938 resultados para PHASE-II
BACKGROUND: Pioglitazone, an oral anti-diabetic that stimulates the PPAR-gamma transcription factor, increased survival of mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed a phase II, double blind, multicentre, placebo controlled trial of pioglitazone in ALS patients under riluzole. 219 patients were randomly assigned to receive 45 mg/day of pioglitazone or placebo (one: one allocation ratio). The primary endpoint was survival. Secondary endpoints included incidence of non-invasive ventilation and tracheotomy, and slopes of ALS-FRS, slow vital capacity, and quality of life as assessed using EUROQoL EQ-5D. The study was conducted under a two-stage group sequential test, allowing to stop for futility or superiority after interim analysis. Shortly after interim analysis, 30 patients under pioglitazone and 24 patients under placebo had died. The trial was stopped for futility; the hazard ratio for primary endpoint was 1.21 (95% CI: 0.71-2.07, p = 0.48). Secondary endpoints were not modified by pioglitazone treatment. Pioglitazone was well tolerated. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Pioglitazone has no beneficial effects on the survival of ALS patients as add-on therapy to riluzole. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00690118.
Background In angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, symptoms linked to B-lymphocyte activation are common, and variable numbers of CD20(+) large B-blasts, often infected by Epstein-Barr virus, are found in tumor tissues. We postulated that the disruption of putative B-T interactions and/or depletion of the Epstein-Barr virus reservoir by an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab) could improve the clinical outcome produced by conventional chemotherapy. DESIGN AND METHODS: Twenty-five newly diagnosed patients were treated, in a phase II study, with eight cycles of rituximab + chemotherapy (R-CHOP21). Tumor infiltration, B-blasts and Epstein-Barr virus status in tumor tissue and peripheral blood were fully characterized at diagnosis and were correlated with clinical outcome. RESULTS: A complete response rate of 44% (95% CI, 24% to 65%) was observed. With a median follow-up of 24 months, the 2-year progression-free survival rate was 42% (95% CI, 22% to 61%) and overall survival rate was 62% (95% CI, 40% to 78%). The presence of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (14/21 patients) correlated with Epstein-Barr virus score in lymph nodes (P<0.004) and the detection of circulating tumor cells (P=0.0019). Despite peripheral Epstein-Barr virus clearance after treatment, the viral load at diagnosis (>100 copy/μg DNA) was associated with shorter progression-free survival (P=0.06). Conclusions We report here the results of the first clinical trial targeting both the neoplastic T cells and the microenvironment-associated CD20(+) B lymphocytes in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, showing no clear benefit of adding rituximab to conventional chemotherapy. A strong relationship, not previously described, between circulating Epstein-Barr virus and circulating tumor cells is highlighted.
Background: The anti-angiogenic drug, bevacizumab (Bv), is currently used in the treatment of different malignancies including breast cancer. Many angiogenesis-associated molecules are found in the circulation of cancer patients. Until now, there are no prognostic or predictive factors identified in breast cancer patients treated with Bv. We present here the first results of the prospective monitoring of 6 angiogenesis-related molecules in the peripheral blood of breast cancer patients treated with a combination of Bv and PLD in the phase II trial, SAKK 24/06. Methods: Patients were treated with PLD (20 mg/m2) and Bv (10 mg/kg) on days 1 and 15 of each 4-week cycle for a maximum of 6 cycles, followed by Bv monotherapy maintenance (10 mg/m2 q2 weeks) until progression or severe toxicity. Plasma and serum samples were collected at baseline, after 2 months of therapy, then every 3 months and at treatment discontinuation. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (Quantikine, R&D Systems and Reliatech) were used to measure the expression levels of human vascular endothelial growth factor (hVEGF), placental growth factor (hPlGF), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (hMMP9) and soluble VEGF receptors hsVEGFR-1, hsVEGFR-2 and hsVEGFR-3. The log-transformed data (to reduce the skewness) for each marker was analyzed using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) model to determine if there was a difference between the mean of the subgroups of interest (where α = 0.05). The untransformed data was also analyzed in the same manner as a "sensitivity" check. Results: 132 blood samples were collected in 41 out of 43 enrolled patients. Baseline levels of the molecules were compared to disease status according to RECIST. There was a statistically significant difference in the mean of the log-transformed levels of hMMP9 between responders [CR+PR] versus the mean in patients with PD (p-value=0.0004, log fold change=0.7536), and between patients with disease control [CR+PR+SD] and those with PD (p-value=<0.0001, log fold change=0.81559), with the log-transformed level of hMMP9 being higher for the responder group. The mean of the log-transformed levels of hsVEGFR-1 was statistically significantly different between patients with disease control [CR+PR+SD] and those with PD (p-value=0.0068, log fold change=-0.6089), where the log-transformed level of hsVEGFR-1 was lower for the responder group. The log-transformed level of hMMP9 at baseline was identified as a significant prognostic factor in terms of progression free survival (PFS): p-value=0.0417, hazard ratio (HR)=0.574 with a corresponding 95% confidence interval (0.336 - 0.979)). No strong correlation was shown either between the log-transformed levels of hsVEGF, hPlGF, hsVEGFR-2 or hsVEGFR-3 and clinical response or the occurrence of severe toxicity, or between the levels of the different molecules. Conclusions: Our results suggest that baseline plasma level of the matrix metalloproteinase, hMMP9, could predict tumor response and PFS in patients treated with a combination of Bv and PLD. These data justify further investigation in breast cancer patients treated with anti-angiogenic therapy.
The results of numerous phases I and II clinical trials testing the safety and immunogenicity of various cancer vaccine formulations based on cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs)-defined tumor antigens have been reported recently. Specific T cell responses can be detected in only a fraction of immunized patients. A smaller but significant fraction of these patients have objective tumor responses. Efficient therapeutic vaccination should aim at boosting naturally occurring anti-tumor responses and at sustaining a large contingent of tumor antigen-specific and fully functional effector T cells at tumor sites.
BACKGROUND: By reducing the amount of nicotine that reaches the brain when a person smokes a cigarette, nicotine vaccines may help people to stop smoking or to prevent recent quitters from relapsing. OBJECTIVES: The aims of this review are to assess the efficacy of nicotine vaccines for smoking cessation and for relapse prevention, and to assess the frequency and type of adverse events associated with the use of nicotine vaccines. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Review Group specialised register for trials, using the term 'vaccine' in the title or abstract, or in a keyword (date of most recent search April 2012). To identify any other material including reviews and papers potentially relevant to the background or discussion sections, we also searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PsycINFO, combining terms for nicotine vaccines with terms for smoking and tobacco use, without design limits or limits for human subjects. We searched the Annual Meeting abstracts of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco up to 2012, using the search string 'vaccin'. We searched Google Scholar for 'nicotine vaccine'. We also searched company websites and Google for information related to specific vaccines. We searched clinicaltrials.gov in March 2012 for 'nicotine vaccine' and for the trade names of known vaccine candidates. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomized controlled trials of nicotine vaccines, at Phase II and Phase III trial stage and beyond, in adult smokers or recent ex-smokers. We included studies of nicotine vaccines used as part of smoking cessation or relapse prevention interventions. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We extracted data on the type of participants, the dose and duration of treatment, the outcome measures, the randomization procedure, concealment of allocation, blinding of participants and personnel, reporting of outcomes, and completeness of follow-up.Our primary outcome measure was a minimum of six months abstinence from smoking. We used the most rigorous definition of abstinence, and preferred cessation rates at 12 months and biochemically validated rates where available. We have used the risk ratio (RR) to summarize individual trial outcomes. We have not pooled the current group of included studies as they cover different vaccines and variable regimens. MAIN RESULTS: There are no nicotine vaccines currently licensed for public use, but there are a number in development. We found four trials which met our inclusion criteria, three comparing NicVAX to placebo and one comparing NIC002 (formerly NicQbeta) to placebo. All were smoking cessation trials conducted by pharmaceutical companies as part of the drug development process, and all trials were judged to be at high or unclear risk of bias in at least one domain. Overall, 2642 smokers participated in the included studies in this review. None of the four included studies detected a statistically significant difference in long-term cessation between participants receiving vaccine and those receiving placebo. The RR for 12 month cessation in active and placebo groups was 1.35 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.82 to 2.22) in the trial of NIC002 and 1.74 (95% CI 0.73 to 4.18) in one NicVAX trial. Two Phase III NicVAX trials, for which full results were not available, reported similar quit rates of approximately 11% in both groups. In the two studies with full results available, post hoc analyses detected higher cessation rates in participants with higher levels of nicotine antibodies, but these findings are not readily generalisable. The two studies with full results showed nicotine vaccines to be well tolerated, with the majority of adverse events classified as mild or moderate. In the study of NIC002, participants receiving the vaccine were more likely to report mild to moderate adverse events, most commonly flu-like symptoms, whereas in the study of NicVAX there was no significant difference between the two arms. Information on adverse events was not available for the large Phase III trials of NicVAX.Vaccine candidates are likely to undergo significant changes before becoming available to the general public, and those included in this review may not be the first to reach market; this limits the external validity of the results reported in this review in terms of both effectiveness and tolerability. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is currently no evidence that nicotine vaccines enhance long-term smoking cessation. Rates of serious adverse events recorded in the two trials with full data available were low, and the majority of adverse events reported were at mild to moderate levels. The evidence available suggests nicotine vaccines do not induce compensatory smoking or affect withdrawal symptoms. No nicotine vaccines are currently licensed for use in any country but a number are under development.Further trials of nicotine vaccines are needed, comparing vaccines with placebo for smoking cessation. Further trials are also needed to explore the potential of nicotine vaccines to prevent relapse. Results from past, current and future research should be reported in full. Adverse events and serious adverse events should continue to be carefully monitored and thoroughly reported.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) comprises both indolent forms, including follicular lymphoma (FL) and marginal zone lymphoma (MZL), and aggressive forms, including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). FL and DLBCL are the most common subtypes of indolent and aggressive NHL, respectively. Although these lymphomas exhibit different clinical behaviors and outcomes, the prognosis is negatively affected in both DLBCL and FL by the lack of a complete response (CR) with standard treatment options. The aim of therapy should therefore be achievement of a CR, which is not only associated with longer progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival times, but is also a prerequisite for a cure, particularly in DLBCL. Consolidation treatment with radioimmunotherapy (RIT) is an innovative treatment approach to increase CR rates. Phase II studies have indicated promising results with yttrium-90 ((90)Y)-ibritumomab tiuxetan and iodine-131 ((131)I)-tositumomab as consolidation following induction therapy for previously untreated patients with advanced FL. More recently, investigators reported a marked increase in CR rates and significant improvements in PFS using standard chemotherapy regimens followed by (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan in a phase III randomized trial in patients with previously untreated FL. Data also suggest that RIT may play a role in the treatment of high-risk DLBCL, with encouraging PFS results from a phase II trial of (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan consolidation following induction with rituximab plus chemotherapy in elderly patients with previously untreated DLBCL. With the higher CR rates and longer PFS times observed in patients with FL and DLBCL, as well as encouraging early data from MZL and MCL consolidation trials, RIT appears to have an important role in the treatment of patients with NHL.
Potilaiden käsitys terveyteen liittyvästä elämänlaadusta lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeisenä toipumisaikana – kuuden kuukauden seurantatutkimus Tässä kaksivaiheisessa seurantatutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin potilaiden käsitystä terveyteen liittyvästä elämänlaadusta lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeisenä toipumisaikana. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tarkoituksena oli sekä kuvailla potilaiden kokemuksia potilaana olosta, saamastaan hoidosta ja terveyspalveluorganisaatiosta että analysoida aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella leikkauksen tuloksia potilaan kannalta. Toisessa vaiheessa tarkoituksena oli arvioida potilaiden kokemaa elämänlaatua leikkauksen jälkeen, ja sitä vaikuttivatko primaaritulokset (fyysinen toimintakyky, kipu, ahdistus) tai taloudelliset seuraukset (potilaiden itsensämaksamat kustannukset, palvelujen käyttö) terveyteen liittyvään elämänlaatuun. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää mahdolliset kriittiset ajankohdat tai tekijät, jotka saattavat hidastaa toipumista ja siten huonontaa potilaiden elämänlaatua. Tätä tietoa voidaan käyttää hoitotyössä kun suunnitellaan sopivaa hoitoa ja tukea toipumisajalle. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa primaarileikkaukseen tulevat potilaat (n = 17) kuvailivat teemahaastatteluissa kokemuksiaan kahdesti leikkauksen jälkeen. Haastatteluaineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla. Lisäksi 17 tutkimusartikkelista analysoitiin deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla leikkauksen tuloksia potilaalle, tuloksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja käytetyt tutkimusmetodit. Toisessa vaiheessa primaari- tai revisioleikkaukseen tulevat potilaat (n = 100) arvioivat leikkauksen tuloksia kuuden kuukauden ajan leikkauksen jälkeen: terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua, primaarituloksia ja taloudellisia seurauksia. Aineisto kerättiin erilaisilla mittareilla: Sickness Impact Profile, Finnish Version, Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory, ja Numeric Rating Scale. Lisäksi käytettiin tätä tutkimusta varten tehtyjä kyselylomakkeita: Fyysinen toimintakyky-mittari, Palvelujen käyttö-mittari ja Kustannusmittari. Tutkimuksen toiseen vaiheen tulokset analysoitiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä. Potilaiden terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu parani ja kipu lievittyi leikkauksen jälkeen ja fyysinen toimintakyky lisääntyi toipumisaikana. Positiivisista muutoksista huolimatta potilaat kokivat ahdistusta samassa määrin kuin ennen leikkaustakin. Palvelujen käyttö vaihteli toipumisajan kuluessa ja potilaiden maksamissa kustannuksissa oli suuria vaihteluita. Fyysisen toimintakyvyn lisääntyminen ja kivun lieveneminen paransivat terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua. Sen sijaan huonompi elämänlaatu toipumisaikana oli yhteydessä suurempaan palvelujen käyttöön, kun taas kustannuksilla ei ollut yhteyttä elämänlaatuun. Potilaiden ominaispiirteet tulisi ottaa enemmän huomioon suunniteltaessa sopivaa leikkauksenjälkeistä hoitoa ja tukea. Potilaat tarvitsevat yksilöllisiä ohjeita, sillä monet taustatekijät (esim. ikä, sukupuoli, preoperatiivinen kipu, siviilisääty, ja leikkaustyyppi) vaikuttavat toipumiseen.
RESUME BUT Cette étude a été menée sur le suivi de patients traités pour un glioblastome nouvellement diagnostiqué. Son objectif a été de déterminer l'impact des séquences de perfusion et de diffusion en imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM). Un intérêt particulier a été porté au potentiel de ces nouvelles techniques d'imagerie dans l'anticipation de la progression de la maladie. En effet, l'intervalle de temps libre de progression est une mesure alternative de pronostic fréquemment utilisée. MATERIEL ET METHODE L'étude a porté sur 41 patients participant à un essai clinique de phase II de traitement par temozolomide. Leur suivi radiologique a comporté un examen IRM dans les 21 à 28 jours après radiochimiothérapie et tous les 2 mois par la suite. L'évaluation des images s'est faite sur la base de l'évaluation de l'effet de masse ainsi que de la mesure de la taille de la lésion sur les images suivantes : T1 avec produit de contraste, T2, diffusion, perfusion. Afin de déterminer la date de progression de la maladie, les critères classiques de variation de taille adjoints aux critères cliniques habituels ont été utilisés. RESULAT 311 examens IRM ont été revus. Au moment de la progression (32 patients), une régression multivariée selon Cox a permis de déterminer deux paramètres de survie : diamètre maximal en T1 (p>0.02) et variation de taille en T2 (p<0.05). L'impact de la perfusion et de la diffusion n'a pas été démontré de manière statistiquement significative. CONCLUSION Les techniques de perfusion et de diffusion ne peuvent pas être utilisées pour anticiper la progression tumorale. Alors que la prise de décision au niveau thérapeutique est critique au moment de la progression de la maladie, l'IRM classique en T1 et en T2 reste la méthode d'imagerie de choix. De manière plus spécifique, une prise de contraste en T1 supérieure à 3 cm dans son plus grand diamètre associée à un hypersignal T2 en augmentation forment un marqueur de mauvais pronostic.
Cilengitide, a cyclicized arginine-glycine-aspartic acid-containing pentapeptide, potently blocks ανβ3 and ανβ5 integrin activation. Integrins are upregulated in many malignancies and mediate a wide variety of tumor-stroma interactions. Cilengitide and other integrin-targeting therapeutics have preclinical activity against many cancer subtypes including glioblastoma (GBM), the most common and deadliest CNS tumor. Cilengitide is active against orthotopic GBM xenografts and can augment radiotherapy and chemotherapy in these models. In Phase I and II GBM trials, cilengitide and the combination of cilengitide with standard temozolomide and radiation demonstrate consistent antitumor activity and a favorable safety profile. Cilengitide is currently under evaluation in a pivotal, randomized Phase III study (Cilengitide in Combination With Temozolomide and Radiotherapy in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Phase III Randomized Clinical Trial [CENTRIC]) for newly diagnosed GBM. In addition, randomized controlled Phase II studies with cilengitide are ongoing for non-small-cell lung cancer and squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Cilengitide is the first integrin inhibitor in clinical Phase III development for oncology.
The primary objective of this toolbox is to summarize various known traffic-calming treatments and their effectiveness. This toolbox focuses on roadway-based treatments for speed management, particularly for rural communities with transition zones. Education, enforcement, and policy strategies should also be considered, but are not the focus of this toolbox. The research team identified treatments based on their own research, a review of the literature, and discussion with other professionals. This toolbox describes each treatment and summarizes placement, advantages, disadvantages, effectiveness, appropriateness, and cost for each treatment. The categories of treatments covered in this toolbox are as follows: horizontal physical displacement, vertical physical displacement, narrowing, surroundings, pavement markings, traffic control signs, and other strategies. Separate 3- to 4-page Tech Briefs for various aspects of this toolbox are attached to this record: Center Islands with Raised Curbing for Rural Traffic Calming, Colored Entrance Treatments for Rural Traffic Calming, Dynamic Speed Feedback Signs for Rural Traffic Calming, Transverse Speed Bars for Rural Traffic Calming. This toolbox and the tech briefs are related to the report Evaluation of Low Cost Traffic Calming for Rural Communities – Phase II, which is also included in this record or can be found at http://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/14769
Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite (CS) protein is a leading malaria vaccine candidate. We describe the characterization of specific immune responses induced in 21 malaria-naive volunteers vaccinated with long synthetic peptides derived from the CS protein formulated in Montanide ISA 720. Both antibody- and cell-mediated immune responses were analyzed. Antibodies were predominantly of IgG1 and IgG3 isotypes, recognized parasite proteins on the immunofluorescent antibody test, and partially blocked sporozoite invasion of hepatoma cell lines in vitro. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from most volunteers (94%) showed IFN-γ production in vitro upon stimulation with both long signal peptide and short peptides containing CD8+ T-cell epitopes. The relatively limited sample size did not allow conclusions about HLA associations with the immune responses observed. In summary, the inherent safety and tolerability together with strong antibody responses, invasion blocking activity, and the IFN-γ production induced by these vaccine candidates warrants further testing in a phase II clinical trial.
Phase II of this study further evaluated the performance of plant-produced warm-mix asphalt (WMA) mixes by conducting additional mixture performance tests at a broader range of temperatures, adding additional pavements to the study, comparing virgin and recovered binder properties, performing pavement condition surveys, and comparing survey data with the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) forecast for pavement damage over 20 years of service life. Further objectives detailing curing behavior, quality assurance testing, and hybrid technologies were as follows: * Compare the predicted and observed field performance of existing WMA trials produced in the previous Phase I study to that of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) control sections to determine if Phase I conclusions are translating to the field; * Identify any curing effect (and timing of the effect) of WMA mixtures and binders in the field; * Determine how the field-compacted mixture properties and recovered binder properties of WMA compare to those of HMA over time for technologies common to Iowa; * Identify the protocols for WMA sample preparation for volumetric and performance testing that best simulate field conditions. The findings of this study indicate that WMA additives do show statistical differences in mixture properties in some of the mixes tested. These differences will not always be statistically different from mixture to mixture. Multiple factors, such as WMA additive type, amount of recycled asphalt material, construction conditions, and mixture variability all play a role in determining the extent of which WMA and HMA mixes differ. Other significant findings of this study include effects of curing, aging in recovered binders from HMA and WMA cores, and the influence of recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) used with WMA. These findings will be of interest to owner agencies and contractors utilizing WMA technologies.
BACKGROUND: Evaluation of syncope remains often unstructured. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of a standardized protocol designed to improve the diagnosis of syncope. METHODS: Consecutive patients with syncope presenting to the emergency departments of two primary and tertiary care hospitals over a period of 18 months underwent a two-phase evaluation including: 1) noninvasive assessment (phase I); and 2) specialized tests (phase II), if syncope remained unexplained after phase I. During phase II, the evaluation strategy was alternately left to physicians in charge of patients (control), or guided by a standardized protocol relying on cardiac status and frequency of events (intervention). The primary outcomes were the diagnostic yield of each phase, and the impact of the intervention (phase II) measured by multivariable analysis. RESULTS: Among 1725 patients with syncope, 1579 (92%) entered phase I which permitted to establish a diagnosis in 1061 (67%) of them, including mainly reflex causes and orthostatic hypotension. Five-hundred-eighteen patients (33%) were considered as having unexplained syncope and 363 (70%) entered phase II. A cause for syncope was found in 67 (38%) of 174 patients during intervention periods, compared to 18 (9%) of 189 during control (p<0.001). Compared to control periods, intervention permitted diagnosing more cardiac (8%, vs 3%, p=0.04) and reflex syncope (25% vs 6%, p<0.001), and increased the odds of identifying a cause for syncope by a factor of 4.5 (95% CI: 2.6-8.7, p<0.001). Overall, adding the diagnostic yield obtained during phase I and phase II (intervention periods) permitted establishing the cause of syncope in 76% of patients. CONCLUSION: Application of a standardized diagnostic protocol in patients with syncope improved the likelihood of identifying a cause for this symptom. Future trials should assess the efficacy of diagnosis-specific therapy.
The Phase I research, Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) Project HR-214, "Feasibility Study of Strengthening Existing Single Span Steel Beam Concrete Deck Bridges," verified that post-tensioning can be used to provide strengthening of the composite bridges under investigation. Phase II research, reported here, involved the strengthening of two full-scale prototype bridges - one a prototype of the model bridge tested during Phase I and the other larger and skewed. In addition to the field work, Phase II also involved a considerable amount of laboratory work. A literature search revealed that only minimal data existed on the angle-plus-bar shear connectors. Thus, several specimens utilizing angle-plus-bar, as well as channels, studs and high strength bolts as shear connectors were fabricated and tested. To obtain additional shear connector information, the bridge model of Phase I was sawed into four composite concrete slab and steel beam specimens. Two of the resulting specimens were tested with the original shear connection, while the other two specimens had additional shear connectors added before testing. Although orthotropic plate theory was shown in Phase I to predict vertical load distribution in bridge decks and to predict approximate distribution of post-tensioning for right-angle bridges, it was questioned whether the theory could also be used on skewed bridges. Thus, a small plexiglas model was constructed and used in vertical load distribution tests and post-tensioning force distribution tests for verification of the theory. Conclusions of this research are as follows: (1) The capacity of existing shear connectors must be checked as part of a bridge strengthening program. Determination of the concrete deck strength in advance of bridge strengthening is also recommended. (2) The ultimate capacity of angle-plus-bar shear connectors can be computed on the basis of a modified AASHTO channel connector formula and an angle-to-beam weld capacity check. (3) Existing shear connector capacity can be augmented by means of double-nut high strength bolt connectors. (4) Post-tensioning did not significantly affect truck load distribution for right angle or skewed bridges. (5) Approximate post-tensioning and truck load distribution for actual bridges can be predicted by orthotropic plate theory for vertical load; however, the agreement between actual distribution and theoretical distribution is not as close as that measured for the laboratory model in Phase I. (6) The right angle bridge exhibited considerable end restraint at what would be assumed to be simple support. The construction details at bridge abutments seem to be the reason for the restraint. (7) The skewed bridge exhibited more end restraint than the right angle bridge. Both skew effects and construction details at the abutments accounted for the restraint. (8) End restraint in the right angle and skewed bridges reduced tension strains in the steel bridge beams due to truck loading, but also reduced the compression strains caused by post-tensioning.
Since the early 1980s high dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell support was adopted by many oncologists as a potentially curative option for solid tumors, supported by a strong rationale from laboratory studies and apparently convincing results of early phase II studies. As a result, the number and size of randomized trials comparing this approach with conventional chemotherapy initiated (and often abandoned before completion) to prove or disprove its value was largely insufficient. In fact, with the possible exception of breast carcinoma, the benefit of a greater escalation of dose of chemotherapy with stem cell support in solid tumors is still unsettled and many oncologists believe that this approach should cease. In this article, we critically review and comment on the data from studies of high dose chemotherapy so far reported in adult patients with small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, germ cell tumors and sarcomas.