438 resultados para Pleural empyema


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Background This is the first ever evaluation of narrow band imaging (NBI), an innovative endoscopic imaging procedure, for the visualisation of pleural processes. Methods The pleural cavity was examined in 26 patients with pleural effusions using both white light and narrow band imaging during thoracoscopy under local anaesthesia. Results In the great majority of the patients narrow band imaging depicted the blood vessels more clearly than white light, but failed to reveal any differences in number, shape or size. Only in a single case with pleura thickened by chronic inflammation and metastatic spread of lung cancer did narrow band imaging show vessels that were not detectable under white light. Conclusion It is not yet possible to assess to what extent the evidence provided by NBI is superior to that achieved with white light. Further studies are required, particularly in the early stages of pleural processes.


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Induction therapy of promyelocytic leukemia with all-trans retinoic acid is a standard therapy despite significant side-effects. The most important, the "retinoic acid syndrome", consists of a hyperinflammatory reaction with capillary leakage (edema, pleural, and pericardial effusion), infiltration of myeloid cells into internal organs and systemic signs of inflammation. We describe here two cases of another hyperinflammatory reaction during all-trans retinoic acid therapy, the Sweet's syndrome, consisting of infiltrates of the skin and internal organs by neutrophilic granulocytes. Fever, painful erythematous cutaneous plaques, prominent musculoskeletal involvement (myositis, fasciitis), a sterile pulmonary infiltration and intercurrent proteinuria characterized the clinical course of all-trans retinoic acid-associated Sweet's syndrome. Treatment with glucocorticoids led to resolution of the syndrome within 48 h. Three other cases of all-trans retinoic acid-associated Sweet's syndrome without involvement of internal organs, prominent on our cases, were published previously. Recognition of ATRA-associated Sweet's syndrome is of practical importance.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess complication rate, risk factors for complications and outcome in dogs with oesophageal and gastric endoscopic foreign body (FB) removal. METHODS: Medical records of 102 dogs undergoing endoscopic removal of oesophageal and/or gastric FBs from March 2001 to November 2006 were retrospectively reviewed. All owners were contacted by telephone to provide follow-up information. RESULTS: West Highland white terriers, Yorkshire terriers and Bernese mountain dogs were over-represented compared to the hospital population. Endoscopy alone was successful in 92/102 dogs (90.2 per cent), whereas gastrotomy (but no oesophagotomy) was required in 10 dogs (9.8 per cent). Complications in 13/102 dogs (12.7 per cent) were perforation (8), oesophageal stricture (1), oesophageal diverticula (1), perioesophageal abscess (1), pneumothorax and pleural effusion (1) and respiratory arrest (1). Six dogs (all weighing <10 kg) had complications resulting in death or euthanasia. Bone FBs, bodyweight of less than 10 kg, and oesophageal or gastric FB in place for more than three days were significant risk factors for complications. Of the dogs available for follow-up (75/96), 92 per cent had no complications after discharge. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Endoscopic FB removal is associated with a low overall complication rate with bone FBs and bodyweight of less than 10 kg as significant risk factors.


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BACKGROUND Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is the most important chronic pulmonary disease of cattle on the African continent causing severe economic losses. The disease, caused by infection with Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides is transmitted by animal contact and develops slowly into a chronic form preventing an early clinical diagnosis. Because available vaccines confer a low protection rate and short-lived immunity, the rapid diagnosis of infected animals combined with traditional curbing measures is seen as the best way to control the disease. While traditional labour-intensive bacteriological methods for the detection of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides have been replaced by molecular genetic techniques in the last two decades, these latter approaches require well-equipped laboratories and specialized personnel for the diagnosis. This is a handicap in areas where CBPP is endemic and early diagnosis is essential. RESULTS We present a rapid, sensitive and specific diagnostic tool for M. mycoides subsp. mycoides detection based on isothermal loop-mediated amplification (LAMP) that is applicable to field conditions. The primer set developed is highly specific and sensitive enough to diagnose clinical cases without prior cultivation of the organism. The LAMP assay detects M. mycoides subsp. mycoides DNA directly from crude samples of pulmonary/pleural fluids and serum/plasma within an hour using a simple dilution protocol. A photometric detection of LAMP products allows the real-time visualisation of the amplification curve and the application of a melting curve/re-association analysis presents a means of quality assurance based on the predetermined strand-inherent temperature profile supporting the diagnosis. CONCLUSION The CBPP LAMP developed in a robust kit format can be run on a battery-driven mobile device to rapidly detect M. mycoides subsp. mycoides infections from clinical or post mortem samples. The stringent innate quality control allows a conclusive on-site diagnosis of CBPP such as during farm or slaughter house inspections.


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Leptospirosis pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome (LPHS) is a frequent manifestation of Leptospira infection in dogs and is associated with a high morbidity and mortality. Three helical 16-slice thoracic CT scans were performed in 10 dogs naturally infected with Leptospira, within 24 hours of admission, and three and seven days later. Patients were sedated and scanned without breathhold, with a protocol adapted for rapid scanning. One dog died of respiratory failure on the morning following the first scan. On the initial scan, imaging features of LPHS included ground-glass nodules (10/10), peribronchovascular interstitial thickening (10/10), diffuse or patchy ground-glass opacity (9/10), solid nodules (8/10) and consolidation (7/10). Temporary bronchiolar dilation was observed in all dogs in association with peribronchovascular interstitial thickening, which had completely resolved at day 7. Nodules were with few exceptions assigned to the centrilobular region. Regression of lesion severity was observed after each subsequent scan. Consolidation and solid nodules changed over time into lesions of ground-glass attenuation. Pleural effusion (3/10) and mediastinal effusion (2/10) were mild and transient. Lesion severity appeared unassociated with survival to discharge.


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A case of pulmonary tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis was diagnosed in a horse. Clinical evaluation performed prior to euthanasia did not suggest tuberculosis, but postmortem examination provided pathological and bacteriological evidence of mycobacteriosis. In the lungs, multiple tuberculoid granulomas communicating with the bronchiolar lumen, pleural effusion, and a granulomatous lymphadenitis involving mediastinal and tracheobronchial lymph nodes were found. Serologic response to M. tuberculosis antigens was detected in the infected horse, but not in the group of 42 potentially exposed animals (18 horses, 14 alpacas, 6 donkeys, and 4 dogs) which showed no signs of disease. Diagnosis of tuberculosis in live horses remains extremely difficult. Four of 20 animal handlers at the farm were positive for tuberculous infection upon follow-up testing by interferon-gamma release assay, indicating a possibility of interspecies transmission of M. tuberculosis.


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Exogenous recombinant human transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-beta1) induced long-term facilitation of Aplysia sensory-motor synapses. In addition, 5-HT-induced facilitation was blocked by application of a soluble fragment of the extracellular portion of the TGF-beta1 type II receptor (TbetaR-II), which presumably acted by scavenging an endogenous TGF-beta1-like molecule. Because TbetaR-II is essential for transmembrane signaling by TGF-beta, we sought to determine whether Aplysia tissues contained TbetaR-II and specifically, whether neurons expressed the receptor. Western blot analysis of Aplysia tissue extracts demonstrated the presence of a TbetaR-II-immunoreactive protein in several tissue types. The expression and distribution of TbetaR-II-immunoreactive proteins in the central nervous system was examined by immunohistochemistry to elucidate sites that may be responsive to TGF-beta1 and thus may play a role in synaptic plasticity. Sensory neurons in the ventral-caudal cluster of the pleural ganglion were immunoreactive for TbetaR-II, as well as many neurons in the pedal, abdominal, buccal, and cerebral ganglia. Sensory neurons cultured in isolation and cocultured sensory and motor neurons were also immunoreactive. TGF-beta1 affected the biophysical properties of cultured sensory neurons, inducing an increase of excitability that persisted for at least 48 hr. Furthermore, exposure to TGF-beta1 resulted in a reduction in the firing threshold of sensory neurons. These results provide further support for the hypothesis that TGF-beta1 plays a role in long-term synaptic plasticity in Aplysia.


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An increase in transmitter release accompanying long-term sensitization and facilitation occurs at the glutamatergic sensorimotor synapse of Aplysia. We report that a long-term increase in neuronal Glu uptake also accompanies long-term sensitization. Synaptosomes from pleural-pedal ganglia exhibited sodium-dependent, high-affinity Glu transport. Different treatments that induce long-term enhancement of the siphon-withdrawal reflex, or long-term synaptic facilitation increased Glu uptake. Moreover, 5-hydroxytryptamine, a treatment that induces long-term facilitation, also produced a long-term increase in Glu uptake in cultures of sensory neurons. The mechanism for the increase in uptake is an increase in the V(max) of transport. The long-term increase in Glu uptake appeared to be dependent on mRNA and protein synthesis, and transport through the Golgi, because 5,6-dichlorobenzimidazole riboside, emetine, and brefeldin A inhibited the increase in Glu uptake. Also, injection of emetine and 5,6-dichlorobenzimidazole into Aplysia prevented long-term sensitization. Synthesis of Glu itself may be regulated during long-term sensitization because the same treatments that produced an increase in Glu uptake also produced a parallel increase in Gln uptake. These results suggest that coordinated regulation of a number of different processes may be required to establish or maintain long-term synaptic facilitation.


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Neuromodulation is essential to many functions of the nervous system. In the simple gastropod mollusk Aplysia californica, neuromodulation of the circuits for the defensive withdrawal reflexes has been associated with several forms of learning. In the present work, the neurotransmitters and neural circuitry which contribute to the modulation of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex were examined.^ A recently-identified neuropeptide transmitter, buccalin A was found to modulate the biophysical properties of the sensory neurons that mediate the reflex. The actions of buccalin A on the sensory neurons were compared with those of the well-characterized modulatory transmitter serotonin, and convergence and divergence in the actions of these two transmitters were evaluated. Buccalin A dramatically increased the excitability of sensory neurons and occluded further enhancement of excitability by serotonin. Buccalin A produced no significant change in spike duration, and it did not block serotonin-induced spike broadening. Voltage-clamp analysis revealed the currents that may be involved in the effects on spike duration and excitability. Buccalin A decreased an outward current similar to the S-K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K,S}$). Buccalin A appeared to occlude further modulation of I$\sb{\rm K,S}$ by serotonin, but did not block serotonin-induced modulation of the voltage-dependent delayed rectifier K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K,V}$). These results suggest that buccalin A converges on some, but not all, of the same subcellular modulatory pathways as serotonin.^ In order to begin to understand neuromodulation in a more physiological context for the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex, the modulatory circuitry for the tail-withdrawal circuit was examined. Mechanoafferent neurons in the J cluster of the cerebral ganglion were identified as elements of a modulatory circuit for the reflex. Excitatory and inhibitory connections were observed between the J cells and the pleural sensory neurons, the tail motor neurons, and several classes of interneurons for the tail-siphon withdrawal circuit. The J cells produced both fast and slow PSPs in these neurons. Of particular interest was the ability of the J cells to produce slow EPSPs in the pleural sensory neurons. These slow EPSPs were associated with an increase in the excitability of the sensory neurons. The J cells appear to mediate both sensory and modulatory inputs to the circuit for the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex from the anterior part of the animal. ^


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Long-term sensitization in Aplysia is a well studied model for the examination of the cellular and molecules mechanisms of long-term memory. Several lines of evidence suggest long-term sensitization is mediated at least partially by long-term synaptic facilitation between the sensory and motor neurons. The sensitization training and one of its analogues, serotonin (5-HT), can induce long-term facilitation. In this study, another analogue to long-term sensitization training has been developed. Stimulation of peripheral nerves of pleural-pedal ganglia preparation induced long-term facilitation at both 24 hr and 48 hr. This is the first report that long-term facilitation in Aplysia persists for more than 24 hr, which is consistent with the observation that long-term sensitization lasts for more than one day. Thus, the data support the hypothesis that long-term facilitation is an important mechanism for long-term sensitization.^ One of the major differences between short-term and long-term facilitation is that long-term facilitation requires protein synthesis. Therefore, the effects of anisomycin, a protein synthesis inhibitor, on long-term facilitation was examined. Long-term facilitation induced by nerve stimulation was inhibited by 2 $\mu$M anisomycin, which inhibits $\sim$90% of protein synthesis. Nevertheless, at higher concentration (20 $\mu$M), anisomycin induced long-term facilitation by itself, which raises an interesting question about the function of anisomycin other than protein synthesis inhibition.^ Since protein synthesis is critical for long-term facilitation, a major goal is to identify and functionally characterize the molecules whose mRNA levels are altered during the formation of long-term facilitation. Behavioral training or its analogues (nerve stimulation and 5-HT) increases the level of mRNA of calmodulin (CaM). Thus, the role of Ca$\sp{2+}$-CaM-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), a major substrate of CaM, in long-term facilitation induced by nerve stimulation was examined. KN-62, a specific CaMKII inhibitor, did not block either the induction or the maintenance of long-term facilitation induced by nerve stimulation. These data indicate that CaMKII may not be involved in long-term facilitation. Another protein whose mRNA level of a molecule was increased by the behavioral training and the treatment of 5-HT is Aplysia tolloid/BMP-1-like protein 1 (apTBL-1). Tolloid in Drosophila and BMP-1 in human tissues are believed to be secreted as a metalloprotease to activate TGF-$\beta.$ Thus, the long-term effects of recombinant human TGF-$\beta1$ on synaptic strength were examined. Treatment of ganglia with TGF-$\beta1$ produced long-term facilitation, but not short-term or intermediate-term facilitation ($\le$4 hr). In addition, TGF-$\beta1$ and 5-HT were not additive in producing long-term facilitation, which indicates an interaction between two cascades. Moreover, 5-HT-induced facilitation (at both 24 hr and 48 hr) and nerve stimulation-induced facilitation (at 24 hr) were inhibited by TGF-$\beta$ sRII, a TGF-$\beta$ inhibitor. These results suggest that TGF-$\beta$ is part of the cascade of events underlying long-term sensitization, and also indicate that a signaling molecule used in development may also have functions in adult neuronal plasticity. ^


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PURPOSE: Surgical site infections (SSI) are associated with increased costs and length of hospital stay, readmission rates, and mortality. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for SSI in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. METHODS: Analysis of 35,432 laparoscopic cholecystectomies of a prospective multicenter database was performed. Risk factors for SSI were identified among demographic data, preoperative patients' history, and operative data using multivariate analysis. RESULTS: SSIs after laparoscopic cholecystectomy were seen in 0.8 % (n = 291) of the patients. Multivariate analysis identified the following parameters as risk factors for SSI: additional surgical procedure (odds ratio [OR] 4.0, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 2.2-7.5), age over 55 years (OR 2.4 [1.8-3.2]), conversion to open procedure (OR 2.6 [1.9-3.6]), postoperative hematoma (OR 1.9 [1.2-3.1]), duration of operation >60 min (OR 2.5 [1.7-3.6], cystic stump insufficiency (OR 12.5 [4.2-37.2]), gallbladder perforation (OR 6.2 [2.4-16.1]), gallbladder empyema (OR 1.7 [1.1-2.7]), and surgical revision (OR 15.7 [10.4-23.7]. SSIs were associated with a significantly prolonged hospital stay (p < 0.001), higher postoperative mortality (p < 0.001), and increased rate of surgical revision (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Additional surgical procedure was identified as a strong risk factor for SSI after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Furthermore, operation time >60 min, age >55 years, conversion to open procedure, cystic stump insufficiency, postoperative hematoma, gallbladder perforation, gallbladder empyema, or surgical revision were identified as specific risk factors for SSI after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.


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BACKGROUND Because computed tomography (CT) has advantages for visualizing the manifestation of necrosis and local complications, a series of scoring systems based on CT manifestations have been developed for assessing the clinical outcomes of acute pancreatitis (AP), including the CT severity index (CTSI), modified CTSI, etc. Despite the internationally accepted CTSI having been successfully used to predict the overall mortality and disease severity of AP, recent literature has revealed the limitations of the CTSI. Using the Delphi method, we establish a new scoring system based on retrocrural space involvement (RCSI), and compared its effectiveness at evaluating the mortality and severity of AP with that of the CTSI. METHODS We reviewed CT images of 257 patients with AP taken within 3-5 days of admission in 2012. The RCSI scoring system, which includes assessment of infectious conditions involving the retrocrural space and the adjacent pleural cavity, was established using the Delphi method. Two radiologists independently assessed the RCSI and CTSI scores. The predictive points of the RCSI and CTSI scoring systems in evaluating the mortality and severity of AP were estimated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS The RCSI score can accurately predict the mortality and disease severity. The area under the ROC curve for the RCSI versus CTSI score was 0.962±0.011 versus 0.900±0.021 for predicting the mortality, and 0.888±0.025 versus 0.904±0.020 for predicting the severity of AP. Applying ROC analysis to our data showed that a RCSI score of 4 was the best cutoff value, above which mortality could be identified. CONCLUSION The Delphi method was innovatively adopted to establish a scoring system to predict the clinical outcome of AP. The RCSI scoring system can predict the mortality of AP better than the CTSI system, and the severity of AP equally as well.


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BACKGROUND Chylothorax is an extremely rare but potentially life-threatening complication after radical neck dissection. We report the case of a bilateral chylothorax after total thyroidectomy and cervico-central and cervico-lateral lymphadenectomy for thyroid carcinoma. CASE PRESENTATION A 40-year-old European woman underwent total thyroidectomy and neck dissection for papillary thyroid carcinoma. Postoperatively she developed dyspnoea and pleural effusion. A chylothorax was found and the initial conservative therapy was not successful. She had to be operated on again and the thoracic duct was legated. CONCLUSION The case presentation reports a very rare complication after total thyroidectomy and neck dissection, but it has to be kept in mind to prevent dangerous complications.


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Patients suffering from cystic fibrosis (CF) show thick secretions, mucus plugging and bronchiectasis in bronchial and alveolar ducts. This results in substantial structural changes of the airway morphology and heterogeneous ventilation. Disease progression and treatment effects are monitored by so-called gas washout tests, where the change in concentration of an inert gas is measured over a single or multiple breaths. The result of the tests based on the profile of the measured concentration is a marker for the severity of the ventilation inhomogeneity strongly affected by the airway morphology. However, it is hard to localize underlying obstructions to specific parts of the airways, especially if occurring in the lung periphery. In order to support the analysis of lung function tests (e.g. multi-breath washout), we developed a numerical model of the entire airway tree, coupling a lumped parameter model for the lung ventilation with a 4th-order accurate finite difference model of a 1D advection-diffusion equation for the transport of an inert gas. The boundary conditions for the flow problem comprise the pressure and flow profile at the mouth, which is typically known from clinical washout tests. The natural asymmetry of the lung morphology is approximated by a generic, fractal, asymmetric branching scheme which we applied for the conducting airways. A conducting airway ends when its dimension falls below a predefined limit. A model acinus is then connected to each terminal airway. The morphology of an acinus unit comprises a network of expandable cells. A regional, linear constitutive law describes the pressure-volume relation between the pleural gap and the acinus. The cyclic expansion (breathing) of each acinus unit depends on the resistance of the feeding airway and on the flow resistance and stiffness of the cells themselves. Special care was taken in the development of a conservative numerical scheme for the gas transport across bifurcations, handling spatially and temporally varying advective and diffusive fluxes over a wide range of scales. Implicit time integration was applied to account for the numerical stiffness resulting from the discretized transport equation. Local or regional modification of the airway dimension, resistance or tissue stiffness are introduced to mimic pathological airway restrictions typical for CF. This leads to a more heterogeneous ventilation of the model lung. As a result the concentration in some distal parts of the lung model remains increased for a longer duration. The inert gas concentration at the mouth towards the end of the expirations is composed of gas from regions with very different washout efficiency. This results in a steeper slope of the corresponding part of the washout profile.


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PURPOSE Hyperthermia has been shown to improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer. This paper summarises all recent clinical trials registered in the ClinicalTrials.gov registry. MATERIALS AND METHODS The records of 175,538 clinical trials registered at ClinicalTrials.gov were downloaded on 29 September 2014 and a database was established. We searched this database for hyperthermia or equivalent words. RESULTS A total of 109 trials were identified in which hyperthermia was part of the treatment regimen. Of these, 49 trials (45%) had hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy after cytoreductive surgery (HIPEC) as the primary intervention, and 14 other trials (13%) were also testing some form of intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemoperfusion. Seven trials (6%) were testing perfusion attempts to other locations (thoracic/pleural n = 4, limb n = 2, hepatic n = 1). Sixteen trials (15%) were testing regional hyperthermia, 13 trials (12%) whole body hyperthermia, seven trials (6%) superficial hyperthermia and two trials (2%) interstitial hyperthermia. One remaining trial tested laser hyperthermia. CONCLUSIONS In contrast to the general opinion, this analysis shows continuous interest and ongoing clinical research in the field of hyperthermia. Interestingly, the majority of trials focused on some form of intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemoperfusion. Despite the high number of active clinical studies, HIPEC is a topic with limited attention at the annual meetings of the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology and the Society of Thermal Medicine. The registration of on-going clinical trials is of paramount importance for the achievement of a comprehensive overview of available clinical research activities involving hyperthermia.