585 resultados para Preplanting refrigeration
Within the concepts of sustainability, energy audit magnified its importance in managing systems in industrial plants. Can reduce waste and save energy representative, the improvement and development of thermal and electrical systems can be very attractive to business. With the focus on a boiler generating steam, the energy audit aimed to increase efficiency and eliminate energy losses of the heat engine. The boiler in question is commonly called CO boiler because most of the calorific power provided comes from this. Using a fuel gas from the catalyst regeneration process, it has featured in the boiler power generation system of the refinery. Burning a mixture of gaseous components from discarded into the atmosphere, the heat engine can generate tons of steam just as the other boilers installed. The challenge was to work with this gas mixture and obtain maximum efficiency, reduce moisture and enjoy the warmth of the heat exchange have been studied and recommended. Every project, from evaluation of the variables in the composition of fuel gas, to the using of heat exchangers and refrigeration system are suitable for evaluation and improvements
The aim of this work is to make a qualitatively and ecologically evaluation of a compact cogeneration system that operates with synthesis gas obtained from a gasifier. Using the Eucalyptus Biomass as fuel, that passes through a wood gasifier (Drowndraft type) and supply the internal combustion engine. The compact cogeneration system is composed of two heat exchangers, an energy generator connected to an internal combustion engine and an absorption refrigeration system. The complete system is installed in the laboratory from the Energy Department at the University of Guaratinguetá. By the analysis related to the First and Second Thermodynamic Laws applied in this system, was possible to identify the mass flows in each point, energetic efficiency, irreversibility and exergetic efficiency. The components that have the biggest irreversibilities are the gasifier, followed by the internal combustion engine, which should be focused in future improvements. The system efficiency in energetic basis is 51,84% and in exergetic basis is 22,78%. Using the ecologic efficiency methodology was possible to identify the emissions rates, the pollution indicator associated to the combustion of the synthesis gas in the internal combustion engine. The ecologic efficiency considering the energectic analysis is 91,73%, while considering the exergetic analysis, 83,65%. It is concluded that the use of the synthesis gas in a compact cogeneration system is viable from the technical and ecological point of view, making possible to generate energy for isolated communities and promoting the decentralized electricity generation
Because the routine use of frozen semen has some limitation that don´t permit its use in a large-scale, it is necessary to use the cooled semen. The equine cooled semen is normally used to enable that a genetic material with high quality be spread over long distances. When it reaches the temperature of refrigeration, the sperm metabolic activity decreases and the free radicals formation minimize. These ones cause irreversible damages to the sperm cells and, so, its lower formation is very advantageous. However, when we manipulate the semen using conservation techniques, like refrigeration, it is necessary to be aware about the sperm characteristics and fragilities, because, if performed erroneously, this technique can be harmful to the sperm function as well as to the time of sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction. It is necessary that cooling rate is slow and that the time and the storage temperature of the sperm obey the ranges that are already established. Moreover, we should make use of diluents and obtain the ideal sperm dilution, so that its use can be optimized. It´s also important to emphasize that to obtain good fertility rates, the semen, after processed (collected and diluted) must be conditioned in recipients specially developed for this purpose
The use of refrigeration and air conditioning systems is of fundamental importance when it comes to air-conditioning of environments. Also important is the use of electricity for equipments’ operation related to these systems. Due to high cost of charging for this type of energy, factors economy and efficiency occupy key roles among design parameters of a system. One of the ways to get this economy is the use of a technique called thermal storage, or cold storage, which intends to move the required loads during peak time and also their equalizing, so that the energy is transferred from the peak time to non-peak time, thereby reducing the cost of energy consumed. Cold can be stored in the form of ice or ice water. This work aims to perform a technical-economic analysis of a mall located in Vale do Paraíba checking the feasibility of deploying a thermal storage system to achieve an economy in the cost of the energy used by the establishment. Through the parameters measured by the concessionaire of energy we can get the values of energy demand and power consumed, which will serve as basis for calculation for the study. The results obtained allow the development of two alternative proposals to the current configuration, one chosen by the criteria and results presented by technical-economic and energy analysis
This study aims to prove the economic feasibility of the installation of mechanical compression chillers on plastic injection molding machines in order to reduce the production cycle time of toothbrush cables in a specific case study. This evidence was confirmed by the comparative analysis of the system replaced and the new system installed. The old system had only one closed loop cooling tower which pumped chilled water to the injection molds, and the new system has the same tower sending cold water to the condensers of individual chillers installed on each injection machine. We conducted an analysis of energy efficiency in each system, showing that in terms of thermal efficiency virtually nothing has changed, but in terms of electricity demand the new system consumes 60.3 kW more. We conducted an analysis of machine productivity for both systems, showing a much higher productivity of the new system due to reduced cycle times caused by the presence of chillers and their greater cooling capacities. Equipped with data such as electricity rates, increases in operating costs and initial investments, the increase in consumption and demand of electricity plus the cycle time reduction were also calculated over so the simple payback 1 year and 2 months was reached
The study and selection of an equipment of air conditioner for any type of environment, should be made without overestimate or undersizing the project. The undersizing does not provide an adequate comfort temperature if the environment is too hot because the air conditioner does not remove all the heat necessary in the environment. But if the project is oversized, energy consumption is higher and there is an unnecessary cost. To prevent these failures is necessary to make a calculation of the thermal load on the environment and choose the equipment that has a higher cooling capacity than the calculated heat load and closer to the calculated heat load. In this graduate work will be chosen an air-conditioned equipment for bus, showing the calculations made for the thermal load for various types of heat gain in this type of vehicle. The thermal load on vehicles is more complicated to calculate than in areas because there are several factors that vary with the movement of the vehicle. It will also explain the compression refrigeration cycle, which is the cooling system used in vehicles because it is weightless, compact and lower cost. From the calculated heat load, it will be chosen an air conditioner that best suits the project and, finally, a brief presentation of the selected equipment will be made
The conservation of raw milk for long periods of time under refrigeration can result in the lost of its quality. This happens because bacterias, capable of developing in low temperatures, as psichrotrophics, in milk, associates with its enzymatic activities, are capable to degradate it. Although the pasteurization of milk sufficiently diminishes the transmission of the illnesses, that generally eliminates such microorganisms, is not a total efficient process because many enzymes produced for such bacterias are termostable, being able to resist the treatment and to remain active, leading to the loss of the quality of milk and its derivatives. The Normative Instruction 51 of 2002 established that milk must be cooled and stored in the production property, what resulted increasing the incidence of such bacteria in population destined milk. In some parts of the world contaminated milk is causing serious risks to the health of the population, assuming great importance in Public Health, mainly in relation to the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the product. ANVISA establishes, thus, maximum bacteriological concentration that must be evidenced before commercializing the product, guaranteeing the quality of milk as proper for consumption. Based on these aspects, the objective of this work is the microbiological analysis of 30 milk samples type C, collected in bakeries of the city Botucatu, in the state of São Paulo. Analysis were made to determinate the most likely number of termotolerants coliforms, as well the number of colony units of psichrotrophics bacterias, the presence of Salmonella and the enumeration of positive Staphylococcus aureus, at the moment of purchase and validity of the products
This paper reports the data on the cuiabana sausage historical aspect, and from the study performed on its technical/sensory characteristics. Four formulations of cuiabana-type sausage were prepared, varying the basic raw material (bovine, chicken and swine meats). For processing these sausages, the raw meats (beef, chicken and pork) were cut into cubes and together with the other ingredients (garlic, cheese, pepper and chives) they were weighed and homogenized. The resulting mixture was refrigerated for 24 hours for intensifying the flavor. Thereafter, it was stuffed into natural casings. These prepared samples were characterized on the physical-chemical profile and on the shelf life under refrigeration for over a seven day-storage in order to assess the microbiological contamination (total coliforms and fecal thermotolerant bacteria), sulphite-reducing clostridium, Salmonella spp., coagulase-positive Staphylococcus), and pH. The sensory evaluation and statistics analysis were carried out on the different types of laboratory- processed cuiabana sausage. Introducing over time changes in the cuiabana sausages formulation are positive factors; therefore, variations in the formulations it is feasible to get a better final product than that original one, and it might be resulted from the market demand.
Características seminais e resfriamento de sêmen de tamanduá (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) de vida livre
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of ascorbic acid (AA) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) applied by immersion at temperatures of 20 and 40 degrees C on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of minimally processed cabbage, stored under refrigeration. Cabbages were processed in an industrial food processing equipment to be cut in slices with thickness of 3 mm. Slices were immersed in sodium hypochlorite (50 ppm) during 5 minutes for sanitization. After, the following treatments were carried out T1= control (immersion in water during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C); T2= immersion in 1% AA solution, during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T3= immersion in 2% AA solution, during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T4= immersion in 1% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T5= immersion in 2% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C, T6= immersion in 1% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 40 degrees C; and T7= immersion in 2% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 40 degrees C; with four replications each one. After application of treatments, cabbage was centrifuged during one minute, wrapped with polyvinyl chloride, 20 mu m, in trays of expanded polystyrene and maintained in refrigerated environment, at 6 +/- 1 degrees C and 85-90% of relative humidity, during eight days. Little increasing was observed in pH and titratable acidity values and reduction in soluble solids during conservation period on all treatments. Treatment with AA did not differ from control for color and general appearance, while treatment with 2% CaCl2 at 20 degrees C maintained the best quality, with less intensity of browning, best general appearance and purchase intent and least strange odor at the end of evaluation period.
O caqui apresenta uma safra curta, sendo necessário estender seu período de comercialização utilizando técnicas adequadas de armazenamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso da radiação gama na qualidade pós-colheita de caquis 'Giombo' destanizados. Frutos colhidos meio-maduros e com aproximadamente 50 % da coloração verde, foram destanizados, acondicionados em bandejas de poliestireno expandido (EPS), revestidas por filme plástico de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) e submetidos à radiação gama (60Co). Os frutos foram armazenados durante 35 dias, sob refrigeração (0±0,5 ºC e 85 ± 0,5% UR). Os tratamentos realizados foram: T1 - 0,0 kGy; T2 - 0,3 kGy; T3 - 0,6 kGy; T4 - 0,9 kGy; T5 - 1,2 kGy. As análises realizadas a cada 7 dias foram: perda de massa, atividade respiratória, teores de sólidos solúveis (SS), ácido ascórbico, acidez titulável (AT) e relação SS/AT. Os frutos submetidos à dose de 0,6 kGy apresentaram o menor percentual de perda de massa e produção de CO2 ao longo do período experimental. Os teores de SS e AT permaneceram estáveis e sem diferenças devido às doses de irradiação aplicadas. Os tratamentos com 0,3 KGy e 0,6 KGy foram os mais eficazes na manutenção da firmeza nos caquis. Nos teores de ácido ascórbico, observou-se redução ao longo do período experimental, sendo os menores valores apresentados para a maior dose de irradiação (1,2 KGy).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Nine swines of the White Large race were used for study of the process of bony repair after osteotomy with rotating instruments of low and high-speed, with and without liquid refrigeration. The authors observed, through double blind histopathological analysis, that in every analyzed operative time, the bony repair was processed more appropriately when the osteotomies were accomplished with liquid refrigeration. In the final postoperative times, of fourteen and twenty-eight days, the best results of bony repair were observed in the osteotomy accomplished with drills of low rotation and with liquid refrigeration, while in the postoperative time of seven days, the results of the bony repair of osteotomy accomplished with drills of high rotation and with liquid refrigeration they were better. The authors consider, still, that the process of bony repair in swine display larger proximity in the histological pictures among the studied variables, when compared with other biological models. As most of the works told in the literature it refers the use of dogs, the authors consider that the present work guarantees your importance in the sense of looking for a closer model of the man.