it intoaccount when deciding on their product choices, which areendogenously determined at the beginning of the game. Competitionin the marketplace then occurs either on quantities or on prices.As long as the autarkic phase continues, local firms are nationalmonopolists. When trade liberalization occurs, firms compete in aninternational duopoly. We analyze trade effects by using twodifferent models of product differentiation. Across all thespecifications adopted (and independently of the price v. quantitycompetition hypothesis), total welfare always unambiguously riseswith the speed of trade liberalization: Possible losses by firmsare always outweighed by consumers' gains, which come under theform of lower prices, enlarged variety of higher average qualitiesavailable. The effect on profits depends on the type of industryanalyzed. Two results in particular seem to be worth of mention.With vertical product differentiation and fixed costs of qualityimprovements, the expected size of the market faced by the firmsdetermines the incentive to invest in quality. The longer the periodof autarky, the lower the possibility that the firm from the smallcountry would be producing the high quality and be the leader in theinternational market when it opens. On the contrary, when trade opensimmediately, national markets do not play any role and firms fromdifferent countries have the same opportunity to become the leader.Hence, immediate trade liberalization might be in the interest ofproducers in the small country. In general, the lower the size of thesmall country, the more likely its firm will gain from tradeliberalization. Losses from the small country firm can arise when itis relegated to low quality good production and the domestic marketsize is not very small. With horizontal product differentiation (thehomogeneous good case being a limit case of it when costs ofdifferentiation tend to infinity), investments in differentiationbenefit both firms in equal manner. Firms from the small country do notrun the risk of being relegated to a lower competitive position undertrade. As a result, they would never lose from it. Instead, firms fromthe large country may still incur losses from the opening of trade whenthe market expansion effect is low (i.e. when the country is very largerelative to the other).


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This paper studies oligopolistic competition in off-patent pharmaceuticalmarkets using a vertical product differentiation model. This model canexplain the observation that countries with stronger regulations havesmaller generic market shares. It can also explain the differences inobserved regulatory regimes. Stronger regulation may be due to a higherproportion of production that is done by foreign firms. Finally, a closelyrelated model can account for the observed increase in prices by patentowners after entry of generic producers.


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Nascido na Guiné portuguesa, educado em Cabo Verde e na universidade de portuguesa, profissional no campo da agronomia em Portugal e nos territórios colonizados, Cabral apelido que hoje dispensa muitas apresentações na historiografia africana, foi actor de um percurso único sedimentado nos tempos duros da dominação colonial portuguesa, quando fora de Portugal e do seu império, movimentos intelectuais, ideias políticas e acções culturais procuravam libertar o homem colonizado africano das malhas do colonialismo e da opressão. É com base nesta breve descrição que ressaltamos a necessidade de analisar as estratégias políticas e culturais de Cabral para a conquista da independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde, procurando o que foi produto da colonização portuguesa, mas sobretudo apurar como integrou contribuições teóricas internacionais e africanas, que em meados do século XX marcaram as escolhas e práticas dos intelectuais e políticos africanos integrados no processo de luta de libertação e independência. Procuramos estudar neste trabalho, a forma como este notável político africano estruturou as suas aprendizagens, e reflexões articulando a realidades guineenses e caboverdeanas do século XX, e as correntes marcantes do pensamento libertador africano. Tentaremos também perceber as diversas dinâmicas que possam ter contribuído de alguma maneira especial para construção da sua identidade que resultou na sua entrega à luta de libertação nacional. Cabral, as suas estratégias políticas e culturais, o seu impacto nos territórios africanos constituiu o eixo central desta investigação a que titulamos «Amílcar Cabral: Estratégias políticas e culturais para a independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde».


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We consider the dynamic relationship between product market entry regulation and equilibrium unemployment. The main theoretical contribution is combining a job matchingmodel with monopolistic competition in the goods market and individual wage bargaining.Product market competition affects unemployment by two channels: the output expansion effect and a countervailing effect due to a hiring externality. Competition is then linked to barriers to entry. We calibrate the model to US data and perform a policy experiment to assess whether the decrease in trend unemployment during the 1980 s and 1990 s could be attributed to product market deregulation. Our quantitative analysis suggests that under individual bargaining, a decrease of less than two tenths of a percentage point of unemployment rates can be attributed to product market deregulation, a surprisingly small amount.