880 resultados para Oxygen-consumption
O reator seqüencial em batelada (RSB) é uma variante de lodos ativados capaz de promover a remoção da matéria orgânica, a remoção dos nutrientes e a separação da fase sólida da líquida em uma unidade. A valorização das áreas urbanas, a carência de tratamento terciário e a crescente necessidade de redução nas dimensões de estações de tratamento de esgoto devem impulsionar o desenvolvimento de pesquisas sobre RSB em curto espaço de tempo. A partir deste cenário, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo modelar o comportamento do reator seqüencial em batelada a partir da teoria desenvolvida por Marais e colaboradores. Dentro deste contexto, a cinética de oxidação dos compostos orgânicos e do nitrogênio na forma amoniacal foi descrita e modelada. O trabalho experimental foi realizado em duas escalas: bancada e piloto. O experimento em escala de bancada foi dividido em duas fases. Foram utilizados dois RSBs e um sistema de fluxo contínuo. Um reator seqüencial em batelada (RSB1) foi operado com idade de lodo. O outro reator em batelada (RSB2) foi operado em função da relação F/M e o sistema de fluxo contínuo (FC1) por idade de lodo. Estes reatores foram utilizados como controle no monitoramento do RSB1 Na primeira fase, os três sistemas removeram apenas matéria orgânica. Na fase seguinte, removeram matéria orgânica e nitrogênio. A partir dos resultados obtidos em escala de bancada, foi possível concluir que o modelo desenvolvido pode ser aplicado ao reator seqüencial em batelada operando com idade de lodo, permitindo determinar a qualidade do efluente, a produção de lodo e o consumo de oxidante. Além disso, foi possível descrever o comportamento da taxa de consumo de oxigênio em função da oxidação da matéria orgânica biodegradável e da oxidação do nitrogênio na forma amoniacal. O reator seqüencial em batelada operado com idade de lodo (RSB1) alcançou remoção média de matéria orgânica de 90 % nas idades de lodo de 30, 20, 10 e 5 dias. A remoção média de nitrogênio mais elevada foi obtida na idade de lodo de 20 dias e atingiu 87 %. Nas demais idades de lodo a remoção média de nitrogênio variou entre 79 e 42 %. A modelagem do comportamento do reator seqüencial em batelada resultou numa proposta de metodologia para o dimensionamento que tem como finalidade abolir critérios obsoletos e inadequados para o dimensionamento de lodos ativados em batelada No experimento em escala piloto, foram utilizados um reator seqüencial em batelada, denominado RSB, e um sistema de fluxo contínuo com a configuração Bardenpho, denominado FC. Os sistemas de lodos ativados sob investigação foram monitorados em duas idades de lodo: 30 e 10 dias. Os dados do experimento em escala piloto mostraram que os processos físico-químicos e biológicos envolvidos na remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio no RSB foram mais eficientes do que no Bardenpho quando trataram o mesmo esgoto doméstico e foram submetidos às mesmas condições operacionais. No RSB, obteve-se 88 e 89 % de remoção de matéria orgânica nas idades de lodo de 10 e 30 dias, respectivamente. Nesta seqüência das idades de lodo, a eficiência do Bardenpho caiu de 87 para 76 %. O sistema de fluxo contínuo removeu 66 e 52 % do nitrogênio total afluente nas idades de lodo de 10 e 30 dias, respectivamente. A eficiência do RSB na remoção de nitrogênio foi determinada apenas na idade de lodo de 10 dias e alcançou 69 %. A partir dos resultados obtidos em escala de bancada e piloto, constata-se que o reator seqüencial em batelada operando com idade de lodo pode ser utilizado no tratamento de esgoto doméstico e obter eficiência na remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio igual ou superior ao sistema de fluxo contínuo.
The oil activity in the Rio Grande do Norte State (RN) is a permanent threat to coastal ecosystems, particularly mangroves, with the possibility of oil spills. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential resistance of the mangrove environment of a possible spill. Were selected and isolated microorganisms degrading oil by the technique of enrichment cultures and formation of a bacterial consortium. The kinetic study of the consortium was held in rotary incubator shaken at 150 rpm and 30° C. Samples were taken at intervals of 4 hours for analysis of cell concentration and surface tension. The biodegradation was monitored using two methods of respirometry: manometric (OxiTop-C ®) and conductivimetry, where the biodegradation of oil was estimated indirectly by oxygen consumption and CO2 production, respectively. Furthermore, it was used a full 2² factorial design with triplicate at central point to the runs that used the conductivimetric methodology.. The technique of enrichment cultures allowed to obtain thirteen bacterial strains. Kinetic study of the consortium, we can showed the absence of the lag phase, reaching a maximum cell concentration of 2.55 g / L at 16 h of cultivation and a reduction on surface tension. When we adopted the methodology of OxiTop-C was detected a band indicating biodegradability (1% oil v/v), however when we used the conductivimetry methodology did not observe any band that would indicate effective biodegradation. By monitoring a process of biodegradation is necessary to observe the methodology will be adopted to evaluate the biodegradation process, since for the same conditions adopted different methodologies can produce different results. The oil-degrading isolates from soils of the mangrove estuary Potengi / RN are largely to be used in bioremediation strategies of these places, in the case of a possible oil spill, or it can be used in the treatment of waste oil generated in saline environments, since they are optimized the conditions of the tests so that the efficiency of biodegradation reach the minimum level suggested by the standarts
The relation between metabolic demand and maximal oxygen consumption during exercise have been investigated in different areas of knowledge. In the health field, the determination of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) is considered a method to classify the level of physical fitness or the risk of cardiocirculatory diseases. The accuracy to obtain data provides a better evaluation of functional responses and allows a reduction in the error margin at the moment of risk classification, as well as, at the moment of determination of aerobic exercise work load. In Brasil, the use of respirometry associated to ergometric test became an opition in the cardiorespiratory evaluation. This equipment allows predictions concerning the oxyredutase process, making it possible to identify physiological responses to physical effort as the respiratory threshold. This thesis focused in the development of mathematical models developed by multiple regression validated by the stepwise method, aiming to predict the VO2max based on respiratory responses to physical effort. The sample was composed of a ramdom sample of 181 healthy individuals, men and women, that were randomized to two groups: regression group and cross validation group (GV). The voluntiars were submitted to a incremental treadmill test; objetiving to determinate of the second respiratory threshold (LVII) and the Peak VO2max. Using the método forward addition method 11 models of VO2max prediction in trendmill were developded. No significative differences were found between the VO2max meansured and the predicted by models when they were compared using ANOVA One-Way and the Post Hoc test of Turkey. We concluded that the developed mathematical models allow a prediction of the VO2max of healthy young individuals based on the LVII
The effects of the Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate (LAS) were evaluated on the mussel Perna perna, using physiological and genotoxic biomarkers. The Micronuclei (MN) assay was used to estimate effects at nuclear level, whereas the physiological effects were evaluated by measuring the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates. Significant effects were observed for the MN assay and the ammonia excretion rate, even in low concentrations. The oxygen consumption was not affected in the tested concentrations. For MN and ammonia excretion, the animals exposed to intermediate concentrations were not affected, but responded to the higher concentrations, indicating the existence of compensatory mechanisms at physiological level. However, parallel to this study other authors indicate the presence of progressive effects at the cellular level, suggesting that the organisms are not capable to recover of such increasing effects. Additionally, the results show that the levels of LAS observed for Brazilian coastal waters may chronically affect the biota.
Broad nosed caiman are ectotherm sauropsids that naturally experience long fasting intervals. We have studied the postprandial responses by measuring oxygen consumption using respirometry, the size changes of the duodenum, the distal small intestine, and the liver, using repeated non-invasive ultrasonography, and by investigating structural changes on the level of tissues and cells by using light- and electron microscopy. The caimans showed the same rapid and reversible changes of organ size and identical histological features, down to the ultrastructure level, as previously described for other ectothermic sauropsids. We found a configuration change of the mucosa epithelium from pseudostratified during fasting to single layered during digestion, in association with hypertrophy of enterocytes by loading them with lipid droplets. Similar patterns were also found for the hepatocytes of the liver. By placing the results of our study in comparative relationship and by utilizing the phylogenetic bracket of crocodiles, birds and squamates, we suggest that the observed features are plesiomorphic characters of sauropsids. By extending the comparison to anurans, we suggest that morphological and physiological adjustments to feeding and fasting described here may have been a character of early tetrapods. In conclusion, we suggest that the ability to tolerate long fasting intervals and then swallow a single large meal as described for many sit-an-wait foraging sauropsids is a functional feature that was already present in ancestral tetrapods.
Laboratory colonies of the leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens feed daily with leaves of Ipomoea batatas showed ant mortality and a significant decrease in the size of the fungal garden after the second week, with complete depletion of nests after 5 weeks of treatment. The mean oxygen consumption rate of these ants was higher than the control (ants collected from nests feed with leaves of Eucalyptus alba), suggesting a physiological action of the leaves of I. batatas on the ants in addition to the effect of inhibiting the growth of the fungal garden.
The effects of ambient nitrite concentrations on larval development of giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii were evaluated. The trials were conducted in two phases: phase 1, larvae from stages I through VIII and phase 2, larvae from stage VIII until post-larvae. In both phases larvae were kept in water with nitrite (NO2-N) concentrations of 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 mg/L. Oxygen consumption was analyzed for larvae in stage II at nitrite concentrations of 0, 4, and 8 mg/L. Survival, weight gain, larval stage index and metamorphosis rate decreased linearly with increasing ambient nitrite concentration. However, there was no significant difference between larvae subjected to 0 and 2 mg/L NO2-N. In phase 1, there was total mortality at 16 mg/L NO2-N, while in phase 2 larval development stopped at stage X in this treatment. The oxygen consumption in stage II increased significantly at NO2-N concentration from 0 to 4 mg/L, but there was no difference between 4 and 8 mg/L NO2-N. In conclusion, increasing ambient nitrite up to 16 mg/L NO2-N delays larval development, reduces larval growth rate and causes mortality, whereas no significant effect occurs for levels below 2 mg/L NO2-N. However, the establishment of a general safe level of nitrite to M rosenbergii hatchery may be difficult due to the great variability in larvae individual sensitivity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Poucos são os estudos que possibilitam verificar quais as respostas fisiológicas são associadas ao desempenho em uma amostra de ciclistas de elite nacional. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar e relacionar diferentes índices fisiológicos aeróbios com o desempenho em testes contra relógio de 4 e 20km em ciclistas de alto nível. A amostra foi composta por 14 ciclistas profissionais de elite nacional do sexo masculino (28,5 ± 4,7 anos, 73,47 ± 8,29 kg, 176 ± 6,76 cm), que realizaram um teste progressivo em laboratório para a determinação do consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2max: 62,23 ± 8,28 ml·kg·min-1), intensidade relativa ao VO2max (iVO2max: 500,83 ± 58,65 w), economia de movimento (EM: 0,1166 ± 0,0362 ml·kg·min·w-1) e 1º e 2º limiares ventilatórios (LV1: 348,21 ± 43,26 w; LV2: 417,86 ± 60,79 w, respectivamente). Também foram submetidos a duas provas de 4 e 20km contra relógio. Para correlação entre os índices fisiológicos e desempenho, foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (p< 0,05). Não foi encontrada correlação entre os índices fisiológicos (VO2max absoluto e relativo, iVO2max, EM, LV1 e LV2) e o desempenho de 4km (r= 0.38; 0.16; -0.33; 0.20; -0.50; -0.20, respectivamente) e 20km (r= 0.24; 0.01; -0.13; -0.12; -0.48; -0.19, respectivamente) contra relógio em atletas de alto nível. Estes resultados sugerem que tais variáveis não apresentam capacidade de explicar o desempenho em provas de contra relógio nas respectivas distâncias, provavelmente, devido à homogeneidade entre os sujeitos.
Obesity is rampant in modern society and growth hormone (GH) could be useful as adjunct therapy to reduce the obesity-induced cardiovascular damage. To investigate GH effects on obesity, initially 32 male Wistar rats were divided into two groups (n = 16): control (C) was fed standard-chow and water and hyper-caloric (H) was fed hypercaloric chow and 30% sucrose in its drinking water. After 45 days, both C and H groups were divided into two subgroups (n = 8): C + PL was fed standard-chow, water and received saline subcutaneously; C + GH was fed standard-chow, water, and received 2 mg/kg/day GH subcutaneously; H + PL was fed hypercaloric diet, 30% sucrose in its drinking water, and received saline subcutaneously; and H + GH was fed hypercaloric diet, 30% sucrose in its drinking water, and received GH subcutaneously. After 75 days of total experimental period, H + PL rats were considered obese, having higher body weight, body mass index, Lee-index, and atherogenic index (AI) compared to C + PL. Obesity was accompanied by enhanced myocardial lipid hydroperoxide (LH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), as well of depressed energy expenditure (RMR) and oxygen consumption(VO(2))/body weight. H + GH rats had higher fasting RMR, as well as lower AI and myocardial LH than H + PL. Comparing C + GH with C + PL, despite no effects on morphometric parameters, lipid profile, myocardial LH, and LDH activity, GH enhanced fed RMR and myocardial pyruvate dehydrogenase. In conclusion, the present study brought new insights into the GH effects on obesity related cardiovascular damage demonstrating, for the first time, that GH regulated cardiac metabolic pathways, enhanced energy expenditure and improved the lipid profile in obesity condition. Growth hormone in standard fed condition also offered promising therapeutic value enhancing pyruvate-dehydrogenase activity and glucose oxidation in cardiac tissue, thus optimizing myocardial energy metabolism.
Backgroud: Obesity is a major public health problem and is related to the low physical capacity when obese are compared to no-obese people, however the cause of this limitation is not completely understood. The measurement associated of physiological response to the telemetric 6MWT adds information of metabolic and respiratory system for diagnose of the functional limitation. Objective: Analyze physiological, metabolic and ventilatory responses in women with different body fat during the 6MWT. Methods: 32 women (8 non-obese, 8 Overweight, 8 Obese and 8 morbidly obese) were evaluated for anthropometry, lung function and exercise capacity. Results: Morbidly obese walked the shortest distance (400.2±38.7m), had lower VO2/Kg (12.75±3.20l/Kg/min) and lower R (0.74± 0.11) in the 6MWT compared to other groups. Analyses of metabolic (VO2 and VCO2) and respiratory (VE, VT and BF) during the test did not identify differences between groups. The evaluation of cardiac function (O2 pulse) found higher values in the OM (12.3 ± 4.9ml/bat). Conclusion: The OM had worse performance in the 6MWT compared to other groups. The physical performance may be reduced in this population related to a protocol-dependent response because the speed of 6MWT is self-adjusted allows the individual himself select the intensity of the test, making it set at a speed where there is energy saving
The term fatigability concerns the degree of fatigue associated with performing an activity of any type (physical, mental, emotional and / or social). Recently scales for assessing fatigue in the English language were created, however, gaps exist regarding the validity of these scales in relation to oxygen consumption and levels of perceived fatigue. Objective: To investigate the validity of perceived fatigability scale in older women frail and non-frail by the expired gases kinetics. Methods: This is a study of type validation, where were evaluated 48 elderly. The evaluation was conducted at two different sessions. In the first, data were collected demographic partners, as well as assessment of cognitive function, physical health, and the phenotype of frailty. The second was composed by the test 6-minute walk (6MWT) associated the expired gases kinects and assessment of perceived fatigability. Statistical analysis was performed a descriptive analysis and then we used the Pearson correlation test to evaluate the relationship between the measure of perceived fatigue and variables oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER)before and after 6MWT. We used a linear regression model initially considering the following explanatory variable: age, Body Mass Index (BMI), presence of frailty, comorbidities, level of physical activity, distance covered in the 6MWT , the energy cost of walking and severity of fatigability on performance. Results: The final sample consisted of 44 elderly women, 4 elderly were excluded because they didn t complete all phases of this study. The mean age obtained was 75 years (± 7.2 years). There was no significant correlation between fatigability measures and the values of VO2 ( r = .09 , p = .56 ) , VCO2 ( r = .173 , p = .26 ) , RER ( r = - .121 , p = .43 ). The final linear regression model showed that the energy cost of walking, the usual level of physical activity and the performance severity of fatigability explained 83.5 % (R2 = 0.835, p < 0.01) of the variation in the perceived fatigability. Conclusion: Our findings indicate a relationship between greater severity of fatigability and lower levels of physical activity and increased energy cost in walking, suggesting that the fatigability analyses using a simple numeric scale is valid and viable for assessment of fatigue in older women
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Informações experimentais e clínicas têm sugerido que os b-bloqueadores apresentam efeitos hemodinâmicos importantes e protetores durante o ato anestésico-cirúrgico. O objetivo deste trabalho é revisar as informações farmacológicas e clínicas dos b-bloqueadores para sua utilização adequada na medicina per-operatória. CONTEÚDO: Os b-bloqueadores seletivos inibem preferencialmente os b1-receptores reduzindo a freqüência e inotropismo cardíacos e determinando redução no consumo de oxigênio do miocárdio. Os b-bloqueadores não seletivos inibem também os b2-receptores, aumentando a resistência bronquiolar e vascular periférica. Alguns b-bloqueadores são, também, vasodilatadores. O tratamento prolongado com os b-bloqueadores aumenta a densidade dos b-receptores na membrana celular, o que pode explicar a hiperatividade simpática que pode ocorrer durante a parada do tratamento desses medicamentos. em cirurgia não cardíaca, os efeitos benéficos do b-bloqueadores em pacientes hipertensos ou nos que apresentam doença coronariana têm sido demonstrados, com redução da incidência de isquemia miocárdica no pós-operatório e da mortalidade durante o período de dois anos que se segue à operação. CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento com b-bloqueadores deve ser mantido até o período da manhã da operação, exceto nos pacientes com sinais de intolerância à droga, como hipotensão ou bradicardia importante. Os b-bloqueadores exercem efeito benéfico na recuperação pós-operatória de pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares ou nos que apresentam fatores de risco. Por isso, o emprego desses medicamentos é importante na medicina per-operatória e deve ser ampliado.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Diversos modelos experimentais têm sido utilizados para ilustrar as alterações hemodinâmicas e metabólicas que ocorrem durante o choque hemorrágico. O objetivo da pesquisa é o de observar os comportamentos hemodinâmicos e metabólicos que acontecem em um modelo seqüencial e progressivo de choque hemorrágico no cão, verificando quais índices alteram-se mais precocemente. MÉTODO: O estudo foi realizado em 13 cães sob anestesia venosa total com pentobarbital sódico, em normoventilação e previamente esplenectomizados. Os animais não foram hidratados e a velocidade do sangramento foi ditada pela pressão arterial em que o animal se encontrava. Os atributos estudados foram divididos em hemodinâmicos (freqüência cardíaca - FC, pressão arterial média - PAM, índice de resistência vascular sistêmica - IRVS, índice sistólico - IS, índice cardíaco - IC, índice de choque - I.choque, índice de trabalho sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo - ITSVE, pressão capilar pulmonar - PCP, pressão venosa central - PVC) e metabólicos (saturação venosa mista - SvO2, pressão venosa de oxigênio - PvO2, transporte de oxigênio - DO2, consumo de oxigênio - VO2, extração de oxigênio - TEO2, lactato sérico). A coleta de dados e os atributos foram estudados em 6 momentos distintos, sendo M1, o momento controle e os outros momentos correspondentes a decréscimos gradativos de 10% da volemia calculada para cada animal. RESULTADOS: A hemorragia determinou diminuição significativa da FC somente em M6; queda da PAM, IC, IS e ITSVE a cada momento estudado; discreta alteração da PVC e PCP em cada momento; diminuição da PvO2 e da SvO2 nos momentos estudados; redução do DO2, estabilização do VO2 e elevação da TEO2 nos momentos; o índice de choque apresentou elevação até M3, diminuição em M4 e nova elevação até M6; o IRVS elevou-se até M6, ficou inalterado em M5 e apresentou diminuição significativa em M6; o lactato apresentou elevações a partir de M5 e M6. CONCLUSÕES: Considerou-se que a pressão arterial média, freqüência cardíaca, pressão venosa central e pressão capilar pulmonar não refletem o real estado volêmico dos cães no nosso modelo experimental e que o transporte, consumo e a taxa de extração de oxigênio são parâmetros úteis na determinação da reversibilidade e prognóstico do choque hemorrágico.