563 resultados para Paracoccidioides loboi
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis foi encontrado, por inoculação de triturado de fígado e baço em hamsters, em 4 de 20 tatus (Dasypus novemcinctus) examinados na região de Tucuruí, Pará. Hamsters inoculados por via intradérmica e peritoneal com o parasito desenvolveram infecções generalizadas e morreram em 1½ a 13 meses. A diagnose do fungo foi confirmada por histopatologia e cultura. Não se observaram sinais macroscópios de doenças nos tatus. A distribuição geográfica de D. novemcinctus abrange a área endêmica de paracoccidioidomicose humana, sugerindo-se que o tatu tenha algum papel na ecologia do fungo.
Female albino rats were used for the sequential histopathological study of experimental paracoccidioidomycosis. The animals were inoculated intraperitoneally with a strain of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in the yeast-like phase, and sacrificed at given intervals from 1 to 168 days after inoculation; each animal received an inoculum of 4 x 10(6) cells in 0.8 ml of saline. The control group received saline containing scrapings of the culture medium. Tissue from the inoculation site was examined. The cellular population, the extracellular matrix, and the presence and characteristics of fungi were analysed in the inflammatory granulomatous process by light microscopy. The results allowed to separate the kinetic of the inflammatory response into three stages: 1) neutrophilic or macrophagic-neutrophilic; 2) pre-granulomatous; 3) granulomatous. Synthesis of the extracellular matrix began with the depositing of fibrin-like material, and increased gradually with deposits of collagen, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins. Parasites were present in all of the examined periods. Recurrences of the disease were clearly shown through the concurrence of recently-formed granulomas with older granulomas, implying that this type of granulomatous process does not eliminate the disease, nor is it able to limit fungal dissemination over a prolonged period of time.
This work reports on the results of double immunodiffusion (ID), counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE), complement fixation (CF) and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) techniques in the serodiagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis. The study was undertaken on four groups of individuals: 46 patients with untreated paracoccidioidomycosis, 22 patients with other deep mycoses, 30 with other infectious diseases (tuberculosis and cutaneous leishmaniasis) and 47 blood donors as negative controls. Data were obtained using Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens, i.e.,a yeast culture filtrate for ID, CIE and CF, and a yeast cell suspension for IIF. The sensitivity, specificity and efficiency values were measured according to GALEN & GAMBINO8.The gel precipitation tests (ID and CIE) showed the greatest sensitivity (91.3 and 95.6%, respectively), maximum specificity (100%) and the highest efficiency values when compared to the CF and IIF tests.
São descritos 3 casos de paracoccidioidomicose com a forma aguda da doença, nos quais formas leveduriformes de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis foram visualizadas ao exame direto de medula óssea, sendo a cultura também positiva em um caso. Salienta-se o acometimento do sistema fagocítico-mononuclear e a ausência de resposta às provas cutâneas de hipersensibilidade tardia a antígenos microbianos e de P. brasiliensis em todos, bem como a gravidade do quadro clínico e lesões ósseas generalizadas em um caso, com 20.260 eosinófilos/mm³ no sangue periférico. Os autores discutem o possível papel do eosinófilo na interação hospedeiro-parasita na paracoccidioidomicose, sugerindo que a ativação de subpopulação TH 2 e o aumento de secreção de IL 5 e de GM-CSF possam estar relacionados à grande eosinofilia presente no caso mais grave
The objective of the present study was to develop an efficient and reproducible protocol of immunization of guinea pigs with P. brasiliensis antigens as an animal model for future studies of protective immunity mechanisms. We tested three different antigens (particulate, soluble and combined) and six protocols in the presence and absence of Freund's complete adjuvant and with different numbers of immunizing doses and variable lenght of time between the last immunizing dose and challenge. The efficacy of the immunizing protocol was evaluated by measuring the humoral and cellular anti-P. brasiliensis immune response of the animals, using immuno-diffusion, skin test and macrophage migration inhibition test. It was observed that: 1. Three immunizing doses of the antigens induced a more marked response than two doses; 2. The highest immune response was obtained with the use of Freund's complete adjuvant; 3. Animals challenged a long time (week 6) after the last immunizing dose showed good anti-P. brasiliensis immune response; 4. The particulate antigen induced the lowest immune response. The soluble and the combined antigens were equally efficient in raising good humoral and cellular anti-P. brasiliensis immune response
Interaction between Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) and inflammatory cells in hamster testis was studied sequentially by transmission electron microscopy. In early lesions (six hours after inoculation), polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) were the major and mononuclear cells and eosinophils were the minor constituents of the inflammatory cells. PMNs were later replaced by mononuclear cells. Viable Pb cells were phagocytosed or surrounded by inflammatory cells. Preserved Pb cells usually had broad host-parasite interphases, whereas dying ones had narrow interphases. The outer layer of the fungus wall was sometimes broken by PMN in some focal points, broken pieces being peeled off and phagocytosed. Small Pb cells were uninuclear, and were often related to broad interphase. Large Pb cells were multinucleated with irregularly shaped wall, and sometimes had lomasome and/or myelin like structures. Different interaction patterns of Pb with inflammatory cells may be due to functionally different host cell flow to the inoculation site or due to the age of Pb cells or both.
The study evaluated the activity of NK cells during the course of experimental infection of hamsters with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Eigthy hamsters were infected with P. brasiliensis by intratesticular route and sacrificed at 24h, 48h, 96h, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 11 weeks of infection and compared to 40 noninfected hamsters employed as controls. These animals were submitted to the study of NK cytotoxic activity by a single-cell assay and humoral immune response by immunodiffusion and ELISA tests. The production of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in the presence of Phyto-hemagglutinin and P. brasiliensis antigen and histopathology of the lesions were evaluated at 1, 4, 8 and 11 weeks of infection. The infected animals displayed significantly high levels of NK activity during the four weeks of infection that decreased from the 8th week on when compared to controls. This impairment of NK activity was associated with depression of cell-mediated immune response and with increase in the extension of the histopathologic lesions. There was an inverse correlation between NK cell activity and specific antibody levels. The results suggest that after initial activation, NK cells were unable to control the fungus dissemination. The impairment of NK activity in the late stages of the infection might be related to immunoregulatory disturbances associated with paracoccidioidomycosis.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is an endemic fungal disease widely distributed throughout Latin America. The potent immunosuppressor cyclophosphamide (CY) has been used to modulate host immune response to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in an experimental model. Inbred male Buffalo/Sim rats weighing 250-300 g were inoculated with 5 x 10(6) P. brasiliensis cells of the yeast phase form by intracardiac route. One group of animals was treated with 20 mg/kg body weight at days +4, +5, +6, +7, +11 and +12 post-infection (pi.), while a control group was infected alone. No mortality was recorded in either group. Treated rats presented: a) a decrease in granuloma size, which contained less fungal cells; b) a lack of specific antibodies up to 35 days pi., and c) a significant increase in the footpad swelling test (DTH) against paracoccidioidin. Splenic cell transfer from CY-treated P. brasiliensis-infected donors to recipients infected alone led to a significant increase in DTH response in the latter versus untreated infected controls. Likewise, in treated infected recipients transferred with untreated infected donor spleen cells, footpad swelling proved greater than in controls. Thus, it would seem that each successive suppressor T lymphocyte subset belonging to the respective cascade may be sensitive to repeated CY doses administered up to 12 days pi.. Alternatively, such CY schedule may induce the appearance of a T cell population capable of amplifying DTH response.
We report the clinical findings and evolution of seven patients (five men and two women), the majority of them intravenous drug users, with paracoccidioidomycosis associated to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In four of the patients the paracoccidioidomycosis was restricted to the lung and in the three others was generalized with cutaneous involvement. Only two of them had lived recently in rural area, an indication of the possible reactivation of latent focal infection in the other five patients. The recognition of the role of cell-mediated immunity in host defense against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis leds to the prediction of a growing occurrence of the paracoccidioidomycosis-AIDS association in areas that are endemic for these diseases.
The hamster check pouch is an invagination of oral mucosa, characterized histologically as skin-like. In this paper we describe anatomical, histological and embriological features of the pouch and coment on the pouch as an immunologically privileged site since it lacks lymphatic drainage and has few Langerhans cells. We present the review from literature and our observations after inoculation in the pouch of mycobacteriae (BCG, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae) and a fungus (Paracoccidioides brasiliensis). Lesions in the pouch were granulomatous but smaller and long lasting; even granulomatous, the reaction was inefficient to control the proliferation of agents compared with inoculation in other sites, except for BCG. Appearance of immunity was also delayed or absent and, when it was detected, a sharp decrease in number of agents in pouch lesions was observed. These observations make the pouch an interesting site for the study of the role of immune system in infeccious diseases and in granuloma formation.
Twenty-seven mycologically proven cases of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) were treated with itraconazole (100-200 mg/day in month 1 and 100 mg/day until month 6-8) and evaluated clinically and serologically, up to 3.5 years post-therapy, using Dot-blot and ELISA for measuring the titers of IgG, IgA and IgM anti-P. brasiliensis antibodies and Western-blot for determining IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies against the antigen components of the fungus. Before treatment, 81.5% (Dot-blot) and 84% (ELISA) of the patients presented elevated IgG anti-P. brasiliensis antibody titers which dropped slightly with treatment. On the other hand, the percentages of pre-treatment high-titered sera for IgA and IgM anti-P.brasiliensis were lower (5l.9% and 5l.8%: Dot-blot; 16.5 and 36%: ELISA, respectively) but the titers tended to become negative more frequently with treatment. Prior to treatment, the percentages of positivity for IgG, IgA and IgM anti-P.brasiliensis antibodies in Western-blot were 96%, 20.8% and 41.6%, respectively. Antigens with molecular weights varying from 16-78 kDa, from 21-76 kDa and from 27-78 kDa were reactive for IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies, respectively. The most frequently reactive antigenic components had molecular weights of 27, 33 and 43 kDa for IgG, and 70 for IgA and IgM antibodies. During the period of study, the patients responded well to treatment. The present data confirm the diversity and complexity of the humoral response in PCM, and the importance of utilizing different serological tests to detect IgG, IgA and IgM anti-P. brasiliensis antibodies
Thirty six cases of acute disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis in 3 to 12 year-old children, natives of the state of Rio de Janeiro, were seen in the period 1981-1996. All patients were residents in the rural region of 15 counties, scattered on the Southwestern part of this state. The rural region of two neighboring counties, where 16 cases (44.4%) occurred, was visited. It exhibited the environmental conditions that are considered favorable to the survival of P. brasiliensis. The most important of these conditions, abundant watercourses and autochthonous forest, are distributed on well defined and limited areas, in which the dwellings are also localized. Probably, a careful epidemiological study of forthcoming cases of the disease in children may facilitate the search for the micro-niche of the fungus.
Pathogenic fungi that cause systemic mycoses retain several factors which allow their growth in adverse conditions provided by the host, leading to the establishment of the parasitic relationship and contributing to disease development. These factors are known as virulence factors which favor the infection process and the pathogenesis of the mycoses. The present study evaluates the virulence factors of pathogenic fungi such as Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis, Cryptococcus neoformans, Histoplasma capsulatum and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in terms of thermotolerance, dimorphism, capsule or cell wall components as well as enzyme production. Virulence factors favor fungal adhesion, colonization, dissemination and the ability to survive in hostile environments and elude the immune response mechanisms of the host. Both the virulence factors presented by different fungi and the defense mechanisms provided by the host require action and interaction of complex processes whose knowledge allows a better understanding of the pathogenesis of systemic mycoses.
The records of the first two Colombian patients with AIDS and paracoccidioidomycosis are presented. Both patients were males and had no known risk factors for HIV although in the past they had worked in the field where they could have been infected with the fungus. They exhibited the juvenile type of disease with multiple organ system involvement and symptoms of short duration. They were deeply immunodepressed as indicated by less than 100 CD4 T lymphocytes per mL; however, serologic tests revealed circulating anti-Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antibodies and in one patient the first diagnostic clue came from such tests. In one case, the mycosis preceded the AIDS diagnosis while in the other, both pathologies were discovered simultaneously. Antimycotic therapy with itraconazole was administered for over 10 months, with an initial dose of 200 mg/day followed by 100 mg/day; marked improvement of the mycotic signs and symptoms was soon noticed an there have been no signs of relapse. The patients´ improvement was also due to the combined retroviral treatment that was instituted. In spite of the rarity of the AIDS-paracoccidioidomycosis association, physicians practicing in endemic areas should consider the presence of the mycosis in immunosuppressed patients, since a prompt diagnosis and institution of combined antimycotic-anti-retroviral treatments would result in patient improvement and survival. It appears possible that the longer survival time of today's AIDS patients would give the quiescent fungus the opportunity to revive, multiply and cause overt disease.
Eleven cases of involvement of the genital tract in paracoccidioidomycosis were collected in a retrospective study of the clinical records of 683 patients seen in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. These cases are herein summarily reported. Eighteen similar cases were gathered in review of the Brazilian literature. Obtained data are discussed.