591 resultados para Pound, Ezra - Traduccions
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Existem controvérsias quanto à possibilidade de a analgesia de parto interferir no andamento do trabalho de parto e na vitalidade do recém-nascido. O objetivo deste estudo foi a interação entre analgesia do parto pelas técnicas peridural contínua e duplo bloqueio, com pequena dose de anestésico local, e o tipo de parto ocorrido, pela análise do peso e índice de Apgar do recém-nascido. MÉTODO: Analisaram-se, prospectivamente, os resultados de 168 analgesias de parto (janeiro de 2002 a janeiro de 2003), divididas em quatro grupos: G1 (n = 58) peridural contínua e evolução para parto vaginal; G2 (n = 69) duplo bloqueio e evolução para parto vaginal; G3 (n = 25) peridural contínua e evolução para cesariana; G4 (n = 16) duplo bloqueio e evolução para cesariana. Para G1 foi administrada ropivacaína a 0,125% (12 a 15 mL), para G2, bupivacaína a 0,5% (0,5 a 1 mL), sufentanil (10 mg), por via subaracnóidea. Administrou-se ropivacaína a 0,5%, por via peridural, para o parto vaginal (8 mL) e para cesariana (20 mL). Avaliaram-se idade, peso, altura, índice de massa corpórea (IMC), idade gestacional (IG), paridade e complicações (hipotensão arterial, bradicardia e hipóxia), e, do recém-nascido, peso e índice de Apgar (1º, 5º e 10º min). RESULTADOS: A maioria das parturientes era primigesta, com gestação de termo (uma IG de 28 semanas e nenhum pós-datismo), com peso, G2 < G4, e, IMC, G2 £ G4. Para o peso do RN, G1 < G3 e G2 < G4, e o Apgar do 1º min, G1 > G3. CONCLUSÕES: As técnicas de analgesia, peridural contínua e duplo bloqueio, com pequenas doses de anestésico local, não apresentaram interação com o resultado do parto, se a análise estiver focalizada no peso e no índice de Apgar do recém-nascido.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper evaluates the efficiency of geotextile filters for sludge from a compact water treatment plant (WTP). The key aspects required in the methodology of selection and designing geotextile filters for sludge from dewatering was investigated based on laboratory tests results. The analyses were supported by the measured filtrated volume of water and turbidity resulting from variable head permeability tests carried out in two geotextiles and using the conventional granular filter (sand and gravel). The results of the present study showed that more than 75% of the dewatering sludge can be filtrated with low turbidity, which permits that this water can return to the treatment plan in order to be reuse in another cycle. The reduced volume of sludge retained by the geotextile that is transferred to the drying pound increases its efficiency by reducing the drying time. The low volume of the dry waste can be removed and the geotextile can be easily cleaned or replaced when needed. These procedures significantly reduce the volume of water needed in dewatering and also avoids waste discharges in the environment.
The magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) of F2+ centers in KCl:SH- has been measured in absorption in the 1ssigma(g) --> 2p(y)pi(u) transitions at 493 and 509 nm, with fields up to 5 T and in the temperature range 1.5 K < T < 77 K. Within the limit of detection, no MCD is observed in the near infrared transition 1ssigma(g) --> 2psigma(u) as well as in both emissions 2ppi(u) --> 1ssigma(g) and 2psigma(u) --> 1ssigma(g). The optical detection of EPR in the F2+ ground state presents an isotropic single band with g = 1.965 +/- 0.007. The spin-lattice relaxation measured at H = 0.32 T is typical of a direct process T-1 = 4.3 x 10(-2_ coth (gmu(B)H/2k(B)T). The spectral variation of the MCD is calculated using perturbation theory to first order. The Hamiltonian includes the spin-orbit interaction in the 2ppi(u) excited state and the orbital molecular wave functions are obtained by a linear combination of 1s and 2p atomic orbitals. The calculated MCD is in good agreement with the observed one, for the spin-orbit interaction strength Pound(z) = 3.6 meV.
In a collaborative work carried out by the Spanish and Portuguese ISFG Working Group (GEP-ISFG), a polymerase chain reaction multiplex was optimized in order to type ten X-chromosome short tandem repeats (STRs) in a single reaction, including: DXS8378, DXS9902, DXS7132, DXS9898, DXS6809, DXS6789, DXS7133, GATA172D05, GATA31E08, and DXS7423. Using this X-decaplex, each 17 of the participating laboratories typed a population sample of approximately 200 unrelated individuals (100 males and 100 females). In this work, we report the allele frequencies for the ten X-STRs in 15 samples from Argentina (Buenos Aires, CA(3)rdoba, Rio Negro, Entre Rios, and Misiones), Brazil (SA o pound Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Parana, and Mato Grosso do Sul), Colombia (Antioquia), Costa Rica, Portugal (Northern and Central regions), and Spain (Galicia and Cantabria). Gene diversities were calculated for the ten markers in each population and all values were above 56%. The average diversity per locus varied between 66%, for DXS7133, and 82%, for DXS6809. For this set of STRs, a high discrimination power was obtained in all populations, both in males (a parts per thousand yen1 in 5 A- 10(5)) and females (a parts per thousand yen1 in 3 A- 10(9)), as well as high mean exclusion chance in father/daughter duos (a parts per thousand yen99.953%) and in father/mother/daughter trios (a parts per thousand yen99.999%). Genetic distance analysis showed no significant differences between northern and central Portugal or between the two Spanish samples from Galicia and Cantabria. Inside Brazil, significant differences were found between Rio de Janeiro and the other three populations, as well as between SA o pound Paulo and Parana. For the five Argentinean samples, significant distances were only observed when comparing Misiones with Entre Rios and with Rio Negro, the only two samples that do not differ significantly from Costa Rica. Antioquia differed from all other samples, except the one from Rio Negro.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este trabalho apresenta informações sobre a pesca, alimentação, reprodução e desenvolvimento embrionário do carataí, Pseudauchempterus nodosus, com base em material coletado no rio Marapanim, PA, no período de dezembro de 1998 a abril de 1999. Para tal, foram realizadas coletas diárias e quinzenais, utilizando-se curral, tapagem e cerca, em quatro trechos do rio: na baía, no funil estuarino, nas porções média e superior. Foi confirmada que a pesca era realizada durante o período reprodutivo da espécie, sendo a maior parte da produção vendida nos municípios vizinhos. Os dados de captura ao longo do rio destacaram a porção superior (33%) e média (44%) como os trechos mais produtivos do rio Marapanim e indicaram que o carataí realiza movimento ascendente regido pela lua. A espécie ingeriu maiores porções de alimento no trecho de água túrbida, principalmente nos córregos de maré, sendo sua dieta composta por anelídeos, artrópodes, moluscos e peixes. As observações locais e a distribuição das freqüências dos ovários nos estádios maduro, de reprodução e esvaziado indicaram que o carataí desova no trecho de água doce e limpa, nas margens do rio e dos igarapés, sob floresta não perturbada. As desovas ocorrem durante os últimos picos das marés máximas de sizigia, e após a retração das marés, os ovos são incubados no solo por cerca de 11 dias até a sizigia seguinte, sob temperatura de 22 a 27,5 °C. Após a eclosão, enquanto a maré não chega, os embriões permanecem na casca e, quando escapam desta, sobrevivem no solo por cerca de duas horas. Esses embriões eclodem aptos a consumir alimento exógeno, enquanto que aqueles incubados na água eclodiam precocemente, aparentando pouca percepção do ambiente. A interferência na reposição anual de carataí no rio Marapanim pareceu depender mais da distribuição das chuvas locais e da integridade da floresta do que da pesca.
Measurement units are used almost automatically nowadays, but few people know the origin of the units of length (meter), mass (kilogram) and time (second). And do not care to know what were anciently units of which our ancestors used, the difficulties that existed to make a set of measures. The aim of this work is to make a historical approach, through various units of measure. They are old, unusual to others that have been forgotten since the standardization of meters, and is also discussed about the metric system Englih (Once and foot), AV system (eg pound grain) that are still used in some countries like United States and England, the Troy system consisting of units of measure for precious stones and metals (eg gold and diamond) are also cited some physical concepts as reference: inertial, non-inertial; mass: gravity, relativistic, inertial
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
It was the romanticists who tended to write poetry of “autobiography,” who inquired of themselves concerning themselves, and assumed that the world was interested in what they found. Nor was the habit of self-consciousness regarding the poetic office let drop by their successors. That the words poet and poetry were so often on Emerson’s lips would be evidence enough to students of literature, in its changing temper and shifting modes, of his probable localization in time. It is also evidence of his relation to certain European movements of thought to which he gave—comparatively late in their currency and much tempered —American expression. In his doctrine of the superiority and the aloofness of the poet, of the latter’s severance from others to whom he yet bears messages of light, in his self-sufficiency and his sovereignty, his belief in the intrinsic goodness of nature and of man, and his concern with poetic thought rather than poetic form, Emerson may be termed the American representative of ideas which already had had wide circulation in Europe. In great part they emanated from Rousseau, and some of them, especially the gospel of the rights and the supremacy of the individual, had metamorphosed the politics and the map of Europe as well as its literature.
Bioinformatic analysis of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) genomes aiming at the identification of new vaccine antigens, revealed the presence of a gene coding for a putative surface-associated protein, named GAS40, inducing protective antibodies in an animal model of sepsis. The aim of our study was to unravel the involvement of GAS40 in cell division processes and to identify the putative interactor. Firstly, bioinformatic analysis showed that gas40 shares homology with ezrA, a gene coding for a negative regulator of Z-ring formation during cell division process. Both scanning and transmission electron microscopy indicated morphological differences between wild-type and the GAS40 knock-out mutant strain, with the latter showing an impaired capacity to divide resulting in the formation of very long chains. Moreover, when the localization of the antigen on the bacterial surface was analyzed, we found that in bacteria grown at exponential phase GAS40 specifically localized at septum, indicating a possible role in cell division. Furthermore, by ELISA and co-sedimentation assays, we found that GAS40 is able to interact with FtsZ, a protein involved in Z-ring formation during cell division process. These data together with the co-localization of GAS40/FtsZ at bacterial septum demonstrated by by confocal microscopy, strongly support the hypothesis for a key role of GAS40 in bacterial cell division.
In this thesis, I will document and analyze historical aspects of the British debate over adopting a common currency with the European Community primarily during the last half of the twentieth century until the present. More specifically, while on the surface such a decision would seem to turn on economic or political considerations, I will show that this historic British decision not to surrender their pound sterling in exchange for the euro was rooted in the nation's cultural identity. During this decades long British debate over the euro, two opposing, but strongly held, positions developed; one side believed that Britain had a compelling interest in bonding with the rest of Europe economically as well as politically, the other side believed that Britain's independent heritage was deeply rooted in many of its traditions including maintaining control of its own monetary matters, which included keeping its pound sterling. As part of this thesis, I have conducted interviews with business leaders, economists, and social scientists as well as researched public records in order to assess many of the arguments favoring and opposing Britain's adoption of the euro. Many Britons strongly believed that it was time to join other Europeans, who were willing to sacrifice their sovereign currency to a bold common currency experiment, while other Britons viewed the pound sterling as too integral a part of British heritage to abandon. Ultimately, British leaders and citizens had to determine whether such a currency tradeoff would be worth it to them as a nation. It was a gamble that twelve other nations (at the time of the euro's 2002 launch) were ready to take, optimistically calculating that easier credit and reduced exchange transaction costs would lead to greater economic prosperity. Many asserted that only with ! ! such a united European monetary coalition would Europe's nations be able to compete trade-wise with powerful economic nations like the United States and China. My conclusion is that Britain's refusal to join the euro was a decision that had less to do with economic opportunity or political motivations and much more to do with how the British people viewed themselves culturally and their identity as an independent nation.