988 resultados para Online corpora


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This paper presents a new approach for assessing power system voltage stability based on artificial feed forward neural network (FFNN). The approach uses real and reactive power, as well as voltage vectors for generators and load buses to train the neural net (NN). The input properties of the NN are generated from offline training data with various simulated loading conditions using a conventional voltage stability algorithm based on the L-index. The performance of the trained NN is investigated on two systems under various voltage stability assessment conditions. Main advantage is that the proposed approach is fast, robust, accurate and can be used online for predicting the L-indices of all the power system buses simultaneously. The method can also be effectively used to determining local and global stability margin for further improvement measures.


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Research Services Librarian, JCU and Paula Callan, Scholarly communications Librarian, QUT. Presented 16 September via Blackboard Collaborate as part of the QULOC Research Support for Library Liaison webinar series. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons


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Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma vertailee korpuksen avulla erisnimien kvantitatiivista jakautumista luokkiin kahdessa saksalaisessa verkkolehdessä. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka erisnimiä voidaan luokitella ja mitä eroja niiden avulla on havaittavissa lehtien raportoinnissa. Laajempana kehyksenä toimii kysymys siitä, voidaanko erisnimiä hyödyntäen hahmottaa lehtien sisältöjä. Korpus on kerätty Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitungin ja Süddeutsche Zeitungin verkkolehtien http: //www.faz.net (FAZ) ja http://www.sueddeutsche.de (SZ) artikkeleista ajalta 2.11.2004-8.11.2004. Valitut sivustot edustavat Saksan arvostetuimpien päivittäisten, koko maan kattavien sanomaleh- tien verkkojulkaisuja. Näistä FAZ:ia pidetään konservatiivisena ja SZ:ia liberaalina lehtenä. Kumpikin korpus käsittelee USA:n presidentinvaaleja syksyllä 2004 ja sisältää hieman alle 30 000 sanaa noin 40 lehtiartikkelista. Aihesidonnaisen korpuksen valinta perustuu erityisesti siihen, että tutkimuksen päämääränä on saada erisnimien avulla selville, miltä osin FAZ ja SZ eroavat toisistaan käsitellessään samaa aihetta. Teoriaosassa käydään läpi saksalaisten verkkolehtien taustaa, työhön liittyviä tekstilingvistisiä teo- rioita sekä erisnimien erikoispiirteitä. Siinä käsitellään myös kolmea aiempaa, saksankielisen eris- nimitutkimuksen luokittelua ja yhtä englanninkielistä, kieliteknologian luokittelua. Näissä havaitut puutteet motivoivat yhdistelemään ja muuttamaan olemassa olevia luokitteluja tätä työtä varten. Uusi luokittelu sisältää neljä yläluokkaa (olentojen, maantieteelliset, instituutioden ja asioiden ni- met), jotka kaikki kattavat kahdesta yhdeksään alaluokkaa. Kummankin korpuksen erisnimet luo- kitellaan tämän perusteella. Kvantitatiivinen analyysi keskittyy ylä- ja alaluokkien vertailuun lehtien välillä. Lisäksi se kattaa sekä kummankin aineiston että pääluokkien frekventimpien sanojen tarkastelun. Vaikka FAZ ja SZ käyttivätkin pääosin samoja erisnimiä raportoinnissaan, voidaan lehtien välillä osoittaa selkeitä eroja alaluokkien kohdalla ja vähäisiä eroja erisnimien jakautumisessa yläluokkiin. chi2 -testin näytti kuitenkin, että erisnimien jakautuminen yläluokkiin on lehtisidonnaista. Siksi voidaan väittää, että muun muassa valittu media vaikuttaa erisnimivalintoihin. Erisnimien frekvenssit antavat ymmärtää, että SZ raportoisi monipuolisemmin kuin FAZ, joka käyttää erisnimiä keskitetymmin. SZ:in aineiston erisnimiä yhdistää eurooppalainen näkökulma vaaleihin, kun taas FAZ pyrkii tuomaan esille tapahtumia USA:n eri osavaltioissa. Niin lehdissä mainitut henkilöiden kuin instituutioden nimet tukevat tätä väitetettä. SZ korostaa maantieteellisesti kaupunkien merkitystä, FAZ osavaltioiden. Saadut tulokset osoittavat, että tämänkaltaisen erisnimitutkimuksen soveltaminen lehtiteksteihin on mahdollista. Luokitellut erisnimet heijastavat osittain käsiteltyjen aineistojen sisältöä ja paljastavat raportoinnin painopisteistä.


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This paper contributes a number of design principles for developing large-scale online communities of pre-service and early career teachers (PS&ECTs). It presents the paradigms of connected learning, networked learning and communities of practice and contrasts them. It describes the potential for online communities to meet the needs of PS&ECTs and it identifies gaps that exist within certain types of existing online communities that currently support PS&ECTs. The paper proposes design principles for a new type of online community for PS&ECTs. These principles are drawn from the literature and from the preliminary outcomes of a pilot study.


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Online grocery shopping has enjoyed strong growth and it is predicted this channel will continue to grow exponentially in the coming years. While online shopping has attracted an abundance of research interest, examinations of online grocery shopping behaviour are only now emerging. Shopping online for groceries differs considerably from general online shopping due to the perishability and variability of the product, and frequency of the shopping activity. Two salient gaps underpin this research into online grocery shopping. This study responds to calls to investigate the online shoppers’ experience in the context of online purchasing frequency. Second, this study examines the mediating effect of perceived risk between trust and online repurchase intention of groceries. An online survey was employed to collect data from shoppers who were recruited from a multi-channel grocery e-retailer’s database. The online survey, comprising 16 reflective validated scale items, was sent to 555 frequent and infrequent online grocery shoppers. Results find that while customer satisfaction predicts trust for both infrequent and frequent online grocery shoppers, perceived risk fully mediates the effect of trust on repurchase intentions for infrequent online grocery shoppers. Furthermore path analysis reveals that the developed behavioural model is variant across both groups of shoppers. Theoretically, we provide a deeper understanding of the online customer experience, while gaining insight into two shopper segments identified as being important to grocery e-retailers. For managers, this study tests an online customer behavioural model with actual purchasing behaviour and identifies the continued presence of perceived risk in grocery e-retailing regardless of purchase frequency or experience.


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In recent years, numerous current affairs stories on online fraud victimisation have been broadcast on Australian television. These stories typically feature highly organised, international ‘sting’ operations, in which alleged offenders are arrested and investigated by law enforcement. These portrayals of police responses influence the expectations that some online fraud victims have about how their individual cases will be handled by law enforcement. Based on interviews with 80 online fraud victims, this article argues that a narrow media portrayal of online fraud by television current affairs programs — termed the ‘ACA effect’ — informs victims’ understandings of online fraud and their responses to it. In particular, current affairs programs influence what victims of online fraud expect from police. The article further demonstrates that current affairs programs present themselves as de facto law enforcement agencies, to which victims who receive an unsatisfactory response from police might turn. Overall, the article highlights the importance of current affairs programs portraying a more realistic image of official responses to online fraud.


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In 2008, a collaborative partnership between Google and academia launched the Google Online Marketing Challenge (hereinafter Google Challenge), perhaps the world’s largest in-class competition for higher education students. In just two years, almost 20,000 students from 58 countries participated in the Google Challenge. The Challenge gives undergraduate and graduate students hands-on experience with the world’s fastest growing advertising mechanism, search engine advertising. Funded by Google, students develop an advertising campaign for a small to medium sized enterprise and manage the campaign over three consecutive weeks using the Google AdWords platform. This article explores the Challenge as an innovative pedagogical tool for marketing educators. Based on the experiences of three instructors in Australia, Canada and the United States, this case study discusses the opportunities and challenges of integrating this dynamic problem-based learning approach into the classroom.


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The research establishes a model for online learning centering on the needs of integrative knowledge practices. Through the metaphor of Constellations, the practice-based research explores the complexities of working within interdisciplinary learning contexts and the potential of tools such as the Folksonomy learning platform for providing necessary conceptual support.


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Online dynamic load modeling has become possible with the availability of Static Voltage Compensator (SVC) and Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) devices. The power of the load response to the small random bounded voltage fluctuations caused from SVC can be measured by PMU for modelling purposes. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the capability of identifying an aggregated load model from high voltage substation level in the online environment. The induction motor is used as the main test subject since it contributes the majority of the dynamic loads. A test system representing simple electromechanical generator model serving dynamic loads through the transmission network is used to verify the proposed method. Also, dynamic load with multiple induction motors are modeled to achieve a better realistic load representation.


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The aim of this research was to identify the role of brand reputation in encouraging consumer willingness to provide personal data online, for the benefits of personalisation. This study extends on Malhotra, Kim and Agarwal’s (2004) Internet Users Information Privacy Concerns Model, and uses the theoretical underpinning of Social Contract Theory to assess how brand reputation moderates the relationship between trusting beliefs and perceived value (Privacy Calculus framework) with willingness to give personal information. The research is highly relevant as most privacy research undertaken to date focuses on consumer related concerns. Very little research exists examining the role of brand reputation and online privacy. Practical implications of this research include gaining knowledge as to how to minimise online privacy concerns; improve brand reputation; and provide insight on how to reduce consumer resistance to the collection of personal information and encourage consumer opt-in.


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The aim of this project is to bring information on low chill stonefruit varieties to a user in a clear and friendly format to aid in that decision process. Low Chill Australia see this project as high priority for its members to be competitive by growing high quality, early season peach and nectarine fruit varieties. Data will be collated from grower surveys, breeder’s descriptions and literature, and entered into an Access Database and published on the web for stonefruit growers in tropical and sub-tropical regions across Australia. Links will be available from the Low Chill Australia and Summerfruit Australia websites.


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This paper proposes a novel application of differential evolution to solve a difficult dynamic optimisation or optimal control problem. The miss distance in a missile-target engagement is minimised using differential evolution. The difficulty of solving it by existing conventional techniques in optimal control theory is caused by the nonlinearity of the dynamic constraint equation, inequality constraint on the control input and inequality constraint on another parameter that enters problem indirectly. The optimal control problem of finding the minimum miss distance has an analytical solution subject to several simplifying assumptions. In the approach proposed in this paper, the initial population is generated around the seed value given by this analytical solution. Thereafter, the algorithm progresses to an acceptable final solution within a few generations, satisfying the constraints at every iteration. Since this solution or the control input has to be obtained in real time to be of any use in practice, the feasibility of online implementation is also illustrated.


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Earlier workers have observed that in the leydig cell desensitization brings results in addition to down regulation of receptors, in leisons in the steroidogenlc pathway. In the present study immature rats having heavily leutinized ovaries were given 50 iu hCG and the desenasitized CL removed 48h later were used. At that time no change in the 5 3MSD activity and CAMP binding activity(a measure of CAMP dependent protein kinase) was observed.Followlng desensitization however,l)a significent increase in phosphodiestrase activity,ii)a 50% reduction in total mitochondrial cholesterol level, iii)a significant reduction in its ability to utilize cholesterol or hydrolyse its ester and iv)a significant lowering(by 66%)in cholesterol side chain clean age activity(by measuring pregnanalone formed) was observed. Pregnanalone production was restored to normalcy if exogenous cholesterol was added to the mitohondrial preparation. The results suggest that luteal desensitization is due in addition to down regulation of LH receptors, to a marked reduction in available cholesterol pool in the mitochondrial compartment. The increase in phosphodiestrase activity, though probably a secondary effect,might effectively contribute to the overall reduction in the steroid out-put by increasing the catabolism of CAMP.(Aided by grants from ICMR,New Delhi and WHO, Geneva).


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This paper suggests a scheme for classifying online handwritten characters, based on dynamic space warping of strokes within the characters. A method for segmenting components into strokes using velocity profiles is proposed. Each stroke is a simple arbitrary shape and is encoded using three attributes. Correspondence between various strokes is established using Dynamic Space Warping. A distance measure which reliably differentiates between two corresponding simple shapes (strokes) has been formulated thus obtaining a perceptual distance measure between any two characters. Tests indicate an accuracy of over 85% on two different datasets of characters.