912 resultados para PAM fluorometry
Il fitoplancton è costituito da organismi molto importanti per l'ambiente marino e molto diversificati sia dal punto di vista morfologico che fisiologico.Questi organismi sono normalmente soggetti ai cambiamenti stagionali e alle variazioni dell'ambiente dovute sia a fenomeni naturali che all'impatto antropico, sempre più rilevante. Con questa tesi si è voluto approfondire l'effetto di erbicidi comunemente usati dall'uomo in agricoltura su delle microalghe flagellate rappresentative del Mar Adriatico. L'inquinante scelto è la Terbutilazina, sostanza utilizzata per il diserbo del mais e diffusa in tutta l'area padano-venera, come dimostrano i dati dei campionamenti ARPA, che riportano la presenza di Terbutilazina e del suo prodotto di degradazione Desetil-Terbutilazina a concentrazioni superiori al limite fissato sia nelle acque superficiali che in quelle sotterranee. Anche in mare come riportato in letteratura (Carafa et. al 2009)è stato riscontrato a concentrazioni superiori al limite previsto dalla normativa vigente in Italia. In particolare il meccanismo d'azione di questo erbicida interferisce con la fotosintesi, agendo sulle proteine di membrana dei cloroplasti, rimpiazzando il chinone accettore di elettroni QB della proteina D1 del fotosistema II. Più specie di microalghe fatte crescere in colture 'batch' sono state testate a diverse concentrazioni di erbicida in condizione di luce nutrienti costanti. Questi esperimenti sono stati inoltre condotti a due diverse temperature (20 e 25°C) per studiare l'effetto di questo inquinante in correlazione con l'attuale aumento di temperatura in atto nel pianeta. In una prima fase di screening è stato valutato l'effetto della Terbutilazina su 9 specie di flagellate rappresentative dell'Adriatico, tramite misure dell'efficienza fotosintetica. Grazie a questa prima fase sono state individuate le microalghe e le relative concentrazioni di Terbutilazina da utilizzare negli esperimenti. Per gli esperimenti, sono state scelte le due specie algali Gonyaulax spinifera e Prorocentrum minimum sulle quali si è approfondito lo studio dell'effetto dell'inquinante alle due temperature, attraverso una serie di analisi volte ad individuare le risposte in termini di crescita e di fisiologia delle alghe quali: conteggio delle cellule, torbidità, efficienza fotosintetica, consumo di nutrienti, quantità di clorofilla e di polisaccaridi extracellulari prodotti. La scelta di queste microalghe è stata dettata dal fatto che Gonyaulax spinifera si è rivelata la microalga più sensibile a concentrazioni di erbicida più vicine a quelle ambientali fra tutte le alghe valutate, mentre Prorocentrum minimum è fra le dinoflagellate più frequenti e rappresentative del Mar Adriatico (Aubry et al. 2004), anche se non particolarmente sensibile; infatti P. minimum è stato testato ad una concentrazione di erbicida maggiore rispetto a quelle normalmente ritrovate in ambiente marino. Dai risultati riportati nella tesi si è visto come l'erbicida Terbutilazina sia in grado di influenzare la crescita e la fotosintesi di microalghe flagellate dell'Adriatico anche a concentrazioni pari a quelle rilevate in ambiente, e si è evidenziato che gli effetti sono maggiori alle temperature in cui le microalghe hanno una crescita meno efficiente. Questi studi hanno messo in evidenza anche l'utilità delle misure di fotosintesi tramite fluorimetro PAM nel valutare le risposte delle microalghe agli erbicidi triazinici. Inoltre la diversa risposta delle microalghe osservata, potrebbe avere conseguenze rilevanti sulle fioriture estive di fitoplancton in caso di presenza in mare di Terbutilazina, anche a concentrazioni non particolarmente elevate. Questo lavoro si inserisce in un contesto più ampio di ricerca volto alla modellizzazione della crescita algale in presenza di inquinanti ed in concomitanza con le variazioni di temperatura. Infatti i dati ottenuti insieme a misure di carbonio cellulare, non ancora effettuate, saranno utili per la messa a punto di nuove parametrizzazioni che si avvicinino maggiormente ai dati reali, per poi simulare i possibili scenari futuri variando le condizioni ambientali e le concentrazioni dell'inquinante studiato.
Analyse und Modulation kontaktallergischer Reaktionen In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde in einem ersten Teil die Bedeutung des Tumor-Necrosis-Faktors auf eine Kontaktallergie anhand von TNFR1- und TNFR2-defizienten Mäusen untersucht. Mit Hilfe des Ohrschwellungsverlaufs einer von DNFB ausgelösten kontaktallergischen Reaktion konnte bei TNFR1-defizienten Mäusen eine leichte Überreaktivität und bei TNFR2-defizienten Mäusen eine statistisch abgesicherte Überreaktivität festgestellt werden. Eine ebenfalls überreaktive Schwellungsreaktion konnte bei TNFR2-defizienten Mäusen, die vorher mit Oxazolon behandelt worden waren, beobachtet werden. In den anschließend durchgeführten histologischen Untersuchungen der Langerhans-Zellen aus den TNFR-defizienten Mäusen zeigten sich keine sichtbaren Differenzen in bezug auf MHC II-Expression und Verteilung der Zellen. Eine unterschiedliche Stimulationskapazität konnte bei Langerhans-Zellen, die aus TNFR1- bzw. TNFR2-defizienten Mäusen isoliert worden waren, nicht beobachtet werden.In Migrationsstudien, bei denen FITC als Kontaktallergen von Langerhans-Zellen aufgenommen, prozessiert und nach der Wanderung in die Lymphknoten präsentiert wurde, konnte keine verringerte Anzahl der migrierenden Zellen bei TNFR1-defizienten Mäusen festgestellt werden. Jedoch wurde eine reduzierte Anzahl FITC- und MHC II-doppelt-positiver Zellen aus TNFR2-defizienten Mäusen beobachtet.Um Aufschlüsse über die Expression von TNF-Rezeptoren auf murinen Langerhans-Zellen gewinnen zu können, wurde mit Hilfe von Epidermal Sheets, zytofluorometrischen Analysen und RT-PCR-Analysen von Langerhans-Zellen die Expression der TNF-Rezeptoren untersucht. In Vorversuchen konnte die Expression von TNF-Rezeptoren auf Fibroblasten und T-Zellen gefunden werden. Weiterhin konnten beide TNF-Rezeptoren auf der Keratinozyten-Zellinie PAM 212 nachgewiesen werden. Auf frisch isolierten Langerhans-Zellen, die mittels MicroBeads aus epidermalen Zellsuspensionen gewonnen wurden, konnten keine TNF-Rezeptoren beobachtet werden. Bei kultivierten Langerhans-Zellen konnte dagegen die Expression des TNFR2 festgestellt werden. Mit Hilfe von RT-PCR-Analysen konnte die mRNA des TNFR1 sowohl bei frisch isolierten als auch bei kultivierten Langerhans-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde die Wirkung des Immunmodulators Leflunomid (LF) auf eine Kontaktallergie untersucht. Es konnte eine signifikant geringere Schwellungsreaktion im Zuge einer DNFB-induzierten Kontaktallergie bei LF-behandelten Mäusen festgestellt werden. Bei Experimenten zur Untersuchung des Wirkungszeitraums der inhibitorischen Wirkung von LF bei einer kontaktallergischen Reaktion konnte ein langanhaltender Effekt beobachtet werden. Weiterhin konnte die inhibitorische Wirkung von LF auf eine von Oxazolon induzierte kontaktallergische Schwellungsreaktion und auf eine irritative Schwellungsreaktion beobachtet werden. Wie in einem weiteren Experiment festgestellt werden konnte, wirkte LF größenteils antigenspezifisch.Der Wirkungszeitpunkt von LF konnte in verschiedenen Experimenten, bei dem LF vor, während oder nach der Sensibilisierungsreaktion verabreicht worden war, festgestellt werden. Eine suppressive Wirkung von LF war nur dann zu beobachten, wenn LF während der Sensibilisierungsphase gegeben worden war. Weiterhin konnte in Transfer-Experimenten festgestellt werden, daß die Inhibition der kontaktallergischen Schwellungsreaktion auf naive Tiere übertragbar ist. Außerdem wurden Hinweise gefunden, daß CD8+-T-Zellen als Effektorzellen bei der Suppression eine Rolle spielen. Desweiteren konnten anhand von Untersuchungen von Epidermal Sheets von LF-behandelten Mäusen, die mit DNFB konfrontiert worden waren, keine morphologischen Unterschiede gefunden werden. Nach Erstellung von Migrationsanalysen für die zum Einsatz gekommenen Versuchsgruppen, d.h. sowohl für die LF-behandelten als auch für die Kontroll-Mäuse, konnte kein Einfluß von LF auf die Wanderungsfähigkeit von LC konstatiert werden. Anhand von FACS-Analysen konnte bei einer mit LF kultivierten T-Zellinie eine reduzierte Expression des IL-2-, und Transferrin-Rezeptors, sowie von CD44 beobachtet werden. Schließlich wurde bei Untersuchungen einer topischen Applikationsform von LF festgestellt, daß LF nur oral appliziert wirksam war.
Tesi svolta presso l'azienda “Riba composites S.r.l.” con lo scopo di riprogettare una passerella nautica utilizzata in imbarcazioni a vela da competizione, attualmente realizzata mediante formatura in autoclave di tessuti pre-impregnati, per il processo produttivo di Vacuum Assisted Resin Injection (VARI). La formatura in autoclave di tessuti pre-impregnati è una delle tecnologie più onerose, tra i vari processi produttivi nel settore dei materiali compositi, ma assicura proprietà meccaniche e livelli estetici superlativi. L’obiettivo della Riba Composites è ridurre i costi di produzione per offrire un prodotto dalle proprietà analoghe a un prezzo più competitivo. Nella fase di riprogettazione ci siamo affidati a un software di calcolo agli elementi finiti che simula il processo del VARI, l’applicativo PAM-RTM, del gruppo ESI. Al fine di ottenere una simulazione quanto più precisa possibile del processo, abbiamo realizzato molteplici prove sperimentali per ricavare i valori di compressibilità e permeabilità dei rinforzi da inserire nel software FEM.
The development and characterization of biomolecule sensor formats based on the optical technique Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Spectroscopy and electrochemical methods were investigated. The study can be divided into two parts of different scope. In the first part new novel detection schemes for labeled targets were developed on the basis of the investigations in Surface-plamon Field Enhanced Spectroscopy (SPFS). The first one is SPR fluorescence imaging formats, Surface-plamon Field Enhanced Fluorescence Microscopy (SPFM). Patterned self assembled monolayers (SAMs) were prepared and used to direct the spatial distribution of biomolecules immobilized on surfaces. Here the patterned monolayers would serve as molecular templates to secure different biomolecules to known locations on a surface. The binding processed of labeled target biomolecules from solution to sensor surface were visually and kinetically recorded by the fluorescence microscope, in which fluorescence was excited by the evanescent field of propagating plasmon surface polaritons. The second format which also originates from SPFS technique, Surface-plamon Field Enhanced Fluorescence Spectrometry (SPFSm), concerns the coupling of a fluorometry to normal SPR setup. A spectrograph mounted in place of photomultiplier or microscope can provide the information of fluorescence spectrum as well as fluorescence intensity. This study also firstly demonstrated the analytical combination of surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence detection with analyte tagged by semiconducting nano- crystals (QDs). Electrochemically addressable fabrication of DNA biosensor arrays in aqueous environment was also developed. An electrochemical method was introduced for the directed in-situ assembly of various specific oligonucleotide catcher probes onto different sensing elements of a multi-electrode array in the aqueous environment of a flow cell. Surface plasmon microscopy (SPM) is utilized for the on-line recording of the various functionalization steps. Hybridization reactions between targets from solution to the different surface-bound complementary probes are monitored by surface-plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence microscopy (SPFM) using targets that are either labeled with organic dyes or with semiconducting quantum dots for color-multiplexing. This study provides a new approach for the fabrication of (small) DNA arrays and the recording and quantitative evaluation of parallel hybridization reactions. In the second part of this work, the ideas of combining the SP optical and electrochemical characterization were extended to tethered bilayer lipid membrane (tBLM) format. Tethered bilayer lipid membranes provide a versatile model platform for the study of many membrane related processes. The thiolipids were firstly self-assembled on ultraflat gold substrates. Fusion of the monolayers with small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) formed the distal layer and the membranes thus obtained have the sealing properties comparable to those of natural membranes. The fusion could be monitored optically by SPR as an increase in reflectivity (thickness) upon formation of the outer leaflet of the bilayer. With EIS, a drop in capacitance and a steady increase in resistance could be observed leading to a tightly sealing membrane with low leakage currents. The assembly of tBLMs and the subsequent incorporation of membrane proteins were investigated with respect to their potential use as a biosensing system. In the case of valinomycin the potassium transport mediated by the ion carrier could be shown by a decrease in resistance upon increasing potassium concentration. Potential mediation of membrane pores could be shown for the ion channel forming peptide alamethicin (Alm). It was shown that at high positive dc bias (cis negative) Alm channels stay at relatively low conductance levels and show higher permeability to potassium than to tetramethylammonium. The addition of inhibitor amiloride can partially block the Alm channels and results in increase of membrane resistance. tBLMs are robust and versatile model membrane architectures that can mimic certain properties of biological membranes. tBLMs with incorporated lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and lipid A mimicking bacteria membranes were used to probe the interactions of antibodies against LPS and to investigate the binding and incorporation of the small antimicrobial peptide V4. The influence of membrane composition and charge on the behavior of V4 was also probed. This study displays the possibility of using tBLM platform to record and valuate the efficiency or potency of numerous synthesized antimicrobial peptides as potential drug candidates.
Aufgrund ihrer Lebensweise und -umgebung sind effiziente Strategien zur Abwehr bedrohender Einflüsse essentiell für die Porifera. Eine dieser Strategien stellen die Apoptose in höheren Metazoen, sowie ein effizientes Immunsystem dar. Diese sichern sowohl das Überleben des Organismus als auch die Entfernung beschädigter, infizierter oder redundanter Zellen. Bei Untersuchungen der Porifera auf Moleküle, die an diesen Prozessen beteiligt sind, konnten in den letzten Jahren beachtliche Erfolge erzielt werden. So konnten das in der Apoptose involvierte Protein GCDD2 (proapoptotisch), die antiapoptotischen GCBHP1 und GCBHP2 Proteine (Wiens et al., 2001), sowie ein LPS induzierbarer TNF (Wiens et al., 2007) und zwei Caspasen (Wiens et al., 2003) in Schwämmen identifiziert werden. Um diese essentiellen Mechanismen besser verstehen zu können, sollte ein möglicher Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor-Rezeptor identifiziert werden. Hierzu wurde die SpongeBase Datenbank nach Proteinen mit Todesdomänen durchsucht und diese unter Anwendung von PCR- und Screening-Techniken in einer cDNA-Bank des marinen Schwammes S. domuncula komplettiert. Im Anschluss an ihre Sequenzierung wurde ein Klon ausgewählt, dessen Todesdomäne größte Homologie zu einem TNFR zeigte. Dieser Klon SD_TNFR-like (Suberites domuncula TNFR-homologes Protein) wurde anschließend diversen Sequenz- und Strukturanalysen unterzogen. Diese offenbarten die Existenz zweier funktional bedeutsamer Domänen (Ubiquitin-like und Todesdomäne). Vor allem die Todesdomäne impliziert eine Beteiligung des Proteins an apoptotischen Prozessen. Über einen „Yeast Two Hybrid Screen“ sollten Proteine identifiziert werden, welche mit dem Ausgangsprotein interagieren. Hierbei wurde ein Protein identifiziert, das Ähnlichkeit mit einem antimikrobiellen Peptid aufweist. Dieses Protein kann analog zu einer Gruppe von antimikrobiellen Peptiden, den α-helikalen kationischen Peptiden, in drei Teile gespalten werden. Das Signalpeptid sowie ein anionisches Propeptid werden abgespalten und es entsteht ein kationisches, antimykotisch wirksames Peptid. Beide Proteine sollten, sofern sie in die Abwehrreaktionen involviert sind, durch Inkubation mit mikrobiellen Strukturen vermehrt exprimiert werden. Eine Überprüfung der Transkription mittels Northern Blot Analysen bestätigte dies für das SD_TNFR-like nach Inkubation mit LPS und TNF- α sowie für SD_Brevinin-like nach Inkubation mit LPS, PAM und Hefe. Mit der Herstellung eines rekombinanten SD_TNFR-like-Proteins wurde die Immunisierung von Kaninchen und die folgende Gewinnung eines polyklonalen SD_TNFR-like-Antikörpers ermöglicht. Dieser gestattete den Nachweis der SD_TNFR-like -Expression mittels Western Blot-Analysen sowie die stressinduzierte erhöhte Expression mittels Dot Blot-Analysen auch auf Proteinebene. Um die Funktion des SD_TNFR-like Proteins zu charakterisierten, wurde ein Test mit RAW-Blue™-Zellen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse implizieren, dass das Protein Teil der Immunreaktion analog der der TLR- bzw. NLR- Reaktion ist. Auch die Interaktion mit einem antimikrobiellen Protein, welches für das Überleben des Organismus und die Bekämpfung der Mikroorganismen sorgt, deutet auf eine solche Beteiligung hin. Zusätzlich wird diese These durch ein Ergebnis der Strukturanalysen unterstützt, nämlich die Identifizierung einer TRAF2 Bindestelle. TRAF2 ist ein Adapterprotein der TNFR und aktiviert Überlebensfaktoren über den NF - B-Weg. Immunohistochemische Analysen zeigten, dass das SD_TNFR-like Protein im Organismus vor allem um die Bakteriozysten, um verschiedene Mikroorganismen und am Rand des Schwammes exprimiert wird, was ebenfalls für eine immunologische Funktionsweise spricht. Auch im restlichen Gewebe wird es kontinuierlich, auch ohne vorherige LPS Inkubation exprimiert. Diese Akkumulation zeigt deutlich, dass das Protein in einen Schutzmechanismus gegen äußere Bedrohungen involviert ist. Es scheint dabei direkt an den eindringenden Mikroorganismen zu wirken. Das SD_TNFR-like ist demnach ein potentieller Bestandteil der Immunantwort des Schwammes, welches Apoptose verhindern und Überlebensmechanismen aktivieren kann. Das SD_Brevinin-like Protein besitzt antimykotische Aktivität, wie in einem antimikrobiellen Test gezeigt werden konnte. Weiterhin scheint es für das SD_TNFR-like Protein als positiver bzw. negativer Regulator von Bedeutung zu sein, der eine Reaktion entweder beendet oder die Expression von Überlebensfaktoren verstärkt. Die in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen demonstrieren somit die Identifizierung eines neuen Schwammproteins, welches eine Rolle in der Immunantwort spielt, sowie eines neuen antimikrobiellen Peptids, welches die Wirkung des TNFR-like moduliert. Es müssen jedoch noch weitere Funktionsanalysen folgen, um den Mechanismus des SD_TNFR-like Proteins und seine Regulation genauer charakterisieren zu können
L’insufficienza renale acuta(AKI) grave che richiede terapia sostitutiva, è una complicanza frequente nelle unità di terapia intensiva(UTI) e rappresenta un fattore di rischio indipendente di mortalità. Scopo dello studio é stato valutare prospetticamente, in pazienti “critici” sottoposti a terapie sostitutive renali continue(CRRT) per IRA post cardiochirurgia, la prevalenza ed il significato prognostico del recupero della funzione renale(RFR). Pazienti e Metodi:Pazienti(pz) con AKI dopo intervento di cardiochirurgia elettivo o in emergenza con disfunzione di due o più organi trattati con CRRT. Risultati:Dal 1996 al 2011, 266 pz (M 195,F 71, età 65.5±11.3aa) sono stati trattati con CRRT. Tipo di intervento: CABG(27.6%), dissecazione aortica(33%), sostituzione valvolare(21.1%), CABG+sostituzione valvolare(12.6%), altro(5.7%). Parametri all’inizio del trattamento: BUN 86.1±39.4, creatininemia(Cr) 3.96±1.86mg/dL, PAM 72.4±13.6mmHg, APACHE II score 30.7±6.1, SOFAscore 13.7±3. RIFLE: Risk (11%), Injury (31.4%), Failure (57.6%). AKI oligurica (72.2%), ventilazione meccanica (93.2%), inotropi (84.5%). La sopravvivenza a 30 gg ed alla dimissione è stata del 54.2% e del 37.1%. La sopravvivenza per stratificazione APACHE II: <24=85.1 e 66%, 25-29=63.5 e 48.1%, 30-34=51.8 e 31.8%, >34=31.6 e 17.7%. RFR ha consentito l’interruzione della CRRT nel 87.8% (86/98) dei survivors (Cr 1.4±0.6mg/dL) e nel 14.5% (24/166) dei nonsurvivors (Cr 2.2±0.9mg/dL) con un recupero totale del 41.4%. RFR è stato osservato nel 59.5% (44/74) dei pz non oligurici e nel 34.4% dei pz oligurici (66/192). La distribuzione dei pz sulla base dei tempi di RFR è stata:<8=38.2%, 8-14=20.9%, 15-21=11.8%, 22-28=10.9%, >28=18.2%. All’analisi multivariata, l’oliguria, l’età e il CV-SOFA a 7gg dall’inizio della CRRT si sono dimostrati fattori prognostici sfavorevoli su RFR(>21gg). RFR si associa ad una sopravvivenza elevata(78.2%). Conclusioni:RFR significativamente piu frequente nei pz non oligurici si associa ad una sopravvivenza alla dimissione piu elevata. La distribuzione dei pz in rapporto ad APACHE II e SOFAscore dimostra che la sopravvivenza e RFR sono strettamente legati alla gravità della patologia.
Future climatic change scenarios predict rising of the atmospheric CO2 levels which could favor the proliferation of some harmful bloom-forming cyanobacteria as Microcystis aeruginosa. In the present study, the response of M. aeruginosa strain PCC 7806 to two different partial pressure of CO2 was tested. Sandrini et al. (2013) recently found that several, but not all, M. aeruginosa strains lack the SbtA or BicA HCO3- uptake system genes; the contribution of different Ci transporters to photosynthesis and the difference between low and high affinity activated Ci uptake state were investigated. M. aeruginosa PCC 7806 was cultured in four chemostats containing modified BG11 medium with 10 mM NaNO3 and no presence of NaCl, NaHCO3, Na2CO3 and additional buffers. A wide variety of analysis on samples collected from continuous cultures – such as A750, medium composition, cellular composition, cell counting, mini-PAM, measurements with the O2 optode, Aminco, 77K fluorescence emission spectra – was carried out. Data analysis results showed that the increased CO2 concentration has a big effect on M. aeruginosa PCC 7806. Experiments were performed using the Oxy-4 O2 optode apparatus in order to measure the photosynthetic O2 evolution of samples taken from both batch and chemostat cultures. At low bicarbonate concentration, an evident inhibition of Na+-dependent HCO3- transporter BicA by LiCl at 25 mM was observed. The consequent addition of 25 mM NaCl was able to counteract the Li+ effect at pH 8.0 but not at pH 10.0. In the latter case, only the addition of a higher amount of HCO3- led to photosynthetic O2 evolution suggesting the important role of the BicA transporter. However, further studies are needed to better explain the results obtained as high pH levels might have an influence on the transport systems, altering the mechanism of pH regulation and the functioning of Na+/H+ antiporter systems.
Il documento illustra il lavoro di analisi dei requisiti, progettazione, implementazione e valutazione di un sistema per l’autenticazione degli utenti delle workstation della sede di Scienze del Dipartimento di Informatica — Scienza ed Ingegneria (DISI) che si integri al sistema di autenticazione d’Ateneo. Il sistema descritto è entrato in produzione il 24 settembre 2014 ed è tuttora operante. Il lavoro percorre le modalità di gestione degli account utente in uso presso il DISI e le nuove modalità di organizzazione del DSA d’Ateneo discutendo le motivazioni per cui le soluzioni standard non possono essere adottate nel caso esposto. Analizzato il processo di login dei sistemi Unix e le librerie coinvolte verrà esposto il nuovo progetto, le particolarità dello sviluppo delle nuove librerie PAM e di Name Service Switch e la loro modalità di funzionamento e configurazione all’interno del cluster Unix. In conclusione vengono presentate una serie di valutazioni che mostrano i vantaggi e il rispetto dei requisiti della nuova implementazione.
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Evidence-based information is limited on distribution of local anaesthetic solution following perineural analgesia of the palmar (Pa) and palmar metacarpal (PaM) nerves in the distal aspect of the metacarpal (Mc) region ('low 4-point nerve block'). OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate the potential distribution of local anaesthetic solution after a low 4-point nerve block using a radiographic contrast model. METHODS: A radiodense contrast medium was injected subcutaneously over the medial or the lateral Pa nerve at the junction of the proximal three-quarters and distal quarter of the Mc region (Pa injection) and over the ipsilateral PaM nerve immediately distal to the distal aspect of the second or fourth Mc bones (PaM injection) in both forelimbs of 10 mature horses free from lameness. Radiographs were obtained 0, 10 and 20 min after injection and analysed subjectively and objectively. Methylene blue and a radiodense contrast medium were injected in 20 cadaver limbs using the same techniques. Radiographs were obtained and the limbs dissected. RESULTS: After 31/40 (77.5%) Pa injections, the pattern of the contrast medium suggested distribution in the neurovascular bundle. There was significant proximal diffusion with time, but the main contrast medium patch never progressed proximal to the mid-Mc region. The radiological appearance of 2 limbs suggested that contrast medium was present in the digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS). After PaM injections, the contrast medium was distributed diffusely around the injection site in the majority of the limbs. In cadaver limbs, after Pa injections, the contrast medium and the dye were distributed in the neurovascular bundle in 8/20 (40%) limbs and in the DFTS in 6/20 (30%) of limbs. After PaM injections, the contrast and dye were distributed diffusely around the injection site in 9/20 (45%) limbs and showed diffuse and tubular distribution in 11/20 (55%) limbs. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Proximal diffusion of local anaesthetic solution after a low 4-point nerve block is unlikely to be responsible for decreasing lameness caused by pain in the proximal Mc region. The DFTS may be penetrated inadvertently when performing a low 4-point nerve block.
N,N'-((4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl)methylene)bis(2-phenylacetamide) was discovered by using 3D pharmacophore database searches and was biologically confirmed as a new class of CB(2) inverse agonists. Subsequently, 52 derivatives were designed and synthesized through lead chemistry optimization by modifying the rings A-C and the core structure in further SAR studies. Five compounds were developed and also confirmed as CB(2) inverse agonists with the highest CB(2) binding affinity (CB(2)K(i) of 22-85 nM, EC(50) of 4-28 nM) and best selectivity (CB(1)/CB(2) of 235- to 909-fold). Furthermore, osteoclastogenesis bioassay indicated that PAM compounds showed great inhibition of osteoclast formation. Especially, compound 26 showed 72% inhibition activity even at the low concentration of 0.1 μM. The cytotoxicity assay suggested that the inhibition of PAM compounds on osteoclastogenesis did not result from its cytotoxicity. Therefore, these PAM derivatives could be used as potential leads for the development of a new type of antiosteoporosis agent.
BACKGROUND: Elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is relevant to prognosis of congestive heart failure and heart transplantation. Proof of reversibility by pharmacologic testing in potential transplantation candidates is important because it indicates a reduced probability of right ventricular failure or death in the early post-transplant period. This study aimed to clarify the possible extent of acute reversibility of elevated PVR in a large, consecutive cohort of heart transplant candidates. METHODS: This study included 208 consecutive patients (age 52 +/- 10 years, 89% men and 11% women, ejection fraction 21 +/- 9%, Vo2max 12.6 +/- 4.2 ml/kg/min) being evaluated for heart transplantation in 7 transplant centers in Germany and Switzerland. Testing was performed with increasing intravenous doses of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1; average maximum dose 173 +/- 115 ng/kg/min for at least 10 minutes) in 92 patients exhibiting a baseline PVR of > 2.5 Wood units (WU) and/or a transpulmonary gradient (TPG) of > 12 mm Hg. RESULTS: PGE1 testing lowered PVR from 4.1 +/- 2.0 to 2.1 +/- 1.1 WU (p < 0.01), increased cardiac output from 3.8 +/- 1.0 to 5.0 +/- 1.5 liters/min (p < 0.01), and decreased TPG from 14 +/- 4 to 10 +/- 3 mm Hg (p < 0.01), mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAM) from 39 +/- 9 to 29 +/- 9 mm Hg (p < 0.01) and mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) from 24 +/- 7 to 19 +/- 9 mm Hg (p < 0.01). Mean aortic pressure (MAP) decreased to 85% and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) to 65% of baseline values (p < 0.01). Symptomatic systemic hypotension was not observed. For the whole population the percentage of patients with PVR > 2.5 WU was reduced from 44.2% to 10.5% with PGE1. PVR decreased in each patient; only 2 patients (1%) remained ineligible for listing because of a final PVR of > 4.0 WU. TPG, ejection fraction and male gender were independent predictors of reversibility of PVR. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated PVR in heart transplant candidates is highly reversible and can be normalized during acute pharmacologic testing with PGE1.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease is characterized by infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and a sustained accumulation of neutrophils. In this study, we analyzed 1) the expression of MyD88-dependent TLRs on circulating and airway neutrophils in P. aeruginosa-infected CF patients, P. aeruginosa-infected non-CF bronchiectasis patients, and noninfected healthy control subjects and 2) studied the regulation of TLR expression and functionality on neutrophils in vitro. TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, and TLR9 expression was increased on airway neutrophils compared with circulating neutrophils in CF and bronchiectasis patients. On airway neutrophils, TLR5 was the only TLR that was significantly higher expressed in CF patients compared with bronchiectasis patients and healthy controls. Studies using confocal microscopy and flow cytometry revealed that TLR5 was stored intracellularly in neutrophils and was mobilized to the cell surface in a protein synthesis-independent manner through protein kinase C activation or after stimulation with TLR ligands and cytokines characteristic of the CF airway microenvironment. The most potent stimulator of TLR5 expression was the bacterial lipoprotein Pam(3)CSK(4). Ab-blocking experiments revealed that the effect of Pam(3)CSK(4) was mediated through cooperation of TLR1 and TLR2 signaling. TLR5 activation enhanced the phagocytic capacity and the respiratory burst activity of neutrophils, which was mediated, at least partially, via a stimulation of IL-8 production and CXCR1 signaling. This study demonstrates a novel mechanism of TLR regulation in neutrophils and suggests a critical role for TLR5 in neutrophil-P. aeruginosa interactions in CF lung disease.
Metzincins, such as matrix metalloproteases (MMP), and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins are differentially regulated in inflammation. We hypothesised that metzincins are also dysregulated in experimental acute cardiac allograft rejection. We investigated the Dark Agouti-to-Lewis (DA-to-Lew) rat model of acute cardiac allograft rejection. Cyclosporine (CsA) (7.5 mg/kg/d) was given from transplantation to sacrifice (day +5). At that time, mRNA levels were analysed by Affymetrix genechip and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRTPCR). MMP protein and activities were analysed by immunohistology, fluorometry, zymography and Western blots. In untreated rejected DA allografts, mRNA levels of MMP-2/-7/-9/-/12-/14, a disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM)-17, tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease (TIMP)-1/-3 were increased, whereas MMP-11/-16/-24 and TIMP-2/-4 were lowered compared to native DA hearts. With respect to these untreated allografts, CsA lowered mRNA levels of MMP-7, TIMP-1/-3 (TIMP-2/-4 remained relatively low) and ADAM17, but augmented mRNA levels of MMP-11/-16/-23 and of many ECM genes. Immunohistology showed increased staining of MMP-2 in acute rejection (AR). Overall MMP activity was augmented in both transplanted groups, but CsA reduced MMP-9 activity and MMP-14 production. Taken together, MMP and TIMP were upregulated during acute AR. CsA ameliorated histology of rejection but showed potential pro-fibrotic effects. Thus, MMP and TIMP may play a role in acute cardiac allograft rejection, and beneficial modification of the MMP-ECM balance requires interventions beyond CsA.
Molecular data are now widely used in epidemiological studies to investigate the transmission, distribution, biology, and diversity of pathogens. Our objective was to establish recommendations to support good scientific reporting of molecular epidemiological studies to encourage authors to consider specific threats to valid inference. The statement Strengthening the Reporting of Molecular Epidemiology for Infectious Diseases (STROME-ID) builds upon the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) initiative. The STROME-ID statement was developed by a working group of epidemiologists, statisticians, bioinformaticians, virologists, and microbiologists with expertise in control of infection and communicable diseases. The statement focuses on issues relating to the reporting of epidemiological studies of infectious diseases using molecular data that were not addressed by STROBE. STROME-ID addresses terminology, measures of genetic diversity within pathogen populations, laboratory methods, sample collection, use of molecular markers, molecular clocks, timeframe, multiple-strain infections, non-independence of infectious-disease data, missing data, ascertainment bias, consistency between molecular and epidemiological data, and ethical considerations with respect to infectious-disease research. In total, 20 items were added to the 22 item STROBE checklist. When used, the STROME-ID recommendations should advance the quality and transparency of scientific reporting, with clear benefits for evidence reviews and health-policy decision making.
Understanding the principles of calmodulin (CaM) activation of target enzymes will help delineate how this seemingly simple molecule can play such a complex role in transducing Ca (2+)-signals to a variety of downstream pathways. In the work reported here, we use biochemical and biophysical tools and a panel of CaM constructs to examine the lobe specific interactions between CaM and CaMKII necessary for the activation and autophosphorylation of the enzyme. Interestingly, the N-terminal lobe of CaM by itself was able to partially activate and allow autophosphorylation of CaMKII while the C-terminal lobe was inactive. When used together, CaMN and CaMC produced maximal CaMKII activation and autophosphorylation. Moreover, CaMNN and CaMCC (chimeras of the two N- or C-terminal lobes) both activated the kinase but with greater K act than for wtCaM. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments showed the same rank order of affinities of wtCaM > CaMNN > CaMCC as those determined in the activity assay and that the CaM to CaMKII subunit binding ratio was 1:1. Together, our results lead to a proposed sequential mechanism to describe the activation pathway of CaMKII led by binding of the N-lobe followed by the C-lobe. This mechanism contrasts the typical sequential binding mode of CaM with other CaM-dependent enzymes, where the C-lobe of CaM binds first. The consequence of such lobe specific binding mechanisms is discussed in relation to the differential rates of Ca (2+)-binding to each lobe of CaM during intracellular Ca (2+) oscillations.