919 resultados para Organization of care
The infant mortality rate for non-Hispanic Black infants in the U.S. is 13.63 deaths per 1,000 live births while the IMR for non-Hispanic White persons in the U.S. is 5.76 deaths per 1,000 live births. Black women are 2 times as likely as White women to deliver preterm infants and Black women are 2 times as likely as White women to deliver low birth weight infants (weighing less than 2,500 grams at birth). Differential underlying risk factors among mothers of different racial/ethnic groups for delivering pre-term and low birth weight infants have been historically accepted as the cause of racial disparities in IMRs. However, differential underlying risk status may not be the only major causative factor. Differential or unequal access to and provision of care is widely speculated to be a leading contributing factor to the wide racial disparity in infant mortality.2 This paper conducts a systematic review of existing literature investigating racial disparities in obstetrical care provided by healthcare practitioners to evaluate whether inequities in healthcare services provided to pregnant mothers and their neonates exist. The search terms "racial disparities obstetrical care," "racial differences quality of prenatal care," and "infant mortality racial disparities" were entered into the EBSCO Medline, Ovid Medline, PubMed, and Academic Search Complete databases, and articles between years 1990–2011 were selected for abstract review. The only articles included were those that used statistical methods to assess whether racial inequalities were present in the obstetrical services provided to pregnant women. My literature search returned 5 articles. Four of the five studies yielded significant racial differences in obstetrical care. However, the one study that used a large, nationally representative valid sample did not represent significant differences. Thus, this review provides initial evidence for racial disparities in obstetrical care, but concludes that more studies are needed in this area. Not all of the studies reviewed were consistent in the use and measurement of services, and not all studies were significant. The policy and public health implications of possible racial disparities in obstetrical care include the need to develop standard of care protocols for ALL obstetrical patients across the United States to minimize and/or eliminate the inequities and differences in obstetrical services provided.^
In many developing countries, clusters of small shops are the typical market-place. We investigate an economic model in which, between buyers and sellers in a marketplace, a circular causality including the search process produces agglomeration forces, given the initial location of the marketplace location exogenously in a linear city. We conclude that initial number of buyers and sellers is important in forming a large marketplace.
In order to establish an active internal know-how -reserve~ in an information processing and engineering services . company, a training architecture tailored to the company as an whole must be defined. When a company' s earnings come from . advisory services dynamically structured i.n the form of projects, as is the case at hand, difficulties arise that must be taken into account in the architectural design. The first difficulties are of a psychological nature and the design method proposed here begjns wi th the definition of the highest training metasystem, which is aimed at making adjustments for the variety of perceptions of the company's human components, before the architecture can be designed. This approach may be considered as an application of the cybernetic Law of Requisita Variety (Ashby) and of the Principle of Conceptual Integrity (Brooks) . Also included is a description of sorne of the results of the first steps of metasystems at the level of company organization.
Cuando una colectividad de sistemas dinámicos acoplados mediante una estructura irregular de interacciones evoluciona, se observan dinámicas de gran complejidad y fenómenos emergentes imposibles de predecir a partir de las propiedades de los sistemas individuales. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es precisamente avanzar en nuestra comprensión de la relación existente entre la topología de interacciones y las dinámicas colectivas que una red compleja es capaz de mantener. Siendo este un tema amplio que se puede abordar desde distintos puntos de vista, en esta tesis se han estudiado tres problemas importantes dentro del mismo que están relacionados entre sí. Por un lado, en numerosos sistemas naturales y artificiales que se pueden describir mediante una red compleja la topología no es estática, sino que depende de la dinámica que se desarrolla en la red: un ejemplo son las redes de neuronas del cerebro. En estas redes adaptativas la propia topología emerge como consecuencia de una autoorganización del sistema. Para conocer mejor cómo pueden emerger espontáneamente las propiedades comúnmente observadas en redes reales, hemos estudiado el comportamiento de sistemas que evolucionan según reglas adaptativas locales con base empírica. Nuestros resultados numéricos y analíticos muestran que la autoorganización del sistema da lugar a dos de las propiedades más universales de las redes complejas: a escala mesoscópica, la aparición de una estructura de comunidades, y, a escala macroscópica, la existencia de una ley de potencias en la distribución de las interacciones en la red. El hecho de que estas propiedades aparecen en dos modelos con leyes de evolución cuantitativamente distintas que siguen unos mismos principios adaptativos sugiere que estamos ante un fenómeno que puede ser muy general, y estar en el origen de estas propiedades en sistemas reales. En segundo lugar, proponemos una medida que permite clasificar los elementos de una red compleja en función de su relevancia para el mantenimiento de dinámicas colectivas. En concreto, estudiamos la vulnerabilidad de los distintos elementos de una red frente a perturbaciones o grandes fluctuaciones, entendida como una medida del impacto que estos acontecimientos externos tienen en la interrupción de una dinámica colectiva. Los resultados que se obtienen indican que la vulnerabilidad dinámica es sobre todo dependiente de propiedades locales, por tanto nuestras conclusiones abarcan diferentes topologías, y muestran la existencia de una dependencia no trivial entre la vulnerabilidad y la conectividad de los elementos de una red. Finalmente, proponemos una estrategia de imposición de una dinámica objetivo genérica en una red dada e investigamos su validez en redes con diversas topologías que mantienen regímenes dinámicos turbulentos. Se obtiene como resultado que las redes heterogéneas (y la amplia mayora de las redes reales estudiadas lo son) son las más adecuadas para nuestra estrategia de targeting de dinámicas deseadas, siendo la estrategia muy efectiva incluso en caso de disponer de un conocimiento muy imperfecto de la topología de la red. Aparte de la relevancia teórica para la comprensión de fenómenos colectivos en sistemas complejos, los métodos y resultados propuestos podrán dar lugar a aplicaciones en sistemas experimentales y tecnológicos, como por ejemplo los sistemas neuronales in vitro, el sistema nervioso central (en el estudio de actividades síncronas de carácter patológico), las redes eléctricas o los sistemas de comunicaciones. ABSTRACT The time evolution of an ensemble of dynamical systems coupled through an irregular interaction scheme gives rise to dynamics of great of complexity and emergent phenomena that cannot be predicted from the properties of the individual systems. The main objective of this thesis is precisely to increase our understanding of the interplay between the interaction topology and the collective dynamics that a complex network can support. This is a very broad subject, so in this thesis we will limit ourselves to the study of three relevant problems that have strong connections among them. First, it is a well-known fact that in many natural and manmade systems that can be represented as complex networks the topology is not static; rather, it depends on the dynamics taking place on the network (as it happens, for instance, in the neuronal networks in the brain). In these adaptive networks the topology itself emerges from the self-organization in the system. To better understand how the properties that are commonly observed in real networks spontaneously emerge, we have studied the behavior of systems that evolve according to local adaptive rules that are empirically motivated. Our numerical and analytical results show that self-organization brings about two of the most universally found properties in complex networks: at the mesoscopic scale, the appearance of a community structure, and, at the macroscopic scale, the existence of a power law in the weight distribution of the network interactions. The fact that these properties show up in two models with quantitatively different mechanisms that follow the same general adaptive principles suggests that our results may be generalized to other systems as well, and they may be behind the origin of these properties in some real systems. We also propose a new measure that provides a ranking of the elements in a network in terms of their relevance for the maintenance of collective dynamics. Specifically, we study the vulnerability of the elements under perturbations or large fluctuations, interpreted as a measure of the impact these external events have on the disruption of collective motion. Our results suggest that the dynamic vulnerability measure depends largely on local properties (our conclusions thus being valid for different topologies) and they show a non-trivial dependence of the vulnerability on the connectivity of the network elements. Finally, we propose a strategy for the imposition of generic goal dynamics on a given network, and we explore its performance in networks with different topologies that support turbulent dynamical regimes. It turns out that heterogeneous networks (and most real networks that have been studied belong in this category) are the most suitable for our strategy for the targeting of desired dynamics, the strategy being very effective even when the knowledge on the network topology is far from accurate. Aside from their theoretical relevance for the understanding of collective phenomena in complex systems, the methods and results here discussed might lead to applications in experimental and technological systems, such as in vitro neuronal systems, the central nervous system (where pathological synchronous activity sometimes occurs), communication systems or power grids.
This document is the result of a process of web development to create a tool that will allow to Cracow University of Technology consult, create and manage timetables. The technologies chosen for this purpose are Apache Tomcat Server, My SQL Community Server, JDBC driver, Java Servlets and JSPs for the server side. The client part counts on Javascript, jQuery, AJAX and CSS technologies to perform the dynamism. The document will justify the choice of these technologies and will explain some development tools that help in the integration and development of all this elements: specifically, NetBeans IDE and MySQL workbench have been used as helpful tools. After explaining all the elements involved in the development of the web application, the architecture and the code developed are explained through UML diagrams. Some implementation details related to security are also deeper explained through sequence diagrams. As the source code of the application is provided, an installation manual has been developed to run the project. In addition, as the platform is intended to be a beta that will be grown, some unimplemented ideas for future development are also exposed. Finally, some annexes with important files and scripts related to the initiation of the platform are attached. This project started through an existing tool that needed to be expanded. The main purpose of the project along its development has focused on setting the roots for a whole new platform that will replace the existing one. For this goal, it has been needed to make a deep inspection on the existing web technologies: a web server and a SQL database had to be chosen. Although the alternatives were a lot, Java technology for the server was finally selected because of the big community backwards, the easiness of modelling the language through UML diagrams and the fact of being free license software. Apache Tomcat is the open source server that can use Java Servlet and JSP technology. Related to the SQL database, MySQL Community Server is the most popular open-source SQL Server, with a big community after and quite a lot of tools to manage the server. JDBC is the driver needed to put in contact Java and MySQL. Once we chose the technologies that would be part of the platform, the development process started. After a detailed explanation of the development environment installation, we used UML use case diagrams to set the main tasks of the platform; UML class diagrams served to establish the existing relations between the classes generated; the architecture of the platform was represented through UML deployment diagrams; and Enhanced entity–relationship (EER) model were used to define the tables of the database and their relationships. Apart from the previous diagrams, some implementation issues were explained to make a better understanding of the developed code - UML sequence diagrams helped to explain this. Once the whole platform was properly defined and developed, the performance of the application has been shown: it has been proved that with the current state of the code, the platform covers the use cases that were set as the main target. Nevertheless, some requisites needed for the proper working of the platform have been specified. As the project is aimed to be grown, some ideas that could not be added to this beta have been explained in order not to be missed for future development. Finally, some annexes containing important configuration issues for the platform have been added after proper explanation, as well as an installation guide that will let a new developer get the project ready. In addition to this document some other files related to the project are provided: - Javadoc. The Javadoc containing the information of every Java class created is necessary for a better understanding of the source code. - database_model.mwb. This file contains the model of the database for MySQL Workbench. This model allows, among other things, generate the MySQL script for the creation of the tables. - ScheduleManager.war. The WAR file that will allow loading the developed application into Tomcat Server without using NetBeans. - ScheduleManager.zip. The source code exported from NetBeans project containing all Java packages, JSPs, Javascript files and CSS files that are part of the platform. - config.properties. The configuration file to properly get the names and credentials to use the database, also explained in Annex II. Example of config.properties file. - db_init_script.sql. The SQL query to initiate the database explained in Annex III. SQL statements for MySQL initialization. RESUMEN. Este proyecto tiene como punto de partida la necesidad de evolución de una herramienta web existente. El propósito principal del proyecto durante su desarrollo se ha centrado en establecer las bases de una completamente nueva plataforma que reemplazará a la existente. Para lograr esto, ha sido necesario realizar una profunda inspección en las tecnologías web existentes: un servidor web y una base de datos SQL debían ser elegidos. Aunque existen muchas alternativas, la tecnología Java ha resultado ser elegida debido a la gran comunidad de desarrolladores que tiene detrás, además de la facilidad que proporciona este lenguaje a la hora de modelarlo usando diagramas UML. Tampoco hay que olvidar que es una tecnología de uso libre de licencia. Apache Tomcat es el servidor de código libre que permite emplear Java Servlets y JSPs para hacer uso de la tecnología de Java. Respecto a la base de datos SQL, el servidor más popular de código libre es MySQL, y cuenta también con una gran comunidad detrás y buenas herramientas de modelado, creación y gestión de la bases de datos. JDBC es el driver que va a permitir comunicar las aplicaciones Java con MySQL. Tras elegir las tecnologías que formarían parte de esta nueva plataforma, el proceso de desarrollo tiene comienzo. Tras una extensa explicación de la instalación del entorno de desarrollo, se han usado diagramas de caso de UML para establecer cuáles son los objetivos principales de la plataforma; los diagramas de clases nos permiten realizar una organización del código java desarrollado de modo que sean fácilmente entendibles las relaciones entre las diferentes clases. La arquitectura de la plataforma queda definida a través de diagramas de despliegue. Por último, diagramas EER van a definir las relaciones entre las tablas creadas en la base de datos. Aparte de estos diagramas, algunos detalles de implementación se van a justificar para tener una mejor comprensión del código desarrollado. Diagramas de secuencia ayudarán en estas explicaciones. Una vez que toda la plataforma haya quedad debidamente definida y desarrollada, se va a realizar una demostración de la misma: se demostrará cómo los objetivos generales han sido alcanzados con el desarrollo actual del proyecto. No obstante, algunos requisitos han sido aclarados para que la plataforma trabaje adecuadamente. Como la intención del proyecto es crecer (no es una versión final), algunas ideas que se han podido llevar acabo han quedado descritas de manera que no se pierdan. Por último, algunos anexos que contienen información importante acerca de la plataforma se han añadido tras la correspondiente explicación de su utilidad, así como una guía de instalación que va a permitir a un nuevo desarrollador tener el proyecto preparado. Junto a este documento, ficheros conteniendo el proyecto desarrollado quedan adjuntos. Estos ficheros son: - Documentación Javadoc. Contiene la información de las clases Java que han sido creadas. - database_model.mwb. Este fichero contiene el modelo de la base de datos para MySQL Workbench. Esto permite, entre otras cosas, generar el script de iniciación de la base de datos para la creación de las tablas. - ScheduleManager.war. El fichero WAR que permite desplegar la plataforma en un servidor Apache Tomcat. - ScheduleManager.zip. El código fuente exportado directamente del proyecto de Netbeans. Contiene todos los paquetes de Java generados, ficheros JSPs, Javascript y CSS que forman parte de la plataforma. - config.properties. Ejemplo del fichero de configuración que permite obtener los nombres de la base de datos - db_init_script.sql. Las consultas SQL necesarias para la creación de la base de datos.
The proportion of elderly people in the population has increased rapidly in the last century and consequently "healthy aging" is expected to become a critical area of research in neuroscience. Evidence reveals how healthy aging depends on three main behavioral factors: social lifestyle, cognitive activity and physical activity. In this study, we focused on the role of cognitive activity, concentrating specifically on educational and occupational attainment factors, which were considered two of the main pillars of cognitive reserve. 21 subjects with similar rates of social lifestyle, physical and cognitive activity were selected from a sample of 55 healthy adults. These subjects were divided into two groups according to their level of cognitive reserve; one group comprised subjects with high cognitive reserve (9 members) and the other contained those with low cognitive reserve (12 members). To evaluate the cortical brain connectivity network, all participants were recorded by Magnetoencephalography (MEG) while they performed a memory task (modified version of the Sternberg¿s Task). We then applied two algorithms (Phase Locking Value & Phase-Lag Index) to study the dynamics of functional connectivity. In response to the same task, the subjects with lower cognitive reserve presented higher functional connectivity than those with higher cognitive reserve. These results may indicate that participants with low cognitive reserve needed a greater 'effort' than those with high cognitive reserve to achieve the same level of cognitive performance. Therefore, we conclude that cognitive reserve contributes to the modulation of the functional connectivity patterns of the aging brain.
Chromophore-assisted light inactivation (CALI) offers the only method capable of modulating specific protein activities in localized regions and at particular times. Here, we generalize CALI so that it can be applied to a wider range of tasks. Specifically, we show that CALI can work with a genetically inserted epitope tag; we investigate the effectiveness of alternative dyes, especially fluorescein, comparing them with the standard CALI dye, malachite green; and we study the relative efficiencies of pulsed and continuous-wave illumination. We then use fluorescein-labeled hemagglutinin antibody fragments, together with relatively low-power continuous-wave illumination to examine the effectiveness of CALI targeted to kinesin. We show that CALI can destroy kinesin activity in at least two ways: it can either result in the apparent loss of motor activity, or it can cause irreversible attachment of the kinesin enzyme to its microtubule substrate. Finally, we apply this implementation of CALI to an in vitro system of motor proteins and microtubules that is capable of self-organized aster formation. In this system, CALI can effectively perturb local structure formation by blocking or reducing the degree of aster formation in chosen regions of the sample, without influencing structure formation elsewhere.
We have used electron cryo-microscopy and image analysis to examine the native structure of immature, protease-deficient (PR−) and mature, wild-type (WT) Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV). Maturational cleavage of the Gag polyprotein by the viral protease is associated with striking morphological changes. The PR− MuLV particles exhibit a rounded central core, which has a characteristic track-like shell on its surface, whereas the WT MuLV cores display a polygonal surface with loss of the track-like feature. The pleomorphic shape and inability to refine unique orientation angles suggest that neither the PR− nor the WT MuLV adheres to strict icosahedral symmetry. Nevertheless, the PR− MuLV particles do exhibit paracrystalline order with a spacing between Gag molecules of ≈45 Å and a length of ≈200 Å. Because of the pleomorphic shape and paracrystalline packing of the Gag–RNA complexes, we raise the possibility that assembly of MuLV is driven by protein–RNA, as well as protein–protein, interactions. The maturation process involves a dramatic reorganization of the packing arrangements within the ribonucleoprotein core with disordering and loosening of the individual protein components.
The present study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate that performance of visual spatial and visual nonspatial working memory tasks involve the same regions of the lateral prefrontal cortex when all factors unrelated to the type of stimulus material are appropriately controlled. These results provide evidence that spatial and nonspatial working memory may not be mediated, respectively, by mid-dorsolateral and mid-ventrolateral regions of the frontal lobe, as widely assumed, and support the alternative notion that specific regions of the lateral prefrontal cortex make identical executive functional contributions to both spatial and nonspatial working memory.
The capsid protein of hepatitis B virus, consisting of an “assembly” domain (residues 1–149) and an RNA-binding “protamine” domain (residues 150–183), assembles from dimers into icosahedral capsids of two different sizes. The C terminus of the assembly domain (residues 140–149) functions as a morphogenetic switch, longer C termini favoring a higher proportion of the larger capsids, it also connects the protamine domain to the capsid shell. We now have defined the location of this peptide in capsids assembled in vitro by engineering a mutant assembly domain with a single cysteine at its C terminus (residue 150), labeling it with a gold cluster and visualizing the cluster by cryo-electron microscopy. The labeled protein is unimpaired in its ability to form capsids. Our density map reveals a single undecagold cluster under each fivefold and quasi-sixfold vertex, connected to sites at either end of the undersides of the dimers. Considering the geometry of the vertices, the C termini must be more crowded at the fivefolds. Thus, a bulky C terminus would be expected to favor formation of the larger (T = 4) capsids, which have a greater proportion of quasi-sixfolds. Capsids assembled by expressing the full-length protein in Escherichia coli package bacterial RNAs in amounts equivalent to the viral pregenome. Our density map of these capsids reveals a distinct inner shell of density—the RNA. The RNA is connected to the protein shell via the C-terminal linkers and also makes contact around the dimer axes.
Peer reviewed
A set of oat–maize chromosome addition lines with individual maize (Zea mays L.) chromosomes present in plants with a complete oat (Avena sativa L.) chromosome complement provides a unique opportunity to analyze the organization of centromeric regions of each maize chromosome. A DNA sequence, MCS1a, described previously as a maize centromere-associated sequence, was used as a probe to isolate cosmid clones from a genomic library made of DNA purified from a maize chromosome 9 addition line. Analysis of six cosmid clones containing centromeric DNA segments revealed a complex organization. The MCS1a sequence was found to comprise a portion of the long terminal repeats of a retrotransposon-like repeated element, termed CentA. Two of the six cosmid clones contained regions composed of a newly identified family of tandem repeats, termed CentC. Copies of CentA and tandem arrays of CentC are interspersed with other repetitive elements, including the previously identified maize retroelements Huck and Prem2. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that CentC and CentA elements are limited to the centromeric region of each maize chromosome. The retroelements Huck and Prem2 are dispersed along all maize chromosomes, although Huck elements are present in an increased concentration around centromeric regions. Significant variation in the size of the blocks of CentC and in the copy number of CentA elements, as well as restriction fragment length variations were detected within the centromeric region of each maize chromosome studied. The different proportions and arrangements of these elements and likely others provide each centromeric region with a unique overall structure.
The conserved organization of the Hox genes throughout the animal kingdom has become one of the major paradigms of evolutionary developmental biology. We have examined the organization of the Hox genes of the grasshopper, Schistocerca gregaria. We find that the grasshopper Hox cluster is over 700 kb long, and is not split into equivalents of the Antennapedia complex and the bithorax complex of Drosophila melanogaster. SgDax and probably also Sgzen, the grasshopper homologues of fushi-tarazu (ftz) and Zerknüllt (zen), respectively, are also in the cluster, showing that the non-homeotic Antp-class genes, “accessory genes,” are an ancient feature of insect Hox clusters.
What determines the nuclear organization within a cell and whether this organization itself can impose cellular function within a tissue remains unknown. To explore the relationship between nuclear organization and tissue architecture and function, we used a model of human mammary epithelial cell acinar morphogenesis. When cultured within a reconstituted basement membrane (rBM), HMT-3522 cells form polarized and growth-arrested tissue-like acini with a central lumen and deposit an endogenous BM. We show that rBM-induced morphogenesis is accompanied by relocalization of the nuclear matrix proteins NuMA, splicing factor SRm160, and cell cycle regulator Rb. These proteins had distinct distribution patterns specific for proliferation, growth arrest, and acini formation, whereas the distribution of the nuclear lamina protein, lamin B, remained unchanged. NuMA relocalized to foci, which coalesced into larger assemblies as morphogenesis progressed. Perturbation of histone acetylation in the acini by trichostatin A treatment altered chromatin structure, disrupted NuMA foci, and induced cell proliferation. Moreover, treatment of transiently permeabilized acini with a NuMA antibody led to the disruption of NuMA foci, alteration of histone acetylation, activation of metalloproteases, and breakdown of the endogenous BM. These results experimentally demonstrate a dynamic interaction between the extracellular matrix, nuclear organization, and tissue phenotype. They further show that rather than passively reflecting changes in gene expression, nuclear organization itself can modulate the cellular and tissue phenotype.