899 resultados para Problems of the age
The Grande Coupure represents a major terrestrial faunal turnover recorded in Eurasia associated with the overall climate shift at the Eocene-Oligocene transition. During this event, a large number of European Eocene endemic mammals became extinct and new Asian immigrants appeared. The absolute age of the Grande Coupure, however, has remained controversial for decades. The Late Eocene-Oligocene continental record of the Eastern Ebro Basin (NE Spain) constitutes a unique opportunity to build a robust magnetostratigraphy- based chronostratigraphy which can contribute with independent age constraints for this important turnover. This study presents new magnetostratigraphic data of a 495-m-thick section (Moià-Santpedor) that ranges from 36.1 Ma to 33.3 Ma. The integration of the new results with previous litho- bio- and magnetostratigraphic records of the Ebro Basin yields accurate ages for the immediately pre- and post-Grand Coupure mammal fossil assemblages found in the study area, bracketing the Grande Coupure to an age embracing the Eocene-Oligocene transition, with a maximum allowable lag of 0.5 Myr with respect to this boundary. The shift to drier conditions that accompanied the global cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene transition probably determined the sedimentary trends in the Eastern Ebro Basin. The occurrence and expansion of an amalgamated-channel sandstone unit is interpreted as the forced response of the fluvial fan system to the transient retraction of the central-basin lake systems. The new results from the Ebro Basin allow us to revisit correlations for the controversial Eocene-Oligocene record of the Hampshire Basin (Isle of Wight, UK), and their implications for the calibration of the Mammal Palaeogene reference levels MP18 to MP21.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the birth hospital and the time of birth on mortality and the long-term outcome of Finnish very low birth weight (VLBW) or very low gestational age (VLGA) infants. This study included all Finnish VLBW/VLGA infants born at <32 gestational weeks or with a birth weight of ≤1500g, and controls born full-term and healthy. In the first part of the study, the mortality of VLBW/VLGA infants born in 2000–2003 was studied. The second part of the study consisted of a five-year follow-up of VLBW/VLGA infants born in 2001–2002. The study was performed using data from parental questionnaires and several registers. The one-year mortality rate was 11% for live-born VLBW/VLGA infants, 22% for live-born and stillborn VLBW/VLGA infants, and 0% for the controls. In live-born and in all (including stillbirths) VLBW/VLGA infants, the adjusted mortality was lower among those born in level III hospitals compared with level II hospitals. Mortality rates of live-born VLBW/VLGA infants differed according to the university hospital district where the birth hospital was located, but there were no differences in mortality between the districts when stillborn infants were included. There was a trend towards lower mortality rates in VLBW/VLGA infants born during office hours compared with those born outside office hours (night time, weekends, and public holidays). When stillborn infants were included, this difference according to the time of birth was significant. Among five-year-old VLBW/VLGA children, morbidity, use of health care resources, and problems in behaviour and development were more common in comparison with the controls. The health-related quality of life of the surviving VLBW/VLGA children was good but, statistically, it was significantly lower than among the controls. The median and the mean number of quality-adjusted life-years were 4.6 and 3.6 out of a maximum five years for all VLBW/VLGA children. For the controls, the median was 4.8 and the mean was 4.9. Morbidity rates, the use of health care resources, and the mean quality-adjusted life-years differed for VLBW/VLGA children according to the university hospital district of birth. However, the time of birth, the birth hospital level or university hospital district were not associated with the health-related quality of life, nor with behavioural and developmental scores of the survivors at the age of five years. In conclusion, the decreased mortality in level III hospitals was not gained at the expense of long-term problems. The results indicate that VLBW/VLGA deliveries should be centralized to level III hospitals and the regional differences in the treatment practices should further be clarified. A long-term follow-up on the outcome of VLBW/VLGA infants is important in order to recognize the critical periods of care and to optimise the care. In the future, quality-adjusted life-years can be used as a uniform measure for comparing the effectiveness of care between VLBW/VLGA infants and different patient groups
Modern cancer therapy has resulted in increased survival among patients diagnosed with cancer at a young age. These improvements have led to the investigation of late morbidity and mortality associated with cancer and its treatments. The aim of this study was to evaluate late effects of cancer treated at a young age on the health of patients and their offspring. Utilising the nationwide population-based registries in Finland, we evaluated the risk of hypothyroidism and the probability of parenthood in cancer survivors as well as preterm birth, neonatal outcomes, and the risk of cancer among offspring of patients. The survivor cohort, identified from the Finnish Cancer Registry, consisted of 25,784 cancer patients diag-nosed between ages 0 and 34 in 1953–2004. By linkage to the population register, siblings of these patients were identified for comparison. The prevalence of hypothyroidism was higher among former childhood cancer (aged 0–16) patients than in the general population. The probability of parenthood following early onset cancer was overall significantly reduced compared to siblings. Offspring of female cancer survivors were at an increased risk of preterm birth, this risk being highest among patients diagnosed in childhood and early adulthood (aged 20–34 years). The offspring were not, however, at a significantly increased risk of neonatal death or stillbirth, though they were more likely to need monitoring or intensive care in the neonatal period. The risk of sporadic cancer among offspring of male and female cancer survivors was not elevated in comparison to the general population. The study showed that former cancer patients are at risk of certain adverse endocrine and reproductive health outcomes and should be followed for timely intervention. The offspring of cancer survivors do not appear to be at risk for adverse health outcomes.
The Kvarken Archipelago is Finland’s first Unesco Natural Heritage Site. The story of the Kvarken Archipelago began about 10.000 years ago when the melting of the continental ice sheet as it retreated gave rise to this unique archipelago. The land once forced down by the mass of ice is now gradually rising and continuously creating new landscapes. People, animals and plants have learnt to adjust to their changing conditions in exceptional ways. The Ice Age may be over in Kvarken, but the drama still continues to unfold.
We live in an age where rationalization and demands of efficiency taint every aspect of our lives both as individuals and as a society. Even warfare cannot escape the increased speed of human interaction. Time is a resource to be managed. It has to be optimized, saved and won in military affairs as well. The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the dogmatic texts of military thought to search for answers what the classics of strategy saw in the interrelations of temporality and warfare and if their thoughts remain meaningful in the contemporary conjunction. Since the way a society functions is reflected in the way it conducts its wars, there naturally are differences between an agrarian, industrial and information society. Theorists of different eras emphasize things specific to their times, but warfare, like any human interaction, is always bounded by temporality. Not only is the pace of warfare dependent on the progress of the society, but time permeates warfare in all its aspects. This research paper focuses on two specific topics that arose from the texts themselves; how should time be managed and manipulated in warfare and how to economize and “win” it from the enemy. A method where lengthy quotations are used to illustrate the main point of the strategists has been chosen for this research paper. While Clausewitz is the most prominent source of quotations, thoughts from ancient India and China are represented as well to prove that the combination of right force in the right place at the right time is still the way of the victorious. Tactics change in the course of time but the principles of strategy remain unaltered and are only adapted to suit new situations. While ancient and pre-modern societies had their focus on finding auspicious moments for battle in the flow of kronos-time based on divinities, portents and auguries, we can trace elements of manipulation of time in warfare from the earliest surviving texts. While time as a fourth dimension of the battlespace emerged only in the modern era, all through the history of military thought it has had a profound meaning. In the past time could be squandered, today it always has to be won. This paper asks the question “why”.
En option är ett finansiellt kontrakt som ger dess innehavare en rättighet (men medför ingen skyldighet) att sälja eller köpa någonting (till exempel en aktie) till eller från säljaren av optionen till ett visst pris vid en bestämd tidpunkt i framtiden. Den som säljer optionen binder sig till att gå med på denna framtida transaktion ifall optionsinnehavaren längre fram bestämmer sig för att inlösa optionen. Säljaren av optionen åtar sig alltså en risk av att den framtida transaktion som optionsinnehavaren kan tvinga honom att göra visar sig vara ofördelaktig för honom. Frågan om hur säljaren kan skydda sig mot denna risk leder till intressanta optimeringsproblem, där målet är att hitta en optimal skyddsstrategi under vissa givna villkor. Sådana optimeringsproblem har studerats mycket inom finansiell matematik. Avhandlingen "The knapsack problem approach in solving partial hedging problems of options" inför en ytterligare synpunkt till denna diskussion: I en relativt enkel (ändlig och komplett) marknadsmodell kan nämligen vissa partiella skyddsproblem beskrivas som så kallade kappsäcksproblem. De sistnämnda är välkända inom en gren av matematik som heter operationsanalys. I avhandlingen visas hur skyddsproblem som tidigare lösts på andra sätt kan alternativt lösas med hjälp av metoder som utvecklats för kappsäcksproblem. Förfarandet tillämpas även på helt nya skyddsproblem i samband med så kallade amerikanska optioner.
Objective The aim of this study was to study the effects of Tribulus terrestris on sexual function in menopausal women. Methods This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial that included 60 postmenopausal women with sexual dysfunction. The women were divided into two groups, placebo group and Tribulus group, and evaluated by using the Sexual Quotient-female version (SQ-F) and Female Intervention Efficacy Index (FIEI) questionnaires. Results There was no significant difference between the groups in age, age at menopause, civil status, race, and religion. In the evaluation with the SQ-F questionnaire, there were significant differences between the placebo (7.6±3.2) and Tribulus (10.2±3.2) groups in the domains of desire and sexual interest (p d" 0.001), foreplay (3.3±1.5 versus 4.2±1.0) (p d" 0.01), arousal and harmonious interaction with the partner (5.7±2.1 versus 7.2±2.6) (p d" 0.01), and comfort in sexual intercourse (6.5±2.4 versus 8.0±1.9) (p d" 0.01). There was no significant difference between the placebo and Tribulus groups in the domains of orgasm and sexual satisfaction (p = 0.28). In the FIEI questionnaire, there was a significant improvement (p < 0.001) in the domains of vaginal lubrication during coitus and/or foreplay (20 versus 83.3%), sensation in the genitalia during sexual intercourse or other stimuli (16.7 versus 76.7%), sensation in the genital region (20 versus 70%), sexual intercourse and/or other sexual stimulations (13.3 versus 43.3%), and the ability to reach orgasm (20% versus 73.3%). There was no significant difference in adverse effects between the two groups. Conclusions After 90 days of treatment, at the doses used, we found Tribulus terrestris to be effective in treating sexual problems among menopausal women.
Pain in animals has been recognized for less than one century. Several authors confirm that animals are capable to process, register and modulate nociceptive stimuli in a very similar way to human kind and there are several evidences registering the impact of pain sensation over vital systems interfering on disease outcome. Nevertheless, despite some evidences that animals, as human beings, can store information from past painful experiences less is known about how this so called pain memory works. The aims of this study were: to evaluate if the response to a painful stimuli differs during different stages of life and if repetition of a same acute stimuli in the same animal interferes with expression of hyperalgesia. Thus, 60 rats were selected and arranged in 3 equal groups: 3 months, 6 months, and 9 months of age. All animals were injected 5% formalin solution in the plantar face of hind paw under volatile general anesthesia. Von Frey filaments were applied at 1h, 24h and 48h after sensitization. Injection was repeated twice with a 30-day interval, each time in a different hind paw. Results showed that younger rats express lower hyperalgesia thresholds in the first stimulation compared to elder animals and that repetition of same stimulus diminishes hyperalgesia thresholds when it begins during infant period and augments hyperalgesia thresholds when it begins during elder ages.
By coupling the Boundary Element Method (BEM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) an algorithm that combines the advantages of both numerical processes is developed. The main aim of the work concerns the time domain analysis of general three-dimensional wave propagation problems in elastic media. In addition, mathematical and numerical aspects of the related BE-, FE- and BE/FE-formulations are discussed. The coupling algorithm allows investigations of elastodynamic problems with a BE- and a FE-subdomain. In order to observe the performance of the coupling algorithm two problems are solved and their results compared to other numerical solutions.
In this work it is presented a systematic procedure for constructing the solution of a large class of nonlinear conduction heat transfer problems through the minimization of quadratic functionals like the ones usually employed for linear descriptions. The proposed procedure gives rise to an efficient and easy way for carrying out numerical simulations of nonlinear heat transfer problems by means of finite elements. To illustrate the procedure a particular problem is simulated by means of a finite element approximation.
Varhaislapsuuden antibioottialtistuksen vaikutus atooppiseen herkistymiseen 12 kuukauden ikään mennessä Bakteerien vaikutus terveyteen on merkittävä: ne ovat toisaalta hengenvaarallisten infektioiden aiheuttajia, mutta samanaikaisesti niiden läsnäolo on välttämätöntä terveen immuunipuolustuksen kehittymiseksi. Ensimmäisen elinvuoden aikana suoliston bakteerikanta on altis ulkoisten tekijöiden vaikutuksille. Varhaislapsuuden antibioottihoidolla voi olla tuhoisat seuraukset eri bakteerilajien suhteille, ja sen tiedetään altistavan erilaisille immuunivälitteisille sairauksille, kuten atopialle. Ei ole kuitenkaan selvitetty, onko tämä vaikutus johtunut käynnissä olevan infektion aiheuttamista muutoksista kehittyvään immuunijärjestelmään vai onko siihen ollut syynä infektioon aloitettu antibioottihoito. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin eroja kahden, varhaista antibioottihoitoa saaneen ryhmän välillä ja päätetapahtumaksi katsottiin myöhemmin lapsuudessa ilmenevä atopiataipumus. Toinen ryhmä sai antibioottihoitoa kliinisesti todistettuun bakteeri-infektioon (varhaiseen sepsikseen). Toinen ryhmä taas sai antibioottihoidon pelkästään infektioepäilyyn eli ns. empiirisen hoidon, joka lopetettiin alle viiden vuorokauden kuluessa kun katsottiin, ettei oireiden taustalla ollutkaan bakteeri-infektiota. Mukana vertailussa oli lisäksi ryhmä, joka ei saanut lainkaan varhaista antibioottihoitoa. Antibioottihoidon pitkäaikaisvaikutusta arvioitiin ihon prick-testillä, joka kertoo atopiaan liittyvästä IgE-välitteisestä herkistymisestä. Varhaisella antibioottihoidolla tarkoitetaan tässä alle 72 tunnin sisällä syntymästä alkanutta hoitoa G-penisilliinin ja gentamysiinin yhdistelmällä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui 755 vastasyntyneen lapsen seurantadatasta, joka saatiin neljän käynnissä olevan allergian ehkäisytutkimuksen aineistosta. Tutkimuksen mukaanottokriteereinä pidettiin sitä, että saatavilla oli tiedot sekä mahdollisen antibioottialtistuksen kestosta että ihon prick-testituloksesta joko 6 tai 12 kuukauden iässä. Tulokset analysoitiin logistisella regressioanalyysillä huomioiden mahdolliset sekoittavat tekijät: äidin allergia, ennenaikaisuus, tutkimusprobiootti, imetyksen kesto, äidin raskauden aikainen tupakointi ja synnytystapa. Potilasryhmässä, joka sai antibioottihoitoa ilman samanaikaista infektiota, nähtiin tilastollisesti merkittävästi vähemmän positiivisia prick-testituloksia verrattuna lapsiin, jotka eivät altistuneet antibiooteille. Tulos on merkittävä, sillä se osoittaa, että varhaisella antibioottihoidolla on kauaskantoisia vaikutuksia kehittyvään immuunijärjestelmään.