832 resultados para Political tradition
How does income inequality affect political representation? Jan Rosset, Nathalie Giger and Julian Bernauer examine whether politicians represent the views of poorer and richer citizens equally. They find that in 43 out of the 49 elections included in their analysis, the preferences of low-income citizens are located further away from the policy positions of the closest political party than those with mid-range incomes. This suggests that income inequality may spill-over into political inequalities, although it is less clear whether this effect is likely to get better or worse as a result of the Eurozone crisis.
In the past three decades, feminists and critical theorists have discussed and argued the importance of deconstructing and problematizing social science research methodology in order to question normalized hierarchies concerning the production of knowledge and the status of truth claims. Nevertheless, often, these ideas have basically remained theoretical propositions not embodied in research practices. In fact there is very little published discussion about the difficulties and limits of their practical application. In this paper we introduce some interconnected reflections starting from two different but related experiences of embodying 'feminist activist research'. Our aim is to emphasise the importance of attending to process, making mistakes and learning during fieldwork, as well as experimenting with personalized forms of analysis, such as the construction of narratives and the story-telling process.
In the past three decades, feminists and critical theorists have discussed and argued the importance of deconstructing and problematizing social science research methodology in order to question normalized hierarchies concerning the production of knowledge and the status of truth claims. Nevertheless, often, these ideas have basically remained theoretical propositions not embodied in research practices. In fact there is very little published discussion about the difficulties and limits of their practical application. In this paper we introduce some interconnected reflections starting from two different but related experiences of embodying 'feminist activist research'. Our aim is to emphasise the importance of attending to process, making mistakes and learning during fieldwork, as well as experimenting with personalized forms of analysis, such as the construction of narratives and the story-telling process.
Ce travail a pour but d'identifier, dans la tradition aristotélicienne, un type particulier de relation entre les activités psychiques et leurs objets, une relation intentionnelle, exprimant la pure visée, et donc irréductible tant à une relation causale qu'à une relation de conformité (ou « aléthique ») des activités psychiques à la réalité. Après une étude des relations psychiques chez Aristote lui-même, le travail se tourne vers la réception de ses textes, plus précisément vers la réception de Catégories VII et, surtout, de Métaphysique Δ, 15. Durant l'Antiquité déjà, certains aristotéliciens - Alexandre d'Aphrodise, les néoplatoniciens - ont admis, sous l'autorité de Métaphysique Δ, 15, un concept de relation intentionnelle dans leur psychologie. Au Moyen-âge, de nombreux auteurs ont procédé de même. Alors que certains philosophes, à commencer par Thomas d'Aquin, ont réduit la dimension relationnelle du psychisme à la causalité exercée par la réalité sur l'activité psychique ou à la conformité de l'activité psychique à la réalité, d'autres, notamment Duns Scot, ont reconnu, sur la base de Métaphysique Δ, 15, un type de relation à l'objet n'exprimant rien d'autre que la pure visée. À la fin du 19e siècle, Brentano lisait Aristote de la même manière: la relation intentionnelle, irréductible à une relation causale ou à une relation de conformité, a ses origines en Métaphysique Δ, 15. En somme, ce travail analyse, d'Aristote à Brentano, les liens entre intentionnalité, causalité et vérité.