946 resultados para Plantations spacing
Due to the great importance of coffee to the Brazilian economy, a good deal of the work carried out in the "Laboratório de Isótopos", E. E. A. "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba, S. Paulo, Brazil, was dedicated to the study of some problems involving that plant. The first one was designed to verify a few aspects of the control of zinc deficiency which is common in many types of soils in Brazil. An experiment conducted in nutrient solution showed that the leaf absorption of the radiozinc was eight times as high as the root uptake; the lower surface of the leaves is particularly suited for this kind of absorption. Among the heavy metal micronutrients, only iron did not affect the absorption of the radiozinc; manganese, copper, and molybdenum brought about a decrease of fifty per cent in total uptake. In another pot experiment in which two soils typical of the coffee growing regions were used, namely, a sandy soil called "arenito de Bauru" and a heavy one, "terra roxa", only O.l and 0.2 per cent of the activity supplied to the roots was recovered", respectively. This indicates that under field conditions the farmer should not attempt to correct zinc deficiency by applying zinc salts to the soil: leaf sprays should be used wherever necessary. In order to find out the most suitable way to supply phosphatic fertilizers to the coffee plant, under normal farm conditions, an experiment with tagged superphosphate was carried out with the following methods of distribution of this material: (1) topdressed in a circular area around the trees; (2) placed in the bottom of a 15 cm deep furrow made around the plant; (3) placed in a semicircular furrow, as in the previous treatment; (4) sprayed directly to the leaves. It was verified that in the first case, circa 10 per cent of the phosphorus in the leaves came from the superphosphate; for the other treatments, the results ware, respectively: 2.4, 1.7, and 38.0 per cent. It is interesting to mention that the first and the last methods of distribution were those less used by the farmers; now they are being introduced in many coffee plantations. In a previous trial it was demonstrated that urea sprays were an adequate way to correct nitrogen deficiency under field conditions. An experiment was then set up in which urea-C14 was used to study the metabolism of this fertilizer in coffee leaves. In was verified that in a 9 hours period circa 95 per cent of the urea supplied to the leaves had been absorbed. The distribution of the nitrogen of the urea was followed by standard chemical procedures. On the other hand the fate of the carbonic moiety was studied with the aid of the radiochromatographic technique. Thus, the incorporation of C14 in aminoacids, sugars and organic acids was ascertained. Data obtained in this work gave a definite support to the idea that in coffee leaves, as in a few other higher plants, a mechanism similar to the urea cycle of animals does exist.
WATER-CULTURE EXPERIMENTS. Two water-culture experiments were carried out to study the absorption and the translocation of radiozinc in young coffee plants as influenced by two factors, namely, concentration of heavy metals (iron, man ganese, copper and molybdenum) and method of application. Inert zinc was supplied at an uniform rate of 0. 05 p. p. m.; the levels of iron supply were 0, 1.0, and 10.0 p. p.m.; manganese was supplied in three doses 0, 0.5, and 5.0 p. p.m.; copper- 0, 0. 02, and 0. 2 p. p. m.; molybdenum- 0, 0. 01, and 0. 1 p. p. m. When applied to the nutrient solution the activity os the radiozinc (as zinc chloride) was 0. 15 microcuries per plant. In the study of the leaf absorption, Zn65 was supplied at the level of 0. 10 microcuries per plant; in this case the radioative material was brushed either on the lower or on the upper surface or both two pairs of mature leaves. The absorption period was 8 weeks. The radioactivity assay showed the following results: 1 - Among the heavy metals herein investigated the iron concentration did not affect the uptake of the radiozinc; by raising the level of Mn, Cu and Mo ten times, the absorption dropped to 50 per cent and even more when compared with the control plants; when, however, these micronutrients were omitted from the nutrient solution, an increase in the uptake of zinc was registered in the minus Cu treatment only. The effects of high levels of Mn, Cu and Mo probably indicate an interionic competition for a same site on a common binding substance in the cell surface. 2 - The absorption of the radiozinc directly applied to the leaf surface reached levels as high as 8 times that registered when the root uptake took place. Among the three methods of application which have been tried, brushing the lower surface of the leaves proved to be the most effective; this result is easily understood since the stomatal openings of the coffee leaves an preferentially located in the lower surface - in this treatment, about 40 per cent of the activity was absorved and around 12 per cent were translocated either to the old or to the newer organs. Chemical analyses for heavy metals, were carried out only in the plants received Zn65Cl2 in the nutrient solution; the results were as follows; 1 - Control plants had, per 1,000 gm, of dry weight the following amounts in mg.: Zn- 48 in the roots and 29 in the tops; Fe- 165 in the roots and 9 in the tops; Mn- 58 in the roots and 15 in the tops, Cu- 15 in the roots and 1. 2 in the tops; Mo- 2. 8 in the roots and 0. 45 in the tops. 2 - The effect of different levels of micronutrients in the composition of the plants can be summarized as follows: Fe and Zn- when omitted from the nutrient solution, the iron and zinc contents in the roots decreased, no variation being noted in the tops; the higher dosis caused an accumulation in the roots but no apparent effect in the tops; Mn- by omitting this micronutrient a decrease in its content in the roots was noted, where as the concentration in the tops was the same; Mo- no variation in roots and tops contents when molybdenum was omitted; higher dosis of manganese and molybdenum increased the amounts formed both in the roots and in the tops. 3 - The influence of the different concentrations of micronutrients heavy metals on the zinc content of the coffee plants can be described by saying that: Fe and Mo- no marked variation; Mn- no effect when omitted, reduced amount when the high dosis was supplied; Mn- when the plants did not receive manganese the zinc content in roots and tops was the same as in the control plants; a decrease in the zinc content of the total plant occurred when the high dosis was employed; Cu -the situation is similar to that described for manganese. Hence, results showed by the chemical analyses roughly correspond to those of the radioactivity assay; the use of the tracer technique, however, gave best informations along this line. SOIL-POTS EXPERIMENTS. The two types of soils which when selected support the most extensive coffee plantations in the State of São Paulo, Brazil: "arenito de Bauru", a light sandy soil and "terra roxa legitima", a red soil derived from basalt. Besides NPK containing salts, the coffee plants were given two doses of inert zinc (65 and 130 mg ZnCl2 per pot) and radiozinc at a total activity of 10(6) counts/minute. The results of the countings can be summarized as follows: 1 - When plants were grown in "arenito de Bauru" the activity absorbed as per cent of the total activity supplied was not affected by the dosis of inert zinc. The highest value found was around 0. 1 per cent. 2 - For the "terra roxa" plants, the situation is almost the same; there was, however, a slight increase in the absorption of the radiozinc when 130 mgm of ZnClg2 was given: a little above 0. 2 per cent of the activity supplied was absorbed. The results clearly show that the young coffee plants practically did not absorb none of the zinc supplied; two reasons at least could be pointed out to explain such a fact: 1 - Zinc fixation by an exchange with magnesium or by filling holes in the octahedral layer of aluminosilicates, probably kaolinite; 2 - No need for fertilizer zinc in the particular stage of life cycle under which the experiment was set up. The data from chemical analysis are roughly parallel to the above mentioned. When one attempts to compare - by taking data herein reported zinc uptake from nutrient solution, leaf brushing or from fertilizers in the soil, a practical conclusion can be drawn: the control of zinc deficiency in coffee plants should not be done by adding the zinc salts to the soil; in other words: the soil applications used so extensively in other countries seem not to be suitable for our conditions; hence zinc sprays should be used wherever necessary.
This paper deals with the determination of the content of macronutrients in pulp and beans of three coffee varieties, namely 'Mundo Novo', 'Caturra Amarelo' and 'Bourbon Amarelo'. Samples were collected in plantations located in the three types of soils herein most of S. Paulo, Brazil, coffee is grown, that is, "terra roxa legítima" (Ribeirão Preto), "massapé-salmourão" (Mocóca), and "arenito de Bauru" (Pindorama). The following main conclusions were drawn after statistical analysis of data obtained hereby. There is no statistical difference among the three varieties . Average contents of macronutrients, as per cent of the dry matter, are the following: N P K Ca Mg S bean 1,71 0,10 1,53 0,27 0,15 0,12 pulps 1.78 0,14 3,75 0,41 0,13 0,15 Samples collected in Mocóca ("massapé-salmourão") had lower N and K contents, probably due to lack of availability of these elements in the soil, as suggested by its analysis. Results obtained in this work are in good agreement with data described elsewhere. Out of the total of elements contained in the whole fruit the following proportions are exported as clean coffee: N - 2/3, P and K - 1/2, Ca, Mg and S - 1/3. It is clear therefore that a substantial amount of elements absorbed from the soil remains in the pulp or in the dry hulls which result from processing. From this fact raises the interest of using these residues as fertilizer in the coffee plantations.
In this experiment it was attempted to find better row spacing (0,20 m, 0,40 m and 0,60 m) and seed rate (3 and 6 grams of seeds/m) to be used in rice. The ordinary flooding was used as irrigation. Four varieties with different flowering periods were used: "Pratão" and "Iguape Agulha" are late varieties (150 days); "Batatais", "Dourado Precoce" early varieties (100 days). These two early varieties produce two harvests by ratooning. The data showed that the late varieties gave a better yeld on a single crop, but the greatest annual yeld by area was obtained when the ratooning was used. As far as amount of seed is concerned the data showed that the better yelds were obtained with 3 grams of seeds.
The dynamics of the bird community in a small forest fragment was evaluated along seven years in relation to changes in the surrounding landscape. The study area is an Araucaria forest fragment in Southern Brazil (state of Paraná). The sampling period covered the years 1988 through 1994 and the mark-release-recapture method was utilized. The landscape analysis was based on Landsat TM images, and changes in exotic tree plantations, native forest, open areas (agriculture, pasture, bare soil, and abandoned field), and "capoeira"(native vegetation < 2 m) were quantified. The relationship between landscape changes and changes in abundance diversity of forest birds, open-area birds, forest-edge birds, and bamboo specialists was evaluated. Richness estimates were run for each year studied. The richness recorded in the study area comprised 96 species. The richness estimates were 114, 118 and 110 species for Chao 1, Jackknife 1 and Bootstrap, respectively. The bird community varied in species richness, abundance and diversity from year to year. As for species diversity, 1991, 1993 and 1994 were significantly different from the other years. Changes in the landscape contributed to the increase in abundance and richness for the groups of forest, open-area and bamboo-specialist species. An important factor discussed was the effect of the flowering of "taquara" (Poaceae), which contributed significantly to increasing richness of bamboo seed eaters, mainly in 1992 and 1993. In general, the results showed that landscape changes affected the dynamics and structure of the bird community of this forest fragment over time, and proved to have an important role in conservation of the avian community in areas of intensive forestry and agricultural activities.
Afforestation of temperate grasslands with fast-growing trees for industrial pulpwood production is spreading in South America. Despite high afforestation rates resulting from governmental policies that stimulate pulpwood production in grasslands of southern Brazil and Uruguay, the impact of this activity on biodiversity remains to be properly assessed. We used an Impact-Reference study design to evaluate how grassland afforestation affects the composition of grassland bird assemblages. We sampled eucalyptus plantations and neighboring natural grasslands in southern Brazil from 2006-2009, and relied on nested sampling and analysis to separate the effects of afforestation from the natural variability of grasslands. We recorded a significant difference in composition between assemblages from grasslands and tree plantations. Species adapted to open, treeless areas tended to be negatively affected in relation to edge or forest birds in eucalyptus plantations. Afforestation is systematically replacing the bird assemblage of hilltop grasslands by a collection of common edge and forest species that occur in nearby riverine and hillside forests. Although most grassland birds negatively affected by tree plantations are common and widespread, observed and predicted afforestation rates in southeastern South America may result in regional population reductions in the near future.
ABSTRACT Amphibians are the most threatened vertebrate group according to the IUCN. Land-use and land cover change (LULCC) and climate change (CC) are two of the main factors related to declining amphibian populations. Given the vulnerability of threatened and rare species, the study of their response to these impacts is a conservation priority. The aim of this work was to analyze the combined impact of LULCC and CC on the regionally endemic species Melanophryniscus sanmartini Klappenbach, 1968. This species is currently categorized as near threatened by the IUCN, and previous studies suggest negative effects of projected changes in climate. Using maximum entropy methods we modeled the effects of CC on the current and mid-century distribution of M. sanmartini under two IPCC scenarios - A2 (severe) and B2 (moderate). The effects of LULCC were studied by superimposing the potential distribution with current land use, while future distribution models were evaluated under the scenario of maximum expansion of soybean and afforestation in Uruguay. The results suggest that M. sanmartini is distributed in eastern Uruguay and the south of Brazil, mainly related to hilly and grasslands systems. Currently more than 10% of this species' distribution is superimposed by agricultural crops and exotic forest plantations. Contrasting with a recent modelling study our models suggest an expansion of the distribution of M. sanmartini by mid-century under both climate scenarios. However, despite the rise in climatically suitable areas for the species in the future, LULCC projections indicate that the proportion of modified habitats will occupy up to 25% of the distribution of M. sanmartini. Future change in climate conditions could represent an opportunity for M. sanmartini, but management measures are needed to mitigate the effects of habitat modification in order to ensure its survival and allow the eventual expansion of its distribution.
The high density of slope failures in western Norway is due to the steep relief and to the concentration of various structures that followed protracted ductile and brittle tectonics. On the 72 investigated rock slope instabilities, 13 were developed in soft weathered mafic and phyllitic allochthons. Only the intrinsic weakness of such rocks increases the susceptibility to gravitational deformation. In contrast, the gravitational structures in the hard gneisses reactivate prominent ductile or/and brittle fabrics. At 30 rockslides along cataclinal slopes, weak mafic layers of foliation are reactivated as basal planes. Slope-parallel steep foliation forms back-cracks of unstable columns. Folds are specifically present in the Storfjord area, together with a clustering of potential slope failures. Folding increases the probability of having favourably orientated planes with respect to the gravitational forces and the slope. High water pressure is believed to seasonally build up along the shallow-dipping Caledonian detachments and may contribute to destabilization of the rock slope upwards. Regional cataclastic faults localized the gravitational structures at 45 sites. The volume of the slope instabilities tends to increase with the amount of reactivated prominent structures and the spacing of the latter controls the size of instabilities.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, from March until June 2007. In the first part, the impact of important geometrical parameters such as source and drain thickness, fin spacing, spacer width, etc. on the parasitic fringing capacitance component of multiple-gate field-effect transistors (MuGFET) is deeply analyzed using finite element simulations. Several architectures such as single gate, FinFETs (double gate), triple-gate represented by Pi-gate MOSFETs are simulated and compared in terms of channel and fringing capacitances for the same occupied die area. Simulations highlight the great impact of diminishing the spacing between fins for MuGFETs and the trade-off between the reduction of parasitic source and drain resistances and the increase of fringing capacitances when Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG) technology is introduced. The impact of these technological solutions on the transistor cut-off frequencies is also discussed. The second part deals with the study of the effect of the volume inversion (VI) on the capacitances of undoped Double-Gate (DG) MOSFETs. For that purpose, we present simulation results for the capacitances of undoped DG MOSFETs using an explicit and analytical compact model. It monstrates that the transition from volume inversion regime to dual gate behaviour is well simulated. The model shows an accurate dependence on the silicon layer thickness,consistent withtwo dimensional numerical simulations, for both thin and thick silicon films. Whereas the current drive and transconductance are enhanced in volume inversion regime, our results show thatintrinsic capacitances present higher values as well, which may limit the high speed (delay time) behaviour of DG MOSFETs under volume inversion regime.
The phlebotomine sand fly fauna of two coffee plantations in a Leishmania-endemic area of Norte de Santander, Colombia was studied. Regular insect collections using a variety of methods were made for three and a half years. Information was obtained on diurnal resting sites, host range and seasonal abundance for 17 species, of wich five (Lutzomyia spinicrassa, Lu. serrana,Lu. shannoni, Lu. ovallesi and Lu. gomezi) were far more numerous than the others, anthropophilic and present throughout the year. The behaviour of these and the remaining 12 species is discussed in relation to their potential role in transmission of Leishmania (Viannia) brasiliensis in the area.
The municipality of Ilhéus, State of Bahia, has a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis where entomological studies were carried out to determine the sand fly species and their habits. Lutzomyia migonei, L. sallesi, L. tupynambai, L. schreiberi, L. intermedia, L. whitmani, L. yuilli yuilli, L. fischeri, L. pessoai, L. shannoni and L. misionensis were identified. Lutzomyia whitmani was the predominant species. Specimens were collected indoors, at peridomestic sites, in the cocoa plantations and in other types of collections. Females fed readily on humans and were attracted to domestic animals. Our evidence suggests that L. whitmani is a probable vector.
Eggs of two species belonging to the Arribalzagia Series of the Laticorn Section of Anopheles (Anopheles) collected in Brazil are described from scanning electron micrographs. The An. fluminensis egg is long with shallow floats displaced far dorsally. The narrow deck region is overlain by a frill modified into prominent ridges that are nearly continuous to both ends of the egg. Slightly opened decks at both poles contain an average of four lobed tubercles. Polygonal, plastron-type chorionic cells cover the lateral and dorsal surfaces. The egg of An. shannoni is unique in possessing 22-27 fingerlike filaments that project with regular spacing from each of its massive floats. These filaments and their bases are highly perforated and are believed to trap air and support flotation of the egg with the dorsal surface up, contrary to the usual orientation for anophelines. The eggs are compared with those of related species bearing similar structures, notably An. fluminensis with An. mediopunctatus s.s and An. shannoni with An. peryassui
The basal sliding surfaces in large rockslides are often composed of several surfaces and possess a complex geometry. The exact morphology and location in three dimensions of the sliding surface remains generally unknown, in spite of extensive field and subsurface investigations, such as those at the Åknes rockslide (western Norway). This knowledge is crucial for volume estimations, failure mechanisms, and numerical slope stability modeling. This paper focuses on the geomorphologic characterization of the basal sliding surface of a postglacial rockslide scar in the vicinity of Åknes. This scar displays a stepped basal sliding surface formed by dip slopes of the gneiss foliation linked together by steeply dipping fractures. A detailed characterization of the rockslide scar by means of high-resolution digital elevation models permits statistical parameters of dip angle, spacing, persistence, and roughness of foliation surfaces and step fractures to be obtained. The characteristics are used for stochastic simulations of stepped basal sliding surfaces at the Åknes rockslide. These findings are compared with previous models based on geophysical investigations. This study discusses the investigation of rockslide scars and rock outcrops for a better understanding of potential rockslides. This work identifies possible basal sliding surface locations, which is a valuable input for volume estimates, design and location of monitoring instrumentation, and numerical slope stability modeling.
An epidemiological study was carried out in the northern Mexican state, Nayarit. Fourteen patients with possible cutaneous leishmaniasis skin lesions gave positive Montenegro skin tests. Biopsies were taken from the skin ulcer and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers for the Leishmania mexicana complex; however all biopsies were not amplified. PCR carried out with specific primers for the L. braziliensis complex resulted in the amplification of all patient DNA. DNA from 12 out of 14 biopsies gave positive amplification with primers species specific for L. (Viannia) braziliensis and hybridized with a species specific L. (V.) braziliensis probe. These results demonstrate the presence in Nayarit of at least two members of the L. braziliensis complex. Most of the cutaneous lesions were caused by L. (V.) braziliensis and two by another species belonging to the L. braziliensis complex. As far as we are aware, this is the first report of L. (V.) braziliensis in Nayarit. The main risk factor associated with the contraction of this disease in Nayarit is attributed to working on coffee plantations.
Lutzomyia intermedia and Lutzomyia whitmani occur sympatrically in the district of Posse, municipality of Petrópolis, in the State of Rio de Janeiro (114 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro), where sand flies were captured weekly for three consecutive years in both the peridomicile and forest, in two first years from 18:00 to 22:00 h, using a Shannon trap and CDC light traps. The anthropophilic habit was assessed by recording the specimens that bit the human captors. Considering the different capture types and sites, the following species were identified: Brumptomyia brumpti, B. cardosoi, B. guimaraesi, Lutzomyia amarali, L. longipalpis, L. microps, L. costalimai, L. edwardsi, L. firmatoi, L. migonei, L. termitophila, L. tupynambai, L. fischeri, L. pessoai, L. lutziana, L. shannoni, L. barrettoi, L. intermedia, L. whitmani, L. lloydi, and L. minasensis. L. intermedia (38.3%) and L. whitmani (38.6%) predominated. L. intermedia predominated in the peridomicile, where it displayed more intense anthropophily, while L. whitmani displayed greater density in the banana plantations and forest, preferential sites for biting humans. Studies on seasonality showed that while L. intermedia displayed greater density in the hottest months of the year (December, January, and February), L. whitmani was abundant in the coolest months (June, July, and August), although both occurred throughout the year.