461 resultados para PULSATILE BIOREACTOR
The research was aimed at developing a technology to combine the production of useful microfungi with the treatment of wastewater from food processing. A recycle bioreactor equipped with a micro-screen was developed as a wastewater treatment system on a laboratory scale to contain a Rhizopus culture and maintain its dominance under non-aseptic conditions. Competitive growth of bacteria was observed, but this was minimised by manipulation of the solids retention time and the hydraulic retention time. Removal of about 90% of the waste organic material (as BOD) from the wastewater was achieved simultaneously. Since essentially all fungi are retained behind the 100 mum aperture screen, the solids retention time could be controlled by the rate of harvesting. The hydraulic retention time was employed to control the bacterial growth as the bacteria were washed through the screen at a short HRT. A steady state model was developed to determine these two parameters. This model predicts the effluent quality. Experimental work is still needed to determine the growth characteristics of the selected fungal species under optimum conditions (pH and temperature).
The feasibility of using photosynthetic sulfide-oxidizing bacteria to remove sulfide from wastewater in circumstances where axenic cultures are unrealistic has been completely reconsidered on the basis of known ecophysiological data, and the principles of photobioreactor and chemical reactor engineering. This has given rise to the development of two similar treatment concepts relying on biofilms dominated by green sulfur bacteria (GSB) that develop on the exterior of transparent surfaces suspended in the wastewater. The GSB are sustained and selected for by radiant energy in the band 720 - 780 nm, supplied from within the transparent surface. A model of one of these concepts was constructed and with it the reactor concept was proven. The dependence of sulfide-removal rate on bulk sulfide concentration has been ascertained. The maximum net areal sulfide removal rate was 2.23 g m(-2) day(-1) at a bulk sulfide concentration of 16.5 mg L-1 and an incident irradiance of 1.51 W m(-2). The system has a demonstrated capacity to mitigate surges in sulfide load, and appears to use much less radiant power than comparable systems. The efficacy with which this energy was used for sulfide removal was 1.47 g day(-1) W-1. The biofilm was dominated by GSB, and evidence gathered indicated that other types of phototrophs were not present. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
An increase in left ventricular mass (LVM) occurs in the presence of type 2 diabetes, apparently independent of hypertension (1), but the determinants of this process are unknown. Brachial blood pressure is not representative of that at the ascending aorta (2) because the pressure wave is amplified from central to peripheral arteries. Central blood pressure is probably more clinically important since local pulsatile pressure determines adverse arterial and myocardial remodeling (3,4). Thus, an inaccurate assessment of the contribution of arterial blood pressure to LVM may occur if only brachial blood pressure is taken into consideration. In this study we sought the contribution of central blood pressure (and other interactive factors known to affect wave reflection, e.g., glycemic control and total arterial compliance) to LVM in patients with type 2 diabetes.
It is unclear whether a random plasma cortisol measurement and the corticotropin (ACTH) test adequately reflect glucocorticoid secretory capacity in critical illness. This study aimed to determine whether these tests provide information representative of the 24 hour period. Plasma cortisol was measured hourly for 24 hours in 21 critically ill septic patients followed by a corticotropin test with 1 μ g dose administered intravenously. Serum and urine were analysed for ACTH and free cortisol respectively. Marked hourly variability in plasma cortisol was evident (coefficient of variation 8-30%) with no demonstrable circadian rhythm. The individual mean plasma cortisol concentrations ranged from 286 59 nmol/l to 796 &PLUSMN; 83 nmol/l. The 24 hour mean plasma cortisol was strongly correlated with both random plasma cortisol (r(2) 0.9, P< 0.0001) and the cortisol response to corticotropin (r(2) 0.72, P< 0.001). Only nine percent of patients increased their plasma cortisol by 250 nmol/l after corticotropin (euadrenal response). However, 35% of non-responders had spontaneous hourly rises > 250 nmol/l thus highlighting the limitations of a single point corticotropin test. Urinary free cortisol was elevated (865&PLUSMN; 937 nmol) in both corticotropin responders and non-responders suggesting elevated plasma free cortisol. No significant relationship was demonstrable between plasma cortisol and ACTH. We conclude that although random cortisol measurements and the low dose corticotropin tests reliably reflect the 24 hour mean cortisol in critical illness, they do not take into account the pulsatile nature of cortisol secretion. Consequently, there is the potential for erroneous conclusions about adrenal function based on a single measurement. We suggest that caution be exercised when drawing conclusions on the adequacy of adrenal function based on a single random plasma cortisol or the corticotropin test.
The biochemical kinetic of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) for lactic acid production by fungal species of Rhizopus arrhizus 36017 and Rhizopus oryzae 2062 was studied with respect to growth pH, temperature and substrate. Both R. arrhizus 36017 and R. oryzae 2062 had a capacity to carry out a single stage SSF process for lactic acid production from potato starch wastewater. The kinetic characteristics, termed as starch hydrolysis, accumulation of reducing sugars, lactic acid production and fungal biomass formation, were affected with variations in pH, temperature, and starch source and concentration. A growth condition with starch concentration approximately 20 g/l at pH 6.0 and 30 degrees C was favourable for both starch saccharification and lactic acid fermentation, resulting in lactic acid yield of 0.85-0.92 g/g associated with 1.5-3.5 g/l fungal biomass produced in 36-48 h fermentation. R. arrhizus 36017 had a higher capacity to produce lactic acid, while R. oryzae 2062 produced more fungal biomass under similar conditions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Awareness of antibiotics in wastewaters and aquatic ecosystems is growing as investigations into alternate pollutants increase and analytical techniques for detecting these chemicals improve. The presence of three antibiotics (ciproffoxacin, norfloxacin and cephalexin) was evaluated in both sewage effluent and environmental waters downstream from a sewage discharge. Bacteria cultured from the sewage bioreactor and receiving waters were tested for resistance against six antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, ampicillin, trimethoprim, erythromycin and trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole) and effects of short term exposure (24h) to antibiotics on bacterial denitrification rates were examined. Antibiotics were detected entering the sewage treatment plant with varying levels of removal during the treatment process. Antibiotics were also detected in effluent entering receiving waters and detectable 500m from the source. Among the bacteria cultured from the sewage bioreactor, resistance was displayed against all six antibiotics tested and bacteria cultured from receiving waters were resistant against two of the antibiotics tested. Rates of denitrification were observed to decrease in response to some antibiotics and not to others, though this was only observed at concentrations exceeding those likely to be found in the environment. Findings from this preliminary research have indicated that antibiotics are entering our aquatic systems and pose a potential threat to ecosystem function and potentially human health. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The microbial community composition and activity was investigated in aggregates from a lab-scale bioreactor, in which nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal occurred simultaneously. The biomass was highly enriched for polyphosphate accumulating organisms facilitating complete removal of phosphorus from the bulk liquid; however, some inorganic nitrogen still remained at the end of the reactor cycle. This was ascribed to incomplete coupling of nitrification and denitrification causing NO3- accumulation. After 2 h of aeration, denitrification was dependent on the activity of nitrifying bacteria facilitating the formation of anoxic zones in the aggregates; hence, denitrification could not occur without simultaneous nitrification towards the end of the reactor cycle. Nitrous oxide was identified as a product of denitrification, when based on stored PHA as carbon source. This observation is of critical importance to the outlook of applying PHA-driven denitrification in activated sludge processes. (c) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We evaluated the hydrodynamic performance of kangaroo aortic valve matrices (KMs) (19, 21, and 23 mm), as potential scaffolds in tissue valve engineering using a pulsatile left heart model at low and high cardiac outputs (COs) and heart rates (HRs) of 60 and 90 beats/min. Data were measured in two samples of each type, pooled in two CO levels (2.1 +/- 0.7 and 4.2 +/- 0.6 L/min; mean +/- standard errors on the mean), and analyzed using analysis of variance with CO level, HR, and valve type as fixed factors and compared to similar porcine matrices (PMs). Transvalvular pressure gradient (Delta P) was a function of HR (P < 0.001) and CO (P < 0.001) but not of valve type (P = 0.39). Delta P was consistently lower in KMs but not significantly different from PMs. The effective orifice area and performance index of kangaroo matrices was statistically larger for all sizes at both COs and HRs.
In the microbial competition observed in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) systems, an undesirable group of micro-organisms known as glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) compete for carbon in the anaerobic period with the desired polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs). Some studies have suggested that a propionate carbon source provides PAOs with a competitive advantage over GAOs in EBPR systems; however, the metabolism of GAOs with this carbon source has not been previously investigated. In this study, GAOs were enriched in a laboratory-scale bioreactor with propionate as the sole carbon source, in an effort to better understand their biochemical processes. Based on comprehensive solid-, liquid- and gas-phase chemical analytical data from the bioreactor, a metabolic model was proposed for the metabolism of propionate by GAOs. The model adequately described the anaerobic stoichiometry observed through chemical analysis, and can be a valuable tool for further investigation of the competition between PAOs and GAOs, and for the optimization of the EBPR process. A group of Alphaproteobacteria dominated the biomass (96% of Bacteria) from this bioreactor, while post-fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) chemical staining confirmed that these Alphaproteobacteria produced poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) anaerobically and utilized them aerobically, demonstrating that they were putative GAOs. Some of the Alphaproteobacteria were related to Defluvicoccus vanus (16% of Bacteria), but the specific identity of many could not be determined by FISH. Further investigation into the identity of other GAOs is necessary.
We study a case of a 65-year-old woman who developed popliteal arteriovenous fistula (AVF) and venous aneurysm following left knee arthrodesis. Presenting features included left popliteal and calf pain, a tender pulsatile mass posterior to her left knee, popliteal bruit and a thrill at the popliteal fossa and ankle. Left femoral angiography showed an AVF arising from the right tibioperoneal trunk and an aneurysm at the level of the AVF. Findings at open investigation included AVF between the tibioperoneal trunk and the popliteal vein, and a venous aneurysm arising from the popliteal vein opposite the neck of the arteriovenous communication. The aneurysm and fistula were repaired using prolene suture.
An innovative method for modelling biological processes under anaerobic conditions is presented and discussed. The method is based on titrimetric and off-gas measurements. Titrimetric data is recorded as the addition rate of hydroxyl ions or protons that is required to maintain pH in a bioreactor at a constant level. An off-gas analysis arrangement measures, among other things, the transfer rate of carbon dioxide. The integration of these signals results in a continuous signal which is solely related to the biological reactions. When coupled with a mathematical model of the biological reactions, the signal allows a detailed characterisation of these reactions, which would otherwise be difficult to achieve. Two applications of the method to the enhanced biological phosphorus removal processes are presented and discussed to demonstrate the principle and effectiveness of the method.
Deterioration of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) has been linked to the proliferation of glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs), but few organisms possessing the GAO metabolic phenotype have been identified. An unidentified GAO was highly enriched in a laboratory-scale bioreactor and attempts to identify this organism using conventional 16S rRNA gene cloning had failed. Therefore, rRNA-based stable isotope probing followed by full-cycle rRNA analysis was used to specifically identify the putative GAOs based on their characteristic metabolic phenotype. The study obtained sequences from a group of Alphaproteobacteria not previously shown to possess the GAO phenotype, but 90% identical by 16S rRNA gene analysis to a phylogenetic clade containing cloned sequences from putative GAOs and the isolate Defluvicoccus vanus. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes (DF988 and DF1020) were designed to target the new group and post-FISH chemical staining demonstrated anaerobic-aerobic cycling of polyhydroxyalkanoates, as per the GAO phenotype. The successful use of probes DF988 and DF1020 required the use of unlabelled helper probes which increased probe signal intensity up to 6.6-fold, thus highlighting the utility of helper probes in FISH. The new group constituted 33% of all Bacteria in the lab-scale bioreactor from which they were identified and were also abundant (51 and 55% of Bacteria) in two other similar bioreactors in which phosphorus removal had deteriorated. Unlike the previously identified Defluvicoccus-related organisms, the group identified in this study were also found in two full-scale treatment plants performing EBPR, suggesting that this group may be industrially relevant.
The bacteria that mediate the anaerobic oxidation of ammonium (anammox) are detected worldwide in natural and man-made ecosystems, and contribute up to 50% to the loss of inorganic nitrogen in the oceans. Two different anammox species rarely live in a single habitat, suggesting that each species has a defined but yet unknown niche. Here we describe a new anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacterium with a defined niche: the co-oxidation of propionate and ammonium. The new anammox species was enriched in a laboratory scale bioreactor in the presence of ammonium and propionate. Interestingly, this particular anammox species could out-compete other anammox bacteria and heterotrophic denitrifiers for the oxidation of propionate in the presence of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate. We provisionally named the new species Candidatus "Anammoxoglobus propionicus".
The aim of this work was to demonstrate at pilot scale a high level of energy recovery from sewage utilising a primary Anaerobic Migrating Bed Reactor (AMBR) operating at ambient temperature to convert COD to methane. The focus is the reduction in non-renewable CO2 emissions resulting from reduced energy requirements for sewage treatment. A pilot AMBR was operated on screened sewage over the period June 2003 to September 2004. The study was divided into two experimental phases. In Phase 1 the process operated at a feed rate of 10 L/h (HRT 50 h), SRT 63 days, average temperature 28 degrees C and mixing time fraction 0.05. In Phase 2 the operating parameters were 20 L/h, 26 days, 16 degrees C and 0.025. Methane production was 66% of total sewage COD in Phase 1 and 23% in Phase 2. Gas mixing of the reactor provided micro-aeration which suppressed sulphide production. Intermittent gas mixing at a useful power input of 6 W/m(3) provided satisfactory process performance in both phases. Energy consumption for mixing was about 1.5% of the energy conversion to methane in both operating phases. Comparative analysis with previously published data confirmed that methane supersaturation resulted in significant losses of methane in the effluent of anaerobic treatment systems. No cases have been reported where methane was considered to be supersaturated in the effluent. We have shown that methane supersaturation is likely to be significant and that methane losses in the effluent are likely to have been greater than previously predicted. Dissolved methane concentrations were measured at up to 2.2 times the saturation concentration relative to the mixing gas composition. However, this study has also demonstrated that despite methane supersaturation occurring, microaeration can result in significantly lower losses of methane in the effluent (< 11% in this study), and has demonstrated that anaerobic sewage treatment can genuinely provide energy recovery. The goal of demonstrating a high level of energy recovery in an ambient anaerobic bioreactor was achieved. An AMBR operating at ambient temperature can achieve up to 70% conversion of sewage COD to methane, depending on SRT and temperature. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Candidatus Accumulibacter Phosphatis is widely considered to be a polyphosphate accumulating organism (PAO) of prime importance in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) systems. This organism has yet to be isolated, despite many attempts. Previous studies on the biochemical and physiological aspects of this organism, as well as its response to different EBPR operational conditions, have generally relied on the use of mixed culture enrichments. One frequent problem in obtaining highly enriched cultures of this organism is the proliferation of glycogen accumulating organisms (GAO) that can compete with PAOs for limited carbon sources under similar operational conditions. In this study, Candidatus Accumulibacter Phosphatis has been enriched in a lab-scale bioreactor to a level greater than 90% as quantified by fluorescence in situ hyrbridisation (FISH). This is the highest enrichment of this organism that has been reported thus far, and was obtained by alternating the sole carbon source in the feed between acetate and propionate every one to two sludge ages, and operating the bioreactor within a pH range of 7.0-8.0. Simultaneously, the presence of two known groups of GAOs was eliminated under these operational conditions. Excellent phosphorus removal performance and stability were maintained in this system, where the phosphorous concentration in the effluent was below 0.2 mg/L for more than 7 months. When a disturbance was introduced to this system by adding sludge from an enriched GAO culture, Candidatus Accumulibacter Phosphatis once again became highly enriched, while the GAOs were out-competed. This feeding strategy is recommended for future studies focused on describing the physiology and biochemistry of Accumulibacter, where a highly-enriched culture of this organism is of high importance. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.