796 resultados para Preventive, restorative and transformative mediation
La circulation extracorporelle (CEC) est une technique utilisée en chirurgie cardiaque effectuée des milliers de fois chaque jour à travers le monde. L’instabilité hémodynamique associée au sevrage de la CEC difficile constitue la principale cause de mortalité en chirurgie cardiaque et l’hypertension pulmonaire (HP) a été identifiée comme un des facteurs de risque les plus importants. Récemment, une hypothèse a été émise suggérant que l'administration prophylactique (avant la CEC) de la milrinone par inhalation puisse avoir un effet préventif et faciliter le sevrage de la CEC chez les patients atteints d’HP. Toutefois, cette indication et voie d'administration pour la milrinone n'ont pas encore été approuvées par les organismes réglementaires. Jusqu'à présent, la recherche clinique sur la milrinone inhalée s’est principalement concentrée sur l’efficacité hémodynamique et l'innocuité chez les patients cardiaques, bien qu’aucun biomarqueur n’ait encore été établi. La dose la plus appropriée pour l’administration par nébulisation n'a pas été déterminée, de même que la caractérisation des profils pharmacocinétiques (PK) et pharmacodynamiques (PD) suite à l'inhalation. L'objectif de notre recherche consistait à caractériser la relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone inhalée administrée chez les patients subissant une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC. Une méthode analytique par chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à un détecteur ultraviolet (HPLC-UV) a été optimisée et validée pour le dosage de la milrinone plasmatique suite à l’inhalation et s’est avérée sensible et précise. La limite de quantification (LLOQ) était de 1.25 ng/ml avec des valeurs de précision intra- et inter-dosage moyennes (CV%) <8%. Des patients souffrant d’HP pour lesquels une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC était prévue ont d’abord été recrutés pour une étude pilote (n=12) et, par la suite, pour une étude à plus grande échelle (n=28) où la milrinone (5 mg) était administrée par inhalation pré-CEC. Dans l'étude pilote, nous avons comparé l'exposition systémique de la milrinone peu après son administration avec un nébuliseur pneumatique ou un nébuliseur à tamis vibrant. L’efficacité des nébuliseurs en termes de dose émise et dose inhalée a également été déterminée in vitro. Dans l'étude à plus grande échelle conduite en utilisant exclusivement le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, la dose inhalée in vivo a été estimée et le profil pharmacocinétique de la milrinone inhalée a été pleinement caractérisé aux niveaux plasmatique et urinaire. Le ratio de la pression artérielle moyenne sur la pression artérielle pulmonaire moyenne (PAm/PAPm) a été choisi comme biomarqueur PD. La relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone a été caractérisée pendant la période d'inhalation en étudiant la relation entre l'aire sous la courbe de l’effet (ASCE) et l’aire sous la courbe des concentrations plasmatiques (ASC) de chacun des patients. Enfin, le ratio PAm/PAPm a été exploré comme un prédicteur potentiel de sortie de CEC difficile dans un modèle de régression logistique. Les expériences in vitro ont démontré que les doses émises étaient similaires pour les nébuliseurs pneumatique (64%) et à tamis vibrant (68%). Cependant, la dose inhalée était 2-3 fois supérieure (46% vs 17%) avec le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, et ce, en accord avec les concentrations plasmatiques. Chez les patients, en raison des variations au niveau des facteurs liés au circuit et au ventilateur causant une plus grande dose expirée, la dose inhalée a été estimée inférieure (30%) et cela a été confirmé après récupération de la dose de milrinone dans l'urine 24 h (26%). Les concentrations plasmatiques maximales (Cmax: 41-189 ng/ml) et l'ampleur de la réponse maximale ΔRmax-R0 (0-65%) ont été observées à la fin de l'inhalation (10-30 min). Les données obtenues suite aux analyses PK sont en accord avec les données publiées pour la milrinone intraveineuse. Après la période d'inhalation, les ASCE individuelles étaient directement reliées aux ASC (P=0.045). Enfin, notre biomarqueur PD ainsi que la durée de CEC ont été identifiés comme des prédicteurs significatifs de la sortie de CEC difficile. La comparaison des ASC et ASCE correspondantes a fourni des données préliminaires supportant une preuve de concept pour l'utilisation du ratio PAm/PAPm comme biomarqueur PD prometteur et justifie de futures études PK/PD. Nous avons pu démontrer que la variation du ratio PAm/PAPm en réponse à la milrinone inhalée contribue à la prévention de la sortie de CEC difficile.
Éditoral / Editorial
Feminist movements have allowed many female authors to become decisive and influential figures in literary history by studying their experiences, voices and forms of resistance. This thesis, however, focuses specifically on religious women, those seeking divine comfort outside the confines of institutional laws, or those who, out of protest, are caught in the middle. Founded on historical and feminist perspectives, this study examines the heterodox resistance of six French women living within or outside of Church boundaries during the 17th and 18th centuries: two eras that are particularly significant for women’s progress and modernity. This work strives to demonstrate how these women, doubly subjected to Church discourse and that of society, managed to live out their vocation (female and Christian) and make social, cultural and religious statements that contributed to changing the place of women in society. It aims to grasp the similarities and differences between the actions and ideas of women belonging to both the religious and secular spheres. Regardless of the century, the space and their background, women resist to masculine, patriarchal, ecclesial, political and social mediation and institutions. In locating examples of how they oppose the practices, rules and constraints that are imposed upon them, as well as of their exclusion from the socio-political space, this thesis also seeks to identify epistemological changes that mark the transition from the 17th to the 18th century. This thesis firstly outlines the necessary feminist theory upon which the project is based before identifying the evolution of women’s positions within the socio-ideological and political framework in which they lived. The questions of confession and spiritual direction are of particular interest since they serve as prime examples of masculine mediation and its issues and consequences – most notably the control of the female body and mind. The illustration of bodily metamorphoses bear testament to ideological changes, cultural awareness and female subjectivity, just as the scriptural inscriptions of unorthodox ideas and writing. The female body, both object and subject of the quest for individual and collective liberties, attests, in this way, to the movement towards Enlightenment values of freedom and justice.
Contexto: O trabalho que a seguir se apresenta foi elaborado no âmbito de um novo conceito na gestão do desempenho organizacional, a gestão estratégica multidimensional, onde a neuroeconomia foi associada à perspetiva teórica da gestão estratégica de recursos humanos (Dessler, 2005) e à aplicação do sistema de gestão da qualidade (SGQ), da NP 9001: 2008 (Saraiva e tal, 2009), para formar um método eficaz de conceção dos percursos de operacionalização da organização Objetivos: Pretendeu-se construir uma forma anatómica de gestão de desempenho organizacional através dos três conceitos mencionados, num contexto de gestão estratégica multidimensional, possibilitando a sua quantificação pelo nível de implementação dos requisitos para um sistema de gestão de qualidade, com o intuito de verificar sua viabilidade, sendo a resiliência organizacional dependente em grande medida dos recursos humanos, Método: Pelo conjunto das três áreas mencionadas foi criado um guia de atuação abrangendo as bases fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de uma estrutura organizacional: verificação dos níveis de incidência da gestão do desempenho organizacional; caracterização de diferentes tipos de estratégias de intervenção; implementação de estratégias preventivas e estratégias corretivas; utilização das quatro dimensões PIPE – performance, inovação, processos e empenhamento – como estratégias corretivas; integração das estratégias preventivas com as estratégias corretivas; diagnóstico contínuo de situações problema na gestão do desempenho organizacional; conceção de percursos de intervenção na gestão do desempenho organizacional; conceção de um projeto de gestão estratégica. A amostra final é constituída por uma organização do 3ºsetor, nomeadamente uma IPSS, a Associação Recreativa Cultural e Social das Gândaras, na Lousã, no distrito de Coimbra. Resultados: Com efeito, acredita-se que com este trabalho seja possível quantificar o nível de implementação dos requisitos para um SGQ num contexto de gestão estratégica multidimensional. / Context: The work presented below was prepared as part of a new concept in the management of organizational performance, the multidimensional strategic management, which was associated the neuroeconomics perspetive with the human resourses strategic management (Dessler, 2005) and the application of the quality management system (QMS), NP 9001: 2008 (and such Saraiva, 2009), to form an effective method of conception paths of operation of the organization Objetives: It was intended to build an anatomical shape organizational performance management across the three concepts mentioned in the context of multidimensional strategic management, enabling to quantify the level of implementation of the requirements for a quality management system, in order to verify their viability , and the organizational resilience largely dependent on human resources. Method: For all the three areas mentioned has created an action guide covering the fundamentals for developing an organizational structure: the verification of the incidence levels of organizational performance management; characterization of different types of intervention strategies; implementation of preventive strategies and corrective strategies, using the four dimensions PIPE - performance, innovation, processes and commitment - as corrective strategies; integration of preventive strategies with remedial strategies; diagnosis of problem situations in the ongoing management of organizational performance; conception pathways of intervention in the management of organizational performance; conception of a project of strategic management. The final sample consists of an organization of the 3rd setor, an IPSS, the Associação Recreativa Cultural e Social das Gândaras, in Lousã, in the district of Coimbra. Results: In fact, it is believed that this work is possible to quantify the level of implementation of the requirements for a QMS in a multidimensional context of strategic management.
Global environmental change requires responses that involve marked or qualitative changes in individuals, institutions, societies, and cultures. Yet, while there has been considerable effort to develop theory about such processes, there has been limited research on practices for facilitating transformative change. We present a novel pathways approach called Three Horizons that helps participants work with complex and intractable problems and uncertain futures. The approach is important for helping groups work with uncertainty while also generating agency in ways not always addressed by existing futures approaches. We explain how the approach uses a simple framework for structured and guided dialogue around different patterns of change by using examples. We then discuss some of the key characteristics of the practice that facilitators and participants have found to be useful. This includes (1) providing a simple structure for working with complexity, (2) helping develop future consciousness (an awareness of the future potential in the present moment), (3) helping distinguish between incremental and transformative change, (4) making explicit the processes of power and patterns of renewal, (5) enabling the exploration of how to manage transitions, and (6) providing a framework for dialogue among actors with different mindsets. The complementarity of Three Horizons to other approaches (e.g., scenario planning, dilemma thinking) is then discussed. Overall, we highlight that there is a need for much greater attention to researching practices of transformation in ways that bridge different kinds of knowledge, including episteme and phronesis. Achieving this will itself require changes to contemporary systems of knowledge production. The practice of Three Horizons could be a useful way to explore how such transformations in knowledge production and use could be achieved.
A simulação consiste na produção voluntária de sintomas físicos e psicológicos para obter compensações externas. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a eficácia de um conjunto de instrumentos utilizados na identificação de situações de simulação, bem como averiguar se esses instrumentos são sensíveis a sintomas psicopatológicos. Deste modo, espera-se que os resultados obtidos pelos grupos com depressão e sem depressão honestos difiram significativamente dos resultados obtidos pelo grupo sem depressão simulador. Para tal, foi recolhida uma amostra de 59 sujeitos, todos do sexo feminino, divididos por três grupos: com diagnóstico de depressão (n=19), sem diagnóstico de depressão simuladores (n=20) e sem diagnóstico de depressão honestos (n=20). O protocolo de avaliação incluiu o Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM: Tombaugh, 1996), o Structured Inventory Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS: Widows & Smith), os subtestes de Memória de Dígitos e dos Cubos da WAIS-III, (Wechsler, 1997) e a Figura Complexa de Rey (FCR: Rey, 1988). Os resultados não sugerem diferenças significativas no primeiro e segundo ensaios de aprendizagem do TOMM entre os grupos em estudo. No ensaio de retenção, o grupo sem diagnóstico de depressão simulador difere significativamente do grupo sem diagnóstico de depressão honesto. No SIMS, apenas a subescala Psicose (P) difere significativamente entre os grupos com diagnóstico de depressão e sem diagnóstico de depressão simulador. As subescalas Défices Neurológicos (NI), Perturbações Afetivas (AF), P e Perturbações Mnésicas (AM), com exceção da escala Capacidade Intelectual Reduzida (LI) diferem significativamente entre os grupos com diagnóstico de depressão e sem diagnóstico de depressão honesto e entre este e o grupo sem diagnóstico de depressão simulador. No subteste de Memória de Dígitos verifica-se diferenças significativas entre os grupos sem diagnóstico de depressão simulador e honesto. No subteste dos Cubos não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos estudados e na cópia da FCR foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos com diagnóstico de depressão e sem diagnóstico de depressão simulador. Este estudo contribui para o enriquecimento da literatura nacional e internacional, uma vez que inclui um grupo clínico e alguns instrumentos que não são habitualmente utilizados numa avaliação de simulação. Para além disso, estes resultados têm implicações no contexto clínico e forense, no sentido preventivo e de conhecimento da doença mental.
This is a study concerning in the structure of non governmental organizations, based on the institutional theory. It aims to understand the relation among structure, social projects and environmental influences, analyzing if there is coherence with project social or expresses adaptation to the institutional pressures of the environment. It introduces as theoretical support for the themes, studies about institutional theory and social structure. The research is descriptive and exploratory; it also applies to a study of case, based on the technical procedures. From the research universe, that was compound by non governmental organizations from Natal, RN, Brasil, it was chosen the Casa Renascer, a non governmental organization that works with the combat to the violence and sexual exploration of children and teenagers. The data collection process employed includes documental research, observations and semi structured research devices, guided by the organizational process proposed by Serva (1996) and by the institutional theory. The collected data were qualitatively treated. The analysis was divided into three parts, following the research matters. The social project characterization demonstrated that the organization went by three main phases. The first one, characterized by focus in women and girls education and health; the second shows the emphasis on girls in social risk situation, with preventive approach; and the last one, characterized by victims assistance of violence and sexual exploration. From the analysis using the institutional theory mechanisms, the results showed that exists coherence between structure and environmental influences, but a weak coherence between structure and social projects. It indicates as main determinant of the structure, an aspect forgotten by the institutional theory, the power. It was observed the presence from normative, coercive and mimetic mechanisms, highlighting normative influences
Introdução: A doença cárie é uma das mais comum em crianças de idade pré-escolar, e desenvolve-se logo após a erupção dentária. Na literatura está descrito que para o aparecimento e desenvolvimento desta lesão é necessário a presença de um hospedeiro susceptível, microflora cariogénica, a dieta e o tempo. No entanto, a Cárie Precoce da Infância Grave não é uma lesão de progressão normal, e sim rompante e afecta crianças, até aos três anos de idade. Os hábitos que a família tem, em especial a mãe, são responsáveis pela transmissão de bactérias que podem influenciar o aparecimento de lesões de cáries nas crianças. Simples actos como o testar a temperatura da comida antes de dar à criança, limpar a chupeta com a boca e a partilha de utensílios podem aumentar o risco de Cárie Precoce da Infância. Através de uma revisão de literatura, pretende-se explorar a influência parental no aparecimento desta doença e saber se existe fundamentos para preocupação e assim efectuar uma mais adequada prevenção junto dos pais ou encarregados de educação. Metodologia: Nesta revisão narrativa de literatura fez-se a pesquisa nas bases de dados electrónicas PubMed e SciELO; recorreu-se aos repositórios bibliográficos das universidades; páginas institucionais e referências bibliográficas de artigos; livros de Medicina Dentária Preventiva e de Odontopediatria. Discussão: Os hábitos parentais como o provar ou testar a comida das crianças antes da alimentação e a partilha de talheres durante as refeições são considerados factores de risco para o aumento dos níveis de bactérias, como o Streptococcus mutans. Em relação aos hábitos como limpar a chupeta com a boca, o contacto físico intrafamiliar e dos pais beijarem os filhos há pouca evidência científica e é necessário fazer estudos mais conclusivos nestas áreas. Conclusão: Com esta revisão de literatura foi possível identificar quais os hábitos parentais que aumentam o risco dos filhos desenvolverem Cárie Precoce da Infância Grave.
A major challenge for international agricultural research is to find ways to improve the nutrition and incomes of people left behind by the Green Revolution. To better address the needs of the most marginal and vulnerable people, the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) developed the research-in-development (RinD) approach. In 2012, WorldFish started to implement RinD in Solomon Islands. By building people’s capacity to analyze and address development problems, actively engaging relevant stakeholders, and linking research to these processes, RinD aims to develop an alternative approach to addressing hunger and poverty. This report describes the key principles and implementation process, and assesses the emergent outcomes of this participatory, systems-oriented and transformative research approach in Solomon Islands.
La circulation extracorporelle (CEC) est une technique utilisée en chirurgie cardiaque effectuée des milliers de fois chaque jour à travers le monde. L’instabilité hémodynamique associée au sevrage de la CEC difficile constitue la principale cause de mortalité en chirurgie cardiaque et l’hypertension pulmonaire (HP) a été identifiée comme un des facteurs de risque les plus importants. Récemment, une hypothèse a été émise suggérant que l'administration prophylactique (avant la CEC) de la milrinone par inhalation puisse avoir un effet préventif et faciliter le sevrage de la CEC chez les patients atteints d’HP. Toutefois, cette indication et voie d'administration pour la milrinone n'ont pas encore été approuvées par les organismes réglementaires. Jusqu'à présent, la recherche clinique sur la milrinone inhalée s’est principalement concentrée sur l’efficacité hémodynamique et l'innocuité chez les patients cardiaques, bien qu’aucun biomarqueur n’ait encore été établi. La dose la plus appropriée pour l’administration par nébulisation n'a pas été déterminée, de même que la caractérisation des profils pharmacocinétiques (PK) et pharmacodynamiques (PD) suite à l'inhalation. L'objectif de notre recherche consistait à caractériser la relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone inhalée administrée chez les patients subissant une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC. Une méthode analytique par chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à un détecteur ultraviolet (HPLC-UV) a été optimisée et validée pour le dosage de la milrinone plasmatique suite à l’inhalation et s’est avérée sensible et précise. La limite de quantification (LLOQ) était de 1.25 ng/ml avec des valeurs de précision intra- et inter-dosage moyennes (CV%) <8%. Des patients souffrant d’HP pour lesquels une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC était prévue ont d’abord été recrutés pour une étude pilote (n=12) et, par la suite, pour une étude à plus grande échelle (n=28) où la milrinone (5 mg) était administrée par inhalation pré-CEC. Dans l'étude pilote, nous avons comparé l'exposition systémique de la milrinone peu après son administration avec un nébuliseur pneumatique ou un nébuliseur à tamis vibrant. L’efficacité des nébuliseurs en termes de dose émise et dose inhalée a également été déterminée in vitro. Dans l'étude à plus grande échelle conduite en utilisant exclusivement le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, la dose inhalée in vivo a été estimée et le profil pharmacocinétique de la milrinone inhalée a été pleinement caractérisé aux niveaux plasmatique et urinaire. Le ratio de la pression artérielle moyenne sur la pression artérielle pulmonaire moyenne (PAm/PAPm) a été choisi comme biomarqueur PD. La relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone a été caractérisée pendant la période d'inhalation en étudiant la relation entre l'aire sous la courbe de l’effet (ASCE) et l’aire sous la courbe des concentrations plasmatiques (ASC) de chacun des patients. Enfin, le ratio PAm/PAPm a été exploré comme un prédicteur potentiel de sortie de CEC difficile dans un modèle de régression logistique. Les expériences in vitro ont démontré que les doses émises étaient similaires pour les nébuliseurs pneumatique (64%) et à tamis vibrant (68%). Cependant, la dose inhalée était 2-3 fois supérieure (46% vs 17%) avec le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, et ce, en accord avec les concentrations plasmatiques. Chez les patients, en raison des variations au niveau des facteurs liés au circuit et au ventilateur causant une plus grande dose expirée, la dose inhalée a été estimée inférieure (30%) et cela a été confirmé après récupération de la dose de milrinone dans l'urine 24 h (26%). Les concentrations plasmatiques maximales (Cmax: 41-189 ng/ml) et l'ampleur de la réponse maximale ΔRmax-R0 (0-65%) ont été observées à la fin de l'inhalation (10-30 min). Les données obtenues suite aux analyses PK sont en accord avec les données publiées pour la milrinone intraveineuse. Après la période d'inhalation, les ASCE individuelles étaient directement reliées aux ASC (P=0.045). Enfin, notre biomarqueur PD ainsi que la durée de CEC ont été identifiés comme des prédicteurs significatifs de la sortie de CEC difficile. La comparaison des ASC et ASCE correspondantes a fourni des données préliminaires supportant une preuve de concept pour l'utilisation du ratio PAm/PAPm comme biomarqueur PD prometteur et justifie de futures études PK/PD. Nous avons pu démontrer que la variation du ratio PAm/PAPm en réponse à la milrinone inhalée contribue à la prévention de la sortie de CEC difficile.
As academic student mobility is increasing, improving the functionality of international operations is recognised as a competitive advantage at tertiary education institutions. Although many scholars have researched the experiences of exchange students, the role of student tutors and their contribution to exchange students’ experiences is still an unknown factor. This research examines international tutoring at the University of Turku, and aims to understand better the way tutoring contributes to exchange experiences and to explore the functionality of the tutor system and discover areas for improvements. To achieve these goals, the research seeks to answer the fundamental research question: What is the role of tutors in mediating exchange experiences? The theoretical framework combines literature on mediating exchange experiences, the phenomenon of studying abroad, the process of adaptation, the importance of cross-cultural communication, and the role of student tutors as mediators. Based on the literature review, a theoretical model for studying the mediation of exchange experiences is introduced. The model’s applicability and validity is examined through a case study. Three methods were used in the empirical research: surveys, participant observations, and interviews. These methods provided extensive data from three major parties of the tutor system: tutors, exchange students, and the international office. The findings of the research reveal that tutoring – instrumental leading and social and cultural mediating – generates both negative and positive experiences depending on the individuals’ expectations, motivations, relationships, and the nature of the tutoring. Although functional, there are a few weaknesses in the tutor system. Tutors tend to act as effective instrumental leaders, but often fail to create a friendship and contribute to the exchange students’ experience through social and cultural mediation, which is significantly more important in the exchange students’ overall experience in terms of building networks, adapting, gaining emotional experiences, and achieving the stage of personal development and mental change. Based on the weaknesses, three improvements are suggested: (1) increasing comprehensive sharing of information, effective communication, and collective cooperation, (2) emphasising the importance of social and cultural mediation and increasing the frequency of interaction between tutors and exchange students, and (3) improving the recruitment and training, revising the process of reporting and rewarding, and finally, enhancing services and coordination.
O presente relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) resulta da observação e participação no contexto da PES em Educação Pré-Escolar realizado em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina (Brasil), através do programa Luso-Brasileiro, no Núcleo de Educação Infantil Colónia Z-11 e da PES em 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico na Escola EB1 da Quinta da Vista Alegre, pertencente ao Agrupamento Manuel Ferreira Patrício de Évora. O relatório centra-se no meu percurso e aprendizagens como futura educadora/professora: ir aprendendo a profissão em contexto, indo ao encontro de quem somos e em quem nos vamos tornando, dando enfase ao papel das crianças nos processos de aprendizagem que experimentámos. Na conceção da ação educativa, tornada prática pedagógica em contexto, a avaliação, formativa e transformadora, assim como a reflexão acerca da prática foram fundamentais para o melhoramento da intervenção e, por tal, influências positivas na aprendizagem das crianças e na minha aprendizagem profissional. A problemática deste relatório teve como base o querer compreender relações entre uma reflexão sistemática, por escrito, sobre o desenvolvimento do meu projeto de formação em contexto, considerando que a avaliação formativa deveria nortear e monitorizar o nosso trabalho, as relações e aprendizagens, na ação docente que ia desenvolvendo, quer em Educação Pré-Escolar quer no 1º Ciclo. Neste percurso, entrelaçando a ação e a investigação, procurei respostas para as seguintes questões: o que sabia acerca da docência que se pauta por uma avaliação formativa e formadora no trabalho com crianças? O que fiz para aprendermos em conjunto, tendo em conta uma função reguladora que a avaliação poderia tomar? Como o fiz? Em que momentos e com quem? Para quê, com que finalidade? O que aprendi no decorrer deste processo de aprendizagem profissional, onde a investigação-ação teve um papel relevante?; Supervised Teaching Practice’s Report to obtain a Master’s Degree in Preschool and Primary school: Abstract: The present report of Supervised Teaching Practice (STP) is a result of the observation and participation in context of STP in pre-school that took place in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina (Brazil), through the Luso-Brazilian program, in Núcleo de Educação Infantil Colónia Z-11 and through STP in Primary School of Ensino Básico in Escola EB1 da Quinta da Vista Alegre, which belongs to the Manuel Ferreira de Évora Group. The report focuses on my journey and learnings as a future teacher: learning the profession in it’s actual context, trying to find who we are and what we can become, and emphasizing the children’s role in these learning processes. In the conception of the education activities, which became possible by pedagogical practice in context, the evaluation, formative and transformative, as well as the reflection about the practice were vital to improve the intervention and, consequently, to have a positive influence in the children’s learning process and in my own professional experience. The main focus of this report is to understand the relation between a systematic reflection, in writing, about the development of my teaching in context project, considering that the formative evaluation should guide and monitor our work, the relationships and learnings, in the educational process that I developed, either in pre-school or primary school. In this journey, by combining action and investigation, the main intention was to answer the following questions: What did I know about teaching characterized by a formative assessment when working with children? What did I do so we could learn together, bearing in mind a regulative function that evaluation could take? How did I do it? In what moments and whom with? What for, and what was the purpose? What did I learn throughout this professional learning process, where the investigation-action played a major role?
The purpose of this study is to examine organizational patterns of African American activism in response the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Given their political, economic, and social disenfranchisement, African Americans have historically developed protest and survival strategies to respond to the devaluation of their lives, health, and well-being. While Black protest strategies are typically regarded as oppositional and transformative, Black survival strategies have generally been conceptualized as accepting inequality. In the case of HIV/AIDS, African American religious and non-religious organizations were less likely to deploy protest strategies to ensure the survival and well-being of groups most at risk for HIV/AIDS—such as African American gay men and substance abusers. This study employs a multiple qualitative case study analysis of four African American organizations that were among the early mobilizers to respond to HIV/AIDS in Washington D.C. These organizations include two secular or community-based organizations and two Black churches or faith-based organizations. Given the association of HIV/AIDS with sexual sin and social deviance, I postulated that Black community-based organizations would be more responsive to the HIV/AIDS-related needs and interests of African Americans than their religious counterparts. More specifically, I expected that Black churches would be more conservative (i.e. maintain paternalistic heteronormative sexual standards) than the community-based organizations. Yet findings indicate that the Black churches in this study were more similar than different than the community-based organizations in their strategic responses to HIV/AIDS. Both the community-based organizations and Black churches drew upon three main strategies in ways that politicalize the struggle for Black survival—or what I regard as Black survival politics. First, Black survival strategies for HIV/AIDS include coalition building at the intersection of multiple systems of inequality, as well as on the levels of identity and community. Second, Black survival politics include altering aspects of religious norms and practices related to sex and sexuality. Third, Black survival politics relies on the resources of the government to provide HIV/AIDS related programs and initiatives that are, in large part, based on the gains made from collective action.
This is a study concerning in the structure of non governmental organizations, based on the institutional theory. It aims to understand the relation among structure, social projects and environmental influences, analyzing if there is coherence with project social or expresses adaptation to the institutional pressures of the environment. It introduces as theoretical support for the themes, studies about institutional theory and social structure. The research is descriptive and exploratory; it also applies to a study of case, based on the technical procedures. From the research universe, that was compound by non governmental organizations from Natal, RN, Brasil, it was chosen the Casa Renascer, a non governmental organization that works with the combat to the violence and sexual exploration of children and teenagers. The data collection process employed includes documental research, observations and semi structured research devices, guided by the organizational process proposed by Serva (1996) and by the institutional theory. The collected data were qualitatively treated. The analysis was divided into three parts, following the research matters. The social project characterization demonstrated that the organization went by three main phases. The first one, characterized by focus in women and girls education and health; the second shows the emphasis on girls in social risk situation, with preventive approach; and the last one, characterized by victims assistance of violence and sexual exploration. From the analysis using the institutional theory mechanisms, the results showed that exists coherence between structure and environmental influences, but a weak coherence between structure and social projects. It indicates as main determinant of the structure, an aspect forgotten by the institutional theory, the power. It was observed the presence from normative, coercive and mimetic mechanisms, highlighting normative influences
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional.