962 resultados para Plant-water relationships
Variations in water volume in small depressions in Mediterranean salt marshes in Girona (Spain) are described and the potential causes for these variations analysed. Although the basins appear to be endorrheic, groundwater circulation is intense, as estimated from the difference between water volume observed and that expected from the balance precipitation / evaporation. The rate of variation in volume (VR = AV / VAt) may be used to estimate groundwater supply ('circulation'), since direct measurements of this parameter are impossible. Volume.conductivity figures can also be used to estimate the quantity of circulation, and to investigate the origin of water supplied to the system. The relationships between variations in the volume of water in the basins and the main causes of flooding are also analysed. Sea storms, rainfall levels and strong, dry northerly winds are suggested as the main causes of the variations in the volumes of basins. The relative importance assigned to these factors has changed, following the recent regulation of freshwater flows entering the system
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää Stora Enso Oyj:n Imatran tehtaille Wedge-pohjainen analysointityökalu, jolla voidaan hallita prosessi- ja päästötietojen yhteys nykyistä paremmin. Wedgeen määriteltiin päästömittauksia, olennaisia prosessimittauksia ja tarpeelliset laskennat kuormituksen ennustamiseksi lähtien tuotantoprosessien tilasta. Työssä tehtiin kemialliselle ja biologiselle jätevedenpuhdistamolle meneville jätevesille laskennallisia malleja, joita verrattiin mitattuihin arvoihin. Kemialliselle jätevedenpuhdistamolle meneville jätevesille tehtiin malli jäteveden virtaamalle. Biologiselle jätevedenpuhdistamolle meneville jätevesille tehtiin mallit jäteveden virtaamalle sekä COD-, AOX- ja alkuainekuormituksille. Alkuaineista työhön otettiin mukaan natrium, rikki ja kloori. Teoriaosassa on käsitelty sellu- ja paperitehtaiden vedenkäyttöä, tehtaan eri osastojen jätevesikuormitusta, jäteveden puhdistusmenetelmiä sekä prosessidatan käsittelymenetelmiä. Kokeellisessa osassa on esitelty mitattujen ja laskennallisten mallien yhteyttä. Suurin osa laskennallisista malleista näyttää seuraavan kohtuullisen hyvin mitattuja arvoja. Kokeellisessa osassa on myös havainnollistettu esimerkkien avulla mallien hyödyntämistä. Työn hyötynä on normaalien kuormitusvaihteluiden ja häiriöpäästöjen entistä tarkempi ja nopeampi erottelu. Pitkällä tähtäimellä Wedge-ohjelman avulla pystytään keskittämään jätevesikuormituksen vähentämistoimenpiteet olennaisimpiin kohteisiin.
High-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) is a major tool for the fast separation of natural products from plants. It was used for the preparative isolation of the flavonoid monoglucosides present in the aerial parts of the Davilla elliptica St. Hill. (Dilleniaceae). This species is used in Brazilian folk medicine for the treatment of gastric disorders. The optimum solvent system used was composed of a mixture of ethyl acetate-n-propanol-water (140:8:80, v/v/v) and led to a successful separation of quercetin-3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside and myricetin-3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside in approximately 3.0 hours with purity higher than 95%. Identification was performed by ¹H NMR, 13C NMR and HPLC-UV-DAD analyses.
Flow injection (FI) methodology, using diffuse reflectance in the visible region of the spectrum, for the analysis of total sulfur in the form of sulfate, precipitated in the form of barium sulfate, is presented. The method was applied to biodiesel, to plant leaves and to natural waters analysis. The analytical signal (S) correlates linearly with sulfate concentration (C) between 20 and 120 ppm, through the equation S=-1.138+0.0934 C (r = 0.9993). The experimentally observed limit of detection is about 10 ppm. The mean R.S.D. is about 3.0 %. Real samples containing sulfate were analyzed and the results obtained by the FI and by the reference batch turbidimetric method using the statistical Student's t-test and F-test were compared.
Crossroads, crucibles and refuges are three words that may describe natural coastal lagoon environments. The words refer to the complex mix of marine and terrestrial influences, prolonged dilution due to the semi-enclosed nature and the function of a habitat for highly diverse plant and animal communities, some of which are endangered. To attain a realistic picture of the present situation, high vulnerability to anthropogenic impact should be added to the description. As the sea floor in coastal lagoons is usually entirely photic, macrophyte primary production is accentuated compared with open sea environments. There is, however, a lack of proper knowledge on the importance of vegetation for the general functioning of coastal lagoon ecosystems. The aim of this thesis is to assess the role of macrophyte diversity, cover and species identity over temporal and spatial scales for lagoon functions, and to determine which steering factors primarily restrict the qualitative and quantitative composition of vegetation in coastal lagoons. The results are linked to patterns of related trophic levels and the indicative potential of vegetation for assessment of general conditions in coastal lagoons is evaluated. This thesis includes five field studies conducted in flads and glo-flads in the brackish water northern Baltic Sea. Flads and glo-flads are defined as a Baltic variety of coastal lagoons, which due to an inlet threshold and post-glacial landuplift slowly will be isolated from the open sea. This process shrinks inlet size, increases exposure and water retention, and is called habitat isolation. The studied coastal lagoons are situated in the archipelago areas of the eastern coast of Sweden, the Åland Islands and the south-west mainland of Finland, where land-uplift amounts to ca. 5 mm/ per year. Out of 400 evaluated sites, a total of 70 lagoons varying in inlet size, archipelago position and anthropogenic influence to cover for essential environmental variation were chosen for further inventory. Vegetation composition, cover and richness were measured together with several hydrographic and morphometric variables in the lagoons both seasonally and inter-annually to cover for general regional, local and temporal patterns influencing lagoon and vegetation development. On smaller species-level scale, the effects of macrophyte species identity and richness for the fish habitat function were studied by examining the influence of plant interaction on juvenile fish diversity. Thus, the active election of plant monoand polycultures by fish and the diversity of fish in the respective culture were examined and related to plant height and water depth. The lagoons and vegetation composition were found to experience a regime shift initiated by increased habitat isolation along with land-uplift. Vegetation composition altered, richness decreased and cover increased forming a less isolated and more isolated regime, named the vascular plant regime and charophyte regime, respectively according to the dominant vegetation. As total phosphorus in the water, turbidity and the impact of regional influences decreased in parallel, the dominance of charophytes and increasing cover seemed to buffer and stabilize conditions in the charophyte regime and indicated an increased functional role of vegetation for the lagoon ecosystem. The regime pattern was unaffected by geographical differences, while strong anthropogenic impact seemed to distort the pattern due to loss of especially Chara tomentosa L. in the charophyte regime. The regimes were further found unperturbed by short-time temporal fluctuations. In fact the seasonal and inter-annual dynamics reinforced the functional difference between the regimes by the increasing role of vegetation along habitat isolation and the resemblance to lake environments for the charophyte regime. For instance, greater total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations in the water in the beginning of the season in the charophyte regime compared with the vascular plant regime presented a steeper reduction to even lower values than in the vascular plant regime along the season. Despite a regional importance and positive relationship of macrophyte diversity in relation to trophic diversity, species identity was underlined in the results of this thesis, especially with decreasing spatial scale. This result was supported partly by the increased role of charophytes in the functioning of the charophyte regime, but even more explicitly by the species-specific preference of juvenile fish for tall macrophyte monocultures. On a smaller species-level scale, tall plant species in monoculture seemed to be able to increase their length, indicating that negative selection forms preferred habitat structures, which increase fish diversity. This negative relationship between plant and fish diversity suggest a shift in diversity patterns among trohic levels on smaller scale. Thus, as diversity patterns seem complex and diverge among spatial scales, it might be ambiguous to extend the understanding of diversity relationships from one trophic level to the other. All together, the regime shift described here presents similarities to the regime development in marine lagoon environments and shallow lakes subjected to nutrient enrichment. However, due to nutrient buffering by vegetation with increased isolation and water retention as a consequence of the inlet threshold, the development seems opposite to the course along an eutrophication gradient described in marine lagoons lacking an inlet threshold, where the role of vegetation decreases. Thus, the results imply devastating consequences of inlet dredging (decreasing isolation) in terms of vegetation loss and nutrient release, and call for increased conservational supervision. Especially the red listed charophytes would suffer negatively from such interference and the consequences are likely to also deteriorate juvenile fish production. The fact that a new species to Finland, Chara connivens Salzm. Ex. Braun 1835 was discovered during this study further indicates a potential of the lagoons serving as refuges for rare species.
Water uptake and use by plants are essentially energy processes that can be largely modified by percentage of soil cover, plant type; foliage area and its distribution; phenological stage and several environmental factors. Coffee trees (Coffea arabica - cv. Obatã IAC 1669-20) in Agrforestry System (AFS) spaced 3.4x0.9m apart, were planted inside and along rows of 12- year-old rubber trees (Hevea spp.) in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil (22 42'30" S, 47 38'00" W - altitude: 546m). Sap flow of one-year-old coffee plants exposed to 35; 45; 80; 95 and 100% of total solar radiation was estimated by the heat balance technique (Dynamax Inc.). Coffee plants under shade showed greater water loss per unit of incident irradiance. On the other hand, plants in monocrop (full sun) had the least water loss per unit of incident irradiance. For the evaluated positions average water use was (gH2O.m-2Leaf area.MJ-1): 64.71; 67.75; 25.89; 33.54; 27.11 in Dec./2002 and 97.14; 72.50; 40.70; 32.78; 26.13 in Feb./2003. This fact may be attributed to the higher stomata sensitivity of the coffee plants under more illuminated conditions, thus plants under full sun presented the highest water use efficiency. Express transpiration by leaf mass can be a means to access plant adaptation to the various environments, which is inaccessible when the approach is made by leaf area.
This Master´s thesis investigates the performance of the Olkiluoto 1 and 2 APROS model in case of fast transients. The thesis includes a general description of the Olkiluoto 1 and 2 nuclear power plants and of the most important safety systems. The theoretical background of the APROS code as well as the scope and the content of the Olkiluoto 1 and 2 APROS model are also described. The event sequences of the anticipated operation transients considered in the thesis are presented in detail as they will form the basis for the analysis of the APROS calculation results. The calculated fast operational transient situations comprise loss-of-load cases and two cases related to a inadvertent closure of one main steam isolation valve. As part of the thesis work, the inaccurate initial data values found in the original 1-D reactor core model were corrected. The input data needed for the creation of a more accurate 3-D core model were defined. The analysis of the APROS calculation results showed that while the main results were in good accordance with the measured plant data, also differences were detected. These differences were found to be caused by deficiencies and uncertainties related to the calculation model. According to the results the reactor core and the feedwater systems cause most of the differences between the calculated and measured values. Based on these findings, it will be possible to develop the APROS model further to make it a reliable and accurate tool for the analysis of the operational transients and possible plant modifications.
The use of productivity information and efficiency of water use is important for the economic analysis of production and irrigation management, and also helps the economy of water use, which is essential to plant life. The objective of this study was to evaluate the biomass allocation, the water use efficiency and water content in fruits of sweet pepper cropped under the influence of irrigation blades and potassium doses. The statistic design was a completely randomized factorial scheme (5 x 2) and four replications, with five irrigation blades (80; 90; 100; 110 and 120% of crop evapotranspiration) and two levels of potassium (80 and 120 kg K2O ha-1 ), applied according to phenological phase, through a system of drip irrigation with self-compensated drippers, installed in a battery of 40 drainage lysimeters cultivated with sweet pepper (Maximos F1), at Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The dry biomass production of sweet pepper was influenced by fertigation regimes; when it was set the lowest dose, estimates of the efficiency of water use and moisture in the fruit occurred with the use of irrigation depth of 97 and 95% of ETc, respectively.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the application of different water depths and nitrogen and potassium doses in the quality of Tanzania grass, in the southern of the state of Tocantins. The experiment was conducted on strips of traditional sprinklers, and used, as treatments, a mixture of fertilizer combinations of N and K2O always in the ratio of 1 N:0.8 K2O. This study determined throughout the experiment: plant height (PH), the crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). The highest plant height obtained was 132.4 cm, with a fertilizer dose of 691.71 kg ha-1 in the proportion of N:0.8 K2O, in other words, 384.28 kg ha-1 of N and 307.43 kg ha-1 of K2O, and water depth of 80% of the ETc. The highest crude protein content was 12.2%, with the fertilizer dose application of 700 kg ha-1 yr-1 in the proportion of 1 N to 0.8 of K2O, in other words, 388.89 kg ha-1 of N and 311.11 kg ha-1 of K2O and absence of irrigation. The lowest level of neutral detergent fiber was 60.7% with the application of the smallest dose of fertilizer and highest water depth. It was concluded in this study that there was an increase in plant height by increasing the fertilizer dose and water depth. The crude protein content increased 5.4% in the dry season, by increasing the fertilizer dose and water depth. In the dry season, there was an increase of NDF content by 4.5% by increasing the application of fertilizer and water depth.
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of drip irrigation under different population arrangements on the phytometric features, coffee productivity and bean size classification according to sieve retention. The experiment with Coffea arabica L. cv Catuaí was carried out in Mococa, São Paulo, Brazil. The experimental design was a 6 x 2 factorial scheme in randomized blocks, with four replications. The six densities of plantation were E1 (1.60 x 0.50 m); E2 (1.60 x 0.75 m); E3 (1.60 x 1.00 m); E4 (3.20 x 0.50 m); E5 (3.20 x 0.75 m) and E6 (3.20 x 1.00 m), which were divided according to the availability of water (irrigated - I - or non-irrigated - NI - groups). Data were submitted to analysis of variance and averages compared by Tukey test at 1 and 5% of probability. Descriptive analysis of coffee beans according to sieve classification was performed. Irrigation promoted an increase in plant height, crown diameter and production of processed coffee when compared with the NI group. Interaction between population arrangement and irrigation was observed, with an increase in production and crown diameter as the spacing was decreased. Therefore, irrigation provided significant increase in coffee bean size.
Irrigation management can be established, considering the soil water potential, as the limiting factor for plant growth, assuming the soil water content between the field capacity and the permanent wilting point as available water for crops. Thus, the aim of this study was to establish the soil water potential interval during four different phenological phases of coffee irrigated by center pivot. The experiment was set at the experimental area of the Engineering Department at the Federal University of Lavras, in Brazil. The coffee variety planted is designated as Rubi, planted 0.8 meters apart, with rows spaced 3.5 meters apart. The treatments corresponded to the water depths applied based on different percentages of Kc and reference evapotranspiration (ET0) values. Sensors were used to measure the soil water potential interval, installed 25 centimeters depth. In order to compare the results, it was considered as the best matric potential the one that was balanced with the soil water content that resulted in the largest coffee productivity. Based on the obtained results, we verified that in the phases of fruit expansion and ripening, the best results were obtained, before the irrigations, when the soil water potential values reached -35 and -38 kPa, respectively. And in the flowering, small green and fruit expansion phases, when the values reached -31 and -32 kPa, respectively.
In order to identify alternatives for the use of saline water in agricultural production, the effects of the use of brackish water in the preparation of the nutrient solution for the cultivation of sunflower (cv. EMBRAPA 122-V2000) were studied in hydroponic system on consumption and efficiency of water use for the production of achenes and biomass. A completely randomized design was used, analyzed in a 5x2 factorial scheme with three replications. The factors studied were five levels of salinity of nutrient solution (1.7 - control; 4.3; 6.0; 9.0; and 11.5dS m-1) and two plant densities - one or two plants per vessel. It was concluded that the water consumption of sunflower is a variable sensitive to the salinity of the nutrient solution, especially after the fourth week of crop, and that the efficiency of water use in the production of achenes and biomass of sunflower is greater when the plant density increases from one to two plants per vessel, even under saline stress.
Water and fertilizer among the production factors are the elements that most restrict the production of cashew. The precise amount of these factors is essential to the success of the crop yield. This research aimed to determine the best factor-product ratio and analyze technical and economic indicators, of productivity of the cashew clone BRS 189 (Anacardium occidentale) to production factors water and potassium. The experiment was conducted from May 2009 to December 2009 in an experimental area of 56.0 m x 112.0 m in the irrigated Curu - Pentecoste, located in the municipality of Pentecoste, Ceará, Brazil. Production factors water (W) and potassium (K) were the independent variables and productivity (Y), the dependent variable. Ten statistical models that have proven satisfactory for obtaining production function were tested. The marginal rate of substitution was obtained through the ratio of the potassium marginal physical product and the water marginal physical product. The most suited model to the conditions of the experiment was the quadratic polynomial without intercept and interaction. Considering that the price of the water was 0.10 R$ mm -1, the price of the potassium 2.19 R$ kg -1 and the price of the cashew 0.60 R$ kg-1, the amounts of water and K2O to obtain the maximum net income were 6,349.1 L plant-1 of water and 128.7 g plant -1year, -1 respectively. Substituting the values obtained in the production function, the maximum net income was achieved with a yield of 7,496.8 kg ha-1 of cashew.
This work aimed to study the effect of drip irrigation management on growth and yield of the 'Roxo de Valinhos' fig tree (Ficus carica L.), at three years old, and to determine crop coefficients (Kc) and its water requirement (ETc) under Baixada Fluminense climate and soil conditions, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study was carried out in the experimental area of SIPA (Sistema Integrado de Produção Agroecológica) in Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro State, from July 2011 to May 2012. The experimental area was divided in two blocks, named B1 (sandy clay loam texture) and B2 (loamy sand texture). In each block, irrigation frequencies (IF) of two (T1) and four days (T2) were evaluated, as well as the irrigation absence (T3). Irrigation management and water consumption determination were performed through the soil water balance, using the TDR technique. Plant growth was not affected by IF, differing only in the number of produced internodes. For both soil textures, the mean Kc was 0.60, with a significant difference (p<0.05) only for IF. The estimated mean yield showed no significant differences between both textural classes, ranging from 6,612 kg ha-1 (T3) to 8,554 kg ha-1 (T1). This study indicates the importance of irrigation frequency in the irrigation management of fig trees cultivated in soils with different physical characteristics.
Agroindustries are major consumers of water. However, to adapt to environmental trends and be competitive in the market, they have sought rational use of water through water management in their activities. Cleaner Production can result in economic, environmental and social benefits, and in actions that promote reduction in water consumption. This case study was conducted in a slaughterhouse and poultry cold storage processing plant and aimed to identify points of excessive water consumption, and to propose alternatives for managing water resources by reducing consumption. Consumption data are presented in relation to the processing stages with alternatives proposed for the rational use of water, such as closure of mains water during shift changes. Following the implementation of recommendations, a reduction in water consumption of approximately 11,137 m³ per month was obtained, which equates to a savings of US$ 99,672 per year. From this study, it was concluded that the company under review could develop various improvement actions and make an important contribution to the preservation of water resources in the region where it operates.